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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. If I win the lottery I might think about buying one. Edit: Apparently the new "RTX" series of cards are able to do "real-time" ray tracing! Funnily enough, my graduate thesis was about parallel ray tracing using Pov-Ray with PVM and MPI interfaces, which was almost 20 years ago. The university even let me built a PC cluster which were all Pentium IV's and now a single graphics card has more computational power than my entire cluster! If you had a single Titan V back when I did this you'd probably be on the top of the Top 500 list.
  2. Probably, it was whoever developing NVSE Extender at the time. I couldn't find the exact post I was talking about (maybe it's deleted?) but here's a few mentioning my suggestion about co-saves. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/13779-nvse-extender/?do=findComment&comment=564311 https://www.loverslab.com/topic/24656-nvse-extender-aka-nx/?page=7&tab=comments#comment-934573 Edit: They definitely deleted posts: the current thread on LL has 23 pages, the one on archive.org has/had at least 28 before it was locked. Don't know, perhaps I deleted it myself after getting pissed off about their attitude.
  3. Yep, pretty much what we've always said about Bethesda. If I ever made a YT video about them it would probably be very similar.
  4. No, it was some other guy. He was indisputably one of those assholes though.
  5. Not that I'm particularly excited about it, but I just thought it'd be nice to have a Gamescom thread... As far as I know, CDPR and Taleworlds will be there, so we'll probably hear about Cyberpunk 2077 and M&B II Bannerlord... Doubt it'll be anything hype-worthy, but we'll see...
  6. @endgameaddiction I believe Skyrim section was similar in the early days when there wasn't any established modders and their "fanboys" around. I bought FNV after Skyrim, so I don't know how the early days of Fallout 4/FNV section was, but while I was there, I realized that some of the modders there were real assholes. For instance, I've once complained about NVSE co-saves not being kept together with the actual saves. Some guy pretty rudely posted, "why don't you do it yourself?" or something similar. I downloaded the source code, made the changes, recompiled the code and posted the DLL on the forum, and they didn't even bothered to look at it. Just like you, I've helped or at least tried to help as many people as I could in both Skyrim section and in FNV section, helped many modders with their mods, even posted fixes for their mods, but let me tell you, none of those count in the end. If you expect some degree of gratitude and respect, you have to author a mod that others did not or could not make, otherwise people don't give a shit about what you do. Never waste your time helping total strangers, they'll take all the credit and no one will care about how helpful you were. I've always known this since my university days, yet somehow I naively expect that things will be different in every new community I join. As for circle-jerking, it happens in every online community once it's got established personalities and their "minions". These groups pretty much turn into a "gang" and treat strangers with hostility, even when the reason why they are there is no longer relevant.
  7. Keep in mind that DICE is a Swedish developer and what Soderlund actually means by "uneducated" is probably the people who aren't brainwashed by the Swedish education system. By the way, it's probably safe to assume that as the number of female developers increases in the industry, getting hardcore realistic war games becomes less likely.
  8. TBH, solely blaming Ashal and moderators for the state of LL is a bit like blaming the government for the shit they've been doing and not the people who voted for that government. No, people don't choose the moderators on LL, but they encourage them and validate their actions. Pretty sure you've all have noticed the "likes" the mods get whenever they took some action or posted something that pleased, let's say the Bethesda fanboys. What I'm trying to say is that, the problem isn't just a bunch of people running the site as they please, they are able to do it because there's a significantly large group who support them and are just like them. SJWs? Probably, if by SJW you mean the people who want to silence all other voices and create a safe space for themselves and other like-minded people.
  9. For 32-bit Skyrim, I recommend these SKSE mods for a little more stability: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/85443/? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/? The first one really eliminates crashes which occur while loading a save. To prevent crashes while saving the game, I count one to five then hit [NEW SAVE]. I'm pretty sure one would be able to finish the vanilla game with zero crashes, but I'd personally never play vanilla Skyrim.
  10. If you think you have games on any digital platform, think again. If your account somehow gets hacked, disabled, deleted or whatever, you either say goodbye to all your games or will have to deal with the idiots at the customer service for who knows how long... If you're persistent enough and lucky enough you might get your things back... what a nightmare... and we pay for this shit...
  11. Well, what Steam's been doing for the last fifteen years is pretty much a game rental service and people had no problem paying the full retail price for games that are tied to one account on a service which isn't guaranteed to work forever. I'm sure many people won't mind what EA's been doing either, might even love it more.
