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Hello thanx for the mod. I got a slight problem tho:

When at home lot, arousal resets avery couple of minutes. So my sims arousal reaches max 5% and then drops back to 0%. This doesnt happen if the same sims go to a community lot, where arousal goes up normally. Also i deleted all my mods other than this one and started a new save and it didnt solve it so it cant be a conflict.

6 hours ago, grob said:

Hello thanx for the mod. I got a slight problem tho:

When at home lot, arousal resets avery couple of minutes. So my sims arousal reaches max 5% and then drops back to 0%. This doesnt happen if the same sims go to a community lot, where arousal goes up normally. Also i deleted all my mods other than this one and started a new save and it didnt solve it so it cant be a conflict.

Arousal can go down due to what is called "Anti-Arousal", this effect occurs when a Sim is near Sims ages Child and Below. This effect will also occur when a Sim is near Animal Sims while DD Pets is not installed.

55 minutes ago, ColonolNutty said:

Arousal can go down due to what is called "Anti-Arousal", this effect occurs when a Sim is near Sims ages Child and Below. This effect will also occur when a Sim is near Animal Sims while DD Pets is not installed.

omg, thats IT. So i should install dd pets. Thanx mr nutty


one more question:

do you know why the pubic hair never shows up on the sims from the DD body part selector? i have to go to CAS to apply pubic hair.

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, grob said:

one more question:

do you know why the pubic hair never shows up on the sims from the DD body part selector? i have to go to CAS to apply pubic hair.

It grows over time from nothing. You just have to wait for it to appear after some time. You can also make it immediately show up using "

dd.set_pubic_hair_growth HEAVY
Edited by ColonolNutty
12 hours ago, ColonolNutty said:

It grows over time from nothing. You just have to wait for it to appear after some time. You can also make it immediately show up using "

dd.set_pubic_hair_growth HEAVY

No way! thanks again good sir!


Hi, great job on the mod, replaced ww with this one and no regrets at all.
Have a little problem tho that perhaps im missing something. I had to reinstall my windows a few days ago and lost all my sims 4 mods, DD was there. When i played before the reinstall, the female had their sims 4 nude body ok, but now if i take the Top clothes in CAS doesnt show the top, its all transparent, and if im in the game and undress the sim, the bottom is ok but the top shows with the vanilla body (that pink bra) when the female is supposed to be nude. 
I can replace the body Top through the devious menu and select sopor or helios top body, and it works. But doing it to all sims is a pain, and besides i liked the nude vanilla body. Any ideas on what can i do? 


The Current Pre-Release of Devious Desires (v5.19) is planned to go out sometime on Saturday 05/11/2024.

If you just can't wait to get access to it, consider a $5 monthly donation to my Patreon!  The current patreon goal is to reach above $900 a month! Help me get there!


The pre-release has quite a few new additions and fixes, especially with regards to Brothels, Human/Animal Hybrids and CAS Part Customization!

To get an idea of what all is in the current pre-release, check out this message in discord! (And any messages this message links to!) take a look at this post here:


21 minutes ago, Maverickjw said:

Hi, great job on the mod, replaced ww with this one and no regrets at all.
Have a little problem tho that perhaps im missing something. I had to reinstall my windows a few days ago and lost all my sims 4 mods, DD was there. When i played before the reinstall, the female had their sims 4 nude body ok, but now if i take the Top clothes in CAS doesnt show the top, its all transparent, and if im in the game and undress the sim, the bottom is ok but the top shows with the vanilla body (that pink bra) when the female is supposed to be nude. 
I can replace the body Top through the devious menu and select sopor or helios top body, and it works. But doing it to all sims is a pain, and besides i liked the nude vanilla body. Any ideas on what can i do? 

It sounds like you have another mod breaking the CAS Parts in CAS. DD doesn't show its body parts in CAS by itself.

