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51 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Wonder how long it will take the LL staff to lock the new FO76 topic?


Are we starting a POOL?  :P

If we are... I take this time tomorrow. :D

With what some of the members over there on LL do, I can't think it would take very long. Not long at all. :( So sad. The members over there aren't as cool as our members here, just chilling away posting shit and having fun! :D

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5 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Are we starting a POOL?  :P

If we are... I take this time tomorrow. :D

With what some of the members over there on LL do, I can't think it would take very long. Not long at all. :( So sad. The members over there aren't as cool as our members here, just chilling away posting shit and having fun! :D

It only took about 15 posts for the thread to devolve into name calling, 'shut up' and 'go away'.  DocSax deleted the thread as soon as he read it.

I kinda wish some FO76 fans would show up here with their bullshit so they can see how things go when they can't troll their way to victory by silencing people.  I say that but then I'm thankful the ree-ree-retards who like FO76 is staying the fuck away.

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8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

It only took about 15 posts for the thread to devolve into name calling, 'shut up' and 'go away'.  DocSax deleted the thread as soon as he read it.

I kinda wish some FO76 fans would show up here with their bullshit so they can see how things go when they can't troll their way to victory by silencing people.  I say that but then I'm thankful the ree-ree-retards who like FO76 is staying the fuck away.

It's ok if someone likes Fallout 76... :D  Don't know why they would but it is ok... just don't try to lobotomize others to your way of thinking and I won't try to lobotomize you... lol

The funny thing about that thread is neither of us started in on Fallout 76 (at first) we were there to watch the world burn.. well at least the thread. 



Then we were attacked (I assume) for not even making a comment about Fallout 76 being good or bad just that having a thread discussing it was bad.

Soon, Id imagine a person would be attacked for starting any thread with "Fallout" in the name. For Christ Sakes!


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Todd never stated they would have "free" mods, only that there would be mods.  That wasn't a lie... Fallout 76 has the Creation Club where you get mods from.

I am surprised that there wasn't also a released statement for those that want to improve their graphics along the lines of requesting the author to go through the "rigorous vetting process" and have it added to the Creation Club for use. Because, we all know those are much better... 😒

If there is a way for Bethesda to screw something up, they will. I thought I wasn't going to be surprised anymore, I was wrong. It is like the gift from the very weird aunt or uncle that keeps on giving... in all the wrong ways :P

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They're slowly pushing forward their paid mods. I still believe (eventually) their Creation Club as you see now for Skyrim will not be the same for TES6 and other games going forward. I think they will eventually release a half arsed version for the public while their CC modders will have the version equivalent to Skyrim available to them. From a business standpoint, it makes sense only allowing the top notch mods to be behind Creation Club and the lesser derpy dewpie mods to be free. They want that money and following the same formula they have been for FO4 and SSE isn't going to improve those sales. Nothing beats free. Or free and better like it is right now.

I won't be surprised if and when TES6 rolls out, one of those available mods will be a survival mod of compilations of previous ideas from Skyrim all in one and Dark0ne has to keep his head down on allowing any survival mods for TES6 uploaded on Nexus. They are already showing signs of using force on anyone who is hurting their Atomic Shop from competition.

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6 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

They're slowly pushing forward their paid mods. I still believe (eventually) their Creation Club as you see now for Skyrim will not be the same for TES6 and other games going forward. I think they will eventually release a half arsed version for the public while their CC modders will have the version equivalent to Skyrim available to them. From a business standpoint, it makes sense only allowing the top notch mods to be behind Creation Club and the lesser derpy dewpie mods to be free. They want that money and following the same formula they have been for FO4 and SSE isn't going to improve those sales. Nothing beats free. Or free and better like it is right now.

I won't be surprised if and when TES6 rolls out, one of those available mods will be a survival mod of compilations of previous ideas from Skyrim all in one and Dark0ne has to keep his head down on allowing any survival mods for TES6 uploaded on Nexus. They are already showing signs of using force on anyone who is hurting their Atomic Shop from competition.

I see that and think that might be an option or something they do, however, there might be tools in their kit that they can't publicly release... however, if you are a "partner" they might be able to get around that bit of legal issue.  However, If they move to that point... I don't see them allow ANY MODS to be free or outside of their Creation Club or whatever they decide to call it at that time. If there is a stink on this, they might allow authors to upload their stuff to THEIR servers and mark them as "Free" (until a new game is released and they (Bethesda) decide to release the exact same thing as a Creation Club mod) but, the author wouldn't get any money... with the thought of money and having to jump through their hoops, it won't last long before all of their authors upload for money in that case. (The free thinking and free giving authors moving on to other stuff to take up their time) Then a massive depreciation of skill and quality will occur, as those that don't know move in for a cash grab and those that have the skills move out and don't share their skills.

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10 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

So, patches is now proved wrong. Ignorance is a bliss. Oh well, they locked the thread because...feelings.

I provided that goofy cunt psalm and verse from the FO76 EULA and the Bethesda,net TOS about not being able to mod the game without running the risk of being banned from the servers.  'Nope, we can mod it so you're wrong.'  Someone over at LL even PMed with the same video and mentioned patches13 by name about being wrong.  BUT the staff over at LL loves catering to dumb-fucks so someone like patches13 being there in all her single mom Libtard glory is systemic.  LL is moron-friendly.  Makes me smile knowing how low their membership has sank.

