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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. This is the music lovers thread. Discussions on various music that we all love (and hate :P) is welcome. Feel free to link the music videos for representation but it isn't necessary. Thank you, and have fun!!!!
  2. How about you create a music lovers thread where we can post all the music that we love. It fits more than this since it is really for a single favorite song. That is if you still want to post various music videos that you haven't already.
  3. Have fun. Post the music that you want to. If you decide to post "everything" lol. maybe create a music appreciation thread Since technically this is a "favorite song" thread. (although nobody seems to be following that including myself )
  4. Igot a kick out of the "Wont smoke weed with Willy" video "Black Dog" reminds me of High School lunch. That is what the students played from the jukebox every day. (they played other songs like that but every day that song would start right around the beginning of Lunch period. A regular Fast times at Richmond High experiences. there. lol. Listening to that at lunch and going home to watch "Faces of death" Those were the days. Fun times...
  5. I'm not 100% however I believe you would drop the plugins into that folder. there isn't anything there because you are suppose to add things there. As for the blender version, I believe it is depending on which game you want to mod. (not that it won't work but the tools work with that version of the Blender better) For the most part from what I have seen people are using the older versions to mod Fallout 3, NV and I believe even the Old 'rim (Skyrim 32bit) So the people answering that might need to know the games you plan on modding or working with (provided that is the reason you are asking ) Hopefully someone with actual experience "using" the program can chime in and give a better and more complete answer.
  6. ritualclarity


    It sounds good to me. Both the using the Creation kit and making (I assume) replacements for the vanilla game ones (models) and don't care much about issues with mods that add hair or eyes to the game. To me, mods change the game. Changes done to parts of the game will conflict with other mods that change the same thing. It is the nature of the beast. the user chooses which mods they want to "conflict" with the game (which is essentially what modding a game does when changing any assets that are already included 'in game") As for the "size" haven't you heard.... "Size doesn't matter, it is how you use it that does".. In this case, your textures and such are more refined and detailed from the start to begin with. You don't need large textures to get great results, just good textures to begin with. I used to use the large textures (fake high rez) from Nexus and such and then realized that there is very little "pay off" for those textures and I can get a very good result from using lower rez better quality textures in the long run. Send me a copy...lol. I imagine they will look terrific next to your high quality elfin eyes :D... (Which I think you didn't release as well) On a more serious note... I'd suggest if ... when ... if you do... create a complete replacement of males, females, and all the races... eyes, high quality hairs etc, that you release it as a Kendo Skyrim pack. Let them know that other skins, hair, and eyes mod might conflict etc, etc, yada, yada and give them the choice to use it or not.
  7. It is very much better and more realistic than your previous works. The top down photo of the shoes looks particularity realistic.
  8. ritualclarity


    Nice, very nice. I really like how the new textures respond to the lights in the top two photos.
  9. This thread is for generalized discussions and questions on all things 3dmax. If you have a specific project you are working on in 3dmax, feel free to open up an thread for this to help keep things focused on your project.
  10. I'd probably suggest using the "Artist's Corner" forum for your discussion. You would be using blender and that forum is for discussing specific platforms and working with them. Currently there isn't a post there but that is ok if you are the first. Unless Doublezero or Kendo has a better suggestion. I'd post there. If we decide it is better suited elsewhere later we can move it to that location then. If your problem is more general I created a general thread for simple or more direct questions and how to do a specific task (to help open up the forum and make it more inviting ) If it is about your project.. I'd still stick with a post there to help keep it focused responses r/t your needs
  11. This thread is for all things related to Blender, discussions, questions, quick how to's etc. If you have questions related to a specific project you are working on please feel free to open up a new tread for your project to help keep the conversation focused on the project at hand.
  12. Well if you are really going to work on this project and have started getting the basics together, I'd suggest that you create a nice thread for this to both show off the work you are doing (it will look great ) as well as a place where you could post questions if you run into issues. Not that they will be answered for sure but at least if someone knows or has ideas on how to solve them, they can post. Sometimes problems are so simple that you feel like you are banging your head against the wall and then want to facepalm when you figure out what you were doing wrong. This might help in that case.
  13. This is good. At least IMO. This shows that they (EA) are going after the management and direction of the studio. We can pretty much agree that the management seriously failed the MEA. I suspect that now there will be new directions and priorities given. New management and supervisors. This also gives me the thought that they (CEO's etc) have really gotten their asses handed to them and they are really pissed at the results of MEA receptions. With this... perhaps there might be an overall improvement in quality control in their games before games are released. Might be a small chance but I suspect it will be better. Note... this doesn't mean that they will be any "better" in quality of story, or they will not fill the games with SJW crap etc. I suspect the basic quality control (animations, lighting, etc etc) This will be interesting going forward. Did EA / Bioware learn their lesson? If so what did they learn and where will that take them.
