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5 hours ago, begalund said:

Hey @ritualclarity, you probably want to check the OP again, since when I looked at it, it appears that you swapped the link to my help post and the video link for USLEEP.  So they are now out of order and don't really make any sense if you are coming to the OP cold.  :D

All I did is place it below the DynDOLOD. USleep is well below that. However during refreshes I did notice something strange as the links seemed to flip. Then when I refereshed it flipped back.



All hail Sheeson. Steps for running this will be provided at the end of the guide, during the wrap up phase.

For some clarity, the reason for THIS mod, and not TES5LODGen, is because this IS TES5LODGen. The difference between the two? Sheeson. Sheeson took the original LODGen code created by Zilav and reworked it with his magic to once again fix Skyrim. With this mod, you only need the 3 billboards mods mentioned above, and the mods mentioned in our textures section to create beautiful and unique LODs (unique to this mod setup, that is)

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If you are having trouble with the preceding step please check this post out and see if it works for you. Your results may vary. There were some changes since Anatriax created this tutorial and the following might help in your setup of DynDOLOD. Good luck.

(Edit RitualClarity)

Now on to some required SKSE plugins
-- Some of these SKSE plugins are said that they aren't needed any longer. I find removing them, even though they are supposed to be contained elsewhere, creates instabilities and performance problems. Old habits die hard, often because they work ;) -- 

First, and probably the most important is the SKSE.ini file. 
Download with manager, double click in right pane when it's done, and right click "Data" then set as data directory. Click OK. 
You want this for 2 major reasons. 
1) It activates what used to be known as Sheeson's Memory Patch. It is now built into SKSE. 
2) It contains the SKSE HD makeup tweak found many places.
--Some reports say that SKSE's memory patch isn't working properly. I'll walk you through finding out if it is later in this guide.--
--The default memory patch settings are normally sufficient. We'll cover more later on how to find out if it is, or not.--


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I can't do much more than that. If the pages flip links and such I can't help that. I am not going to rewrite the post. Eventually it will be impossible to see where I start and Anatriax ends. Especially when I don't know what is going on enough to properly edit and update the various steps. I haven't even used the install (backed up now) of MO except to test it lightly to see what the differences are. The best option is Anatriax comes through on occasion and sees my feable attempts to point to correction post and updates and edits it (corrects the errors and smooths it over nicely). :)

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On 1.7.2016 at 6:49 PM, begalund said:


I think I see your problem, so let me see if I can help you out:

In this case you need both two main files 2.11, 2.10 and the next optional "patches" file as well.  Make sure you download all files in manual mode so you can use the "add new mod from archive" button. 

2.10 is set up just a bit differently than how Anatriax was looking at it when she wrote the guide (she was looking at an earlier version of that mod).  So here are the remapped steps you need (starting with 2.10):

1) starting by opening (adding) 2.10 first, rename it to something simple like "dyndolod".  remember this name as we'll be using it a lot (all three files need the same name so they can be merged nicely).

2) chose to open it manually so you can see the file structure.  You should see ten (10) folders and two text files.  the folder marked "00 DynDOLOD Core Files - Required" will be the final Data folder so at the end, this is the folder you'll "set as data".

3) expand both "03 High Hrothgar Window Glow" and "00 DynDOLOD Core Files - Required" and move the files/folders from "03" into "00" like the guide directed.  The author of the mod removed the "options" folder.

4) The "patches" folder is also missing from 2.10. So we'll skip that step for now.  Set folder "00" as data and finish the install of 2.10.

5) Now open 2.11 and rename it to "dyndolod" so it will merge. when you first open this one it should open as data/dyndolod.  Set the lower folder as your data folder.  Now you should have two executables showing, and three new subfolders.  click ok and tell it to "merge" when prompted.  Don't replace the previous or you'll lose all the meshes and textures from 2.10.

6) finally open (add) the patches mod.  set "04 Lanterns of Skyrim" as your data folder and click okay.  Again, tell it to merge when prompted.

You should now be done.

Alternatively, you could extract all of the relevant files and folders from each of the three mods in question and create one new zip file with only what you needed and in the correct order (which is what I did), and then just install that single "new" mod.  But both options ultimately give you the same end result.  In fact, MO in essence creates that same new file structure (albeit not conveniently all zipped up into a single file) within its "mods" directory once you've installed the combined mod.

