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Devious Desires


A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come!

Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish.
This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a replacement to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes.

If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds!

Teen Sims are between the ages of 18 and 19.

All involved Sims Teen and Above both Human and Animal are considered to be consenting adults ages 18 and up. Regardless of what anyone else tells you, this is how DD treats these Sims.

Devious Desires does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the acts seen or performed by its users.

Devious Desires is a Hentai mod above all, if you cannot handle Hentai, then Devious Desires is not the mod for you.

Game/Creator:  The Sims 4 [EA]
Modder: ColonolNutty - WikiDiscord
Language: English
Game Version: (Businesses and Hobbies) and above



DD Basic (deviousdesires.package)

  • Sex and Sex Autonomy for Human Sim x Human Sim
    • Lovense Real Sex Toy support. Now you can experience what your Sims experience!
      • To enjoy what your Lovense Toy, simply start sex with the active Sim. It can be either solo or with another Sim.
      • The intensity of the Lovense Toy will increase as the Sim reaches orgasm!
      • To refresh Lovense Toy support ingame, run "dd.reenable_lovense"
    • Sex Club Autonomy
    • Masturbation
      • Sims can both manually and autonomously masturbate on the floor or on furniture!
      • Sims not on their Home lots may run to the bathroom to rub one out if they become aroused.
    • Have Sex
      • When Sims have a high enough romance with another Sim they may ask them for Sex.
        • They may also ask for sex autonomously when their Arousal is high enough!
        • Click -> Romance -> Have Sex
    • Locational Motive changes
      • Sex in the shower or a tub will increase hygiene
    • Jealousy
      • If a Sim spots a loved one involved in sex, they may become jealous and stop the sex!
      • If all Sims in sex match the gender preference of the loved one that spots the sex, they may become aroused instead!
    • Proximity
      • Sims going near a sex in progress may autonomously ask to join or go off and masturbate somewhere if they have are sufficiently Aroused too.
      • Sims may even become disgusted if the sex does not involve fetishes they are into!
    • Arousal
      • Every Sim (enabled for DD, of course) will have a new Arousal percentage. To see the Arousal of a Sim Click on them -> Info -> Arousal: %
      • Increases faster by having more Flirty buffs as well as performing certain interactions, such as watching a Romantic movie.
      • Increases slower by having more Angry, Sad, Stressed, or Uncomfortable buffs.
      • Decreases by having sex.
  • Relationships
    • Teen Sim and Adult Sim romance interactions unlocked.
    • Incest romance interactions unlocked (For Sims that are incestuous)
  • Self Impregnation and Cum On Selves (or any overlay really)
    • If an Animation is setup properly, a Sim may self-impregnate or apply overlays to themselves!
    • When Sims have an orgasm on themselves, you can choose where they shoot their load at, In Vagina, In Anus, On Face, and more!
  • Whims (Have Sex, Masturbate, etc.)
  • Orgasm Meter
    • Every Sim has their own orgasm meter, once they reach climax, they will blow their load, causing overlays, pregnancies, and they may even inflate other Sims (See DD Milk Farm)
    • When a Sim reaches 85% on the orgasm meter, they will automatically switch to a Climax animation.
    • Sims will sweat as they reach orgasm and with multiple orgasm the sweat becomes more intense.
  • Top/Bottom
    • Set the Top/Bottom preferences of your Sim and ensure they take the correct position during sex!
    • Animations must use these tags on their actors in order for the roles to be respected!
  • Behaviors
    • Going Commando - These Sims enjoy not wearing underwear, but if any clothing mishap were to happen, they'll be showing more than they would normally!
    • Sleeps in Nude - These Sims prefer sleeping in the nude.
    • Sleeps in Underwear - These Sims prefer to sleep in their underwear
    • Nudist - These Sims prefer baring it all over wearing clothing
    • Does Not Wear Strapon - These Sims prefer to never wear a strap-on
    • Does Not Use Penis - These Sims choose not to use their Penis in sexual animations.
  • Body System (Nudity, Underwear, Equipment)
    • Customize the body parts of your Sims, each Sim may use different body parts!
      • Select Default parts for all Sims to use. You may even choose a default part for every body category!
      • Custom Part Support! Choose ANY CAS Part you want for any part of your body! Choose CAS Parts via CAS.
      • Other Custom Part Types (In addition to the basic ones):
        • Head
        • Tail
        • Hands
        • Mouth
        • Ears
      • These custom parts will continue to be worn by your Sim, even when they take all of their clothing off!
    • Underwear
    • Piercings and Pasties
      • Sims can purchase a box of piercings and pasties and wear them any time they want
    • Equip a Strap-on whenever you want!
    • Unequip various clothing items (Wrists, Glasses, Necklace, Hat, Gloves, Top, Bottom, Shoes, Tights, and more!)
      • Also works to equip/unequip clothing items of NPCs.
      • When undressing clothing, a clothing pile will be created (If you have any laundry day stuff on the lot)
    • The best parts about the nudity in DD, there are Zero Conflicts With Other Mods and that DD Will Not Permanently Modify the Outfit of your Sims, so DD can be uninstalled with no repercussions!
    • Pubic Hair Growth
      • Pubic Hair will grow over time to the chosen size in the body selector.
      • Can be shaved in a shower.
    • Semi-Nudity
      • Sims can partially undress their clothing, such as pulling down panties or raising up skirts.
      • Sims can partially undress, showing off the goods while not fully taking off their clothing. With supported CAS Parts.
        • If sub parts are tagged properly, piercings, pubic hair, and skin overlays will display.
    • Nude/Underwear Part Manual Attachment
      • New interactions that allow attaching a Sims selected nude or underwear parts to their current outfit, so they don't need to remove their clothing completely.
        • If a Sim with a penis was wearing a skirt, you could attach and show their penis under the skirt.
  • Pregnancy
    • Sims can become pregnant via sex.
    • When Sims have an orgasm, you can choose where they shoot their load at, In Vagina, In Anus, On Face, and more!
  • Animation Customizations
    • Customize animations in various ways to improve them and perhaps correct a few mistakes the animation mod authors don't have time to fix. Even add tags!
    • Bulk Customization for when you want to customize many animations at the same time with the same customizations. Some assumptions will be made for each of the Bulk Operations.
    • The best part is that you can share it with the community! Everyone can have corrected and working animations!
  • Custom Overlays
    • Types
      • Cum
      • Tears
      • Blush
    • Overlays apply in multiple weights Light, Medium, and Heavy.
  • Fetishes
    • Enthuse About, Complain About, and Think About. Sims can have various fetishes that will have an effect on various parts of the mod! (Check the wiki for more details on their effects)
    • Fetish Likes/Dislikes can be selected in CAS
    • New Fetish likes/dislikes can be learned when a Sim watches porn on computers.
    • Just to name a few:
      • Exhibitionism
      • Public Sex
      • Voyeurism
      • Incest - If you want Sims to be incestuous, set them to Likes Being Incestuous in CAS! (All Sims involved need to like it)
  • Skills
    • Sexperience - Increase how good at Sex your Sims are. Sims will gain satisfactions buffs after sex depending on how good the sex was! This skill will also unlock new interactions you can use when interacting with other Sims.
  • Encounters
    • When a Sim asks the Active Sim for sex, an Encounter may occur instead of the Ask For Sex interaction.
      • An encounter is basically a dialogue between the Sim asking for sex and the Sim responding to the proposal
        • Accept the encounter to start sex.
        • Decline the encounter to cancel sex.
    • Encounters are available for Animal Sim x Human Sim, Animal Sim x Animal Sim, and Human Sim x Human Sim for Normal Sex, Rough Sex, and Rape.
  • Custom Shop
    • Purchase any items from DD or its modules, from the Lusty Secrets Shop on Computers.
  • Third Party Support
    • A few things in Sims 4 Control Menu are overridden by DD, such as Teen/Adult Romance and Pregnancy. Human Sim/Animal Sim Pregnancy Creation, etc.

