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Everything posted by bjornk

  1. There isn't much about the game in that video, is it? Don't know, can't say that I'm impressed with the tech demos the video shows. That click bait thumbnail though... Isn't that the ranger from Black Desert (see my avatar)?
  2. If you're still interested in playing the original games here are a few mods to try, they are both good mods with substantial content... Fallout 1.5: Resurrection (website) Fallout of Nevada (see NMA General Modding section) If only Fallout 2 was easier to mod and had proper tools for modding...
  3. Somewhat related rant about FOnline...
  4. Fallout turns 20 today. How did Fallout 1 ever get made? Edit: Funny, we had a thread back on LL when it turned 18.
  5. Well, someone posted Fallout 2 Restoration Project on Nexus without Killap's permission a few years ago. Don't know who deleted it, but my message pointing it out the issue disappeared shortly after. The pirated mod is still there and nobody seems to give a fuck about it. I suppose that's one good reason not to invest excessive amount of your time for making mods, unless you're making them for yourself...
  6. "Creations can make additions and changes to hardcoded content..." So they might even release an "official" script extender and claim theirs is superior.
  7. I really doubt that Cain would work on an XBox exclusive title. Haven't watched the video yet but if I'm not mistaken Stormlands was a MS IP and Cain has once said that his was a new IP for Obsidian.
  8. I wonder what Cain and Boyarski have been working on at Obsidian. It's obviously a new RPG. Whatever it is, let's hope they won't cancel it.
  9. Here's a nice Eurogamer interview with Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarski and Feargus Urquhart (of Obsidian). Just saw it on NMA.
  10. Okay, let me see the character creation screen first, then I'll think about jumping on the hype train.
  11. It's funny how Bethesda keeps saying that it's not "paid mods", but they are selling "mini DLCs", which are made by 3rd parties and not by the original developer... And what the heck is a mod anyway? It's literally a DLC made by a 3rd party... So they are basically selling mods to stupid people who can't put two and two together.
  12. Is it just me or the site is painfully slow? Okay, I may be exaggerating a bit but it's definitely not as responsive as most other sites I visit, rather sluggish.
  13. Well, the problem is almost everyone expects a game just like TW3, but it may very well be a top down isometric RPG. It might be a *huge* game world, and that may be because your character is tiny. As we know nothing about it, it may even turn out to be a turn-based game. You see, I'm trying to lower my expectations, as well as yours. Also keep in mind that it's a *government funded* game. I don't know what the Polish government would think of a game full of prostitutes and sex.
  14. To be honest, I really don't care about the size of the game world. All I care about is whether or not it'll be a game for adults... What would make it an adult game? Sex. To me what it means is, no sex, no buy. Especially, if it turns out to be another "hero righting wrongs, saving worlds" bullshit... but if it has everything that an adult game needs to have, then yes, a huge game world would be good, although only if all of it is accessible and it's not full of buildings and structures you can't even explore or interact with, like the ones in FNV.
  15. Or some asshole may simply take your mod from Nexus and upload it to Bethnet, without even your permission. It has happened before, will happen again. I agree with Kendo however, that even though there's always a slight possibility, I still doubt that they'd attack free versions of SSE or FO4 mods. That would do more harm than good for them. I doubt that the reaction to the next Bethesda game with a closed modding environment would be that strong. Bioware fans didn't know that the next ME game would be this bad. Fans of the previous Bethesda games however, at least the ones who are intelligent enough to see them for what they are, have already realized that the quality of their games was going downhill, and have either lost their interest or lowered their expectations. The remaining bunch are okay with shit games like FO4 anyway and can probably live without mods. And I wouldn't even be surprised if, perhaps due to a possible engine change, Bethesda stopped supporting mods entirely. They've been selling more copies of their games on consoles anyway, so I doubt that they'd consider supporting PC modding a necessity.
  16. To be honest I'm not all that excited about that game, it probably *won't* be an open-world sandbox RPG and I have a feeling that it will disappoint many people who expect something like TW3. Keep in mind that they are aiming for a bigger game than TW3 but at the same time it's going to be released on XBOX One and PS4 as well. Considering the limitations of these consoles, I doubt it'll be something groundbreaking either. It'll quite possibly be a "meh, more of the same"...
  17. The best solution to prevent them from changing anything in your Skyrim or FNV installation is to remove the Steam DRM dependency from your game. Find the pirated (i.e. cracked executable) version game on torrents and open (do not run) the cracked executable and the original side by side, then delete the part(s) calling theSteam DLL in the original executable... And you'll never have to run the Steam client again in order to play these games... No more unwanted updates and other shit.
  18. Yeah, you have to buy the CC first, if you want to buy mods.
  19. What do you think it would cost if those leeks were grilled? Yes, none of those is currently on the CC... they are still in development. I saw it on NMA, another funny thing was apparently someone added user tags to it:
  20. I don't know if that's indeed the case with the CC mods, but nobody, not even the fanboy modders who expected "big, DLC quality" mods on the CC could pointed out that there would possibly be some issues due to the technical limitations of consoles which would naturally be the common denominator on the CC.
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