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I personally think the body mod is unattractive.  It doesn't matter matter if there are all sorts of tinker toy programs to convert outfits.  It's like putting lipstick on a pig and I'm not going to mod for a body that's hacked together and nasty looking.  And I don't want my name associated with anything OutfitStudio/BodySlide.  I don't have time for amateur hour.  I've had people approach me and ask to upload the 'conversions' of my work they've made.  My response is always "Send me the files so I can look at them first."  I never hear from them again.

Another reason for me is the user base for CBBE and the way they have treated me in the past.  I never had any dealings with any of them until I uploaded UNP Jiggle and started making outfits for it.  That is when the "you used the wrong skeleton" and " if you're not modding BodySlide you're wasting your time" started.  The CBBE OutfitStudio wankers were mad that I used a compatibility skeleton that didn't allow for them to simply plug in and screw my hard work into a 10 minute OutfitStudio project conversion.  They acted like the pack of no-talent dicks they are and they're still doing it to this day.  Now they're just picking on Asenasen and poaching mods from Asian websites.  There are entire threads at LL devoted to ripping an poaching from other modders.  CBBE fans think it's cool.  Yeah, so is Eskimo shit.


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thanks for answering Kendo2...

of course i didn't know anything about that...  when i started downloading mods i used UNP because i simply liked it more then CBBE...  Then i discovered bodyslide that let me customize every single inch of my PC body and i thought it was great...  since at that moment there weren't that many clothing for UUNP, i switched to CBBE in order to use bodyslide and still have a huge amount of clothing/armors to choose among...  but now things are changing, so first or later i might get back to UNP again...

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I have used UNP for the longest time.  Then I used UNPBlessed.  Then UNPK.  Then once I seen Jiggle, I had to use it.  I install bodyslide and  UUNP just to be able to convert other mods to Jiggle for my personal use.

They did similar stuff to Kendo on the NV nexus as well.  Including theft of his stuff and no credits to him at all.  And then Nexus people backed the " thief". 

Also UNP always seemed more like a realistic body to me over the huge tits and ass that CBBE is.  Also type in UNP in the advanced search on Nexus set it to " date added ".  Click to the oldest content.  I find some of the nicest and detailed content that has come out for UNP is some of the older stuff.  If you find a mod that you enjoy but it has a few issues, I have had a 70/30% of the mod author getting back to me and pm'ing me an updated/fixed version.  Just make sure you mention you are using it for your own and they will be more inclined to give you it. 

If people end up asking you from your screenshots where they can get said mod just make sure to mention " its and updated xxxxxx by xxxx, contact him/her for permissions and the file ".

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2 hours ago, Nailos18 said:

I have used UNP for the longest time.  Then I used UNPBlessed.  Then UNPK.  Then once I seen Jiggle, I had to use it.  I install bodyslide and  UUNP just to be able to convert other mods to Jiggle for my personal use.

this is something i could never do :P never managed to create/convert anything :(


2 hours ago, Nailos18 said:

They did similar stuff to Kendo on the NV nexus as well.  Including theft of his stuff and no credits to him at all.  And then Nexus people backed the " thief". 

Also UNP always seemed more like a realistic body to me over the huge tits and ass that CBBE is.  Also type in UNP in the advanced search on Nexus set it to " date added ".  Click to the oldest content.  I find some of the nicest and detailed content that has come out for UNP is some of the older stuff.  If you find a mod that you enjoy but it has a few issues, I have had a 70/30% of the mod author getting back to me and pm'ing me an updated/fixed version.  Just make sure you mention you are using it for your own and they will be more inclined to give you it. 

well, i never asked anything from anybody...  sometimes people offered me help and i accepted gratefully, but i never asked for anything...  i already feel guilty enough for downloading and using all those fantastic mods they create without providing anything myself, i would never dare asking for something more... :)


2 hours ago, Nailos18 said:

If people end up asking you from your screenshots where they can get said mod just make sure to mention " its and updated xxxxxx by xxxx, contact him/her for permissions and the file ".