DD Pets (deviousdesires_pets.package)

  • Sex and Sex Autonomy for both Animal Sim x Human Sim and Animal Sim x Animal Sim. (Both Player and NPC Sims)
  • Gender Options
    • Animal Sims utilize new Gender Options, you can have Futanari and Cuntboy Animal Sims now!
    • Male Animal Sims may also become pregnant and Female Animal Sims may get other Sims pregnant!
  • Nudity
  • Species Preferences
    • Similar to Sexual Orientation, these preferences are used to determine the Species your Sim is into and willing to romance/have sex with. (Without DD Pets, the only species available will be Human)
    • If a Sim is Exploring their Sexuality, the Species Preference will be updated if the Sim performs romantic interactions on Human Sims and Animal Sims.
    • Dog = Large Dog, Small Dog, and Foxes.
  • Pregnancy
    • Animal Sim/Human Sim Hybrid pregnancies
      • Human Sims can birth Animal Sims.
      • Animal Sims can birth Human Sims.
    • Animal Sim/Animal Sim pregnancies
  • Traits
    • Zoophiliac - Indicates a Sim is willing to have sex with Animal Sims
      • This is mainly a catch all trait, it is recommended to instead use the above Species Preferences!
    • Pack Bitch - Makes a Human Sim more likely to have sex with Animal Sims and more likely to become pregnant with hybrid Animal Sim babies.
    • Penis Knot - Large Dogs and Small Dogs automatically have a Knotted Penis.
  • Relationships
    • Custom Romance Track between Human Sims and Animal Sims
    • Romance interactions between Human Sims and Animal Sims
    • Also autonomous (If a Sim is a Zoophiliac and was previously romantic with an animal)
  • Knotting
    • Sims may knot other Sims when they have an Orgasm during sex, if they have a knot on their penis. (See Penis Knot Trait).
  • Hybrid Traits
    • Sims will have a heritage of Animal Sims. Sims can be hybrid Large Dogs, Small Dogs, Cats, Horses, Foxes, and even Cows, Chickens, Llamas, Goats, and Sheep!
    • Hybrid Sims can give birth to Sims that don't even match their native species.
      • Example: If a Human Sim is a Large Dog hybrid, even if they are impregnated by another Human Sim, there is a chance their offspring will come out as a Large Dog!
    • All Sims can become Hybrid Sims, even Animal Sims!
    • Sims can have multiple Hybrid traits.
  • Weddings
    • Pet Sims can now become Boyfriends, Girlfriends, and Engaged with Human Sims!
    • Human Sim x Pet Sim relationships can now become Married via Wedding parties.
      • Integration with both vanilla Weddings and the Wedding Stories DLC.
      • Most Activities can be performed within Weddings and Wedding Stories.
      • To start choose the alternative interaction for Plan Wedding with "Human to Pet" in the name on the phone or click on a Wedding Arch to start the vanilla wedding (Also choosing the one with Human to Pet in the name).
      • To cut the Cake, also choose the HtA interaction!
  • Works with AOM Selectable Pets
    • With an Animal  Sim as your active Sim, you may initiate sex with other Animal Sims or even Human Sims