Let me know if you have any further troubles.




Thank you very much for going through all this trouble! I will start from scratch and try it this way as soon as i have some free time.

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On 7/2/2016 at 5:01 PM, ritualclarity said:

I can't do much more than that. If the pages flip links and such I can't help that. I am not going to rewrite the post. Eventually it will be impossible to see where I start and Anatriax ends. Especially when I don't know what is going on enough to properly edit and update the various steps. I haven't even used the install (backed up now) of MO except to test it lightly to see what the differences are. The best option is Anatriax comes through on occasion and sees my feable attempts to point to correction post and updates and edits it (corrects the errors and smooths it over nicely). :)

Feeble attempts my ass. You're doing just as I would do <3

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Hey, Ana, (and Ritual!),  I just wanted to stop in and give another thank you for the work you have put into this, and for helping people.


I used the guide as a starting point, basically read everything I could stand to read, and stayed as close as I could to it.   Then, wanting a more naughty version, I installed all the Sexlab parts that I wanted to add.  Then I added a couple more things that I personally had seen and wanted in my build.    All the while, it was all fueled by a great start, using this guide to easily have a base, and learn what each thing does, and why.

So far, my build is working and seems stable.  My biggest problem now has been painstakingly configuring the settings in each mod, in MCM and txt files, to make the mods work like I want them to.  For example, frostfall and live another life don't go together unless you really plan it out ahead of time.  LOL   And some of the immersive mods, I read about them, then forgot until I started playing, exactly HOW hard it would make it!!


But, its working stable so far, and its MY game, working exactly like I want it, so THANK YOU!!!!!   

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings and salutations.  I am a total beginner/n00b/cretin in modding.

I'd like to say, first off, thank you to Anatriax, begalund, and everyone else in creating this guide.  I'm currently doing it as I speak and I'm excited to see the results on my PC (I built it a few weeks ago and I'm dying to try it out).  I hope you all don't if I ask a few questions as I go through it.  I'm still learning.

One question I have (to show how far I'm in the phases) is the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod.  When I went to download it, the version Ana suggested ( "Legacy v15.2 core 1k texture" ) is no longer there.   There is a 15.3.4 core and the texture above it is for 2K.  Are these okay to install?  I know v16 shouldn't be used, as it doesn't support some of the mods Ana suggested ("Additionally if you use PerMa, Legacy is NOT compatible with it's replacement ESP for Immersive Weapons as it re-rolls all the form ID's for items in immersive weapons.")

Thank you all in advance and please excuse my current and potential future n00bness.  :D

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I'm finally almost done, but I'm having a major issue with DynDOLOD.


On 7/1/2016 at 0:49 PM, begalund said:

) starting by opening (adding) 2.10 first, rename it to something simple like "dyndolod".  remember this name as we'll be using it a lot (all three files need the same name so they can be merged nicely).

2) chose to open it manually so you can see the file structure.  You should see ten (10) folders and two text files.  the folder marked "00 DynDOLOD Core Files - Required" will be the final Data folder so at the end, this is the folder you'll "set as data".

3) expand both "03 High Hrothgar Window Glow" and "00 DynDOLOD Core Files - Required" and move the files/folders from "03" into "00" like the guide directed.  The author of the mod removed the "options" folder.

4) The "patches" folder is also missing from 2.10. So we'll skip that step for now.  Set folder "00" as data and finish the install of 2.10.

5) Now open 2.11 and rename it to "dyndolod" so it will merge. when you first open this one it should open as data/dyndolod.  Set the lower folder as your data folder.  Now you should have two executables showing, and three new subfolders.  click ok and tell it to "merge" when prompted.  Don't replace the previous or you'll lose all the meshes and textures from 2.10.

6) finally open (add) the patches mod.  set "04 Lanterns of Skyrim" as your data folder and click okay.  Again, tell it to merge when prompted.

You should now be done.


I followed the directions to the letter, as it says above.  I did not activate it, as Ana suggested.  Then I got to this step in the final phase:


1) In the right pane of MO, find "DynDOLOD.esp" and slide it to the bottom of the load order.

