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Skyrim remastered revealed. Will it break mods?

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Nearly five years after it first came out, Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim continues to have a very impressive fan base that keeps the game pretty through HD mods. Now it's Bethesda's turn: tonight at its E3 press conference, the company has announced a remastered version of Skyrim coming to PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Judging from the footage just released — jump to 3:18 if you want to skip all the new Fallout— Skyrim Special Edition has been improved dramatically for the new generation (all relevant technical details are mentioned in the video above, including VOLUMETRIC GOD RAYS). The console versions will also now support PC mods. The remastered game is launching October 28th.



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9 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

Are the releasing this as an update?

It's a separate game from what I've read.


35 minutes ago, RandomAccount said:

But mods requiring external support (like SKSE) will not work.

That's the deal breaker for me. The current game looks and runs fine on my rig. I see no reason download Skyrim remastered.

I wouldn't be surprised if they release some exclusive DLC for it to entice modders to make mods for it. I'm sure they would see that as a boost to Bethesda.net.

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well...  if it's only a graphical enhanced version i won't be so interested and excited about it...  with the many great mods around (HD, ENB, etc) i wouldn't be interested in it, especially if i have to renounce to all my mods in order to play it...  as i already said several times, i'd stop playing Skyrim rather then playing it without the many mods i installed and i love !  without those mods i would have never played it for almost 2.000 hours in just a bit more then 2 years, i would have grown bored much earlier :P and i don't think i'm the only one thinking like this, am i ?? ;)

so, if the scenario is this, i don't see many people playing on PC that have already more or less heavily modded their games run to purchase the new Skyrim version...  if they add some specific new DLC though, some people might be lured to try it out...  Not me :) i'm sure that whatever DLC they might create wouldn't be as much fun as the many mods i downloaded from LL and other sites, LOL :D

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Existing Skyrim mods will be (almost) fully compatible with the Special Edition


When the Skyrim 'Special Edition' remaster was announced, no one at PCG HQ looked up from their desk. Modders have been remastering Skyrim since 2011. Chris has even put together a guide on how to remaster it yourself. But what if modders could immediately set about remastering the remaster? Or take their mods and make them better, faster, stronger? That's a distinct possibility.

Asked whether old Skyrim mods would be compatible with the Special Edition, Bethesda's Pete Hines tweeted, "basically, yes". That's great news for ambitious overhauls like Skywind.

Well, we knew this. I wonder if mods made for Special Edition will work with the original version Skyrim.


There is a catch: a 64-bit engine would require a 64-bit version of the Skyrim Script Extender that several signature mods depend on to act outside the engine's original confines. Once that's in place—the Script Extender team managed it for Fallout 4—modders could improve upon Bethesda's improvements with impunity.


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 Facts are hard to come by but generally agreed to be based on the Fallout 4 Engine (Its was originally called Skyrim 64bit internally) so its just Skyrim 64. Other rumours is that its going to be DC 11 based and not DX 9. So basically Skyrim ported to Fallout 4.

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'Separate Creation Kit' is Bethesda/Zenimax corporate-speak for 'We'll chain them down with a restrictive and borderline illegal new Skyrim EULA just like we did for FO4 so we can claim to own everything.'

I think they're doing the Skyrim Special Edition thing because FO4 wasn't the smash hit they thought it would be and they want all of the existing Skyrim mods to fortify Bethesda.net.  There is almost 50 thousand Skyrim mods on Nexus alone; which means there are that many Skyrim mods ready to be stolen and uploaded for console use...and Bethesda will own them.  Dark0ne and his staff have already demonstrated they are NOT going to stand up for the modders who upload there or address the mod thievery going on right now.

My suggestion: Any modder who has original meshes and textures in a current Skyrim mod needs to republish their work with an attached license of some kind.  Otherwise some console kid is going to take your work and GIVE IT to Bethesda.  Since Bethesda.net is only recognizing DMCA takedown orders a preexisting license is your only hope.

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14 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

I think they're doing the Skyrim Special Edition thing because FO4 wasn't the smash hit they thought it would be and they want all of the existing Skyrim mods to fortify Bethesda.net.