no problem... up to now never succeeded in taking a screenshot that i thought might be worth sharing...  even with the best mods i can't get the fantastic PC/NPC you guys create... :(


ps:  i don't like big boobs/asses either...  i use bodyslide to reduce them, not increasing ;)

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well, i never asked anything from anybody...  sometimes people offered me help and i accepted gratefully, but i never asked for anything...  i already feel guilty enough for downloading and using all those fantastic mods they create without providing anything myself, i would never dare asking for something more... :)

One thing you can do to show your appreciation is help others that need help on thethreads etc. Helping the author give support for those mods you love and know about. That is one hell of a thank you to the author. Another is to offer to beta test their mods as well. This is very important as they have been face in the mod the entire time and many times can't see some of the issues that others might when released. This makes for a much easier time after releasing the mod. I have regularly beta and sometimes even Alpha tested the mod for the community.


ps:  i don't like big boobs/asses either...  i use bodyslide to reduce them, not increasing ;)

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2 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

One thing you can do to show your appreciation is help others that need help on thethreads etc. Helping the author give support for those mods you love and know about. That is one hell of a thank you to the author. Another is to offer to beta test their mods as well. This is very important as they have been face in the mod the entire time and many times can't see some of the issues that others might when released. This makes for a much easier time after releasing the mod. I have regularly beta and sometimes even Alpha tested the mod for the community.


Looking at some of the captures of the game some people put up one would think that all races are horribly mutated. :)

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10 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

One thing you can do to show your appreciation is help others that need help on thethreads etc. Helping the author give support for those mods you love and know about. That is one hell of a thank you to the author. Another is to offer to beta test their mods as well. This is very important as they have been face in the mod the entire time and many times can't see some of the issues that others might when released. This makes for a much easier time after releasing the mod. I have regularly beta and sometimes even Alpha tested the mod for the community.


when i can help i surely do... it didn't happen often that i could give an answer to somebody but it happened :) 

especially (but not only) in italian forums where a lot of people's english isn't as good as mine and couldn't get the answers from a worldwide community such as nexus or LL... :P

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

That is valuable assistance for the mod content creator. Very valuable contribution.

well, it even happened i found some bugs and helped the modder getting rid of them :P (just with ideas, no scripting or modding of course ;) )  but that only happened 2 times :(

well, better then never i suppose :D


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Two times now.. 20 times later. Kendo can attest that I was very weak in my skills when I started over on LL and now I still am :P but I am able and do provide testing and support from time to time. :) Continue plugging along and you will be able to provide more and more support. Even quicker if you continue with your GECK/CK studies :)

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3 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

Two times now.. 20 times later. Kendo can attest that I was very weak in my skills when I started over on LL and now I still am :P but I am able and do provide testing and support from time to time. :) Continue plugging along and you will be able to provide more and more support. Even quicker if you continue with your GECK/CK studies :)

not studing that much at the moment :P maybe next summer when i have more free time ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, I'm not even going to rant about consoles and all the half-arse ports we have to suffer through to play games that would have been nicer to begin with if the unwashed masses could figure out how to install a game on a PC instead of being catered to by every big publisher. Oh wait, I think I just did. Or was that Faulkner?


Edit: Just realized that I had accidentally switched threads using that next thread button.  I criticize people for using a console over a PC, yet I can't navigate a forum thread...  Well, at least I was sort of on topic since the person's post above me spurred my comment.

Edited by mojodajojo
Is irony the right word?
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If I didn't have reason-enough to dislike CBBE and its users I got a serious taste of why I don't yesterday at LL.  All that did was reinforce why I don't like CBBE, the fan base that drools over that ugly shit, or why I don't allow OutfitStudio retard conversions of anything I make.  They're nothing but a bunch of fan-boys and no-talent mod thieves... and they shamelessly brag about it.  Fuck CBBE and fuck you if you're using it.  Your taste in the female form and the company you keep goddamn sucks.


