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I've lived in a working-class neighborhood in our city since my family moved here in 1972 (yeah, I'm old as fuck. I was alive when Led Zeppelin was touring with Bonham on drums). I'm only second-generation. Many other families have been here for four and even five generations. I think there might even be two families that have been here since before the Declaration of Independence was drafted! Recently, a developer has been putting up these ugly ass, shipping container inspired Architecture condos all over the neighborhood. The price tag for these gawdawful cereal boxes is outrageous and, of course, have been bought up by the New Money types. Corporate execs, professors, and the like Was walking my dog the other day and one of the "New People" confronted me. Guy started talking to me like I was his fucking kid. I let him go for a minute, deftly shooting down all of his attempts to intimidate me: "Is your dog under your control?" I waggle the leash. "Are you cleaning up his poo?" (Yeah...he said poo...fucking 'tard) I reach into my pocket and shake a bag. I haven't uttered a word yet so he's starting to get pissed. "Well, do you care about the appearance of our neighborhood? Don't you care what our neighbors think?" I literally LOL. "Our neighborhood? Our neighbors? Buddy, you've been here, what, eighteen months? Within five years you're gonna get a promotion or a new post and be gone. What the fuck makes you think anyone on this hilltop gives a fuck what you think?" He starts gasping like a landed fish. I honestly think that no one has ever said "fuck" to this guy before. Finally, the guy sputters, "That's some attitude you have!" I laugh again. I point to the house on the corner. "The guy that lives there's grandfather built that house with his hands." I point down the street. "That family has been here since there was a British fort at The Point." I tap my chest. "And I've been here over forty years and will most likely die up here." He's sputters again. I smirk and finish with, "What makes you think anyone here is going to take your side against me? Now, go take your Tesla out for a spin with the windows down and clear your head." I hit him with my shoulder as I pass him, and the guy literally yelped. That was a good day.4 points
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XBox is being run by clowns, they spend a fortune on studios and then leave them to their own devices, no wonder games take forever to release and when they do they're shit. It looks like Fable is going the same way, that's been delayed and looks awful with another ugly as fuck girlboss lead. I don't hold out any hope for Fallout 5, Bethesda don't understand Fallout and will just make another poorly written shooter and the less said about Obsidian the better, 90% of the talent left that studio a long time ago. The only Microsoft studio that might be able to do it justice is inXile, that's headed by Brian Fargo who was the CEO of Interplay when Fallout, Fallout 2 and Tactics were developed, that said Fallout succeeded despite Interplay, not because of it.2 points
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Going to duel boot? If so .... nice! On a different subject.... How to remove windoze bloatware... https://www.ninjaone.com/blog/how-to-find-remove-bloatware-from-windows-11/ The article above is wrong... Step 1. Install Linux over your Windoze OS Step 2. Your done, Windoze bloatware is gone. Enjoy a PC that doesn't nag you, install software you don't want and is more secure along with FREE software you can use to do most of the work you need to do. (provided you don't need a professional app that isn't available for LInux. For that VM or duel boot) LOL2 points
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https://www.boredpanda.com/hoa-wants-war/ HOA thinking they own the Farmers land. lol2 points
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I imagine this sort of thing is just spill over from the past four years of failed DEI. Most likely, this was some contract that was agreed to before adults took the country back. Probably cheaper to take the loss in sales than to break the contract, And you know the first mod for the game is going to be "make Taylor killable".2 points
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I didn't see the actions after the meeting. Still doubling down? The only thing he has now is Europe and I doubt they want to cover the bill to continue. They were happy when the US was covering the largest share of the bill. Hopefully now they will see the writing on the wall and use their GDP to build up their own military. It is easy to give to health care and other social needs when they don't have to pay much for their defense.2 points
Thought he was going to stroll in and have some kind of leverage. Dude, this isn't spineless sleepy Joe. You're talking to a boss not a puppet.2 points