  12. They have already removed skills from the game, and now they've reduced character perks into cards. "Here, let me give you one of my perks... Want some chewing gum as well?" Makes sense, right?
  13. Like most other games today, their games aren't even worth pirating.
  14. Looks like you'll get a random pack of "perk cards" and a chewing gum when you level up... Even leveling up now involves gambling. By the way, the perks, I mean, the perk cards are interchangeable, you can swap them up with something else later on. So, you no longer have to live with decisions you made earlier in the game. Fantastic isn't it? Just the type of thing the Millienial fans of crappy Beth games would like... I suppose all that was expected after the lunchboxes and shit in Fallout Shelter.
  15. https://www.engadget.com/2018/08/11/bethesda-threatens-lawsuit-over-sale-of-secondhand-game/ https://www.pcgamer.com/bethesda-blocks-resale-of-second-hand-still-sealed-the-evil-within-2-copy/ As always, good job Bethesda! and Hines pathetically defends this as usual... https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-08-11-pete-hines-defends-bethesdas-legal-threat-on-amazon-marketplace-game-seller
  16. If and when I join a site/forum just to download things, I never make a single post more than what is necessary and don't even bother arguing about how the site is moderated etc. since I won't stay there for long. I joined LL and this forum simply to interact with people about games and mods. Mind you, in the early days of Skyrim modding there wasn't much to download anyway, it was just mod ideas floating around.
  17. Ha ha ha! Practically describes CPU, no wonder he found it offensive.
  18. Never liked that guy, he was in my ignore list like forever, yet I sometimes replied him as there was no one else left to argue with. What was the video about? Care to post it here? You know what, I've been using the Internet since the beginning and I've seen similar stuff happening in every single community I followed or participated in. Should actually give you enough reason to not bother with contributing to anything. Just take the stuff you want and go, like so many others do...
  19. bjornk


    Continuity issue on p2.2: Glasses with rectangular frame on the floor turn into circular frame. Those skills and perks... Poor Wendy!
  20. Not to mention... #ForeverBeta
  21. Someone posted this on LL... https://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-76-wont-launch-on-steam/ Not that I like Steam but a Beth.net only game is a new low for Beth...
  22. He's unable to realize that an adult forum isn't a kindergarten and deleting people's posts and locking threads, either for trivial reasons or for no reason at all, are both extremely disrespectful to the people who actively participate on the forum in a meaningful way. I believe he's just an example for how even a trivial power over others corrupts and gets abused. It's funny how he keeps mentioning how he pays for things from his pocket, one might think that's how he got the purple title... Yes, CPU is the worst, but he's not alone. Most mods there act very biased. They ignore things when they want to, or when it's convenient, even if something is quite literally against the rules. The last time I posted there I was given a "permanent warning" by DoctaSax for using a phrase something like "hey, don't insult our intelligence" when replying a guy claiming that "none of us knows what Creation Club is". Apparently this was enough of an "insult" that deserved a permanent warning! He's just milder version of CPU, literally a Bethesda fanboy who tries to silence everyone who speaks badly about them and once he dislikes you enough, he pays particular attention to your posts and looks for things he can abuse, the guy quite literally bears a grudge against people he doesn't like. gregathit is also pretty much a "trigger happy" moderator who likes to lock threads. He's once given me a warning for using the word "retard" and completely ignored the series of posts that lead to that. I never insult people for no reason, unless they insult me first and that was such a case, I may have deserved a warning for that, but I'm not sure the person who insulted me first received any warning, and I doubt he or she had. I haven't had any problem with other moderators, just these three. PS. Kendo's post sums things up pretty well. Edit: Our little rant about LL moderation might be breaching the "no external conflicts" rule, just saying...
  23. I'm starting to think there is one... I mean, either that or they have a really persistent bug with their system, because it keeps recommending this Japanese pop song, even though I never listen to any Japanese pop songs, never randomly click on anything related to Japanese music. And I'm not the only one, just read the comments on the page, "always click on plastic love when it is recommended", "youtube recommendation girl", "Lmao who else was recommended to come here by YouTube??"... YT's been recommending this song for some reason for about a year and on several different machines, whenever I start to watch a string of music videos. Maybe this Mariya Takeuchi person knows someone at YT? I bet this will soon become a meme of some kind, like "rickrolling"...
  24. Here's an instructional video about the "Grapefruit Technique"...
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