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About This File


Devious Desires


A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come!

Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish.
This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a replacement to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes.

If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds!

Teen Sims are between the ages of 18 and 19.

All involved Sims Teen and Above both Human and Animal are considered to be consenting adults ages 18 and up. Regardless of what anyone else tells you, this is how DD treats these Sims.

Devious Desires does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the acts seen or performed by its users.

Devious Desires is a Hentai mod above all, if you cannot handle Hentai, then Devious Desires is not the mod for you.

Game/Creator:  The Sims 4 [EA]
Modder: ColonolNutty - WikiDiscord
Language: English
Game Version: (Businesses and Hobbies) and above


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Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this!

Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility.


Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires:

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Special Thanks:

  • Jiji
  • JustMe
  • Nicholas Kreuz
  • Pariah3J


All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof!

All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod.

All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon.

Edited by ColonolNutty
Updated the description for v5.24

What's New in Version 5.25.2   See changelog


Fixes for Sims 4 Update:
- Fixed invisible pet bodies
- Fixed general errors with Brothel from the patch.
- Fixed Club Activities not showing due to the patch.
- Fixed Whims/Wants not showing due to the patch.
- Updated the included Custom Slider Framework to version 1.20
- Updated the included S4CL


- Fixed issues when loading into CAS to pick Custom Parts.


- When Sims become at least 50% aroused, their nipples will become erect through their clothing.
- Added a Penis Bulge for Sims with a Penis, it shows on all outfits, except when they are nude.
  - The penis bulge can be hidden for parts, if it does not look good, by tagging the part with a NO_PENIS_BULGE tag using DD CAS Part customization (It is bound to not look good on some outfits.)
- Hybrid Sims now have ears and tails that match the hybrid type they are.
- Updated the included Sims 4 Community Library ts4script file.

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When I put a like from likes and dislikes, it doesn't show in game. Does anyone know how to fix it? 



Okay I am so confused on how this mod works. I'm playing with my sims to see what this mod can do and all I am getting is the lot traits, nothing else. I've tried to go through my mods to see what could be causing the issue but I'm not seeing anything, I do have wicked whims installed for the strip club and some of the animations but other than that i don't really have much, I have read this page from the requirements all the way to the disclaimer 6 times to see what the issue and i cannot seem to figure it out, it would be greatly appreciated to receive some help and possibly a bit more of an explanation to somehow get this mod to work. thank you.

  • Agree 1


this mod seems great and all but i literally cant install it like nothing works i go into cas and no traits i click on the floor in gameplay nothing

  • Yes! 1



im trying to rape a sim but it says that im not a rapist, i have high arousal and the rape trait, How do i fix it?



This may be a stupid question but how can we join the discord? I keep getting the "unable to accept invite" message after clicking the link.



  On 11/6/2023 at 2:54 PM, sw33tiexo said:

This may be a stupid question but how can we join the discord? I keep getting the "unable to accept invite" message after clicking the link.


I checked and the server isn't accepting new members (if I did it right )  General invites are turned off.  The discord link gave me a blank web page. (when not logged in)



  On 11/6/2023 at 6:05 PM, ritualclarity said:

I checked and the server isn't accepting new members (if I did it right )  General invites are turned off.  The discord link gave me a blank web page. (when not logged in)


Thank you!



Post here and hopefully someone that uses the mod can chime in with support for any issues you might have.




I followed the installation guide carefully and was successful in putting the mod in the game, but whenever I try do do any actions from devious desire, nothing actually happens? (the sims don't follow the commands)

  • Like 1


It's kinda broken, I installed it correctly i'm sure of it. I see all the options ingame, but it's like all interactions just cancels automatically. No matter what I do with another sim, if i try to talk with them, it gets cancelled, if I try to eat some food, it gets canceled. Something is very broken

  • Like 2
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Posted (edited)

I have the mod working, the only problem I am having is, people keep masturbating with invisible objects, am I missing an object file? and If so where can I find it? I am currently just using the default animations that came with the files. 

EDIT: Another issue I found was (female) failed to impregnate (male) .... uh... yeah, but why didn't the female get impregnated? why is the male always the target when he is giving it to her in the V?

