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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Steam is having their summer sale. Yes, unless you are living under a rock you are already aware of this... lol This post isn't for you. It is for those that might not be aware of this and have some serious games on their wishlist and want to knock those down a bit. On a personal note... I went ahead and gotten the Sims 3 from there. It is on a major sale. You can get, what I assume is the entire collection (for those collectors out there... you know who you are) for just a bit over 100 dollars. The game and the add on / DLC etc are 75 % off. That is HUGE... So if you are in any way interested in this game... I would suggest you go get it while you can. Also those that have thought or contemplated Witcher III it is also on a very good sale there as well. This is your chance to get an excellently rated game with hundreds and hundreds of awards and nominations for a very good price. Also if you are a collector.. .you might as well pick up the first two as well for a few bucks a piece. Hell get the first two just to support a very good company that actually cares for their customers and are willing to create wonderful games. Opening this topic up to members to comment on their games they have gotten or great sales they see on Steam during this event. What are you getting? What would you want to get if you could? What is an awesome price for a game that you already got and advise others to get as well? Lets get our game on!!!!
  2. Why.... do you think he is so defensive of his hair... Putin doesn't have any... Also Putin is stoic and Donald does exaggerated facial movements.
  3. A little off topic but your post reminded me of this .. Shows how far out there SJWs are... Now .. Everybody... "Your hair is green.... "
  4. I want it too. I want to see their list... In fact that list will do the exact opposite of what they are trying to do, dam dumb F**Ks... It will advertise those games. Free dam advertisement for the very games they don't want played? WTF... the only ones that will be even remotely interested in this for that purpose are those same SWJs I say... go for it and god bless... On and send me the link. I need some new games to play and those on that list will likely be very interesting to me. Hell, I might even buy some of those games just to support those companies willing to go against those crazys Disclaimer: Now if there is info that a company went above and beyond to harass or fire or otherwise screw over someone that has a different sexuality, politics, beliefs regardless of what they might be, illegally.. then yes I will also boycott that company and game. Actually illegal harassment of a real person isn't acceptable on any level. There are laws in place to protect them and those laws should be vigorously enforced...
  5. They won't let the Creation Club go. They haven't let their site and mods distribution go regardless of the issues. They will likely continue to restrict the modding and try to get more control over it in the future. How they go about it is anyone's guess. They might take the long road approach and implement more and more control and such with each new release as their system gets stronger until they have near 100 % control over what they think they want control over. I don't believe they will go the way of Take Two as that created a shitstorm... they will likely view that and not mess with the older games. They already are mentioning that they will require "new" content for their new project. Likely, will be even stronger enforced with the newer games that have yet to be released. On a personal note... I don't mind that. If they are clear from the start what crap they are going to be doing with the new game, restrictions and such, I can then make an informed decision on what I want to do and not get caught with some near useless game that will require bull shit micro transactions to get what really should have come with the game. One of the biggest out-lashes from the previous paid modding attempt was the effect it had on an established modding community with the established mods that were free and needed being moved to paid... That was far louder in my view and experience than the fact they were creating an option for a paid mod system. Using brand new games to start this shit with is one thing and entirely their choice. As it is my choice to not buy the game... but fucking with the established community is quite another thing. Too bad Take Two didn't learn that from Bethesda's experience. .. perhaps they thought they were above that.
  6. Yes, I see their move as a move to get more money. It is possible they might be thinking of doing like Bethesda has announced and create a section where THEY control the mods and such and can make more money... those that complain they will tell them it is for the security of their computer, UN-supervied mods are dangerous or some other bull shit like that. Also agree it might be because they gotten what they want out of the game and having it go longer isn't helping gather up interest in a new one. Also if the mod authors are making it "better" in any way... it shows up the company as well. It makes it harder for them to give out shit for the next game. There is writing on the way that is pointing to where the game companies want to control the modding scene to their advantage, money, resources, bug fixes, future features whatever. They are tying to tap the free and near free labor and talents of people without giving them proper $$$ for their work. Why hire someone when they can get the work for free?
  7. Also if they aren't forced to do so as Bethesda might try to restrict such combinations and such unless they are behind their services. As for giving money to them... I am sure that there are ways to give them something from support, advertisement and good old money. All of this is outside of any benefit to Bethesda so in my book... all good. In fact perhaps people concerned with this paywall and Bethesda apparent money grab, should take this into consideration and work with authors more and offer / give monies, credits, praises etc, whatever currency (money, praise etc) the author most desires and the user can most easily give. This to encourage many of the authors that you most enjoy to remain free and open for download.