  • Like 1

Had an interesting issue just a minute ago. The chick I was playing suddenly "needed" sex, which isn't unusual. What was unusual is that the moodlet would not go away. She would stop whatever she was doing, start rubbing herself, then run around looking for someone to mount. As soon as she finished, she'd start over again. I couldn't even manually dismiss the moodlet with the UI cheat that lets me right-click to dismiss moodlets. Jumped to another household, had the same problem with a second chick. Closed the game, deleted the cache files, pulled the DD script and package from the mods folder, opened the game again. Going to delete the cache files again, redownload DD, see what happens. I have no idea what triggered it. I had been playing for hours with zero errors of any kind. Don't know if a fresh copy of DD will fix it, but I don't know what else to try.


Fresh download didn't fix it. Created a new sim in a different save, played a couple hours, got the "high arousal" moodlet. It's completely game-breaking and I have no idea where to look for the problem. I don't have any other mods that would obviously interfere with DD. It can't be a bug in DD, or other folks would be talking about the same problem. The only thing I can think of is that something which tweaks wants is preventing sims from satisfying this moodlet somehow. But the UI cheat mod should still dismiss the moodlet and it doesn't. It's almost like a deliberate hack.


I fixed the problem, although I can't quite say I did so deliberately. I deleted all the json files in the mod_data folder. That got rid of the locked moodlet. But it was definitely like using artillery to kill a fly.


Out of curiosity, could those json files be manipulated by other software? I found some WW residue lurking in another folder. I know he likes to tamper with DD. 

On 5/8/2024 at 8:20 PM, Sasquatch said:

Had an interesting issue just a minute ago. The chick I was playing suddenly "needed" sex, which isn't unusual. What was unusual is that the moodlet would not go away. She would stop whatever she was doing, start rubbing herself, then run around looking for someone to mount. As soon as she finished, she'd start over again. I couldn't even manually dismiss the moodlet with the UI cheat that lets me right-click to dismiss moodlets. Jumped to another household, had the same problem with a second chick. Closed the game, deleted the cache files, pulled the DD script and package from the mods folder, opened the game again. Going to delete the cache files again, redownload DD, see what happens. I have no idea what triggered it. I had been playing for hours with zero errors of any kind. Don't know if a fresh copy of DD will fix it, but I don't know what else to try.

This "Arousal" is caused by a low Sex Motive. Which is sated when a Sim has an orgasm during sex (or masturbation). They MUST have at least one orgasm to satisfy this motive.

18 hours ago, ColonolNutty said:

This "Arousal" is caused by a low Sex Motive. Which is sated when a Sim has an orgasm during sex (or masturbation). They MUST have at least one orgasm to satisfy this motive.

What does it take to ensure an orgasm? It's set to end the animation after every participant has had at least one orgasm. But she would still be aroused after the animation ended. It was kind of bizarre. She would immediately start rubbing herself again after the animation ended. I tried everything from solo up to a 4-way to sate her needs, without success. She'd do 3-4 consecutive sessions without quenching her thirst. I did manage to stop it from being game-breaking by disabling the reaction to the motive. So the moodlet is still there, but she carries on about her business. Looking at the json files, almost all the motives are over 75. It seems they ramp up as expected, but don't drop back down for some reason. I don't know if there's a way for some mod to cause this. Maybe the "disable household needs decay" cheat is stopping this motive from "decaying"?

On 5/12/2024 at 5:40 AM, Sasquatch said:

What does it take to ensure an orgasm? It's set to end the animation after every participant has had at least one orgasm. But she would still be aroused after the animation ended. It was kind of bizarre. She would immediately start rubbing herself again after the animation ended. I tried everything from solo up to a 4-way to sate her needs, without success. She'd do 3-4 consecutive sessions without quenching her thirst. I did manage to stop it from being game-breaking by disabling the reaction to the motive. So the moodlet is still there, but she carries on about her business. Looking at the json files, almost all the motives are over 75. It seems they ramp up as expected, but don't drop back down for some reason. I don't know if there's a way for some mod to cause this. Maybe the "disable household needs decay" cheat is stopping this motive from "decaying"?