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I'm not sure m yself where the informaiton for the modules are but if they are anywhere they would most likley be in the Discord server that he has. As for the question about doucments and such in the folder. I havne't got a definitive answer however, I often times have some in my folders as I am too lazy to clean up the folders and likely it won't slow it down as some members have stated they have 100 = gig mod folders with little issue. finally for the package/tsscript question. Yes, I'd say you should remove both. Also remember to never h ave them more than one folder deep. Meaning sims4/mods/your mod folder/package and script. Most of the time I just extract the authors folder and drag and drop into the sims mod folder as they set it up.1 point
I don't hold hope as well. Unless some other studio takes it over. Even then if it is a studio in the US that has been around for any amount of time, it will likely be same shit different day. Imagine if the studio that did BSG3 took it over or for that matter any studio in Asia. I would put Europe in it (CD Project Red) but... the screw up they did to releasse Cyberpunk makes me think twice.1 point
Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10028; LOD2=934 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam This release was brought to you by mechanical memory1 point -
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Correction: The problem is with Microsoft.net 4. If I can fix that, I won't need VirtualBox.1 point
Overview: In this Sci-Fi Horror game, our protagonist, Oni Lim, awakens aboard a colonization spaceship. However, as she awake from her slumber, she quickly realizes that all other crew members remain in cryogenic stasis, and critical ship systems are malfunctioning. Determined to uncover the source of the problem, Oni embarks on a perilous journey through the labyrinthine corridors of the ship. What she discovers amidst the flickering lights and ominous shadows is nothing short of shocking. https://kodmangames.itch.io/parasite-inside1 point
Liberals: "I am anti violence!" CEO is assassinated on sidewalk, Teslas are vandalized Liberals: "I LOVE VIOLENCE!"1 point
It took me a while to realize that there was a crawl space in the medical room. I've been trained by games like Oblivion and Skyrim to look for an arrow pointing to a location and not to think.1 point
Liberals are by far the dumbest people I have ever seen throughout my life.1 point
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The problem with Outlook is that Microsoft makes more money shoving ads in your face with the inferior version than they do selling the better product. They track what you're browsing in Edge and show you ads relevant to what you're browsing for in the new ad-laden Outlook. I was going to switch to Thunderbird anyway, I want to use as little Microsoft software as possible, but I'm going to take the extra step of ditching their email service. They even put ads in the webmail version of Outlook, and lately they have been sending email from sources that they themselves mark as trusted senders to the Junk folder, including my bank! I'm beginning to think that Microsoft is shooting itself in the foot with all these Windows shenanigans. Linux is a viable alternative to Windows for the average PC user, and it just needs a catalyst to get people using it.1 point
Pretty fun game I must say. There's sex with werebeasts, demons and certain humans. There's pregnancy. If you're lucky you get a piece of creatures body part and it's used to summon them to be your follower, and yhou can have sex with them. This game involves a lot of crafting. There is weapon and armor degradation. Same for the axes and pickaxes used for chopping trees and farming ores, rocks and charcoal. It' has great potential. The character creation is really good I have to say.1 point
The thing about Outlook andn microsoft office apps is you can use a web based solution for most of your needs if you don't need the heavy lifting. For example in Outlook your mail works perfectly. If you want to archive using outlook you would need the app... or would you? You could create a free Googlel or other email account with storage and forward the emails to that instead for archival purposes. If you aren't required by regulations to archive a specific way or manner which generally those that work for major cooporations are effected by this. Excel works pretty well from what I read except for really compex multipage or lots of enbedded forumlas and such. If you use web based products I'd suggest checking into Google docs as it would keep your documents on the free storage of Google. No need to add the app to the Linux (or Windows or even Chrome) and you have access not only to the document program but the documents as well. Unless you have a security concern regarding your work then you would need to either create your own cloud server and use Linux apps. Good news with this is there are lots of very good tools to create a very secure cloud server in Linux. (or so I have read. I don't have enough shit to need it lol) The bottom line is unless you are using these tools professionally you generally don't need to use Microsoft office applications. If you are, generally you are provided with a machine with the programs installed from I.T. Generally you wouldn't be advised to do personal work on it considering someone else owns that laptop. Generally there isn't a real