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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. If, and a big "if" they are going to create a TES or Fallout world which is "bare bones" with some structure and then have their "Creation Club" help fill in the gaps.. .then perhaps they can get away with 100 man studio / groups. Imagine Skyrim or even Fallout 4 with the main quest and perhaps a handful of side quest.. but without the radiant quest and such. A world that is complex and interesting with places to see and things that could be done (random spawn enemies) but no real quest added. Then you could build on that as you decided to. Imagine ... Fallout 4 where you were a lone survivor making your way though Boston. NO child to chase, no other purpose other than to find someway to survive. (meaning you need a group etc ) It would be open to interpretation and development. (no real alternate start required as in Skyrim etc) Of course if they tried that they would be attacked.. (at least if they did so with a full game price,however, if they did that with a game world at a DLC price point perhaps. A $10~20 dollar open world Fallout game where there are some characters and such, some minor missions etc but pretty empty where you the player would add your experiences to the game. (mod the world) Since it was empty to a major degree and open start it would be like having an Alternate start mod in Skyrim or fallout without all the baggage.
  2. OH... and... Minor list/rant of changes to make this better. (Large Rant/Explanation) Feel free to argue against any or all of my points. Do the above and a much happier community r/t Creation Club would be the results. People want so badly to like Bethesda. They want so very badly to continue having the experiences that they loved so much from Fallout/TES games in the past. They want to give Bethesda money and loads of it. All that Bethesda has to do is create an environment for this to happen and stop fucking around.
  3. If they ever orignally had the intent to release large mods for the Creation Club... then they should have led by that first, then release some of these smaller micro-transactions mods.
  4. Dont let me be missunderstood (Animals)
  5. Don't remember that movie. Might have to check that out.
  6. LOL... glad you liked the addition of a new topic... I did like 2001 The Space Odyssey as well as the Godfathers (not sure which is my favorite :P) Clockwork Orange was a bit on the brutal side, entertaining but strange as well. I believe I was missing some points due to different culture. (I am an alien after all :P)
  7. I don't see how they can legally have that mod taken down. However, they are watching their company go in the crapper, whats the difference if they go a bit deeper.lol
  8. interesting documentaries are good as well.
  9. I'll start I really liked watching Dexter. It was pretty interesting IMO. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0773262/ Trailer It was pretty good up to the very end when they went sideways or as some would say... "Jumped the Shark". (you want an interesting origin of that term, check it out. )
  10. This is the Movie Lovers Thread. It has been created by me since the Music Lovers thread is so popular. Now for the rules... keep it clean (no porno's) however it can be mature in nature. (X rated just not XXX rated etc) Keep the entries or links in a spoiler to help keep the thread easily navigated. It can be links, reviews, recommendations, thoughts, etc.
  11. The author deserves praise. If Nexus kicks him... I say we should offer to have him here.
  12. Holly crap there are a shit ton of recent negative reviews. Want to have fun... ? Check those out. It is everything that we have said as well as more. They are just fucking shit up left and right with this CC and the way they are handling the community and their customers. I bet if they released another Fallout or TES right now... it would belly flop so badly due to this crap that they have been doing. Doesn't matter how much people ant a new TES/FAllout they will not buy it (at least not the modding community and their "fans" they might get some to buy it but nowhere near what they did before) Way to go Bethesda.. start this shit right after EA gets curb stomped for their shit handling of MEA.
  13. Then when you kill the chicken everybody looses their mind.. never mind that a dragon is flying above their heads.
  14. Nevermind.. I was in error. You don't have to pay for a Creation Club DLC. It is just credits. The way they laid it out made me think it was another DLC. lol
  15. I love the question on the intro 'How are you a vegan" lol.
  16. I will wait until I can see some serious, reasonable, reliable reviews and game play. Someone that I agree with their reviews. This is the only company that I will do this with. With Bethesda/EA whatever the crap other company.. I will really wait. I usually wait until things are ~30 ~50% or better off to buy the game. Some I wait all the way until they become combination deals. If this game (and company) go to shit.. then I will loose all hope... I will only buy a game if it cost less than a cup of coffee. Regardless.
