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Good job Bethesda.

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On 12/10/2023 at 8:52 AM, Doublezero said:

Not looking good for TESVI.


The time it took to update it wasn't worth it.

If this occured after Fallout 3... (Fallout NV done by another studio) it explains why Bethestha is shit now.  Sounds like it is just a ploy to save shit ton of $$$ as someone has to update it and keep it up to date cost money.

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Yeah, those assholes rejected NewVegas 2 AND an Elder Scrolls spinoff.  Obvious that others can better and they don't want that.  The only things Todd is good at is being a lying wormy little fuck and screwing up IPs he inherits.  Elder Scrolls, NOT HIS idea.  Fallout, NOT HIS EITHER.  Shout out to the chess club, you cunt.

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11 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Yeah, those assholes rejected NewVegas 2 AND an Elder Scrolls spinoff.  Obvious that others can better and they don't want that.  The only things Todd is good at is being a lying wormy little fuck and screwing up IPs he inherits.  Elder Scrolls, NOT HIS idea.  Fallout, NOT HIS EITHER.  Shout out to the chess club, you cunt.

Question, if Bethesda allowed someone to make a game on their IP. They (Bethesda) gets a tidy sum of  money for basically doing nothing... correct?


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3 hours ago, Doublezero said:

Nice video if you have an hour to burn.


He is wrong. The blame can be placed on one person. That blame goes to the top guy/gal in charge of the entire project. They set the stage, they hold the employees accountable.

One example is the policy of not having approprate documentation which would allow everybody know what is going on (as I understand it)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah saw that.  Bethesda wants to control ALL modding of their broken-ass games.  Now they don't want people using things like Nifscope, Blender, 3Dmax, Photoshop or GIMP to make content.  THEY will provide the tools so NO MORE 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE.  The dumbasses haven't thought this through; you provide the tools and THEN ban other software.  Ban first, then tools (when we get around to it).  Cannot make this shit up.

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On 12/30/2023 at 9:24 AM, Doublezero said:

Another fine job by Bethesda. The title of the video is clickbait though.


Hey if they released this game mutiple times....

Why didn't they just do all this shit to a copy and then release a SSE version?  They could have built the engine and tools before the release. Then relese all the needed tools that are designed to work with their engine and game.  Fuck, they could have even sold it... I am sure the fanboys and fangirls would have bought the game yet again.

To be clearly different, they could have upgraded the graphics (which works well with the tools) and make it look even better. Better lighting and water and such. We all know they take the ideas of the modders and add it to games in the future, they could have done this for this new release.

Less upset customers from bullshit breaking shit and if released all at once (and worked) would do great to improve their rep. If they gave it free, even more better.

Why they didn't...

They are assholes.

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  • 6 months later...

I tried out some of the "verified mods" for Skyrim AE. (Didn't buy them of course. Todd isn't getting one more cent from me ever again. To say nothing of the modders which are an assortment of some of the worst. 🤣)

First two were from Elionora. Thieves something or other and some house mod. Thieves stuff were right smack on top of two really popular mods, namely Skyrim Sewers and Skyrim Underground. One broken navmesh. Useless edits all over the place. The house was boring as hell and not worth even checking if it was functionally OK. Nothing worth a patch. Bare minimum effort.

Next two were from everyone's favorite guy, Arthmoor. Ahem. 😂

On paper the first one sounded decent. It expanded 2 NPCs in the Morthal area. That bandit woman from the crypt with the falmer ghost and Anska the woman looking for a scroll in that crypt that just stays there for eternity. Once again though, right smack on top of Skyrim Underground. Again when there was plenty of room. Starting to think it's intentional. Dialog wasn't expanded (like we're getting on those dialog expansion mods using AI on the Nexus). Again bare minimum effort. If it didn't cover up the main entrance to Skyrim Underground.. I maaabye would have considered leaving it in. But not worth making a patch either.

The other one was a falmer dungeon near Deep Folk Crossing. That one amazingly wasn't on top of any popular mods but it was just... bland. I guess I'm used to the amazing interiors being done now on new dungeons lately (Hammet's EasyRider, etc.). 

Next up was an expansion to the East Empire Company with a questline. Thing botched just about everything in every cell it messed with to the point I didn't even bother trying it at all in game. Also had some errors and dirty edits. "Verified". Yeah right. Maybe those 3rd party tools would have helped.

Final one was in fact from EasyRider and expands the Vale (the hidden valley from the vampire DLC). This one actually seemed decent from what I've seen. Certainly not worth buying however. And frankly EasyRider's Nexus dungeons are more visually stunning. Maybe some of that rules crap. Or maybe I haven't explored enough. Usually EasyRider's stuff has a big "WOW" factor that's just missing here.


All in all, one semi-decent mod with the rest being instant recycle bin fodder. 😂


As for the no 3rd party tools, any modder that agrees to that #*(&$ is pathetic. Bethsoft can't even make a decent non-buggy game and I'd be limiting myself to their crap tools!? Todd can go straight to hell. 🤣


Edited by Nessa
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The sad things is they can fix it reasonably quickly and easily. I'm talking about the tools. Thre are many people in the community that builds really good tools for modding. Where's Bugthesda? Nowhere. They will hire people that can't do shit but ignore those that can? Maybe because those people will actually challenge you for proper pay and respect? Not follow your current whatever strange policy trying to apease those that don't even buy your games.


Build the tools. Then release them open source with a license that all upgrades and improvements come back to the source/creator. Let the community build on these tools and for the love of god don't fuck up what they give you for some random social policy or other bullshit.