Once I got to this step, DynDOLOD was NOT in the right pane.  Instead, it showed "HighHrothgarWindowGlow.esp".  Thinking that was a mistake and was supposed to be DynDOLOD, I rain the TES5Edit and continued the guide.  I got up to this step:


6) In the window that pops up, there is a dropdown box along the top. Find "DynDOLOD Worlds" and click ok.
7) In the next window that pops up, just click OK when it's no longer greyed out.
8) The next window that pops up is important. Pay careful attention to 8a and 8b.
8a) In the top box (Select Worlds), highlight any single location. Right click, and choose select all.

"DynDOLOD Worlds" was there, but after I clicked OK, nothing happened (meaning no window saying "Select Worlds" popped up.  In fact, no window popped up).

Of course, I figured I did something wrong in the unpack, so I did it using the manual method, as stated below


Alternatively, you could extract all of the relevant files and folders from each of the three mods in question and create one new zip file with only what you needed and in the correct order (which is what I did), and then just install that single "new" mod.  But both options ultimately give you the same end result.  In fact, MO in essence creates that same new file structure (albeit not conveniently all zipped up into a single file) within its "mods" directory once you've installed the combined mod.

Once I did that and tried to install it, neither DynDOLOD nor "HighHrothgarWindowGlow.esp" were in the right pane.

So, finally, I tried unpacking using the first method, but WITHOUT transfering "HighHrothgarWindowGlow.esp" into the "00 DynDOLOD Core Files," thinking that was the issue.  However, again, neither DynDOLOD nor "HighHrothgarWindowGlow.esp" were there again (and I moved DynDOLOD up to where it was supposed to be installed in the left pane).


What am I doing wrong here?

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On 8/11/2016 at 4:30 AM, soularyem said:

I'm finally almost done, but I'm having a major issue with DynDOLOD.

I followed the directions to the letter, as it says above.  I did not activate it, as Ana suggested.  Then I got to this step in the final phase:

Once I got to this step, DynDOLOD was NOT in the right pane.  Instead, it showed "HighHrothgarWindowGlow.esp".  Thinking that was a mistake and was supposed to be DynDOLOD, I rain the TES5Edit and continued the guide.  I got up to this step:

What am I doing wrong here?


First off, let me apologize for being away from the site and not seeing your post.  Work issues, and a house remodel in RL have been eating all my time.  Hopefully you haven't given up and will still check back here and see this post.

The simple answer is not activating Dyndolod (the part I have bolded above).  Nothing appears in the right pane that hasn't been activated in the left pane.  With a few exceptions for things that are installed directly or installed outside of the left pane - but these are the exception and not the rule.  For most items that are regular d/l'ed mods (like dyndolod is) you won't see them in the right pane until you have activated them on the left.  The right pane is actually for "active mods". 

Somewhere buried in Ana's OP regarding Dyndolod (specifically the part I was attempting to update) she should mention activating the mod and (IIRC) moving it to the bottom position in the right pane.  At that point you should be able to run TES5 and select the appropriate script, etc.

Edited by begalund
fixing for clarity
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That would be awesome , for now I am by passing that mod until l know for sure. I dont think is essential for following this guide , just will miss out on some content. I am a newbie to Skyrim , I found your site and love it.  Thanks for the quick reply.

PS , I am running a  Nividia GTX 960 , 16 Gigs of ram , a 1500 watt PS and a I5 4 core processor at 3k. and a 128 gb SSD will I run smooth ? I also opted to use NMM for installs , Im tech savy , but MM scares me fro just looking at it. lol. I watched the video on DynDOLOD and it looks like a cake walk install.



Edited by memphisblue999
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https://www.dropbox.com/s/ut7gbwmbcwe1vu3/V15.3.4 Update Pack-52248-V15-3-4.7z?dl=0

I will keep those links above valid for a day or so for download. Please download it as soon as possible as I will kill it soon because I use the space on dropbox for other things as well.

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ughh, thank you :) i just literally finished installing and patching perma.. can i uninstall and redo? i haven't done dyndolod yet.