need for Microsoft for the general public beyond online PC gaming or modding. If it wasn't the need to have easy access to my games I spent lots of $$$ on (some of which don't run well or at all on Linux currently at least) I wouldn't even have my gaming machine. All my other machines are either linux or google chrome. (I use the Chrome for my Google work since they have access to it and leave my Linux seperate to do stuff that I don't want Google to access) I have been using Google for my work emails for the past 2 years. Using web outlook. No problems. I have had some issues with some of the more complex spread sheets but converting over to Google doc (easy and reasonably quick process) handles many of those issues. I'm looking forward to a mass influx of old computers (again) as I used this last time when windoze whent from 10 to 11. This I expect will be even bigger. If I am lucky, Servers will be retired. (not as likely because I.T. generally uses the better OS ... Linux... to run on them) One can dream!1 point
I found this email in my spam folder. Even Microsoft's own email service hates Windows 11. What can I do with my old computer? Trade it in? To who? Ineligible computers become unusable. The good news for Microsoft shareholders is that the company should make a decent chunk of change from the people who are willing to pay for the Extended Security Update program. Or they will switch to Linux... E-waste or Linux? Charities face tough choices as Windows 10 support ends | TechSpot1 point
Right. Gaming was/is an outlet for escaping reality. Hence why these woketards are not gamers. They are there to cram their agenda into our hobbies because they are insufferable human beings who must have it their way. These people have no merit to stand on, thus they always infiltrate existing IPs because they know that's where the audience is at.1 point
Entertainment is where I go to get away from Politics. I imagine that is not uncommon amongst other folks as well. What is it that entertainment companies still aren't getting about that? I noticed Amazon is loudly announcing that James Bond will remain Male and Straight in their upcoming productions. They sure as fuck seem to see the writing on the wall.1 point
Never mind figured it out I’m good now checked the support fourm on a sight that kinda is bolt like this one and also has sims support thread i didn’t know where to turn on a certain setting for inappropriate unlock for wicked whims I’m good to go now thanks for the help1 point
I can't understand why someone would want a HOA. We had some issues when my family bought a new house and moved there when I was a teen. The issue was people were working out of a garage reparing cars. Their personal garage. This was against the law. They also had car parts and at one time stripping down a car to sell for parts. This is what people think an HOA protects against. They likely do but so does the police and aldermen. It might take a bit more but the job is done and they are stopped and even move. The only thing that sucked was during the couple of months this was going on in order to get taken seriously, everybody had to stop working on their personal cars. Yes, it is legal to work on YOUR car but illegal to work for $$$ on others cars in a residental area out of a residental garage. I was a teen and of course scraping up money for my car and keeping it going meant that often times I and my friends (at their garage) would fix the various things that would go wrong with a 20 year old 500 dollar car. We had to stop but fortunatly many of the parents would aid their childen with the cost of labor at a mechanic shop (but we did have to come up with the parts cost and of course they were refurb instead of from a junk yard) People are fed a bullshit story that HOA is there for them. The part where they are there for them is FEES. Going around and taking out a ruler and measuring fucking grass to make sure it is in compliance and checking the fucking plants in your front yard to make sure they are accepted or fining someone for painting their house because they didn't clear it with the HOA before they did so. Due to the fact that workers ... gasp... actually have to bring their trucks and park them on the strreet! OH my god the HORROR! I read one story where a plumber wasn't allowed to bring his van to the house and had to park it outside of the HOA area and walk (a long way) with the equipment and supplies to the house. Needless to say the plumber said fuck this and didn't take the job. The home owner had a water damage all over and couldn't shower all due to some HOA asshole not being reasonable. Going on a power trip.1 point
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Windows stealing your browser information (Edge?) Even if disabled. Now forcing updates to the newest verson ...WARNING. With all these bad actions and problems.... now is the time to raise the cost for Office 365!1 point