  17. I noticed a slight slow down before and reported it earlier... however not horrible. I am however getting the double notification I believe some have asked about for some reason. Not all the time just some of the time. (Running Firecrap web browser) Chrome runs better and faster. Haven't used Explorer. It could be due to our success
  18. Yes, it would be tempting... until they try to sell you the trees and plants for this open world land along with the armors and weapons and perhaps even spells. Basically they give a flat world and a few quest and yo have to pay for the rest in micro transactions. They will even blame the users by saying that the users want a more open world that they can enter and change to suit their wants... Now other than the base, you can grow and develop the TES world the way you want it. Between them and EA twisting their words so badly.. I can't understand why more aren't angry or even someone suing them. I mean the majority of players of these games are mature, adults * They should be seeing how much shit is being thrown at them, shouldn't' they? Now.. if they came out and stated the DLC type would be smaller records to equal to Xbox and playstation restrictions etc, etc and was honest... then I wouldn't have a problem with them. I wouldn't like it but liking something is totally different than getting pissed at being lied to by a series of double talk.
  19. Well hopefully they will do that and shock all of us.. however, I seriously doubt that will ever happen, especially with the current admin at that company.
  20. Even if someone was a fan boy, I can't see them fixing this. It works. (suppose to at least and so far from reviews does) Why add textures and shit to it. Create your own,hell they had to do almost the work to create it. There is a free mod available on Nexus. If you have to fix something give a hand fixing that up. Now I can see people going ... cool. I will get the Creation Content (pay for the DLC on top of that) and then get x and y mod to make it better. These are the same people that bitch because they have to download 2 or 3 mods to get one to work. WTF, seriously. Is stupid in the water they drink? Dam, I will admit I wanted the Creators Club to be something, worthy of course with the promised "DLC Sized" content. (AKA falascaar) Little did I know they were referring to the horse armor (pun intended ) However, even this shit is shocking me, knowing as I do how badly Bethesda can fuck this up. Never thought they would do this so badly and then the community to come up and lick the shit off Bethesda's dick after it sticks it in your ass nice and deep. (sorry for the vulgarities, I usually don't go that level but I can't think of any other way to describe what is happening now. The level of disgust I have. My brain is literately shutting down at the sheer stupidity of the situation.)
  21. First... mod authors fix Bethesda's games. Second... mod authors fix Bethesda's DLCs. Third ... (now) mod authors have taken to fixing Creation Content. WTF... someone is fixing a paid Mod and making it better which ... forces someone to have to pay 5 dollars to get the original content then download the fixes and add it to the game to get the end result.
  22. They were studying the possibility of multiplayer. That was the funding. Polish government I don't believe has the same hangups for an mature video game company as some of the agencies here in the US. Also it was a grant for development of a mutiplayer if I remember correctly. It was a way to help develop a successful company which they have very few. It is an investment in their economy as much as anything. Actually a very smart move. . I don't see it being a top down or other than a first or third person game. This is the games that they have experience in and made a name for and this is what their development team has developed for the game engine. However, you are correct, it won't be a witcher game. It will be a different game. They were pretty true to the original story for the Witcher and as i understand it they didn't hire the author on like they did for Cyberpunk I expect it to be as honest and true to the actual board game as possible in a 3d world. Even more in line with the board game then they were with Witcher and its story taken for the game.
  23. The larger world gives you a prespetive that you are smaller. It adds options that you might want if you are x character, you might need to be in a different part of town as opposed to y character. Some of them need to be on the fringe others in the heat and main parts of town. You can't really have that if you don't have a large world. There are doors in Witcher that you can't open however most of the time this makes sense as you shouldn't unless you wanted to or there is some damage to the building (collapsed etc) then the door is blocked. In fact some even allow you to "blow" past these and using a sign break down the door you don't really see much as it is abandon but you can enter. Those that you can't enter ... you can still look around the building and see parts of the interior.. much like you can in RL if you wanted to do so with an abandoned building. I think the maturity will be there and perhaps in much higher quantities however a bit more censored than their past. As Kendo stated it was pretty graphic for Witcher 2 and in Witcher 3 it was more like a Mass Effect sex cut (but better directed) I suspect about the same for the new game with lots of options. If they have braindance as we know it ... It would be a very sore missed opportunity not to use it for a few Porn options.... Good ones at that.. after all it is suppose to drag you into the world and make you addicted and not want to leave. I imagine that would be one avenue to get that shown.
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