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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Sometimes a great game, isn't great for someone. That is fine. I believe they are continuing their quality in development of the game. As much as I would love a great game to add to my collection, I will possibly wait to see what comes about since the game is so different from what they developed before. (No pre-paid likely) however, if they are open and have demos for reviewers and such to help me make an informed decision I might jump back on the pre-paid. So far as I can see, CD Project Red is the only company that I would consider doing so with due to their attention to detail and not pulling all the shit other dev companies try doing. The established personality, I believed would be present. They haven't developed any game that is totally open yet. Perhaps new additions would allow different path (more open) or perhaps an DLC would do that later once they have released it and see that they can change it without harming the game. Or, perhaps they have some tools that some modder does this to the game. I do see a desire for people to have first person and third person options (and pretty much believe most games like this should have the option) I for one, might like the FPV over TPV as I had some hard times with Witcher due to it being third person. It took longer to get used to the third person but I can see why they choose third person as they invested a shit ton of work in the fight mechanics and such.
  2. Your opinion on a game is still valid even if you will never buy it. In fact, it might even be more so. Also, I agree there is something stinky going up at Bethesda Headquaters I believe they don't even know what the fuck is in the game yet either. They WILL MONETIZE SOMETHING however, they will call it something different or use some loophole or something. Perhaps the Creation Crap ...ur Club will be what they use to make the money. I have no doubt they will. They (Bethesda) is far from what Fallout is for a long time... slowly tearing away what the original creators designed to make it something else. This is just one more step. I think Fallout NV was the starting point after the realized that there is some cash to be gotten from seeing what Fallout 3 pulled in. Likely before that, they didn't consider that franchise they gotten from the acquisition of Black Isle Studios (I believe it was that company) was worth much. Wasn't until some other company fleshed it out and made it a 3d game added a new features (VAts) and other things that they realized this could be a good cash cow. All game companies are wanting to turn their franchise into a service. Sad thing is they all suck at doing so. They go against their fans wishes, develop shit that many don't like and go in directions that aren't making much sense. Instead, they should be bring their core fans into the process, develop things that are desired, features that are wanted, and then move into more service options. Game "services" aren't bad, it is the companies greed /money grab and cheap tricks that make it bad. I disagree, I believe they need to have their asses bought out by a company that will respect their IP's and create future games that cater to their core fan base and respect their customers. Either that or get so fucked over they have to sell some of their IPs (Fallout / Skyrim ) to another company to develop the next games. (like Fallout 3 ) ... baring that, anything that gets Fallout and TES from them before they totally FUCKUP THOSE IP'S LIKE THEY DID WITH MASS EFFECT! Fallout 76 might just be Fallout's equivalent to MEA.
  3. That sums it up pretty well
  4. What! You can get two women at the same time and not get in trouble!
  5. The fuck if I care if they make a MMO out of a Fallout game. Zero care. I do care that they are fucking round and not coming out and saying it. If they want a MMO, Pug whatever shit, go for it... stop trying to fucking say it is something it isn't and don't be stupid and try to be "everything" to everybody because you will fuck up... not might, you will fuck up Bethesda. As Kendo stated, the main fans of the Fallout franchise aren't MMO players. Same for the TES franchise. (as proven by the ESO game) Trying to bring them into the MMO game by lying and trickery and double speak and / or adding MMO elements and shit to a classic fallout game will only fuck up things even worse. The more talk and the closer the game gets to release the more of a turd it looks like. This is a serious issue. Before at least Fallout 4 looked good, hooked a few fans on it and got some interest because it looked great (at first glance etc) If it looks this much like a turd now... how big of one is it actually? Following the previous hype machine and info and then seeing reality... (being much worse than advertised and each release worse and worse) Now that Fallout 75 looks like complete shit and info shows it is likely complete shit... how much worse can it be? I smell something along the lines of being more epic shit tastic then Mass Effect Andromeda! If that is the case... they had to really work at fucking the game up to make it that bad.
  6. WHAT!!!! Impossible. Bethesda doesn't make train wrecks... they make Masterpieces. Edit... WTF... is that a gargoyle from Skyrim @0.56?