DD Pet Play (deviousdesires_pet_play.package)

  • Leashing
    • Human Sims can Leash other Human Sims and walk around with them as they would a Pet Sim.
    • Human Pet Sims can be taken for a Walk or a Jog.
    • Leashed Sims will wear a collar
    • Leashed Sims can do their business while on leash (With DD Dirty Play installed)

DD Kinky (deviousdesires_kinky.package)

  • Rape and Rough Sex for Human Sim x Human Sim and if DD Pets is enabled, Animal Sim x Human Sim and Animal Sim x Animal Sim.
  • Rape  and Rough Sex Club Autonomy
    • Club Interactions are not bound by the same constraints, such as Rough Sex will not require Consent between Sims and Rape does not require Friendship/Romance below 30%
  • Lot Traits
    • Bad Neighborhood - Sims are more likely to Rape within bad neighborhoods, especially after performing Mean interactions.
  • Rough Sex
    • After Giving/Receiving Consent, you may Ask For Rough Sex for both Animal Sim (If DD Pets enabled) and Human Sims Autonomy
    • Manual Interaction
      • Sims can ask other Sims for Rough Sex after giving or receiving consent to them and being romantic.
      • Click -> Romance -> Have Rough Sex as Dom/Sub
    • Autonomy
      • Sims will autonomously ask for Rough Sex from other Sims, if consent is given or received and their Arousal is high.
        • NPC Sims can ask other NPC Sims.
        • NPC Sims can ask Player Sims and vice verse.
  • Consent
    • Give or Take Away consent for Rough Sex to/from other Sims including NPCs!
  • Skills
    • Domination - A "skill" used to show how dominant a Sim is
    • Submission - A "skill" used to show how submissive a Sim is
  • Rape
    • Rape other Sims and force sex upon them. (Rape)
      • Success is based on vanilla Fight logic.
    • Intervene
      • If a Sim spots their friend/lover Sim being Raped, they can attempt to stop it
    • Manual Interaction
      • The player can choose to make their Sim do a Rape interaction regardless of friendship/romance with the victim or the Sims Arousal level
      • Click -> Mean -> Malicious -> Rape
    • Autonomy
      • (Rape) Sims will autonomously attempt to rape other Sims they are neither friends nor romantic with and their Arousal is high
        • NPC Sims can rape other NPC Sims.
        • NPC Sims can rape Player Sims and vice verse.
    • Traits
      • Rapist - The Sim will be more likely to rape other Sims.
        • It is recommended to use the Fetish system instead.
      • Victim - The Sim will be more likely to be raped by other Sims.
        • It is recommended to use the Fetish system instead.
        • Victim Sims will have a positive experience when another Sim rapes them.
    • Overlays
      • Tears will apply to victimized Sims.

