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The LadySmoks Boutique presents... Avirein's Adult Female Cyberpunk suit (Remastered)!!! 

Note: This is an outfit and booties for YA/A Sim female... NOT a FemmeBot! (Maybe some day?)

I was never able to find the original mesh that Avirein worked from, so spent time remeshing the remesh. I basically split the mesh at vertical center, mirrored the better half and stitched it back together, making for better mesh symmetry, so easier to work with. So, I added a few vertices to the butt, to smooth it a bit and adjusted the boobs. I slightly lengthened and repositioned the arms and elbows to better align with the EA rig. I did some work on the lower legs, to create better alignment of the ankles, and give the ankles a more finshed appearance. And finally, corrected some bone weighting issues that were especially noticible around the inner thighs. In part, because this mesh has longer legs than an EA adult female, so pelvis and adjoining bones had to be played with a bit to make them behave.

My contribution is the addition of booties, to more complete the outfit! They are made in the JoshQ style, and lift a Sim 7 units. Stirrups mesh and textures made from parts of the outfit mesh. The main texture is from an outfit by Mia8. Some other footwear will work with the outfit mesh, including standard EA and other height altering.

The outfit texture is direct from the original package by Avirein. It is set as the multiplier, with 1 color channel, and limited in what you can do. The booties are done similarly to better match the outfit.

Outfit is found in CAS Outfits and booties in CAS Shoes. Both for YA/A Sim female, enabled for Everyday, Formalwear, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic, MartialArts, Career, Outerwear and ValidForMaternity.

I hope you like it!!!

Original byAvirein: https://ineedts3cc.tumblr.com/post/177073873085 
Forlan gun by Severinka: http://sims3s.ru/accessory.php

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