  8. The mod tools according to the above video report has done everything correctly. Single player modding only, clean room techniques etc, etc. There is no foundation for the removal of the tools this late. If they had an issue this should have been addressed early on when it was first being developed. I had originally thought that perhaps there was some reason like dirty codes, or using their game assets, or even allowed hacking of the online components. These I think we can agree would be at least an acceptable reason to stop them at least until they fixed the offending content and was not causing game issues or using their assets etc. Now if the report above is true,which I have no reason to think otherwise.... Well... Fuck you Take Two. This is totally uncalled for for something that has been allowed to go on of years. If they what to change things then address this issue with future games released. Tell the users that modding the game won't be accepted etc. Not say this after years of people buying this game which I am sure a good % of them bought them for the purpose of modding.
  9. I'd make sure they aren't linking the actual game with the account that you are using. (in other words ban you from even using the game) Lord only knows what level of evil they would be willing to sink to. Of course in your case... you really don't care about the game or having it at all so if they removed it or somehow blocked you etc then you wouldn't care so much. Possibly even want them to do this... You know..
  10. https://creationclub.bethesda.net/en Not sure if this has been linked yet... so here it is... What do you know... they aren't allowing copy paste from their site Really? Fine... https://creationclub.bethesda.net/apply ^ Link to apply... check it out... Oh... also their page changes back to the default in seconds after getting to that page... Trying to make it difficult for people to "spread your news" hun? Bethesda? Really? You have to go there?
  11. These look fantastic...
  12. Yes, I get that. They subcontracted.. which in many cases equals sub-quality product. Thre isn't a core croup of individuals in the company that is working with passion to the same goal. I don't see CD Project Red subcontracting anything that is core to the game to anyone. That removes alot of value. Also they are in a major growth. They have lots of ideas for IP so they have lots of games that they can create. Their games are well received so they have lots of demand for new editions. On a separate note... I am impressed at how they are going to let Witcher III be the last int that series. They finished the story they wanted to give and now it is done. That is a lesson to those that created MEA... lol. If you can't create a really compelling new story line, then let it be. If they wanted to.. I imagine they could create a good story with Ceri and her experiences after the ending of Witcher III. Bottom line... I can't see CD Project Red doing anything wrong in how they are managing their business, games, IPs. development, hiring, or anything else. If they are doing something wrong or make a mistake it is an innocent one and one that they will quickly correct as soon as they realize it. More importantly they seem to be actively seeking out issues, mistakes and even areas that they can improve on. In the End they will be very successful because of it. It is the recipe for success in almost any situation, personal or professional.
  13. Well once it is open to being joined. .. perhaps someone could join. Toss something, something and see the process. That person would have to see the contract then... however with a deal with the devil... you'd might not be able to get out You know, at face value the things they are coming up with would be good if they didn't twist them to unholy proportions. Twisting good ideas in to the Unholy satin's spawn of the gaming industry. Imagine, if they did the Creator's Club correctly... a site which people which show they have some skills join. They work with a small group of devs at Bethesda to enhance the game with cool new tool extensions and features not to mention new world spaces and streamlined development. The devs could then use these ideas to improve the engine, tools and yes even features of future to come games. In the case of Skyrim SE, those working on the Script Extender would be able to sign a NDA and get access to some (limited) info on how the engine works and be able to develop these tools faster. In fact, in a short time Bethesda might even get a small stable of code warriors that would help boost their development cycle of the new game as well. (by giving tools and scripts and such from the old game thatcould be added) In the process those members might be ableto make a few $$$s for their time and gain a lot of rep in the community as being a major contributor to getting things done. (praise what most mod authors was paid in the past) Win,Win... Now it is nothing more than a vampire sucking the life out of an already dying community.