  14. Yes, but you aren't human... For lesser humans it might take a couple of weekends to really learn and "get it" in regards to Blender. Even then you might find some new and interesting tricks and techniques to use as time goes on. Blender is a very POWERFUL program full of tools that most don't even realize are there, or use. https://www.blender.org/features/reels/ There is a video series in fact that I linked to.. from Ira Krakow for Blender. Detailed instructions as well not an all in one. That is the reason I added that link to his Youtube because you requested videos and stated you'd accept alternate tutorials to help you learn besides the studio one. The other links and references were for .. references and for any other member / person etc that reads this post for info that they might find useful. I try to post for all readers that might be interested in this content so sometimes I might not just give the info requested. What was given might or might mot be good content. I don't know... I haven't had a "weekend" to learn Blender yet. Perhaps when I do I will be able to give a better review of that material.. lol
  15. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_rRd8UBGpABeTE44XHuWg Tes reference above is where the tutorials are. There are game specific ones. NOt necessarily what you are looking for bu there are some info there. The second one I haven't used but it looked detailed enough to get me started so I bookmarked it for later. ... so far.... much, much later. however if it does help you then great. I had some more but they aren't active anymore and seem to have been moved or removed from the web. The second one however is more in-depth and actual how to create models and such instead of convert them however once you learn this you should be able to convert as well as create them. This is what I believe Kendo does when he reworks or created new content in Fallout Skyrim. Check out a few books for Blender (or 3dmax) as well https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro Here is a 140 page pdf to get started... .... just to get started... lol. I believe if you start this and can talk and do what is in the tutorial you will be reasonably competent to be able to take instructions from one of those videos or expert that you meet on line to fix any issues you come across in the future. The key is to get as close to solving your problems as possible to get someone with the level of skill that Kendo or Doublezero has to answer your questions. Most people that can do this type of thing is quite busy and isnt' really interested in helping someone that has substantial learning curve ahead of them to do a task. If you had some problems with a filter to make say... see through clothing then they can help if you give them exact position you are in... (details will show your level of skill ;)) The same goes if you have a glitch or malformed area of an armor you converted in Blender. Show possible people in a post what you have done and where you are at,the skeleton you are using, source, destination (desired results etc) and they might be more willing to help. Same goes for 3dmax, I am not adding this to this post but the same principle applies. I didn't add it as you either have to pay for it or have a school email/verification of being a student to get access to it. (legally) blender1.pdf I have given everything I can on this, so I hope that helps. I only have this info because I was interested in fooling around with exactly what you were wanting to do... however realized I don't have the time or patience at this time to do so. I still learn a bit here and there from time to time anyway r/t this stuff.
  16. I see your cringe worthy post and raise you another from Britain https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/07/21/british-girl-5-fined-selling-lemonade-united-kingdom/498680001/ A child fined for selling lemonade without a permit.
  17. The worse sting that they likely feel is the negative feedback from the game. It wasn't that the game was bad or wasn't liked, it was because they did a very horrible job at basic functions of the game. That was a total embarrassment and really reflected so badly on them and to some degree the entire industry. Because of this, I am confident that pre-sales and such that they rely on so heavily with current industry tracking and setup, will seriously be harmed going forward. At least while the aDHD fans remember the game.
  18. We understand and yes it would be great if someone did this. If you do find one that is really good and helped you please post back here so others could get the benefit of this. unfortunately, those that did use this were disappointed at the results after much trying and those that don't do it the ol' school way which is way more complex to get the results that they desire. I span multiple game sites for multiple of years and know of no others or sources or peoples that are still active that could give pointers or even create a video that I could ask. Trust me I have tried. A few years ago I wanted to convert a few skinny model clothes to T3... really any version of T3 but ... nadda. You aren't alone in this. Hopefully new members coming here will be able to see this post and give some suggestions where others could get the assistance on this matter. Even if it is to post their tutorials
  19. Sims 4 is another game that gained its popularity due to being modded. The base game isn't anywhere as desirable outside of mods for most people. Even those that love the game. (I know of only one person that loved Sims and that was Sims 3 not Sims 4) really liked the idea of being able to mod it. At the very worse, once it gets around that it can't be modded it will be just like the other console games that can't be modded. Now in an age where there are games being somewhat modded,this will be even worse. Maybe they are thinking they will attract people to the game then get them to pay $$$$ to convert over to a PC version? In any case there is more chances of failure even for those that regard Sims 4 fondly.
  20. Both suggestions are good. Kendo's is much more advanced but would allow more flexibility if someone wanted to really learn. After that they wouldn't have issues converting or perhaps even creating or taking parts from a few different sources and creating what they wanted etc. To the OP endgameaddiction is pretty much your go to person on this on the site. Extensive work was done by endgameaddiction to do the very thing or at least close to the thing you are wanting to do. Lots of tutorials and such were suggested and looked over and the link posted is the one that was the most useful. However, as mentioned, eventually gave up as the quality was diminished and it was very difficult to get excellent quality. If you want some really basic conversions you might be satisfied however, if you want really good work done, from my understanding, you might need to really learn the tools and follow some of those heavier more in-depth tutorials to accomplish these goals.
  21. Mass Effect Andromeda could have sold massive amount of games. Now when you think of that... and then see the massive backlash on the game, that is the reason as well not to talk too much about this. The reason for not mentioning MEA to the investors, likely the investors had emails and other info sent into their email box. They were fully informed likely, and that is the reason not to mention these. Also this is a public discussion and most investors that would be allowed to speak (major investors) wouldn't want to stir up the pot so to say either. Finally I gotten an email asking for a review to send in. A survey with an open ended 400 character reason for the ranking(s). Needless to say, it wasn't a pretty 400 characters given. Their main concern or first and pretty much only question given for the game (other than 5 questions for muti-player) was would you recommend this game to others. When you rate it, they ask why you rate it this way. I don't know why they would do this at this time, unless they were toying with an idea of a DLC or some work on MEA. It did according to the briefing mentioned above in the video along with FIFA make most of the profit last year. They might be thinking on trying to see if it can continue. It is a really $$$ franchise and really pretty much ($$$ wise) this is the only road bump in the franchise so they might think about it now that they ... (think) they have gotten to the root of the original issue and that it (shouldn't) wouldn't happen again.
  22. I believe that is the case for all the Bethesda games. I don't think they understand how to properly optimize their assets.
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