About This File
The Sims 4 Control Menu
A mod intended to provide commands to control various aspects about your Sims, their world, and objects in that world through a simple to use menu system.
Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA]
Modder: ColonolNutty - Discord
Language: English
Game Version: 1.105.332.1020 (For Rent) and above
For a full list of commands and more details on their functions, check out the wiki at the top of this description!
Sim Commands:
- Change Sims into various Occult Types: Alien, Mermaid, Plant Sim, Servo, Scarecrow, Skeleton, Vampire, Witch, Werewolf
- Set the age of Sims. Change them into any age.
- Ability to set a multiplier that'll either increase or decrease the length in days of Sims per life stages.
- Set Careers and Career Level of Sims
- Remove Careers (Including the High School/Grade School "careers" from Teen Sims and Child Sims)
- Promote
- Demote
- Set Career Performance
- Add/Remove Simoleons from the household.
- Set Friendship/Romance levels
- Remove Relationship Bits between Sims
Set/Remove Family Relations between Sims
- This will update the Family Tree too!
- Forget Sims - Remove all relations with another Sim.
- Create Pregnancies between Sims
- Induce Labor in Sims
- Clear Pregnancies of Sims
- Reroll a pregnancy until you get what you want
- Pregnancy Duration (This setting persists when reloading the game)
Sim Control
- Teleport Sims To Anywhere, To Your Sim, or Teleport Your Sim To Anywhere.
- Spawn/Despawn Sims
- Modify Sim Lifestyles
- Remove Buffs
- Set Personality Traits
- Remove Traits
- Add any Trait in the game
- Set First/Last Name
- Set Pronouns
- Change walkstyles of Sims
- Modify Motives on Sims. Set to Minimum, Maximum, or anywhere in between.
- Set Skill Levels
- Randomize Skill Levels (Can also randomize from a specific set of Skills)
- Clear Skills (Set them all to Zero)
- Set the maximum number of Sims allowed per Household
- Manage and Revive Ghosts
- Kill Sims
- Change Death Type of Ghosts
- Apply Whimsets
- Apply Whims
- Remove Whims
Other Interactions
- Summon Sims
- Summon Sims from the Relationship Panel
- Teleport Sims To Various Places
- Teleport Objects To Sims
- Destroy Objects
- Override Mood of Sims
Other Changes
- Gain control of Sims temporarily without adding them to your Household. (Control Menu -> Gain Control Of Sim/Remove Control Of Sim)
- Pet Sims are now made selectable when they are in your Household
- Make Sims perform any Interaction on Objects. (Control Menu -> Manipulate Sim To Perform Interaction)
Sim Interactions:
- Change Outfit - Interaction to quickly change the outfit of a Sim.
- Change To Nude - Interaction to quickly change a Sim to their nude outfit.
- Add/Remove Sims To/From the Current Household
Game World:
Clock Speed
- Change how fast or slow the game will run. Run it in slow motion or at mach speeds!
- Change the speed of the clock without changing animation speed. (This setting persists when reloading the game)
- Change the weather
- Set the maximum number of Sims allowed on a lot at one time.
- Sims 4 Community Library at least version 3.5 - NSFWMods
- Drag and drop all folders and files directly into your "The Sims 4/Mods" folder
Delete the existing files from previous versions if they exist!
The final paths for the files should be the following:
The Sims 4/Mods/controlmenu.package
The Sims 4/Mods/controlmenu.ts4script
Basic Usage:
To use the mod, simply click on a Sim or on various objects then navigate to the Control Menu interaction
- Please note: If the control menu does not appear when clicking on some things, it likely means functionality is not yet available for that thing.
- Check the Wiki at the top of the description for details on what each feature does!
Edited by ColonolNutty
What's New in Version 2.2 See changelog
- Disabled the immortality VFX
- Disabled the buff_Clothing_Nude broadcaster, so Sims will stop doing the "See What's Happening" interaction every 5 seconds they encounter a Sim that has a CAS Part misflagged as "Nude".
- Added the ability to change Sims into Infants using Control Menu
- Added the Control Menu interactions to Infants.
With version 2.2:
- Download