  7. Reminder...I am not an APE I am an ALIEN!....
  8. LOL couldn't resist....
  9. Not here on this sight as far as i know... Sorry. If you find something you like and think is well thought out, you can post a thread here and point to it If you want.
  10. No, Also it is a bit outdated for Ol' rim.
  11. They want to start the hype machine early... Many companies seem to be doing this now. Sad really. a simple Public release that indicated the next games they are working on is good enough. The absence of info or images will give more to the effect and anticipation than giving such early images... also, like MEA might actually work against them if they have to lower the graphic quality as they did in MEA. I don't have a problem with those types of games. I have many, many games (many I haven't even played yet lol). That isn't the problem. The problem is they are trying to capture "their" customer base which is gamers that like customizing their games and modding the living shit out of them. Using the IP that did this for years and years and not providing the same level of possibilities... is going to bite them on their asses very bad. More than I suspect they believe. Instead they need to create a new IP... (maybe OK to use that universe) but make it clear it isn't part of the old system. Then add the crap they want to the game. Even then there will be a stink but not as bad as I suspect will happen they way they are going. I'd love them to create a TES/Fallout world with all the current features but more of a PUG G setup... not much in the way of story or quest. Just some basics. lol. Then the community can add things ...
  12. That is a hard thing to do Good for you.
  13. There are a few people at my work that like it. The strange thing (or not so strange) is those that like Anime don't necessary like this and those that don't (like me in general) found it funny and entertaining. Don't get me wrong. I haven't even begun to watch it, I have many more movies and such to keep my attention That is for one fo those days you don't want to do anything else and aren't really interested in anything on your Que. I am sure there are many here that know what I mean.
  14. That was a very nice, concise comment. Thank You and welcome to the site! Hope you have fun while here.
  15. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3860916/ I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. Not the best but enjoyable.
  16. They you aren't "jumping ahead of yourself" (As in creating a decision of buying or not buying etc a game) you made a final decision. I can respect that. I have done this myself for some companies I used to deal with. I have not made such a decision for any gaming company ... yet. I will however not buy (pre- purchase) a game now from almost any company except CD Project Red. Yes, their new project could be a giant turd but I am basing my trust on their previous work and joy they gave me. I can forgive them for a bad game (they haven't had one so far :P) I saw that Vampyr is available for pre- purchase and I liked all I have seen and the reviews and such but don't have a history with them and can't trust them for a pre-purchase. However, if they continue to hold up after release and actual real gamer playing the game... I might just have to pick that up. The developers are shooting themselves in the foot by not allowing reviewers to review the game earlier
  17. For me, it isn't "jumping ahead of myself". I am basing my current decision on the history of the company (Bethesda) and their offering for Fallout games. It would take a massive change in their offerings before I was interested.
  18. They are pushing the creation Kit... Paid mods service... future game.. Not going to happen ... at least for me. Not at the level of crap base of game they produce.
  19. I thought at first I wouldn't be able to contribute to this thread considering I am not a big YouTube fan... Mostly keeping to the main stream big producers of gaming content. However, I did find one that I think fits the requirements and even more, fits NSFWmods general site as well. On top of it, the producer of this Youtube channel is a female, not the sausage fest that most gaming sites contain! Gotta give the love for any serious female gamer and even more for female YouTube content creator. She has a very well constructed intro music/video, and pretty direct and clear review. (Not to mention, a southern accent... . Yes, the example is a mod from Loverslab however, based on the review she gives, it is a definite mod to check out If you want to play a bit of Fallout 4. Check her out! Mod page, https://www.loverslab.com/topic/99399-fully-voiced-companion-completely-oversexed-ivy-32/
  20. ritualclarity


    Yep... Skyrim play through is "a little mindless Skyrim".. by definition. lol
  21. While he was trying to drive away while being hooked up to a tow truck... this was playing in his head. LOL...
  22. Weird Al is pretty awesome...
  23. Dam, that chick doing exercices on a motorcycle... Got Skilzz That jeep climing the fucking canyon wall... WTF.. You are my hero... Damn
  24. LOL... he made all those women just melt... lol As soon as he started singing...
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