View File The More Universal Venue List A comprehensive tuning modification that allows other Mods to register their Venue Types to the Venues available for selection in each region. Since Basemental has chosen not to include a few mods as part of his "universal" list, I have chosen to maintain my own version of his file that includes them instead. Keep in mind, the original mods themselves are required to be installed for this file to do anything! The description as written by Basemental himself "The only venue list you’ll ever need." DO NOT USE THIS MOD AT THE SAME TIME AS BASEMENTALS "Universal Venue List" MOD! Features: - Adds the Venue Types of various mods to the list of venues that can be chosen in each region. Included Venues: All of the ones Basemental's Universal Venue List contains. (Probably, Whatever the Basemental one contains. Will update when I find out more) Devious Desires by ColonolNutty (This is a link to the discord where you can find it, not a direct link) Sim Snatcher by ColonolNutty (This is a link to the discord where you can find it, not a direct link) Requirements: Only a game patched to at least is required. Installation: Drag and drop the included files into your Mods folder. If there is a ts4script file in the download, it can be no more than one level deep. Meaning, you can have it at root The Sims 4/Mods/ or The Sims 4/Mods/Blah, but NOT at The Sims 4/Mods/Blah/Blah Keep in mind, the original mods themselves are required to be installed for this file to do anything! Permissions: Only EA tunings have been modified. No permissions needed. FAQ: Q: Do I need to have all of the mods listed in the features for this mod to work? A: No, you do not need to have ANY of the mods listed for this mod to work! You can even pick and choose which ones you'd like to use! Nothing should go wrong when they are found to be missing by the game. Q: My Venue Types from <Unlisted Mod Name Here> don't show up in the game! A: Simply send me a link to the mod and I can update my comprehensive list with them! Modified Tunings: (Type:Group:Instance) 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000019680 - region_Residential_WillowCreek 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000001D46D - region_Residential_Newcrest 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000019681 - region_Residential_OasisSprings 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000001E0F9 - region_Residential_NorthEurope 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000028A93 - region_Residential_CityLife 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000019680 - region_Residential_PetWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000002FBA5 - region_Residential_FameWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:00000000000313E3 - region_Residential_Strangetown 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000001A8A0 - region_Career_Retail 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000002526F - region_Residential_VampireWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000032DB4 - region_Residential_IslandWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000032FAE - region_Residential_UniversityWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000037B68 - region_Residential_EcoWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000003A376 - region_Residential_MountainWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000034E32 - region_Residential_Magic 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000003ED75 - region_Residential_CottageWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000042701 - region_Residential_WeddingWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000045CD5 - region_Residential_WolfTown 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:00000000000427ED - region_Residential_HighSchoolWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000049F18 - region_Residential_BayArea 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000004BF91 - region_Residential_EP14World 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:0000000000052692 - region_Residential_MultiUnitWorld 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:00000000000587B9 - region_Residential_EP16World 545AC67A:00E7A1DC:000000000005AF47 - region_Residential_EP16World Thanks: - Basemental for the original list of venue types. Submitter ColonolNutty Submitted 09/24/2024 Category Adult1 point
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Here is the support thread for Devious Desires: Try increasing the Slavemaster Sims fitness. I think I still need to look into the success rate probabilities. Otherwise, you can try the Force Enslave interaction under the SHIFT+CLICK menu. If that doesn't work, then I'd recommend looking for an exception file in `The Sims 4/mod_logs/*_Exceptions.txt` Provide the exception file it mentions here and we can take a look at it. Update S4CL or update Sims 4 or both. WW and MCCC are incompatible with all of my mods. Lots of things can break and/or slow down due to malicious code within WW, such as loading screen. There is a Slave market available within my discord where people provide various Slaves you can install into your game and buy from the Slave Broker: https://discord.gg/fdCgyXkDZb Update Sims 4. You should also remove Wicked Whims, it is incompatible with my mods.1 point
Don't have TS4, but thought this a funny possiblity for you...1 point
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