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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. I suppose this may be a thing for people who have a fetish for bodily fluids... everyone else, just hold on to your stomachs! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6020083/Vagina-beer-goes-sale-Poland-essence-hot-underwear-models.html
  2. I think when the switch to "game streaming" is complete (starting with the next gen consoles), most devs and publishers, incl. Bethesda, will either stop supporting mods entirely or will treat them as microtransactions within their games. The age of *free* modding (i.e. no cost, no control) is probably over, except maybe for a few indie titles. Bugridden Bethesda games will still sell millions of copies though... It's just that I won't be playing those or any other game with any kind of DRM and will never pay the full price at launch for any game.
  3. As if that would change anything... I certainly agree with you about the moderators, but I also think that Ashal himself isn't much different. He was just very rude when I simply pointed out a problem with SexLab (with the proof), which is still there. "Take it to Ashal", they kept saying, if you had a problem with the actions of the mods, yeah, right, he'd probably ban you right away... for creating too much "drama"... PS. Not interested in voting, it's a pointless stupid poll and I don't care. I don't like that CPU guy either.
  4. How are things going with the mod? I reeeeally need proper vampire armor for UNP which doesn't have some weird thing sticking out behind my left leg while walking... and also a hide/studded armor that doesn't have clipping issues when sneaking. Currently using Exeter's stuff with Kendo's fixes on top of it. Still have these issues though... Hope you can fix some of them. It's sad that after all these years we still don't have a solid replacer for vanilla armor and clothing for UNP...
  5. I'm sure the people at Bethesda hate hearing people praising FNV and recommending it over their Fallout game(s). Bet they would rather bury it along with all its mods if they could. Funny how some people still naively hope for another spinoff from Obsidian.
  6. If this isn't enough evidence for video games becoming way too mainstream then I don't know what is... https://variety.com/2018/gaming/news/fortnite-tutors-1202892064/
  7. *With a heavy Indian accent* "This is Mark Robinson..."
  8. Boy, these Indian tech scammers are pretty funny... This guy has some other entertaining videos on his channel (e.g. scammer getting locked out of his computer while trying to scam the guy) in case you might want to watch more.
  9. Wanna have Fallout 76 experience in Fallout 4? Well, here's the mod for you... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32599
  10. Not sure if this counts, but I'm beginning to like this guy for doing proper gaming journalism...
  11. You now know who to blame about FO4 dialogue system "improvements"...
  12. You role-play for a while, up until you realize what ending(s) you'll get with your approach and then you stop role-playing and start playing the game either to achieve one particular ending or to see all endings, that's what I'm talking about. I've only finished TW1, but I'm familiar with this stuff from Fallout series. If I were to finish TW3, I'd always try to do whatever necessary to achieve the happiest ending with minimal NPC casualties, even though that would mean that I had to let annoying NPCs live etc. It would definitely affect how I played the game and I honestly wouldn't call it as "role-playing". ME also has all that if you import your save from the previous game. Despite having watched multiple LP's of each, I've only played TW2 and TW3 for about a day or less, but I've completed TW1 and honestly, TW1 could easily go into my top-ten most annoying games ever. Both TW2 and TW3 are quality games, despite their flaws, but overall I don't like TW series for multiple (personal) reasons, so unlike TW3 fans they already have in their pocket, CDPR needs to work a bit harder to win me over. Edıt: Just had a sudden premonition about CP2077 release date... 2077... 7720... 7/7/20... It's gonna be 7/7/2020... Precisely two years away... Anyone wanna bet?
  13. But you know that's not what I meant. Ugh, no! Having "choices" that leads to different "endings" is a really BAD idea in RP games. Because as soon as you've become aware of that, it WILL have an affect on how you play the game, you'll probably start playing the game to achieve a particular ending or at least you'll always have a nagging thought that something you've done might get you to an ending you don't like etc. I hate predefined endings as that really goes against sandbox gaming.
  14. Something I also would like to add is that, while having separate dialogue options for male and female characters is always welcome, it's NOT enough. A RP game should also provide a different game play style for each. In other words, genders should almost be treated as different character classes. Only then having two genders represented in the game would make sense... even though it would probably trigger a bunch of feminists... Some guy had posted this image on a thread in RPGCodex (obnoxious place BTW) claiming that he never plays as female characters... Well, that's his loss really. We've all played as Conans or other badass male characters in games but imagine the RP opportunities that playing as the woman on the ground would give you, when done properly... You'd literally have two games in one...
