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Fallout 76

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They were never ready to make an online game. Their lack of competence to make single player games proves it.

76 is the result of their ineptitude, laziness and hungry for money from the suits. BSW should of just had Zenimax make 76. Now that I think about it, if BGS had the chance to make a TES online game, it would be a rehash of Skyrim assets with the exact same bugs + new bugs. It's best if BGS makes SPGs and leave the online games to either Zenimax, or temporarily hire some other studio (cough-Obsidian-cough oh, wait...) to do it.

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You'd think they would of been smart to just buy off Obsidian. Such a mist opportunity. They could of been the studio to focus on Fallout and leave Starfield and TES to BGS. I have a feeling they are beating themselves in the head about not buying that studio. Because now you have a rival to Fallout with Outer Worlds and you have a broken Fallout franchise. Oh well, serves them right for doing Obsidian dirty with FNV.

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Fallout 76 players are nabbing unreleased items from a secret "developer room"

This developer room contains plans for every item in the game, including top-tier weapons and unreleased goodies which are supposed to arrive in upcoming updates. Oh, and there's an NPC in there sat all by itself. That's got to be the holy grail for game glitchers.

Reports of this room's existence began to surface on Reddit about four days ago, but some of my sources have told me it has been known about on Discord servers for several weeks. A video showing the room was posted on YouTube - although the original by "Mr. X" has since been removed. You can take a peep at a reupload here:

To find out more about what's been going on, I got in contact with some of the people who have visited the secret area - who wish to remain anonymous - and asked them about the process.

First up, if you were wondering what a developer room actually is, the easiest way to explain is to point towards past Bethesda titles such as Fallout 4 and Skyrim, both of which had their own developer rooms. They essentially provide developers with a space to test items, and typically contain chests filled with every conceivable item in the game.


In Bethesda's single-player titles, dev rooms are accessible on PC via console commands. As Fallout 76 is an online multiplayer game and therefore lacks console commands, its dev room should (theoretically) have been inaccessible - yet this didn't stop some players from discovering reportedly illicit methods to break in.

From looking at the video and player accounts, Fallout 76's dev room (which is technically a series of rooms) appears somewhat similar to the one found in Fallout 4, and appears to have several personalised areas with containers filled with every item in the game. A box called "All Scrap" contains plans for as-yet unreleased items, including power armour paints such as Winterized, Military and Atom Cats. Players suspect these are due to be officially released in the upcoming PvP factions update.


Some of my sources told me players had sold these unreleased items on eBay, although I was unable to find these at the time of writing. The mods on subreddit Market 76, however, have apparently had to ban several users from advertising the illicit items for trade.


Yet if you're hoping to explore the room for yourself, you may want to think twice before attempting the procedure. Several sources told me Bethesda is now issuing automatic account suspensions for those who enter the room. Players are reportedly being informed of the bans via email, and take anywhere from six to 24 hours to be issued. (Eurogamer has contacted Bethesda for confirmation as to whether it is suspending accounts for entering the developer room.)


Despite it now being seemingly risky to retrieve items from the room, some of my sources claimed players are using mule accounts to take the items before quickly transferring them to other accounts before the banhammer comes crashing down (one source told me these items are being traded in a Russian-language trading Discord). Apparently accounts belonging to players who enter the room are being banned, but those to which the items are transferred remain unscathed.


It's likely Bethesda is looking for a way to prevent players from entering the room, and the reported suspensions are a stop-gap measure. The developer has recently made a more concerted effort to tackle item duplication glitches, which had fuelled an entire side-business of people mass-selling legendary items on eBay: sometimes for prices of $45 (£35). The latest patch seems to have killed off many of the main duplication glitches - for now, at least.


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OF COURSE fucking Bethesda left the testing hall in the game.  It's perfectly fine to leave it in a single player game so people can glitch or cheat their way into it.  Good as gold leaving it so players can exploit it in a multiplayer survival game.  I don't see the issue. XD

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9 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

OF COURSE fucking Bethesda left the testing hall in the game.  It's perfectly fine to leave it in a single player game so people can glitch or cheat their way into it.  Good as gold leaving it so players can exploit it in a multiplayer survival game.  I don't see the issue. XD

I don't either...
It is a Bethesda Game, with a ported engine. What do you expect?  At first I was upset with what they released, what they have been doing with the various issues and such but now I am not. In reality, it is to be expected from their current direction and management. It is what Bethesda is today and we should just stop trying to re-live the Bethesda of old when they released great games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, NV and others.

I spend my time now looking toward Obsidian, CD Project Red and other new and upcoming devs.

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22 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I wonder how long Bethesda is going to play whack-a-mole with those duplication bugs before they give up.


Likely until they release their next related game. Kind of like they did in the past for Oblivion, Fallout 3, NV, Skyrim 1 and Skyrim 2 and skyrim 3 (VR) etc. they don't care.

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