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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Hell they could offer quite a bit more CC credits for those that did buy the Season Pass as a "thank you" for their purchase. 1000 credits as opposed to the 100 that they are giving to non season pass customers. That would also be a good thing to add to the next game which would have CC capabilities... 1000 or so credits added right off the top. That combined with more reasonable pricing (which they are getting closer to) and some real content like was promised (DLC sized content) and they would have a much better presence in the gaming community. There are fans of the old way and old games that just won't like the future games since they are changing the formula for their creation and I doubt that will ever change since they are trying to become more attractive to the more casual gamer. One of the main detractors of Witcher is the fact is it is "hard" for the main stream gamer. Many that bought Witcher III soon realized their disappointment at the complexity and difficulty of the game and the very large learning curve required. I wish that Bethesda would go back to the original or at least near the original forumla and only fixed the issue (like the shooting mechanics which is stated as much improved in the recent Fallout 4) and kept it at that. They are a large gaming company and can create new IP which they can develop for their new customer base that they are trying to attract (more casual gamers/console gamers etc) and create a story that they like and love. Deviating from the formula of a very successful gaming IP is not a good idea. Just ask the Developer of MEA That was a shit storm of issues and problems but.. had it only been technical they would have had themselves bitch slapped by the customers and reviewers and after they fixed it... people would have still stated that they would recommend the game (because it had the same depth of story and character development which was what made the franchise so successful. Take a look at the ending of Mass Effect III and the shit storm that happened... the game still sold a metric shit ton of games even with that farce... There was most of the formula just bad choices in the ending and not too many or major tech issues that were part of MEA upon release.
  2. It was on the front page right be hind the first one you see. It didn't change.
  3. Sorry, missed the last statement... Nope... No handheld pipboy. Never really gotten interested. I tried it a Lonnggggg time ago but had some issues where some of my armors was missing the sleeve part where the pipboy should have been. Never went back. Likely the issue was the author not doing something as he/she would expect there to be a pipboy (It was custom armor if I remember correctly)
  4. I added a category and some big smiles but I don't see it getting bumped. It might be. I'd suggest that you give us a link or such for the item you are questioning so that Doublezero could check up when he is able. (in case it isn't a design of the site)
  5. They love twisting their words to give people a different impression from what they intend, in order to mislead them. It would be hilarious if they screwed up and have to give all the CC content over. I wonder if Europe or another country declared that they were misleading if it would make it easier for the US and the rest to get the same.
  6. ^ Ninja'd... LOL. They keep this up someone is going to class action law suit their ass. If not in the US in Europe... They'd deserve it. Everything they have done is half assed (and not the good half :P) If Bethesda was in a fairy tale and captured the golden goose... they'd cook it up for Tuesday dinner... because they would be too stupid to realize that they would be able to make more and do better just collecting the eggs. Any idea that they have come up with... and tried to implement they have done in the worst possible way.
  7. My thoughts on mods which fits in the Bethesda Universe where few seem to respect others work anymore. The issue brought up above about mod theft. Now for a post related to the actual subject matter I was mistaken earlier r/t the 7.99 DLC. It was confusing to me at least. Apparently that is just extra credits you can buy. Not required. Sorry for the error. So they are giving you 100 of their "Credits' and have slashed many of the pricing of their products just a short time after starting the project (which must really suck badly for those early adopters ) They even have "free" items there for you to download and nobody has a clue how long it will be for. Is it for a short time, going to be the permanent price going forward for those items. Is this going to be the way the do future items? Keep it up for a month or so then put them on sale later?
  8. It seems as if at least that person was willing to consider it if the asset was pointed out. The rest of the people chiming in and giving crap or bullshit is nothing but a waste of time. Nothing to worry about or even concern yourself with. They likely have no life and going on on forums and posting crap is the only outlet and socialization they have. It is really kind of sad.
  9. ^ are you trying to be NSFWmods's music jukebox... lol
  10. If, and a big "if" they are going to create a TES or Fallout world which is "bare bones" with some structure and then have their "Creation Club" help fill in the gaps.. .then perhaps they can get away with 100 man studio / groups. Imagine Skyrim or even Fallout 4 with the main quest and perhaps a handful of side quest.. but without the radiant quest and such. A world that is complex and interesting with places to see and things that could be done (random spawn enemies) but no real quest added. Then you could build on that as you decided to. Imagine ... Fallout 4 where you were a lone survivor making your way though Boston. NO child to chase, no other purpose other than to find someway to survive. (meaning you need a group etc ) It would be open to interpretation and development. (no real alternate start required as in Skyrim etc) Of course if they tried that they would be attacked.. (at least if they did so with a full game price,however, if they did that with a game world at a DLC price point perhaps. A $10~20 dollar open world Fallout game where there are some characters and such, some minor missions etc but pretty empty where you the player would add your experiences to the game. (mod the world) Since it was empty to a major degree and open start it would be like having an Alternate start mod in Skyrim or fallout without all the baggage.
  11. OH... and... Minor list/rant of changes to make this better. (Large Rant/Explanation) Feel free to argue against any or all of my points. Do the above and a much happier community r/t Creation Club would be the results. People want so badly to like Bethesda. They want so very badly to continue having the experiences that they loved so much from Fallout/TES games in the past. They want to give Bethesda money and loads of it. All that Bethesda has to do is create an environment for this to happen and stop fucking around.
  12. If they ever orignally had the intent to release large mods for the Creation Club... then they should have led by that first, then release some of these smaller micro-transactions mods.
  13. Dont let me be missunderstood (Animals)
  14. Don't remember that movie. Might have to check that out.
  15. LOL... glad you liked the addition of a new topic... I did like 2001 The Space Odyssey as well as the Godfathers (not sure which is my favorite :P) Clockwork Orange was a bit on the brutal side, entertaining but strange as well. I believe I was missing some points due to different culture. (I am an alien after all :P)
  16. I don't see how they can legally have that mod taken down. However, they are watching their company go in the crapper, whats the difference if they go a bit deeper.lol
  17. interesting documentaries are good as well.
  18. I'll start I really liked watching Dexter. It was pretty interesting IMO. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0773262/ Trailer It was pretty good up to the very end when they went sideways or as some would say... "Jumped the Shark". (you want an interesting origin of that term, check it out. )
  19. This is the Movie Lovers Thread. It has been created by me since the Music Lovers thread is so popular. Now for the rules... keep it clean (no porno's) however it can be mature in nature. (X rated just not XXX rated etc) Keep the entries or links in a spoiler to help keep the thread easily navigated. It can be links, reviews, recommendations, thoughts, etc.
  20. The author deserves praise. If Nexus kicks him... I say we should offer to have him here.
  21. Holly crap there are a shit ton of recent negative reviews. Want to have fun... ? Check those out. It is everything that we have said as well as more. They are just fucking shit up left and right with this CC and the way they are handling the community and their customers. I bet if they released another Fallout or TES right now... it would belly flop so badly due to this crap that they have been doing. Doesn't matter how much people ant a new TES/FAllout they will not buy it (at least not the modding community and their "fans" they might get some to buy it but nowhere near what they did before) Way to go Bethesda.. start this shit right after EA gets curb stomped for their shit handling of MEA.
  22. Then when you kill the chicken everybody looses their mind.. never mind that a dragon is flying above their heads.
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