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Now that the console versions of their games can also use mods, it would be fair to assume that they'll try to monetize that in the future. In other words, it's pretty obvious that Starfield and TES6 both will come with a Creation Club or a similar type of thing, that will let them sell 3rd party mods. I also wouldn't be surprised if CC becomes the only way to mod their future games, as their tendency towards controlling everything surrounding their games has become pretty obvious recently. Their future monetization schemes for 3rd party mods may also be one of the reasons why they are reluctant to change their game engine.

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It's like getting someone hooked on drugs for free and then resorting to selling it to them. If they have no other way, they'll end up buying it. Many people are used to using mods for Beth games. Even console gamers now. And now that they are used to mods, there's no way those who have used mods on Fallout 4 and SSE will not want to use them for TES6. This is just another 'must have' scheme like loot boxes.

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8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

It's like getting someone hooked on drugs for free and then resorting to selling it to them. If they have no other way, they'll end up buying it. Many people are used to using mods for Beth games. Even console gamers now. And now that they are used to mods, there's no way those who have used mods on Fallout 4 and SSE will not want to use them for TES6. This is just another 'must have' scheme like loot boxes.

Yes, there is a way to not use mods with their future games... DON'T BUY THEM!... ;)

The reason I used mods over recent years was to expand the game playablity of the game. .. and mostly to fix crap that was broken. I usually only have 25~50 total mods. that is WITH SEXOUT and SEXLAB (with their respectful games)

Fallout 4... requires many mods to get their settlement crap to work properly. Then their aiming and some other features. If I can't have those mods to fix the game... I am not fucking interested in them. Not one bit. So I don't need mods if I don't have the game. Problem solved. I refuse to pay for mods FROM THE COMPANY THAT CREATED THE GAME to fix the game they released.

The saving grace that kept me playing and buying Bethesda games titles like Fallout and TES is the fact I can change files and do shit with the game (mod it) to extend the value of the product. I ACCEPT their fuckups and shit and use the mods to fix those issues. They want to ban people for fixing graphics, modding their game (without any proof that they were cheating) then that game is DEFIANTLY NOT FOR ME.  I fully understand if someone is caught cheating considering it is a public MMO.

Also on the subject... where is the private servers? I assume that would solve their "issues" and allow people to play the game the way they wanted.

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On 12/30/2018 at 2:15 PM, ritualclarity said:

Yes, there is a way to not use mods with their future games... DON'T BUY THEM!... ;)

The reason I used mods over recent years was to expand the game playablity of the game. .. and mostly to fix crap that was broken. I usually only have 25~50 total mods. that is WITH SEXOUT and SEXLAB (with their respectful games)

Fallout 4... requires many mods to get their settlement crap to work properly. Then their aiming and some other features. If I can't have those mods to fix the game... I am not fucking interested in them. Not one bit. So I don't need mods if I don't have the game. Problem solved. I refuse to pay for mods FROM THE COMPANY THAT CREATED THE GAME to fix the game they released.

The saving grace that kept me playing and buying Bethesda games titles like Fallout and TES is the fact I can change files and do shit with the game (mod it) to extend the value of the product. I ACCEPT their fuckups and shit and use the mods to fix those issues. They want to ban people for fixing graphics, modding their game (without any proof that they were cheating) then that game is DEFIANTLY NOT FOR ME.  I fully understand if someone is caught cheating considering it is a public MMO.

Also on the subject... where is the private servers? I assume that would solve their "issues" and allow people to play the game the way they wanted.

I thought the private server thing isn't until a year later? Also, how are private servers supposed to work? Everyone has their very own server and can invite people?

Don't think private servers will happen. And I don't think 3rd party mods either will be acceptable. They seem to be scanning your computer, which to me seems like some violation of privacy. One thing if they scan their own game files on your pc, but searching for things they don't need to... They are automatically assuming just because you use said program you are cheating. Seems like their lazy attempt to actually investigate if a player is actually cheating in game.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

I thought the private server thing isn't until a year later? Also, how are private servers supposed to work? Everyone has their very own server and can invite people?

Don't think private servers will happen. And I don't think 3rd party mods either will be acceptable. They seem to be scanning your computer, which to me seems like some violation of privacy. One thing if they scan their own game files on your pc, but searching for things they don't need to... They are automatically assuming just because you use said program you are cheating. Seems like their lazy attempt to actually investigate if a player is actually cheating in game.

Don't know those answers as there wan't much details on that. Much like the rest of the game.

I agree, I don't think the private servers will happen and if they do, there will likely be the restrictions on only using their services. (Creation club etc)

As for actual cheating in game or doing other things against their wishes, they just need to do like other companies have done and get people to moderate the game. I don't have any problems with Destiny or Defiance or other games with "cheats" and mostly no problems with other players either. I believe a few high profile bans of individuals for cheating would curb much of the actual cheating.  Also, surely they should be able to see the difference between a texture swap and a actual code change. Seriously?

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