DD Milk Farm (deviousdesires_milk_farm.package)

  • Drink milk/cum from Sims
    • Breastfeeding and Cum Eating fills the hunger bar of the Sim that is drinking/eating.
    • Autonomy
      • Sims will autonomously ask for Milk/Cum if they are hungry
      • Sims will autonomously offer Milk/Cum if they are Aroused and in need of a milking.
  • Milking Autonomy
    • Sims that become full of milk will run off and milk themselves or ask other Sims to milk them.
    • Sims that are Aroused may ask Sims that are full of milk/cum if they can milk them.
  • Overlays appear on nipples (of provider) and mouth (of drinker) during and after breastfeeding.
  • Whims (Milk Breasts, Milk Penis, Consume Cum, etc.)
  • Milking
    • Breast Milking
    • Penis Milking
    • Milking on Machines (Autonomous with animations)
    • Animation Milking (Autonomous with animations)
    • Self Milking (Autonomous with animations)
  • Breast Milk/Cum levels for each Sim
    • Track it under the Info pie category when clicking on Sims.
  • Milk added to the inventory of the Sim that started it
  • Wearable Milk Pumps (For Mobile Milking, no animations required!)
  • Custom Milk Objects
  • Milk Types
    • Breast Milk
    • Cum
  • Drinkable milk/cum, they restore hunger, and they can be sold for cash money!
    • Various Flavors
      • Vanilla
      • Chocolate
      • Strawberry
      • and more!
  • Custom Overlays
    • Milk
  • Traits
    • Pregnant Sims or Sims that become pregnant will produce Breast Milk automatically
    • Sims with a Penis will produce Cum automatically
  • Reward Traits
    • Upgraded versions of the Basic Milk Producer traits may be purchased from the Rewards Store
  • Swelling
    • Swelling is only available and will only occur for Sims with the Upgraded versions of the Milk Producer traits (See rewards store!)
    • Breasts and Testicles may become visibly swollen when they fill with milk or cum. (Requires Custom Slider Framework default sliders, adult sliders, and breast sliders to be installed, see requirements section below)
    • Buffs will be applied based on how full their breasts and/or testicles are
    • Swelling requires having upgraded Milk Producer traits from the Rewards Store!
  • Milk Supplements
    • Supplements may be taken by Sims to increase their production of milk temporarily, whether from the breasts or the testicles. Access the computer to use them today!
    • Consult your doctor (CSF) if visual swelling does not subside within 24-48 hours.
  • Inflation
    • The Vagina of a Sim may expand when another Sim fills them up whether through their vagina. (Requires Custom Slider Framework and sliders to be installed)
    • The Stomach of a Sim may expand when another Sim fills them up whether through their mouth, or their anus. (Requires Custom Slider Framework and sliders to be installed)
    • Inflation levels
      • The inflation level of Sims will constantly be going down while they are inflated. Multiple orgasms may be required to fully inflate a Sim!
  • Egg Laying
    • Sims now have eggs injected into them when stung by bees, bitten by spiders, bitten by insects, or abducted by aliens, then they lay eggs after some time. (Requires Cottage Living)

DD Anthros (deviousdesires_anthros.package):

  • Werewolf support
  • Traits
    • Knotted Penis - A Human Sim with this trait is flagged as having a Knot on their Penis and thus may be able to Knot other Sims during sex. Werewolves automatically have a Knotted Penis.
  • Knotting
    • Sims may knot other Sims when they have an Orgasm during sex, if they have a knot on their penis. (See Penis Knot Trait).

DD Brothel (deviousdesires_brothel.package)

  • Open your own Brothel or create NPC brothels
    • Hire Sims for various positions: Stripper, Harlot, Stud, Host, Maintenance, Bartender
    • Brothel Patrons will come from all around to enjoy the experience and the service of your Staff
    • Services include Anal, Vaginal, Fellatio, Cunnilingus, Dancing, and more.
  • Work as a Harlot, Stud, Stripper, or become part of the Maintenance crew
    • Each Career has a full 10 Levels to enjoy!
    • You can work Actively with Objectives to accomplish as well!
  • Tutorials are made available for many aspects of the Brothel within the ingame Lessons (ESC -> Lessons -> Devious Desires - Brothels)
  • With DD Pets installed, Animal Sims can be hired as Harlots and Studs or appear as Brothel Patrons.

DD Dirty Play (deviousdesires_dirty_play.package)

  • Watersports
    • Perform "sex" involving Urine
    • Urinate on the ground or on other Sims
    • Collect, sell, or consume urine
    • Sims your Sim is romantic with can be asked to drink the pee of your Sim or for your Sim to drink their pee.
      • Sims will autonomously ask to drink the pee of other Sims when their Hunger is low, Bladder is low, and Arousal is high.
    • Your Sim can also drink their own pee
      • They will do so autonomously when their Hunger is low, Bladder is low and Arousal is high.
    • Whims (Drink Urine, Urinate on Sim, etc.)
  • Scat
    • Perform "sex" involving Scat
    • Defecate on the ground or on other Sims
    • Collect, sell, or consume feces
    • Sims your Sim is romantic with can be asked to eat the poo of your Sim or for your Sim to eat their poo.
      • Sims will autonomously ask to eat the poo of other Sims when their Hunger is low, Bladder/Bowels are very low and Arousal is high.
    • Your Sim can also eat their own poo
      • They will do so autonomously when their Hunger is low, Bladder/Bowels are very low and Arousal is high.
    • Whims (Eat Feces, Defecate on Sim, etc.)
    • Bake foods with Scat
  • Overlays
    • Urine
    • Scat

DD Prostitution (deviousdesires_prostitution.package)

  • Prostitution
    • Sims can sell their bodies on any lot they choose and can perform any interactions from any modules with any of their Clients AND get paid for it!
    • For more information, check out the ingame lessons!
  • Escort Career
    • This career requires the Dream Home Decorator DLC.
    • You can accept Gigs that involve Sex or Lap Dancing to earn money.
    • Match the Clients Likes, avoid their Dislikes, and you'll gain reputation, fame, and career performance!