  15. As I've said before, it'll probably be like Mass Effect series. You'll be able to choose gender and customize the character but it'll still be "Shepard". You can only be a paragon or renegade Shepard, and the latter doesn't really make sense. Dialogue options adapting the way you play is a feature every RPG should have, but a RP game should also provide meaningful changes in the dialogues and different approaches to game play according to the gender of the PC, otherwise choosing a gender would only be a cosmetic change that we can live without. B...but can you play as a slutty Geralt? Seriously though, those aren't all that different than say, Mass Effect. While it's certainly better to have a game reacting to your choices, the choices you're given are still limited and if/when one of those choices makes the most sense, doing another playthrough just to see how the game will react is kind of pointless, because in the end you'd probably pick the one which makes the most sense to you. And it's all because you're playing as an already established character who is in a situation he/she cannot escape (Shepard, Geralt etc.). Take ME for instance, doing a renegade playthrough makes you feel out of character because Shepard is supposed unite the galaxy against a common thread and being an asshole to people never helps his/her cause. In Skyrim, you either do something or you don't, the game never cares about your choices or how your character feels about things and it doesn't even have any facilities to track your in game choices either, you've either done a particular quest or you haven't, and you can always go back and do it if you haven't. It is a very stupid game and most things in it makes no sense at all.
  16. Like many other people, I was on the hype train until people started talking about the game is played in "1st person view only", except cutscenes. Now, I might be able to get over the fact that "V" has already an established personality, but a "1st person only" game-play in an RPG is unacceptable for me. I know some people think it's more "immersive" that way, but it's the opposite for me. Seeing the character I play interacting with the game world is what makes a role-playing game immersive for me. That's the reason I really appreciate features like headtracking for player character in games like Skyrim. I only use 1st person view for convenience when "sniping" things etc. In other games, such as shooters, FPV doesn't matter all that much, as I can pretend that I play it as "myself", but in RPGs, I don't need or want to see the game world "through my own eyes", as I don't play them as "me". I know people who've seen the demo keep saying that FPV makes sense and indeed, CP2077 may turn out to be a great game, but there are many other "great games" that I don't care about and this is probably going to be one of those...
  17. And that happened within the first few minutes after creating the character and started playing and then things got worse... There are a lot of creeps playing that game. :) Some games attract the most obnoxious people for some reason...
  18. Yes, I've just noticed a minor clipping issue with the college robes, the ones you're given when you first apply to the college of WH. Basically, your leg clips through the pants when you crouch.
  19. In one of the E3 interviews Todd Howard says that you'll always see other players no matter what. If there's no PVP or the game has a level restricted PVP, then it means there will be unkillable players trolling other people. In other words, you'll be stalked by 12-year olds or worse, while you try to build your base or whatever you're supposed to doing... Can you imagine? And then they will introduce a player blocking feature which will make the blocked users invisible and so on... Typical incompetent developer that we all HATE... I also won't ever buy a Bethesda game again, not because they are incompetent, but because they are people with a really fucked up morals... BTW, I've played FOnline Reloaded for quite a while, so I know how playing an online Fallout game feels like... And good luck playing it with a female character... "Hey, are you a real girl?"... "Of course, I'm a real G.I.R.L."... "Why don't you come to my tent? I want to show you something!"... "Err.. right, maybe later..."
  20. Go through all those awkward dialogues and all you get is this... Mass Effect romances in a nutshell... Fuck romances! Who the fuck needs them?! Just give us steamy casual sex!
  21. Wait, I've just realized that endgameaddiction is now a "Guest", which probably means s/he left the forum for good. Why?! I hope it's not because of something I've said, s/he was one of the people who invited me here after all.
  22. Remember these "leaked" screens from last year that we all dismissed as fake fan-art?... But look at the hairstyle (which is identical to the one the female "V" has in the E3 trailer) and the eye implant splitting the eyebrow. How could just a random fan predict all that a year ago? Nah, these were probably mockups for the real thing and they were either official or made by someone who was somehow involved in the development. BTW, judging by descriptions of the people who saw the E3 demo, character customization will be pretty limited. You'll probably be disappointed if you're expecting an MMO level of customization (e.g. Black Desert) or something like a Beth game. Again, you should probably take Mass Effect as a reference.
  23. Here is a rather controversial topic on what a role-playing game is and what isn't... What I think of it anyway... Some people define role-playing (in games) as "acting out a given role", but I think that's not only an insufficient definition, but it would also apply to *all* games that have a single player-controlled character, from Pac-man, to Super Mario, the latest EA sports games. In all those games you are "acting out a given role", but they're not all RPGs. I can't give you an encyclopedic definition of what a computer role-playing game is, but I think I can tell you a way, well, my way of identifying them. I simply ask this question, "How much of the character I control is of my own making?". In order to make the character "your own", the game must actively present you with "choices" regarding your character. If these choices aren't present in the game, then it's safe to assume that it's NOT an RPG. What are those possible choices you need to be presented with to make the character your own? Here are some of the ones I can think of... Cosmetic choices (e.g. choosing gender, hair style/color, armor/clothing) Character development choices (e.g. getting a particular trait/perk, investing on a particular skill) Game-play choices (e.g. handling a problem/quest in multiple different ways (e.g. by peacefully, by stealing, by violence etc.), siding with the faction A or B) However, just having one or more of these may not be enough to call a game an RPG. It's the amount of variation or difference between all possible player characters is what determines the amount of role-playing possibilities a game provides you with. If the difference is very little, then it's either barely an RPG or not at all.
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