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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:


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If I didn't have reason-enough to dislike CBBE and its users I got a serious taste of why I don't yesterday at LL.  All that did was reinforce why I don't like CBBE, the fan base that drools over that ugly shit, or why I don't allow OutfitStudio retard conversions of anything I make.  They're nothing but a bunch of fan-boys and no-talent mod thieves... and they shamelessly brag about it.  Fuck CBBE and fuck you if you're using it.  Your taste in the female form and the company you keep goddamn sucks.


Well.. we need you or Dimon  and create a proper body for Fallout 4 then.. :P

Please someone have pitty on us poor Fallout 4 players.

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We seriously need a rant thread here. I explode too many times in these threads and I end up removing it. I dunno, maybe a rant thread for each game in general discussions of each game section? Maybe that's too much? The rant thread on LL is all mixed which is fine but often times I like to just rant about a certain game. I think if LL did that, most of my hatred for FO4 would have gone in a FO4 Rant thread.

About CBBE. I saw your comment. I thought it was towards me as I had mentioned CBBE. But I'll say that I have never been a fan of CBBE. I never liked the abdomen proportion. And the unrealistic shape over all of it. If that's what people like, I won't judge them. Each their own. But I do prefer UNP any day over that body. I just appreciate Dim99s work since Type3 minus the wide shoulders but later adjusted by backsteppo.


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I never had much preference, but it's easy for us armchair morons to insta-create entire armor replacer's based on an instabody in Skyrim; Even if it is just client side I feel kind of feel bad about using that now, though.  I like Kendo, and hate the idea I might have been using stuff that was ripped him from him or something. 

I also used to use Black Blossums stuff, because I couldn't find other Ghoul Textures.  I now know she gives him an aneurysm.  I'd take her Ghoul textures then reduce them with ordenador, because they were flipping huge.  Not sure what she was trying to accomplish with that.  I've been working my butt off learning blender the last week, so I can hopefully get completely past derivative stuff.  No matter how long it takes it has to be easier than trying to figure out the true origins and permissions on things.  Nothing like knowing you might ask permission from someone about a resource and still be fecking someone else.

Edited by mojodajojo
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9 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

We seriously need a rant thread here. I explode too many times in these threads and I end up removing it. I dunno, maybe a rant thread for each game in general discussions of each game section? Maybe that's too much? The rant thread on LL is all mixed which is fine but often times I like to just rant about a certain game. I think if LL did that, most of my hatred for FO4 would have gone in a FO4 Rant thread.

This is slightly off subject (however for some Rant worthy :P) As for your suggestion I don't believe it is the path for this site to create Rant threads. From my conversations with @Doublezeroand @Kendo 2 we are more focused on the process of mod content creation and game play.

However sometimes a rant is appropriate for a thread or subject posted on. I would suggest that you do what @Kendo 2did above you and label the spoiler "RANT" and keep them in a spoiler. If someone wishes to read it then they can otherwise it can be passed over. This will in my opinion help keep the threads cleaner but allow us to post some stronger emotional content. Keep it within the rules and on subject of course just like Kendo2 did above.


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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Yeah, I thought about that. I just need to find myself some where else to voice my thoughts.

We aren't trying to be dicks about it.  We simply don't want NSFW to become another social media outlet like Nexus or Lover's Lab.  It promotes the type of web traffic we don't want and the types of posters we don't want either.  Just take a look at some of the Off Topic threads at Lover's and you'll see why we want to discourage it.  Political correctness, social justice intolerance and agendas, and all of the other internet stupidity that infects Nexus and LL isn't welcome here.  There are sites that already pander to that foolishness.  Let it stay there.  We want no part of it.  Game discussions, mods, modding, tech support, guides and tutorials; that's what we're about.

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Off topic, Ritual Clarity got me good, and I hope I didn't offend him and or her in my knee jerek response.  I realize I possess ignorance and arrogance in abundance, and I didn't mean to be the dick I was.

Also, I can't stop my PCness on some topics it's not completely PC, but just my way of reeling in my e-peen online.  I just don't want to dick measure and such.  (Mainly, because I'd lose else, I'd say feck you all! and take up a gay porn career.)

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