I just uninstalled all the patches and the main mod. I will install these two and then redo perma. and then patch and dyndolod. and boom , Ill be done.   Thanks

Edited by memphisblue999
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@begalund I totally understand having RL issues and no need to ever apologize.  Hell, this is coming from someone who's going through all of this to play a game I'll probably only get to play 3 hours a week.  :D

As for the issue I had, I went to Sheson himself (the creator of DynDOLOD itself) and it turned out I was installing it wrong.  In that I had to open up the files and extract them in a different folder away from the steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim folders.  I got used to opening up the mods within those folders that I completely missed that step.

So, everything is installed and it looks awesome.  Now I just have to figure out why computer is freezing and crashing, though I don't believe it has anything to do with the game.

Thank you again for your help.  :D

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On 8/13/2016 at 7:17 PM, ritualclarity said:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/ut7gbwmbcwe1vu3/V15.3.4 Update Pack-52248-V15-3-4.7z?dl=0

I will keep those links above valid for a day or so for download. Please download it as soon as possible as I will kill it soon because I use the space on dropbox for other things as well.


22 hours ago, memphisblue999 said:

ughh, thank you :) i just literally finished installing and patching perma.. can i uninstall and redo? i haven't done dyndolod yet.

I just uninstalled all the patches and the main mod. I will install these two and then redo perma. and then patch and dyndolod. and boom , Ill be done.   Thanks

I killed the links as i needed it for uploading some other files to share. I hope you got the files as needed.

Also this isn't our mod (this site's) so having a link up for long times isn't proper (or polite) to the author. Giving an older version is bit grey and I only offered as Ana hasn't been back to update the tutorial as she has some RL issues to deal with.


Perhaps someone here can test out the new version with the tutorial setup and if good I can add some comments to try using the newer version in the tutorial while Ana is busy with RL issues. Someone that does this needs to have the complete tutorial installed all the mods and setup just like she has it for this to be a valid review of the new edition of the mod.

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Yes , I did manage to get it downloaded and installed. I am running the game now on my 960 at 50 FPS with all the settings this guide recommended. I have only ctd one time and that was when picking a hair from  KS renewal in char creation. Its peaking my 2048 vram out at 1900   across the board and sometimes jumps up to 2000s. I need to OC  the card.

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On 8/14/2016 at 8:29 PM, ritualclarity said:

Perhaps someone here can test out the new version with the tutorial setup and if good I can add some comments to try using the newer version in the tutorial while Ana is busy with RL issues. Someone that does this needs to have the complete tutorial installed all the mods and setup just like she has it for this to be a valid review of the new edition of the mod.

Well, I just so happen to have ordered a new video card (newegg finally got some of the RX980s back in stock after 6 weeks of waiting), and I might be able to work it in over the next couple of weeks or so.  I just need the contractor to finish with the baseboards, then finish painting, then move all my furniture back where it all belongs, then go back through and finish cleaning one more time, and maybe just maybe the house will be done (for this year).  I hate contractors btw.

If I do manage to work it in soonish, I'll attempt to take notes on what parts need to be updated, since I am planning on a clean install anyway. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, soularyem said:

Out of pure curiosity, I saw that the XP32's Maximum Skeleton Extended was removed in the guide. What is recommended as a replacement? 

Thanks again.  ☺

I just noticed that :P

Anyway the new body is UNPJiggle by Kendo. If you check his page you will see the required "Skeleton and Bone list" which


No matter what skeleton you use, it must have the following bones for this mod to work:

  • NPC L Breast
  • NPC L Breast01
  • NPC L Butt
  • NPC R Breast
  • NPC R Breast01
  • NPC R Butt
  • NPC Belly

I used the XP32 Max Compatibilty Skeleton v1.6 (XPMS RIG 1.6c Full Bone) to make this but I deleted all of the NiNodes in the nifs that are not used.


So there is still an XP32 skeleton there however you can use others so long as the supported bones are there. If you get awful stretching etc then you have a bad skeleton. The cool thing about this is those bones are to the best of my understanding very basic and part of almost any and all Skyrim skeletons. So if it so happens to be that you wish to use some wild or special armor that requires a different Skelly... test it out. You are using MO and no harm will be done. Just make a nice save before using it and if it isn't compatible or better explained .. can't find a compatible skeleton that also matches the min of the UNP Jiggle body) just remove it and use the previously saved ... well save :P Either that or learn how to do mesh work and change the skeleton required by that armor mod ;) However for the most part everything should work.


Of course the above is only valid unless Anatraix states otherwise. :P

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