There was a bug in v2.18 that prevented Sims without a penis from having an orgasm without DD Milk Farm installed.

  • Thanks 1

I have version 1.106.148 of the sims and I have a problem with all the versions where these folders ''DDAnimations; DDBody; DDModules; DDObjects; DDRequirements'' appears.
I have already tried taking out the mods with which there may be conflicts, and it didn't work.
The only way that worked for me to not get exceptions is to use a version of the mod where there are no such folders, but I want to have the content.

I will leave the copy of the exception and hope you can help me, thank you.

File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 222, in c_api_server_tick
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v179a\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v179a\zone_tick.py", line 83, in _turbolib_zone_game_update
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 242, in _wrapped_self_function
  File "sims4communitylib\events\zone_update\common_zone_update_event_dispatcher.py", line 79, in _common_zone_update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 517, in update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py", line 117, in update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 224, in simulate
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 385, in _resume
  File ".\WickedWhims_v179a\turbolib2\events\sims.py", line 135, in _turbolib_sim_startup_sim_gen
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim.py", line 2975, in _startup_sim_gen
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 910, in on_sim_creation
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 942, in _customer_success_notification
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1670, in on_sim_creation_callback
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer.py", line 1155, in _assign_sim_to_request
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\bouncer\bouncer_request.py", line 309, in _assign_sim
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1191, in on_sim_assigned_to_request
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 947, in _on_add_sim_to_situation
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1816, in _set_job_for_sim
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\situations\base_situation.py", line 1969, in set_job_uniform
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v179a\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function
  File ".\WickedWhims_v179a\wickedwhims\main\_ts4_injections\block_clothing_change.py", line 47, in _wickedwhims_on_blocked_clothing_change_set_current_outfit
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 242, in _wrapped_self_function
  File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\common_sim_event_dispatcher.py", line 321, in _common_on_sim_set_current_outfit
  File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\common_sim_event_dispatcher.py", line 181, in _on_sim_set_current_outfit
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 59, in dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 73, in _dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 40, in log_exception
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 69, in _dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_handler.py", line 94, in handle_event
  File "deviantcore\debug\metrics_service.py", line 483, in _on_run
  File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\event_handlers\_on_outfit_change.py", line 300, in _dd_on_set_current_outfit
  File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\event_handlers\_on_outfit_change.py", line 97, in _add_missing_parts_to_sim_outfit_on_outfit_changed
  File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\utils\nudity_system_utils.py", line 272, in refresh_equipment
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\sims\common_buff_utils.py", line 249, in add_buff
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\sims\common_buff_utils.py", line 284, in add_buffs
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\__init__.py", line 470, in exported_func
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\buff_component.py", line 274, in add_buff_from_op
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\buff_component.py", line 1197, in _can_add_buff_type
  File "deviantcore\classes\dc_buff.py", line 31, in can_add
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 256, in __call__
TypeError: can_add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'owner'
Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '<class 'sims4communitylib.events.sim.events.sim_set_current_outfit.S4CLSimSetCurrentOutfitEvent'>' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler Mod Name: 'DeviousDesires_5.19' Function: '_dd_on_set_current_outfit' Event Type: 'S4CLSimSetCurrentOutfitEvent'' -> TypeError: can_add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'owner'


Does anyone know a way to resolve the rig conflict with Wicked Whims?, I know they are not fully compatible mods but I have mods that require both to work

Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 11:05 AM, isvalentn said:

I have version 1.106.148 of the sims and I have a problem with all the versions where these folders ''DDAnimations; DDBody; DDModules; DDObjects; DDRequirements'' appears.
I have already tried taking out the mods with which there may be conflicts, and it didn't work.
The only way that worked for me to not get exceptions is to use a version of the mod where there are no such folders, but I want to have the content.

I will leave the copy of the exception and hope you can help me, thank you.

