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NSFWmods is moving to a new server.


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I've began copying server data to a new dedicated sever and tonight I will update the domain with the new nameserver information. Nameserver changes can take between 0 to 24 hours to take effect, so some may have access to the new server before others. I recommend not uploading any new files before the nameserver propagation is complete. Below is a quote from a HostGator article that explains domain propagation much better than I can.


What is Propagation and How Long Does it Take?
Name server changes usually take 24 to 48 hours to fully start working. This period, called propagation, is the projected length of time it takes for root name servers and cache records across the entire web to be updated with your website's DNS information. Because of propagation, not all visitors will be directed to your new name servers on your new hosting account; some visitors will continue to be directed to your old name servers on your old hosting account until propagation is complete.

How quickly visitors are directed to the new name servers depends on their physical location, internet service provider and some luck; it is not something HostGator has control over. Once propagation is complete, your site will appear on our server and your email will be fully functional.

There is no definitive way to tell when propagation is complete. During the first 48 hours, even if you are able to see your site on the new server, your next door neighbor might still be seeing the site on the old server.



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11 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

So everything went as expected, I take it.  I've browsed after the switch like a regular user might and nothing seems amiss.

Pretty much. I'm interested in knowing if the site loads faster on your end. It seems that way for me.

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NexusSkyrim main mod page load time is 32.02 seconds

LoversLab Skyrim main mod page load time is 52.89 seconds

NSFWMods Skyrim main mod page load time is 29.54 seconds

That is the time lapse from me clicking on a link until everything (ads, images, etc.) clears so I can view the page as intended and scroll bar up and down..  I didn't run any adblocks or superfluous addons to slow the process, other than GoogleTranslate.  The three sites I tested all have the same governing factors from my end.   The test has nothing to do with main server speed (wasn't downloading) or any other mitigating factors.  The 'test' was click on a main page and see how fast it loads with stock images and default ads running.  Your site was 30 seconds, and that's pretty fucking fast; on level with Youtube or SmithMicro... and those sites see a shit load of 'just looking at stuff' traffic.



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User mileage will vary. :P  The software LL is using is almost archaic.  It's one step above Vbulletin.  Nexus is pretty current BUT Dark0ne still uses juked flash and html and those tax end user service performance.  You're using modern software and modern ads, hence the performance bump.  And you know what you're doing.

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The site keeps getting better :) thank you DZ

a feature i always liked is that not only there's the "unread content" button, but also the "mark site read" one !  that's not always present in forums...  so if i'm not interested in a post either i "pretend" to read it anyway, or it keeps cluttering my unread content list for ever !  not so here !! :D

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This is a big difference, between now and last week. Last week the Page used a long time to load all, i thought - okay it is on the other side of our Planet. But now... this is no comparison. As if the server was right around the corner. The performance is now very good.

Great Job :)

But if I remember 20 years ago without DSL and LTE (56k modem). OMG, how long would the page have loaded? 10 minutes? : D
Edited by zilvradrow
google translator just kidding me
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56k dial up modem. I was around 16 when I had that speed. Late 90s. It was horrible when someone would call someone picked up the phone and you lost connection because you didn't have a second line. The old days. lol

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1 hour ago, zilvradrow said:

Oh, yes...

It goes slower. I know the first steps, i don't know, if you heard abot Acoustic coupler or BTX, per example for the old Commodore 64. It worked when you put a telephone Receiver on it. Good old days, but i like the Net-speed of today. 

Maybe you have seen this in the Film WarGames 1983

i suppose you meant "faster"...  or it's actually slower for you ?

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No, it's so correct. Slower than a Modem. It was the time of analogue Speed. The Transferunit was at this time 300 - 600 baud - today ~ 200 - 450bit/s

a  1 MB File need in the 80s the time of 18700 seconds or 311 minutes

Faster. I like the Web Speed of today. 16Mbit - 250Mbit and more. :)

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1 hour ago, zilvradrow said:

No, it's so correct. Slower than a Modem. It was the time of analogue Speed. The Transferunit was at this time 300 - 600 baud - today ~ 200 - 450bit/s

a  1 MB File need in the 80s the time of 18700 seconds or 311 minutes

Faster. I like the Web Speed of today. 16Mbit - 250Mbit and more. :)

oh, you were talking about the old days ! i misunderstood and thought you were saying that the site is slower after migrating to the new server :P

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I don't think my parents ever having a Commodore back then. We did have our first computer when I was a youth with windows 95 93 but I don't recall what kind of PC it was. I never used it. My first PC was a Compaq Pressario with windows 98 and a 56k modem. I remember it was the fastest connection at the time. And the HDD was only 3 gigabytes back then.

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When i was a young woman/girl, i had startet with the Commodore VC 20, after him a C 64. At the end of the 80s i bought an AMIGA 500, 1 year later my first used IBM 286 with a 5 1/4'' Floppy and 20 MB HDD, 256 KB Ram and a bw 14'' Screen. This one was terrible loud and i don't talk about the weight. But i was proud. I used it for writing Job Applications and my Vocational training. Later i upgraded hin to a 386 with Win 3.11. My first Intel (mmx) bought i 1996 - With a 233 Mhz CPU an 32MB ram, includes a 3DFX card. In all the years till today i have some Upgrades maded, and i will never miss the Times. But today I'm not up to date anymore. I forget a lot of useful things, but enough to make a Win 7 setup. I could not live wothout an Personal Computer :D

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when i was (a lot) younger, a friend of mine had a Commodore... i had an Apple II Plus at the time and then an Amiga... when i started working on PC i bought one for home too, but don't remember its technical specifics...  anyway i remember the first modem i had was a 14K.... soooo slow !! 

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Just only a few small things i remember. Stuck in my mind are all the weekends where my friends and i played with the Amiga or the C 64. Started on Friday after School- ended Sunday evening. Lot's of fun an many broken Joysticks (Quickshot II or the simple ATARI controller) The graphics were terrible, but the games were funny. Wintergames, Summergames, Gianna Sisters, Turrican, Pinball Fantasies, Bundesliga Manager pro, Kaiser  and so on :)

Hmmm, would it be better an own Forum Contribution to start? We ... *cough* better I waste this one full^^


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