DD Sexual Network (deviousdesires_sexual_network.package)

  • Sexual Network
    • Setup a Sexual Network profile, gain followers by uploading nude videos and pictures. (Accessible to Sims at level 5 Sexperience and above)
    • Sell items to your Sexual Network to earn more money based on the number of followers.
    • Record Adult Videos using a Streaming Drone or Video Station.
      • Record normally while topless, bottomless, or nude to make Adult videos.
      • Upload these Adult Videos to your Sexual Network to gain popularity.
    • Take Nude, Topless, or Bottomless Selfies from the Phone.
      • Upload these Adult pics to your Sexual Network to gain popularity.



  • All Requirements are included with the download since DD version 5.14, but if you require downloading separately, here are the links!


  • Sims 4 Community Library at least version 3.7 - NSFWMods
  • Deviant Core at least version 1.14 - NSFWMods
  • Mod Settings Menu is optionally required to modify DD Settings - SimFileShare
  • The SimpleGens by Simdulegence is a required download - Simple Gens
    • Other body parts may be installed in addition to these ones, but these ones are required!
  • A Custom Body such as Sopore
  • DD Prostitution requires the Dream Home Decorator DLC (Specifically the Escort Career)
  • DD Pets requires the Cats & Dogs DLC
  • DD Pet Play requires the Cats & Dogs DLC and Snowy Escape DLC
  • DD Brothel requires the Dine Out, Get Together, and Get To Work DLCs
  • Custom Slider Framework (CSF) is optionally required for scaling of various body parts (Be sure to install the Breast size sliders as well!)SimFileShare
  • No Mosaic Remover - Mod The Sims
  • Sweat Overlay - https://xldsims.tumblr.com/post/139654327414/a-shiny-ish-oiled-up-skin-finish-that-wont-blind
  • For Lovense Toy support, you need to be running Lovense Remote on your computer. (It may or may not work while in offline mode!)
    • If Lovense Toys are not detected, try running the "dd.reenable_lovense" command to refresh it.



----------------- Main -----------------

Drag and drop all FOLDERS directly into your "The Sims 4/Mods" folder

1. It is very important that the mod_data folder be directly in the mods folder. The Sims 4/Mods/mod_data. 
    --Do not put it inside another folder. 
    --The rule for the mod_data folder is don't mess with the mod_data folder. 
    --Don't open the mod_data folder. 
    --Don't add anything into the mod_data folder. 
    --If you have done something to the mod_data folder and are getting an error about missing files, delete it and redownload. 

2a. Script files, (filename.ts4script) cannot be more than one folder deep inside the Mods folder. So, The Sims 4/Mods/filename.ts4script OR The Sims 4/Mods/Folder/filename.ts4script. You cannot add more folders or the script file will not function correctly or at all. 

2b. Package files, (filename.package) can be nested inside many folders. The Sims 4/Mods/Folder/Folder/Folder/Folder/filename.package is fine. 

2c. The exception to placing .package files in any folder: You should keep paired ts4script and package files together, so the deviousdesires.ts4script and deviousdesires.package files should be placed in the same location. 

3. When you update your mods, drag and drop (or use an unzip program and choose the The Sims 4/Mods folder as the target) all the files and folders in the download to the mods folder. It will overwrite only the things that need to be overwritten. 

    -- Don't delete your mod_data folder when you update. It contains your settings. Overwriting updates the files inside that need to be updated without messing with your saved settings. 

----------------- Troubleshooting Steps -----------------
Step 1: Remove all your Mods
Step 2: Install DD (version 5.14 or above)
-- Open the zip, drag n drop all folders and files directly into mods (Not in a subfolder)
Step 3: Ensure DD works
Step 4: Put back other mods. (Test as you go and you'll discover the problem mod pretty quick)

-------- DDModules --------

Pick and choose the modules you wish to use the features of! They are all optional.


Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this!

Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility.


Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires:




Special Thanks:

  • Jiji
  • JustMe
  • Nicholas Kreuz
  • Pariah3J


All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof!

All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod.

All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon.

Edited by ColonolNutty
Updated the description for v5.24

What's New in Version 5.25.2   See changelog


Fixes for Sims 4 Update:
- Fixed invisible pet bodies
- Fixed general errors with Brothel from the patch.
- Fixed Club Activities not showing due to the patch.
- Fixed Whims/Wants not showing due to the patch.
- Updated the included Custom Slider Framework to version 1.20
- Updated the included S4CL


- Fixed issues when loading into CAS to pick Custom Parts.