Let the tools develop a year ot two and use them to help build the next game released. This not only gives an out of the gate tool set for mod authors to start with when the game is released but also pretty much 100% compatablity with the actual game.


Bonus points if you actually and sincerly work with the modding community.


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Yeah Todd's never doing that. They really hate modders as evidenced by this weird "no 3rd party tools" crap. And what exactly does that even extend to? Blander (actually... Blender is bland, I'm not fixing the typo 🤣) is "3rd party" along with Max and Maya. 🤣

Actually they even hate their own customers based on how they treat them. Enjoy unionization Todd, I eagerly await the next dumpster fire. If it ever gets released.


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No other thread that fits 'good job' in the sarcastic sense and I'm not going to start a new thread for one rant.  ANYWAY....

I watched a few Skyrim playthroughs on Youtube and ALL OF THEM said that the Unofficial Patch fucked with their games.  On a whim I uninstalled it and guess what?  All of the random crashes I'd get for no fucking reason have stopped.  Between last night and now I've played about 4 hrs on and off and NO CRASHES whatsoever.  Crashes when loading a city; gone.  Crashes when opening the barter menu; gone.  Crashes while walking down a road; GONE.  I have no idea what Arthmoor 'and his team' did but undoing it has fixed my game.

Things I've noticed he changed that didn't need changing;

  • Swapping ebony ore deposits for iron ones, and vice versa.
  • Replacing iron ingots with silver ones.
  • Moving loot containers that didn't need to be moved.
  • Assigning NPC ownership to world items that don't need that tag.

And there has to be more I haven't run across yet.  So what he's done is not 'bug fix'. he's changed the fucking game for no reason.  There was also 190 script instances that he either changed or added.  The nerve of that guy.  Luckily I have a back up folder with the base game and dlc scripts so it was a matter of copy/paste to undo whatever he changed.  If I didn't have those backups I'd have to reinstall the game to fix his 'fixes'.  He really is an arrogant prick and I'll never use his mods again.  ASSHOLE.

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If Elder Scrolls 6 is set in Hammerfell it's going to be a disaster.  White leftists are going to squawk about 'cultural appropriation', negative stereotypes, 'representation for oppressed persons', i.e. the usual idiotic pinko Pablum they regurgitate.  And it won't just be about black people, but Muslims too.  If they can think of a way to sneak in transvestites it will be a hat trick of pretend oppression.

That means the Toddler and his crew of bumbling Bethesda baboons are going to have to throw themselves onto the altar at the Church of Our Wamenz of Perpetual Butt-hurt.  No amount of grift to Sweet Bay Inc or Black Girl Gamers can buy them out of what's going to happen.  The game is going to be a diversity circus of appeasement and knee-bending.  And since they already SUCK at storytelling and their game design is antiquated there won't be any meat on the bone.

We all know Toddler and his minions are REALLY receptive to criticism so that will be fun; watching them alienate customers and calling everyone every 'ist' in the dictionary.  It will also be fun watching Dork0ne and Ashole ban mods and creators for not believing what they do....ya know...all that inclusivity and tolerance they love so much.

What Kendo 2 would do: set the game in Daggerfall with minimal focus of Hammerfell and the Redguards.  Redraw the map boundaries and use off-camera politics to explain it away.  The Aldmeri Dominion launched a second war and destabilized the map region, or whatever.  ANYTHING is better than the shitstorm of controversy and pleasing no one.  Their games are already dumpster fires so throwing social issues cans of gas on them will make things better?

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On 8/4/2024 at 1:48 PM, Kendo 2 said:

No other thread that fits 'good job' in the sarcastic sense and I'm not going to start a new thread for one rant.  ANYWAY....

I watched a few Skyrim playthroughs on Youtube and ALL OF THEM said that the Unofficial Patch fucked with their games.  On a whim I uninstalled it and guess what?  All of the random crashes I'd get for no fucking reason have stopped.  Between last night and now I've played about 4 hrs on and off and NO CRASHES whatsoever.  Crashes when loading a city; gone.  Crashes when opening the barter menu; gone.  Crashes while walking down a road; GONE.  I have no idea what Arthmoor 'and his team' did but undoing it has fixed my game.

Things I've noticed he changed that didn't need changing;

  • Swapping ebony ore deposits for iron ones, and vice versa.
  • Replacing iron ingots with silver ones.
  • Moving loot containers that didn't need to be moved.
  • Assigning NPC ownership to world items that don't need that tag.

And there has to be more I haven't run across yet.  So what he's done is not 'bug fix'. he's changed the fucking game for no reason.  There was also 190 script instances that he either changed or added.  The nerve of that guy.  Luckily I have a back up folder with the base game and dlc scripts so it was a matter of copy/paste to undo whatever he changed.  If I didn't have those backups I'd have to reinstall the game to fix his 'fixes'.  He really is an arrogant prick and I'll never use his mods again.  ASSHOLE.

I used to use his Open Cities mod for a long time. I eventually stopped using it because he injected his own crap into it that were not only unnecessary, it was out of place and just stupid, period. And that was putting the Oblivion gate shaped in stones in Whiterun. I could've easily removed them in TES5Edit and delete models and textures from the folders to not clog up more space, but I just didn't want to bother. It's like making one of those mods where you just add crap to a game world for the sake of adding it because you think it's cool. Maybe in the future, if I decide to use that mod again, I will remove that crap.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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