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Kendos Rough Trade for Breezes Male 1.0.0

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About This File

Kendos Rough Trade for Breezes Male

You might not be the bad boy of the Wasteland...but at least you can dress like you are. Includes Type3 support.

To get the items coc 11K2BreezeRTCell. They are in the metal box in front of you. FastTravel to exit the cell. The container is set to respawn every three days.

Also for Type3 users, the Stroker hat matches the textures of YES MISTRESS! Redux for TYPE3 and YES MISTRESS! Lux Edition for Type3. It is a nice addition to those mods.


Credits: Breeze for the male body, dimon99 for Type3, the modder that made the BerryHD Merc Grunt outfit (I don't remember who made it but they are a member here at Nexus) and me, Kendo 2.


THIS UPLOAD IS NOT RESOURCE MATERIAL. No one may assign, directly or indirectly, all or part of my creative rights or obligations to other modders without my written consent.
Under no circustances is my absence from NSFWmods, either by accident or design, to be interpreted as permission to use the contents of this upload as resource material. This shall continue indefinately, commencing on the effective upload date.
This mod is Fallout 3 content and is not to be used in any way shape or form for Fallout New Vegas. This includes, but is not limited to, ESP only patches.
Permission for conversions to other Type3 (and TypeV) Body models will be considered on a case by case basis. PM me here at NSFWmods for permission and other details. Requests for shojo/loli will be denied and get you reported.


Kendo 2

Special Note: This mod is currently no longer being updated. I was given permission to upload by K2. -ega

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