- When Sims become at least 50% aroused, their nipples will become erect through their clothing.
- Added a Penis Bulge for Sims with a Penis, it shows on all outfits, except when they are nude.
  - The penis bulge can be hidden for parts, if it does not look good, by tagging the part with a NO_PENIS_BULGE tag using DD CAS Part customization (It is bound to not look good on some outfits.)
- Hybrid Sims now have ears and tails that match the hybrid type they are.
- Updated the included Sims 4 Community Library ts4script file.

  • Like 79
  • Thanks 38
  • Agree 4
  • Merry Christmas! 3

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



I downloaded and installed mod but idk how do I rape a sim or animal, can someone help?



Hello, can someone help me? I seem to be a little confused on how to downloading the whole mod works, is everything in this download? I'm specifically looking for the pet/rape stuff, is there separate files to download? and where could I find them??



I can't execute a single interaction, moreover wicked does not stop blinking and prevents me from having a normal interaction



i have not tried DD since werewolves came out but i have to say THANK YOU for giving our werewolves the love they deserve.  thank you for adding DD anthros.  ^_^



On 4/28/2021 at 7:58 PM, ColonolNutty said:

I would prefer you ask for DD support in the discord via the link at the top of the description, but feel free to ask for support here in the comments and I'll do my best to help you out.

hey there. so i tryed to join the discord and am still waiting to be added to the nsfw chats but i figured ide ask my question here. what file exsactly has the animations in it? i did as the instructions said above but whenever i try to use any of the options is says no animations found.



On 6/10/2022 at 1:55 PM, gashina.nk said:

I can't execute a single interaction, moreover wicked does not stop blinking and prevents me from having a normal interaction

Try removing Wicked Whims.

On 6/8/2022 at 8:04 AM, NovaX said:

I downloaded and installed mod but idk how do I rape a sim or animal, can someone help?


7 hours ago, Soubigo said:

hey there. so i tryed to join the discord and am still waiting to be added to the nsfw chats but i figured ide ask my question here. what file exsactly has the animations in it? i did as the instructions said above but whenever i try to use any of the options is says no animations found.

DD comes with very few animations, mostly related to DD Milk Farm and DD Pets. You need to download third party animations. Take a look at the list under each modules page in the Wiki here: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/Devious_Desires_Home#Installation



For those having issues with body distortion and don't want to wait for CAS Part authors to update their models, here is the old rig that you may use, make sure you have it loading before WW and DD.



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Posted (edited)

So, I was wandering around loverslab in discussions... My gameplay with WickedWhims wasn't pleasing me with the new GP, so I decided to use your mod. Just want to know if your mod supports Berni's werewolf penis and furry collection?



Edited by DKNSS0102


Having tried this out, I think it makes some good leaps forwards but also I do find that there are certain parts of Wicked Whims which are broken by this.

Most clearly, certain new features of Wicked Whims are broken - such as support for height mods that undoes the height changes during sex animations so things line up correctly - that is quickly noticed if being used and is also understandable.  However, I more took issue with the polyamory in Wicked Whims being made useless by this mod.  I put everyone in the house as a cuckold and polyamorous, and despite that working fine with Wicked Whims alone, this mod left them all jealous.  The cum layers in Wicked Whims are quickly lost to your now inferior cum layers which don't allow a cum slut buff and are not multiple, cumulative layers as Wicked Whims recently upgraded to - though they can still be added, but seem to just naturally fall by the wayside.

But, there are certain good features that I wish were in Wicked Whims, such as the much loathed rape option and BDSM possibilities, as well as a brothel I didn't fully test out to see how it works.  The question of whether or not to use this mod comes down to whether or not these features worth what this mod breaks.  I should also add the rape portion is broken as, though you can say that a person has a fetish for being raped, they cannot have pleasurable rapeplay, only actual rapes that always traumatize.  Also, the idea of strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, and banana flavored cum is weird - and what they drink is not as good looking as what Nisa added for her submod - it should look and taste like cum.

To this end, I would suggest you focus on fleshing out these features a bit better.

First, you need to flesh out the BDSM part of it to get this running.  We need more than a dominate and submit option - which often have them in the wrong role as it is - but create types of relationships.  You want sub/dom, master/slave, and switch relationships at the least.  These are specific relationships which can be added once a romantic relationship is established and should dissolve along with that romantic relationship.  Of course, you can also add a different master/slave relationship that is nonconsensual and which should create completely different buffs if you want to add something dark like that - which could be justified in contrasting it with the BDSM master/slave relationship.  A pretend slave is loved and cared for by their master and ultimately can break off the relationship if they so choose - a real one is just abused.  The sub/dom roles need to be better defined to determine who is in which position in animations - a recent Wicked Whims addition made it so you can mark specific actors (while performing) as being male, female, both, vampire male, vampire female, etc roles specifically and you could do the same option for dominant and submissive roles.

