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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. She liked him enough before she met him in person Lucky her that she trusted her instincts and refused to go on a date with him. Also, "bananas" ? Really? That alone was something to be weary of
  2. A serial murder on a game show... The really cringe worthy part of this is it was a dating game show. Extra info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_Alcala
  3. I remember some old days... Warning... you might not want to listen to the below.... I can't believe that someone played this at work today Just when you thought it was safe to listen to music again. The orignal (I believe) Even the Japanese had to get into this... OH, found one which I think were translated to japanese (fully) and has male singers
  4. Anything related to music, discussions, video links, all types of music etc. It is a music lovers thread. Interesting submission CGi.
  5. I have no idea (well slight ideas) on what is being said but they sound cool none the less. They could have been talking about groceries and still sound good. lol
  6. Awesome dude! Glad to see it was able to be done. Also glad to see you here CGi. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  7. ritualclarity


    Is this a custom body? If not, what mods were used (I understand there might have been some customization) I find that body very interesting.
  8. So true, so very true... It is a nice reminder to why I haven't played the game in a very, very long time.
  9. ritualclarity

    Front side

    LOL thanks
  10. Yes , the favorite old game was filling. you could play and play and play and get a very big payback on your purchase. It didn't need other content,it was complete and most of the time pretty functional. That is the reason for my comment above. At the time the tech was limited and that was the best they coudl do usually. Now flash forward to today's time. Witcher 3... The game was pretty complete and pretty glitch free as well. It was a full meal that you could fully enjoy. Losts to sink your teeth into.
  11. Actually games further in the past is more like this. Complete, rich and filling.
  12. ritualclarity

    Abyssa & Serana

    Nice photo. Nice composition, color, details etc. Is that a custom location?
  13. the Op hasn't been active here in a long time. It might take a long time and it might never be updated. Sorry.
  14. Fortunately you don't have to I feel for those still working on the script extender. It is needed to make these games worthwhile in most of our opinions and without it the game is far worse than with it. I admire them for taking on these games, games that have changed so much from what most of us here have known and loved (Fallout 3 and NV) I keep on hoping that if they continue their progress that eventually they will have the tools created far enough along that mod authors can make those games bearable. Perhaps when the game is 5~8 dollars (complete) to boot. (about the price of the enjoyment I have gotten out of those games since I gotten them compared to the hours played on the older games So yes, even though I am not playing those games and have no intention to in any near future, I still admire their work and appreciate their efforts and having the game go tits up due to Bethesda has got to really suck, bad. WE don't have to deal with any part of those games but those working on the script extenders for those games, have to, or at least are feeling like they do. So many people depend on them and they are under so much pressure.
  15. That makes sense. The game is still supported or being developed now that they have "Creators Club" and need to make some adjustments to get their "customers" the mods they want to make for them. This is likely also going to happen to Fallout 4 as well as any future game that they create and add the Creation Club to it. In a way it won't be much unlike what EA does to Sims 4 when they add a new expansion. Except unlike Sims 4 which has a large fan/mod base (still) it seems that people interested in Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 is just getting tire of this shit and moving elsewhere. Hell there are many on LL that are so fucking tired of all Bethesda's shit and such that they are working on creating their own game to get away from it. Integrating SKSE64 into the engine will likely add much more stress to very aged system as it is and more importantly open an avenue where dirty, dirty mod authors could get porn into the Xboxes and Playstations of the world. That would likely cause some tension between M$ and $ony. Heaven forbid a penis that can become erect makes it's way into the xbox/playstation version of the game. Evil fucking penis... destroyer of worlds. However, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they took selective ideas/code from these script extenders and used them to further their Creators Club. I am disappointed that they aren't working with those that have created the script extender and incorporating what they can from the extender into the base game. However, I understand why. That would be too smart in giving their Creation Club creators more tools to actually make interesting and worthwhile mods for the system along side of copying various other ideas. At least people wanted them to copy the script extenders and add it it the base game. I hope they don't go back as far as Ol'rim, FNV, F03, Oblivion and Morrowwind with this Creators Club "thing". If so they will likely fuck up those script extenders as well adding "features" to games that have been out for years and years. However, that being said they can "second edition" the fuck out of whatever they want of those games as far as I am concerned.
  16. Not to well. I am getting old... my memory is fading
  17. Updated info https://www.ea.com/games/starwars/battlefront/battlefront-2/news/swbfii-changes-launch
  18. For Witcher III fans... Fan Music I can see this as part of the actual game.
  19. the Jefferson Air Planes... 50 years ago
  20. Moving in Stereo
  21. Happy Thanksgiving
  22. SNL is still running ? lol.
  23. Here is my first cringeworthy video. AS required... the funny part... (lots of it but particularly 2:53) "mentally challenged awesomeness" lol. Love the "reptilian shapeshifters" creating trans that look like women like Venus or Rosiro Dawson lol
  24. Expanding the mod ability is quite complex. It introduces issues with the game and support. They need to build up their multiplayer content and the continued revenue options that the CEO states first before I see the m adding Modding ability. According to the video above someone there admires Bethesda perhaps with this admiration they will add easier modding tools in the future. It is a long road. They are new and it will take time for them to develop and grow. Their commitment to quality games is on the forefront.
  25. I believe he is referencing the desire for many of his customers wanting some online option for game play. Something that would expand the game for many that buy it, extending the value of the game for his customers. There have been statements that it wont' come at the expense of quality of the main game. Finally, it is something that they haven't done and they can add to their set of skills as a company. Long term success means that they likely will in the future possibly create some online games for those that want them. They are expanding their employees and are working on two games at the same time now. I am not interested in online games but won't complain if they do created some so long as they do the same great job (and hopefully still have excellent campaign games as well which I suspect they will not give up ) Everything I have heard so far leads me to them being a very good company for gamer now and in the future so long as he is the CEO and they don't merge ( which I seriously doubt they will at least not for several years) I love how they are setting the standards and showing companies like EA and other newer start ups how to really make a game and be a success at it as well. Much like the Vampyr producers mentioned before by me. Companies being successful by making good solid games.
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