Update your game and update DD. Also ensure you do not have duplicate installations. Please double check GameVersion.txt in your The Sims 4 folder for your actual version. The current version of The Sims 4 is

On 5/16/2024 at 12:25 PM, Xtrap said:

Does anyone know a way to resolve the rig conflict with Wicked Whims?, I know they are not fully compatible mods but I have mods that require both to work

I would resolve it by removing Wicked Whims.

Joking aside: The problem is entirely on WW and there isn't anything you or I could do about it.

Edited by ColonolNutty
Posted (edited)

hello, hope someone can help me. i downloaded dd, it`s working, but there`s one visual issue - when sims are naked, their genitals don`t displayed. i tried to change it in CAS, but in CAS their genitals are displayed and i can change them. but in game it`s still like there are no genitals. women and men have the same appearance - just a dull little budge. i thought that the problem was in skin tones, but it`s not, even sims without modes look like this. i also noticed that cum and other overlays dont display as well.
what can i do? :(image.png.ab04c2cd25626fa4cf80ca64e88ff950.png

Edited by giyulover
On 5/14/2024 at 3:29 PM, ColonolNutty said:

There was a bug in v2.18 that prevented Sims without a penis from having an orgasm without DD Milk Farm installed.

It looks like it was outside interference. I already had two of the animation packs installed that came with the DD download. I also had an old censor mosaic remover still installed. Pulled all of that out of my mods folder, left the game run overnight, no sign of the perma-horny state this morning. No idea how any of those things could have caused such a problem. But I've learned that the interactions between mods/CC are extremely unpredictable.

Posted (edited)
On 5/18/2024 at 8:36 PM, giyulover said:

hello, hope someone can help me. i downloaded dd, it`s working, but there`s one visual issue - when sims are naked, their genitals don`t displayed. i tried to change it in CAS, but in CAS their genitals are displayed and i can change them. but in game it`s still like there are no genitals. women and men have the same appearance - just a dull little budge. i thought that the problem was in skin tones, but it`s not, even sims without modes look like this. i also noticed that cum and other overlays dont display as well.
what can i do? :(


Due to the way DD handles displaying nude parts. DD selections don't appear in CAS. You can change the body parts of Sims by doing SHIFT+CLICK on Sim -> Equipment -> Select Body Parts.

On 5/20/2024 at 6:41 AM, Sasquatch said:

It looks like it was outside interference. I already had two of the animation packs installed that came with the DD download. I also had an old censor mosaic remover still installed. Pulled all of that out of my mods folder, left the game run overnight, no sign of the perma-horny state this morning. No idea how any of those things could have caused such a problem. But I've learned that the interactions between mods/CC are extremely unpredictable.

There actually was a bug in the code. If someone did not have DD Milk Farm installed, the alternative code, which checks if a Sim can have an orgasm, was only checking if the Sim has a penis. If the Sim does not have a penis, they could not have an orgasm. Obviously Female Sims tend not to have a Penis, thus DD was not allowing them to have an orgasm.  Sims Arousal drops to zero upon orgasm. No orgasm means no arousal drop.

Edited by ColonolNutty
On 5/16/2024 at 2:25 PM, Xtrap said:

Does anyone know a way to resolve the rig conflict with Wicked Whims?, I know they are not fully compatible mods but I have mods that require both to work

I removed WW when i got that problem and never regret it. Im using MCCC with DD and not having issues at all. 

One thing that would be nice to have @ColonolNutty is for Sims to react to other sims. If a sim likes big breasts or butt, he could get an increased arousal if near that sim and compliment her. Or if a female likes big D...s if she sees a sims with a big D, get higher arousal and also be able to compliment him. Other thing would be if a sim sees other sim with a hard on she could react to that according to her likes. Just some ideas. 
Anyways, thanks for the mod and your time for making it.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, is it possible to enable the full suite of romantic interactions between family members (father and son) and enable marriage (father to son) in DD? I haven't seen it in the pie menu, only the custom heart ones.

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