  14. You know, I could forgive them if they do have some issues with that. They are new, have done amazing things, have delayed the release to make it better. even creating a new engine on what they learned about with Witcher III. I personally believe their trip ups and perhaps falling short on such an attempt would be many fold better than the current releases of Fallout 4, Mass Effect Andromeda etc. I don't believe their short comings will make the game horrible to play like the facial animations found in MEA or dead/empty meaningless actions of Fallout 4 side quest. This is a company that realizes their shortcomings and faults in Witcher III (and have done so through the Witcher I, and Witcher II games as well) and strive to try to be better each time. Even with something that EA/Bioware/Bethesda Softworks) would be sitting back and having weeks of blow and hookers celebrating their success, Project CD Red is focused on their game's previous faults and looking to make those a thing of the past. This is what should be done and regardless of what future shortcomings that might occur with the release of CyberPunk 2077 might be.... I have confidence on the several years of past interactions, actual product, and press releases, that they will have done the best that they could do currently. That is all I can ask from a company, any company, from an Indie new comer to a multibillion company like EA. That is all anyone can really ask and CD Project Red... delivers on that so far, every time. Lets keep this in perspective.... Bethesda and most major game companies aren't creating their engine from scratch. They do make some alterations as needed to use the tools that they want to an engine that they buy the rights to. CD Project Red is building the engine from scratch and improving it each game they release based on what they learned and then having to build on the tools that the game content creators will be using. Bethesda is trying to fuck our skulls there with making the reader think they are still small and "indie" compared to other companies, yet however there are constant reports with MEA that they contracted out work to many other firms... if you counted all that subcontracted work, you'd likely get very close to the amount of people being used in Project CD Red... and they still gave crap for a game... not because of the amount of people but due to the constant fucktard acts and changes being done which violated common sense in game development. Went against the normal industry game production standards. There might be another thing that happens that is slightly different with this situation. (just exploring thoughts of what might happen. I believe it will be more in line with Kendo's expectation) There might be sharing of ideas and info on how to do things. If Bethesda is smart they will give more info on this to their Creation club members and help them develop. ... have a dedicated team of sufficient size to help develop those that show promise as ell) However, there will be even more nich groups. Us vs Them mentality. Small groups of people with the skills that have a close knit group to work with and help each other. Three will be possibly a small amount of people that would give out info freely... If I was modding and stuff and questions came up on how to do something, I'd answer it quickly and to the point and let them continue on. I'd likely not take them under my wing or do more as I am busy making my very small $$$ ... got to get money to buy a coffee for my dozens of dozens of hours of work once a month or so. But I'd likely answer them to a point. See I don't have a problem with others doing mods or even similar mods. If I am good enough... people will use my mods, If I am shit... then they won't.. My biggest fear wouldn't be about someone using my info to create a mod that is more popular... it would be about someone stealing my content, in bulk, outright and Bethesda saying ... "fuck you" they are making us money so we don't give a fuck about your work or their theft. That is the greatest fear I'd have. They don't have a good track record in this regard. As far as them owning everything created... so what. This in my mind isn't a concern if they decide my work is the best shit and use it in their next game... lol it is that they protect some asshole that stole my work in bulk and making money off it instead of being the decent company (Nexus even does this most of the time) and remove it from them when proved stolen. See I don't even care if someone used anything I created with their mods so long as some credit is given (credit = respect) I am of the old mindset of Oblivion days when it was OK to use other assets to create content for users to use with respect given. (credit) However, If I wanted money made off of something I made... I'd upload it myself to the site Now, with the current setup and mods on Bethesda.net... mod authors are retiring on mass. Some of the best have gone already due to the paid mod shit that was done before. I contribute the slow develop of Script Extenders for Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE to this. There are new people joining but they have limited skills in modding. WE aren't getting the level of scriptors and mesh artist that we had before in Fallout NV/OldSkyrim days. This will likely continue before getting better. And when it does... it will likely be behind a pay wall. You will have to "pay to play" in the future.
  15. The game will be released when it is done.... ... wonder which company could learn from that? Holly shit... they will be speaking mostly in their native language... Cyberpunk is far bigger than anything else they ever done... I really love how they advertised Cyberpunk in Witcher III Maybe a cameo would be interesting... Some might be worried about the growth and amount of employees would be an issue in the future. I don't think this is the case. They are successful, those that have started and worked during this time are still at the lead. I believe they can easily handle those employees. In a few more years perhaps they will go up to 1200 employees. I wonder what upgrades they are doing to the Red Engine 4. A cool thing about CD Project Red is they develop their own engine. Bioware, EA etc use engines built by others. Having the developers of the engine on site or in company has to be a boon to their ability to fine tune the game as needed as they go along.
  16. If....they maintain the quality of their writing etc. I would love if they had a better, easier modding tools for Witcher 3. More complete tools etc. However... I will easily accept their games egarly if they continue to produce exactly the same quality content that they are currently (With improvements of course to keep ahead of he rest of the companies.) even if they are never able to be modded. Lets keep in mind that making a game moddable does open a serious risk of causing the game to have issues. The more changes the customer can do to their games, the more issues could arise. Even a company with such attention to detail as Project CD Red has, could run into troubles and issues creating a game that is moddable. AS I understand how they created their games, they created most if not all the content themselves. The animations and how things work is hard coded into the game, scripted, etc. This forumla might be hard to change and keep the quality of their finish product (technology wise not story, content wise) to the level that they are currently at. However, with the stellar reception they have had with their products in the past and how everything they do has been received they might just have the money to be able to have a small team create a framework of tools which they then can use to develop a moddable game that can be modded to the level (or better) than any other company (namely Bethesda) I believe they do the job right from the start. So, I have doubt that the new game will be any more moddable than the previous ones as there is no indication that they are interested in Bethesda level modding implementation into their games. At least not yet. If they were convinced that this is something that their customers wanted ... AND they were confident that they could pull it off or at least fairly sure that they could... I suspect it will be a future game that would need to be fitted for this ability.