There is much more than pure sex that is involved in these roles and you can have doms and masters have parental options (encourage to eat, to clean, etc) available even if their sub is an adult.  You can add a set rules or negotiate contract (any BDSM master/slave relationship starts with a contract laying out what is consented to and what is not) interaction which might create certain things the sub or slave is not allowed to do.  Maybe they cannot smoke, smoke indoors, drink blood without the master's permission, may not masturbate without permission, aren't allowed out without permission, cannot eat until their dom/master has begun to eat, have certain chores that must be done before bed.  If these roles are broken, the sub/slave might get a breaking the rules buff which then allows for punishment interactions/animations.  I would even suggest adding a new relationship bar just for this measuring how dominated the sub/slave is in the relationship (obviously not there for switch relationships) that might determine whether the BDSM relationship continues; failure to keep it up may lead to that relationship ending while the romantic relationship continues.  The dom/master not being domineering enough might lead to that.

This is also essential for having consensual rapeplay - doms/masters can do rapeplay if it is agreed to right before for doms and masters or if it is in the contract for masters only.  Other rape interactions will be treated as genuine rape.  You can have doms/masters instruct their subs/slaves to please others (marked with a buff from a previous interaction with the dom/master), and even be extended for the purposes of implementing breeding.  Petplay needs more than leashing and walking, needing some petting interactions, feeding interactions, introduction interactions (introducing them as your pet while leashed), and of course that relationship type needs to be explicitly established.

I really liked the idea that breast milk and cum can be used for nourishment, but it shouldn't be simply milking using machines and stored.  I'm not saying make that impossible, but it should also be used in sex.  Fill the hunger meter drinking breast milk during sex or swallowing cum during sex.  I'd also suggest making a cum vampire trait for vampires so that they will fill the thirst meter with that.  Also, add an option to determine if breast size changes when engorged with milk, and if so, by how much at maximum.  It may also be good to add options with filling a bowl or goblet with cum by one or more sims which then a person can be directed to eat or drink.

But all this relies on getting the BDSM option working fully.

  • Like 2


When installing DD, the game just crashing during the loading screen. The error being following:


[manus] Sim 231420583528596765 failed to load (FileNotFoundError: [WinError 161] The specified path is invalid: '\\\\\\domain.tld\\data\\username\\Documents\\Electronic Arts\\The Sims 4\\mod_logs')

DD seems to have issues with the Windows' Folder Redirection functionality, where the Documents folder is located on a network share.

(Cross-post from https://nsfwmods.com/forums/topic/1734-devious-desires/page/19/#comment-14878)



Whenever I click on the bed I get a "Poor Sex" Buff even though my Sims haven't had sex



would go to discord for this but not working for some reason. any way, i think something is broken somewhere with the ddwwloader as im not getting any animations apart from milking in game



2022-06-24 11:07:18.314558 ERROR: [dd_ww_cas_part_reader]: AttributeError("type object 'CommonSimType' has no attribute 'ADULT_HUMAN_WEREWOLF'")

anyone know what this error is and how to fix it?? pops up 50 times per minute


Posted (edited)

Your update is broken, MCC freaks out as soon as I start the game over DD 4.2.5 with non stop exception errors. The version before this just had screwed up rigging because of WW Fing up that Mod.


And for the above message, I get "FOX_WEREWOLF has no attribute" on Repeat from MCC Exception. And no I didn't buy that dumb pack.

Edited by toxin_rayn
  • Like 1


On 6/25/2022 at 5:08 AM, toxin_rayn said:

Your update is broken, MCC freaks out as soon as I start the game over DD 4.2.5 with non stop exception errors. The version before this just had screwed up rigging because of WW Fing up that Mod.


And for the above message, I get "FOX_WEREWOLF has no attribute" on Repeat from MCC Exception. And no I didn't buy that dumb pack.

Im having the Same issue since the Werewolf Pack came out. otherwise Pretty awesome mod and i cant wait for more sizes and Milk Farm Updates. Wish we had some Sliders for Flaccid Penis with Testicles and physics as well.



Hi Colonel Nutty,


I did try to get onto the Discord Server but couldn't....technical errors I guess.


I'm trying to figure out the new changes and I'm having trouble.


First, PLEASE tell me how to increase a sim's sexperience (or whatever I need to do) in order to avoid the poor/terrible sex experiences. I went so far as to cheat their skill levels in MCCC. I have one couple I put each sim at level 6. They still had a "poor sex experience". I put teen couples at around 4 or 5, same thing. Now they're uncomfortable around each other, which makes it next to impossible to increase or maintain a relationship. Is there a sentiment cheat for this? (Although that would be frustrating to remove that sentiment all the time) What else could I do here? I love DD, but it's very difficult to manage/understand right now.
*Note - that particular couple at level 6, the "about to shoot their load" message popped up VERY soon after they started sex (after a couple of teasing animations), which I thought was strange. I read on your Wiki page that the higher the sexperience, the quicker the orgasm. Does that mean when they are close to maxing sexperience skill, the sex will be like only a few seconds long?