Precisely my thinking. I don't think this will work out as well as they hope. The reaction to this announcement from some people has been lukewarm to say the least. They will need to do something that will entice PC gamers to want to play the Special Edition and the only way I see that happening is for them to release a major expansion.

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2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

Precisely my thinking. I don't think this will work out as well as they hope. The reaction to this announcement from some people has been lukewarm to say the least. They will need to do something that will entice PC gamers to want to play the Special Edition and the only way I see that happening is for them to release a major expansion.

I know I keep beating the drums about Witcher3 BUT I just recently finished the Heart of Stone dlc and only started Blood and Wine last week.  A CDProjektRed dlc expansion has more depth and scope than the base game of Skyrim.  And they are expansions of an already massive TW3 game map.  After playing TW3, there's nothing that Bethesda can do that will impress me.  'More of the same' for Skyrim but now in 64bit and consolers stealing mods like they are for FO4?  Yeah, I'm not enticed at all.

All Bethesda is doing with Skyrim Special Edition is tapping into a modding pool they don't have access to or control of.  They want to change that so they can sell more console games.

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I wish I could get into games like the Witcher.  If I remember right that's one of those ones I go "OH, that looks good!" when I see it on steam.  Then I read on and the protagonist is genderlocked.  I have absolutely no care about lore, logic, cohesive plotting etc.  But I just gotta play a tranny or a girl , or I'm meh.

I still think their Beth's new Skyrim release will break and require me to rebuild half my skyrim personal mods and probably a few of the released ones.  I remember just minor updates breaking my mods.  Then their was the big SEQ catastrophe (was that Skyrim)? Shit just runs together as I get older.

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15 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

I know I keep beating the drums about Witcher3 BUT I just recently finished the Heart of Stone dlc and only started Blood and Wine last week.  A CDProjektRed dlc expansion has more depth and scope than the base game of Skyrim.  And they are expansions of an already massive TW3 game map.  After playing TW3, there's nothing that Bethesda can do that will impress me.  'More of the same' for Skyrim but now in 64bit and consolers stealing mods like they are for FO4?  Yeah, I'm not enticed at all.

Man I wish CD Projekt would make an open world sandbox rpg. They do that and I'll never touch a Bethesda game again. 

As for Skyrim Special Edition, I'm looking at it as a free development kit for console mods. And I have no incentive to use it.

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I haven't owned a console since 2003, PlayStation and Call of Duty.  I have played Skyrim on PS4 at a friend's house; the game looks like shit.  I think that everything to do with Bethesda though.  But COD: Black OPs 3, The Order: 1886 and Witcher3 look great on console.  I think it is the crap 12 yr old engine Bethesda insists on using.

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On 6/13/2016 at 9:56 PM, Doublezero said:

It's a separate game from what I've read.


That's the deal breaker for me. The current game looks and runs fine on my rig. I see no reason download Skyrim remastered.

I wouldn't be surprised if they release some exclusive DLC for it to entice modders to make mods for it. I'm sure they would see that as a boost to Bethesda.net.



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11 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

whatever they add i don't think i'll install it, not even for free...  i read that SKSE won't work with the remastered version and most of the mods i installed require it...  and those that do not, require some mod that requires it ! :D

Until the SKSE has been updated or a new one created. I doubt this version will be ignored, however it will take time (again) to get the tools up to speed. This is the same with all the games Bethesda puts out. It takes time to get the modding tools up to speed.

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mmm... i don't think i'll be that willing to run the risk...  as i already told, i'd rather stop playing Skyrim then playing it without the many nice, naughty mods i installed...  and after upgrading to the new version i don't know how easy/difficult might be getting back to the old one, especially for a totally incompetent user like me :P  so, unless someone i trust tries it and guarantees me that everything keeps working again i'll stick to my current modded game ;) in Italy we say <Chi lascia la strada vecchia per quella nuova, sa quello che lascia non sa quello che trova !> that roughly translated means <who leaves the old road for the new one, knows what he leaves, not what he will find !> ;)

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