Edited by DerpyPrime


Why is the increase skill cheat gone? The Shift click cheats "cheat sim info", lost some of its options that was there before. How do i get this back? It was the easiest way to increase skills.



to rape doesn't appear in the mean interactions

and to rough sex also doesn't appear in the romance interactions

all interactions such as lure rape, fight rape ,masturbation, et cetera don't appear and within 'devious desires' only 'ask rough sex' and fetish-related interactions exist

i set it up so that anyone can rape and anyone can be raped through 'configure mod setting'

i've even randomly added rapist and victim traits to all my sims

in addition all files related to dd were installed directly in the 'mods' folder without subfolders

please let me know if i missed anything TT

sorry for my bad english



The mod generates a lot of loading time, its movement freezes, and the only way to move it forward is by continuously pressing the Esc key, do you have any solution? I hope you can help me or at least say what may be happening. 

  • Agree 2


  On 12/6/2023 at 2:54 AM, tyraer said:

The mod generates a lot of loading time, its movement freezes, and the only way to move it forward is by continuously pressing the Esc key, do you have any solution? I hope you can help me or at least say what may be happening. 


after last game update and DD update i have the same problem. It's like "time" stops for scripts, animations play as long as this happends, other interactions don't start or ar halted too, unless you pause game or hit ESC and wait second or two. Then all plays until it doesn't :)

  • Agree 1


hey so i started using this mod not long ago and when i started using it i came into some issues involving my sims, one being my sims can no longer interact with each other (they do a T-pose type thing then the interaction doesnt happen) and a lot of base game animations dont work, as well as i can no longer change my sims outfits or use anything else with that kind of pop up style thing. If there is anything you think might be causing this i'd really appreciate any advice or help, thank you!



To people with "time not moving" issue, if you are using the UI Cheat mod, update it to v1.39 and it should fix this problem

  • Yes! 2

Posted (edited)

  On 12/9/2023 at 11:34 AM, Bilitzz said:

To people with "time not moving" issue, if you are using the UI Cheat mod, update it to v1.39 and it should fix this problem


not using it, but looks promising.

And it works. Shoud be pinned.

Edited by Brafitter
  • Yes! 2

Posted (edited)

The SimpleGens by Simdulegence is a required download 


._. I would like more specific help. There are several downloads there and some are apparently out of date


yep genital of males are black

Edited by Selesio
  • Agree 2


i keep getting a error about it conflicting with another mod something to do with a rig does anyone know how to fix this or which mod is the conflicting one

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After updating the mod, the new inflation overlay started to rmove some eyelashes, apart from the fact that when the sim is inflated for some reason the breasts decrase, regarding the overlay, i'm sure because i tested it in the previosus version and it only showed the slider bug of breasts in adult sims. if you could take a look i would appreciate it.



Nach langen hin und her bin muss ich nun doch mal ein Kommentar schreiben. Ich kenne das Theater zwischen der Mod und Wicki. Ich habe die Mod nach langen wieder Installiert und auch Wicki sowie Nasi deinstalliert. Und doch ist die Mo so verbugt. Es wird versucht alles auf einmal zu können aber am ende kann es nichts richtig. Das Inventar ist verbugt wenn dort Milch drin ist. Die Schieberegler greifen nicht richtig. Mein Sims sind nicht mehr in der Familien leiste zu sehen. Die Texturen springen nach dem Baden in den Default modus. Das schlimmste ist sogar das die Ständigen Popup meldung es ist kein Sim in der Nähe oder es gibt keine Ort dafür. Warum findet die Mod nicht objekte oder Sims auf dem Grundstück. Ein weiterer Manko ist das Frauen ihre Vanilla Unterwäsche anhaben anstatt nackt zu sein. Dafür das die Mod solange aktiv ist und angeblich gehasst wird von anderen Moddern sollte man sich als ziel setzen es besser zu machen. Man kann natürlich auch die Schuld für Bugs und andere Fehler bei anderen Mods suchen das macht es viel einfacher und man umgeht die eigene Fehler Korrektur. Für mich bleibt also die Mod weiterhin kein Ersatz für Wicki. Ich werde mich im Gameplay nicht für einige Nette Fetische verschlechtern. 


Posted (edited)

  On 2/28/2024 at 5:35 PM, latinbunny said:

Not working with the update 😔


A bit more would be helpful. Their update (Why are you updating this game when Sims 5 is in the pipe????) Just stop updating and breaking mods already.

DD - Fixed

These still require updates.

Sim Library - Needs Update

Dcore - Needs Update

ModsMenu - Needs Update

CSF Framework - Fine as long as Sim4Library isn't installed, just doesn't work because there is no ModMenu anymore.

Edited by toxin_rayn


how to get this to work? like i downloaded it nothin is there. i tried turning testing cheats true, shift click ect nothin shows up

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