  17. that is one concern I have had as well. Even if there is sharing it might not be as freely as it has been in the Oblivion days or even Fallout 3 days. Hell even early Fallout NV days the info was much more freely given. I have connections with some which would give me some access to some assistance that might not be "public" but month after month more and more "retire" and move on and basically don't give a fuck about the game or the "politics" of what is going on as they get disgusted at what is going on. Many left with the last attempt at making money off the modder's work. I believe many more will again. I just hope that the thought of money being made might bring some of those great mod authors back and perhaps some new ones. Hopefully, it won't be as Kendo worries about (as well as I do) it will be more closed development. I believe this would be more along the lines of EA's Sims development. Some of the stuff is dead simple to set up but what people did to get these programs and such setup isn't distributed. You are stuck with what they gave and can't do anything about updating the tool if EA updates the game. Currently we have a very open scripting tool sets and those things in the past that weren't so open... was able to be accessed once you hung around and shown that you were doing some serious work. People used to see you as a fellow modder and give a few pointers here and there much more than I see currently and the decline over the past 4 years on LL and Nexus in sharing and helping develop others has been on a massive decline. This is what was happening before all this BS occurred. I hope this isn't the last nail in the coffin of Bethesda Modding. But if it is, they were the fuctards that did it to themselves. The sad things is we all will suffer from it.
  18. If someone is interested there is a download with some simple setup for this ont he mods page. There are some on Lovers Lab that has created extensive additions to LAL for Sexlab. They might if they are active, be able to answer some simple questions. Worth asking if someone was interested in doing this or even learning if it could be done. I believe it isn't as complex as most would think it is. With the example above, and perhaps some examinations of the Sexlab versions of this, one should be able to get a good grasp on how to do this.
  19. Does those tools actual circumvent any security "features". If it does somehow does this, I can understand it... to a point at least until that part was corrected and create a save on that level. If it doesn't then as Matt states ... FUCK YOU Take Two. Yes, I agree the mods that have been created have actually caused my purchase of the game just for the ability of modding. Making my hobby starting to cost too much... I will be seriously turned off of the game, gaming, and all gaming related aspects of this. Now, lets wait and look at how many sales they will get now.... I think it will be a whole lot less.
  20. Well Fallout 4 solved one of your grips of Fallout 3.... people grow food now
  21. What!!!! that is sacrilegious!!! CBBE is a original work of art of the highest caliber... lol. they will make you go through the full take down process, documentation, review etc. Very much like they did the last time they tried to do the paid mod thing. Much like they make you do now with their current setup. At least I believe that is the way they will go through. You will have to do a great deal of work, make your actual info public and then they will consider your claim. I don't think they care. Small or large so long as it makes them money. The key is if there is enough support (scripting etc) for such a mod to be created and if there are people willing to make such a mod. For them, the transaction is basically the same be it a tiny mud crab armor or a muti-gigabyte DLC quality mod. However, none of us will know until it is fully up and running how they will really approach it. One could only hope that they don't fuck this up (like they did all the other attempts.)
  22. Yes, falscar (forget the spelling) and other major DLC sized and quality mods added to the Skyrim game has been stated before as valid use for a paid mod. They entail 1000's of hours of work. Something like that, might be worth looking at for a purchase. I do believe mod authors do deserve credit, value whatever for their works they create. Not necessarily a paycheck. However, in the case of the authors that created those giant DLC sized mods for Skyrim, they wern't doing it for a pay check they were doing it for other reasons. I believe the young man that did Falscar was doing it for an showing for a job in the gaming industry. (and by rights he does deserve a serious consideration for a position for such a feat. Then he CAN GET A PAYCHECK :P) Perhaps as much as I'd hate it, but considering the limited support and development of scrip extensions... perhaps a script extender that is fully functional. One thing that might be benefited by being a "sanctioned" member of the "Creators Club" is access or assistance (if done correctly, not that I expect they'd do it correctly) with some of the technical aspects so that these can be created earlier on. Perhaps, even up to and including adding some major features for modding directly into the game engine. I mean how hard would it be for the developer to take what is offered for scripting extension and then code it better for the engine? Trivial from my understanding of the process. If the code was available from my understanding publicly we wouldn't be having such a hard time getting the needed tools for Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE Again, I don't think anyone here would believe they would "do it right" when they do this new program. ths would entail real "support" and assistance with those sanctioned teams. Real "Content" that is DLC quality content not a fucking armor for a crab or even a horse for that matter. If armor packs are created they would need to be very complete. Something along what is attempted to be done with the Maternity clothing pack and SCR. MAJOR armor packs with complete systems etc. Not a single leather jacket or whatever. Weapons, the same thing. Major overhauls, additions, enhancements etc. Of course, sadly, I believe this is la la land dreaming that anything close to this will happen. They are in it for a money grab nothing more.
  23. I was just thinking. Of a challenge.... in the small chance something good could come of this.... what would it be? (yes, I doubt anything good will come of this but .... it wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy :P)
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