Second, I noticed in my last couple of DD encounters, the sex doesn't end at orgasm. I have in settings to end sex after each sim reaches an orgasm. However, it didn't end. The last animation timer was all the way around, but they kept going, and as they did their orgasm meter went up. I was able to change to another animation, have them both reach a second orgasm, before I finally just clicked on them and clicked Devious Desires-stop. Any ideas how to fix this?


Thanks in advance, and again, I'm sorry I couldn't get into the Discord account.





On 6/26/2022 at 8:34 PM, RushTX said:

First, PLEASE tell me how to increase a sim's sexperience (or whatever I need to do) in order to avoid the poor/terrible sex experiences. I went so far as to cheat their skill levels in MCCC. I have one couple I put each sim at level 6. They still had a "poor sex experience". I put teen couples at around 4 or 5, same thing. Now they're uncomfortable around each other, which makes it next to impossible to increase or maintain a relationship. Is there a sentiment cheat for this? (Although that would be frustrating to remove that sentiment all the time) What else could I do here? I love DD, but it's very difficult to manage/understand right now.
*Note - that particular couple at level 6, the "about to shoot their load" message popped up VERY soon after they started sex (after a couple of teasing animations), which I thought was strange. I read on your Wiki page that the higher the sexperience, the quicker the orgasm. Does that mean when they are close to maxing sexperience skill, the sex will be like only a few seconds long?

sexperience is gained by 1. having sex with using dd and 2. after a few levels in the skill you get more interactions through social.  that raises sexperience. 



ok but how do the mods work do they need to have the trait to get started or how does the rapist trait happen?




On 4/29/2021 at 8:58 AM, ColonolNutty said:

I would prefer you ask for DD support in the discord via the link at the top of the description, but feel free to ask for support here in the comments and I'll do my best to help you out.

Im wonderin why the penises are pitch black in some base skin colors whenever I remove wickedwhims mod. It's just in some base skin color but okay in some skin color. Have you check on that? I installed everything according to the instructions. If it's just me, I do not know what's causing this. I tried removing every skintone mods that maybe causing this but nothing worked. I have noir penis mod but it's also pitch black in some base skin color. I can't message on discord because whenever I try to enter my phone number, I don't get a message response to get the verification code. I'm from the Philippines. Also, I kinda notice that my game loads longer when using devious desires compared to when I am using wickedwhims. I super love your mod and I prefer your mod over wickedwhims. Thank you for all your time and efforts creating this wonderful mod. 


Posted (edited)

I repaired many of the above errors by going back thru the list of required mods and clearing out and reinstalling ALL of them. Now DD runs fine with all but All The Fallen Devious Desires. In this instance Little Degenerates mod is calling for "deviousdesires.sex._injects._block_interactions_during_sex" and that the module is not found and that DD is not compatible.

I have reached out to them as well but if there is a way I can help diagnose the error I will enclose the entire error text here. This only started after the June 22 update.

[Little_Degenerates_1.0.3] 2022-07-03 20:42:26.703582 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 116, in import_modules_by_path
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 668, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 638, in _load_backward_compatible
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module
  File "atflittledegenerates\mod_integration\deviousdesires\_block_interactions_during_sex.py", line 13, in <module>
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 40, in log_exception
  File "atflittledegenerates\mod_integration\deviousdesires\_block_interactions_during_sex.py", line 2, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'deviousdesires.sex._injects._block_interactions_during_sex'
The installed version of Devious Desires is not compatible with Little_Degenerates. -> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'deviousdesires.sex._injects._block_interactions_during_sex'


Further if I remove DD or Fallen mods and game runs fine. Any and all help is greatly appreciated here. I am sorry for having to post here but as I do not use discord in any way this is my option and I am thankful it's here.

Edited by Unyque


I can't wait to try this out, hope you're doing well and staying safe.


Posted (edited)

Is there a way to disable the moodlets regarding good/bad sex?

I have two sims with maximum friendship, romance and sexperience but one always gets a "poor sex" moodlet while the other gets a positive moodlet. They also gain those without having sex. Actually they have those moodlets all the time, essentially gaining them right after they run out. At least thats what it looks like.

Edited by Zam333


I'm having the problem of saying there's ""Exceptions"" Spamming me with an error that have to do with the new Werewolf pack. There's also some things i'm confused about and i tried to read all of the instructions but, some of the fetish interactions won't activate because they aren't into it despite setting it in CAS.

I understand to keep mod_data structure the same in mods, but as for the other files they just sit outside in Mods with the others? I just feel like i messed up somewhere. 

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