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possible mod question

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there is something that i always found strange (absurd might be a better word) in Skyrim...  whatever you do hardly has consequences !!

you join the Dark Brotherhood, kill the emperor...  and then you join the imperial side in the civil war !  well...  imperials should try to kill you on sight !

you slaughter some tens of people in a hold, the guard arrest you, you pay some thousands of septims and everything's fine again ! you are once again the nice fellow everybody loves ! but...  you are a murderer !!

you kill Alduin, Miraak and Ancano, you saved the world 3 times...  yet if you have a high sneak skill, any guard you meet addresses you as a thief !! (how the hell they know your skills by the way ??)

and so on... i could write many other examples but i'll spare you ;)  now...  what i wanted to ask is... would be possible creating a mod that tracks what you do and make people react to you accordingly to that ?  i've seen in loverslab several mods that track your sexual reputation, what about a mod tracking your reputation in general ?  so, for example, people with high morality won't talk to you if you are a renown criminal, and that might force you to work on you reputation in order to start some quests (if Balgruuf or Tolfdir do not speak to you, several quests would be inaccessible)


i could go more into details, but, before that, would like to know from you guys more skilled then me (and that's easy since i'm not skilled at all ;) ) if this thing could be possible, easy, difficult, impossible, interesting, useless, etc... thanks :)

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It's a good notion though. I once thought of adding this sort of thing to Do You Know Who I Am, but decided against it just because of the work involved.

Still, I would like to do something like this eventually. Probably there are other people out there with the same idea too.

You might consider learning to mod and doing it yourself. A mod like this won't be particularly difficult to do (mostly just dialogue, very little if any scripting involved), just time consuming.

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actually i did try to look some tutorials but wasn't that successful :P  even following them step by step several times couldn't get the desired outcome :( tried several time, got every time a different result except the right one :$ that was quite demotivating and since i don't have much time, stopped trying and got back playing ;)

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

At least approach to arrest them and have them pay a fine... part of the game mechanics as it is now.

actually i was suggesting something more then that...  OK, you go to prison or pay the fine and then ? you are free and everybody loves you again !?  but you're still a murderer, even if you paid your bounty...  my opinion is that unless you work a bit on your reputation (slaying dragons, killing bandits or giants with bounty on their heads, etc.) good people won't talk to you, the Jarl won't see you (well, Siddgeir probably yes ;) and if you killed the emperor Ulfrik will love and if you are a woman would probably  marry you ! LOL ) but, ok, you know what i mean :P

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

If anything, there should be some game mechanics to make Imperial soldiers attack anyone wearing Thieve's Guild or DB armor on sight.

there are a couple of mods that make people react to what you are wearing...  so imperial attack who wears stormcloak armor and viceversa... guards try to arrest ho wears DB and TG armors, etc...  but those are only clothing-related... you can join the DB, never wear its armor and complete the quest-line anyway... and nobody would bother you. :ph34r:

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