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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I think the braindances will be like what was given in Witcher III when you are re-living Ceri's experiences while you try to find her. There are times you interact in the game as her. Braindances are likely going to be something similar. You will need to experience some character's experiences to learn what you need to know to continue the game. It is a great way to experience some of the other classes and perhaps even different mods as well.
  2. I told yal, I told yal... I'm gonna be back... That is a teacher... no wonder x generation cannot speak properly.
  3. yes, I agree and to answer endgameaddiction. I believe they will do something like is done in Witcher III when you take too many potions. You could die or have other negative effects that really do seriously hold you back until you get over them. As for modding the game. I tried to do some mods in Witcher III and didn't have the patience. It was complex and to be honest... in reality I found I didn't need those mods in the end as the game was more than enough. (the only mod I think I would want would be the ability to see in the dark without the potion whenever... I believe the story states they were mutated to see in the dark. The game gives this but makes you have to take a potion.) But other than that... Nothing interested me mod wise.
  4. I am going to be keeping an eye out for actual reviews and game play when it is available so I could get a chance to see this great game in its final or near final product. One part of me is so excited to get it and I want it yesterday, the other part, the more rational one, is saying to me ... wait, have patience it will take time to get an excellent game created. http://www.techradar.com/news/cyberpunk-2077-release-date-trailer-and-news http://www.pcgamer.com/everything-we-know-about-cyberpunk-2077/
  5. Ah, so you might have to updated your rig to play the game. That could understand. Question, if you had a modern high spec machine .... that could play everything you wanted... would you buy the pre order? I don't believe they will do a bad job. I believe it will be as good fit and finish as the Witcher series. I pretty much trust that. However, on my end I want to be sure that I like the way the game plays. That I like the game personally. That is the only question I have when it comes to pre-orders. Hopefully, CD Project Red will at least release the game early enough to trustworthy reviewers to give us both the confidence that this is indeed the game we want. They give us the opportunity to be good consumers and purchase confidently. Hopefully, they will however I don't remember their process for their previous game releases. That would be some indication on how they will do this games release. Does anyone remember?
  6. Yes, the dark world where you are just a person making your way through the world. Your choices and strategy is what will either allow you to survive or fail. This is what makes the Witcher games series so great IMO. It is different from TES and Fallout universes and there isn't anything wrong with those universes, however, there are so few games where you aren't the main "hero" or dare I say it "god". Having a fully fleshed out game where this happens is rare indeed. We have a medieval game series where this happens in Witcher and now we hopefully will have a great game set in a dark futuristic world of Cyber Punk 2077. Hopefully, there will be more in that series, perhaps a 2120 version or something to give us our Cyber Punk "Fix". Can't wait until there is an official release date given. That will be the time I will start saving. How many here will be pre-ordering.. ? Or is that a bad idea from any company regardless of their history of great games?
  7. Kendo sums this up quite nicely... There does seem to be some issues like the clouds don't move. When the mouse dies it seems to float in place etc, etc. but all very much forgivable considering how tightly the game is otherwise. I wish the major game companies, with all that has happened and the backlash from MEA and other games upon release, learn from these tupes of Indy games. The games don't have to be perfect. Much can be forgiven if the key parts of the game is solid, well written and executed. A plus if you follow CD Project Red's current motto and see where you went wrong before and see what you could do to improve... Bethesda had this formula when it created Morrowind and to a lesser degree Oblivion. They lost their focus and thus lost their quality of their games. I hope if these guys, gals and mice... continue to remember their roots and keep true to what made them a success. It wasn't the story, It wasn't the animations, It wasn't the engine, it was their attention to detail and making sure all aspects of the game were well fleshed out. As well fleshed out as they could possibly do at that time.
  8. I am interested in what I have read about cyberpunk 2020 and this particularly. That kind of fits with the CD Project Red's Witcher III (however he did get harder to kill as time went on but I believe it was due to mutation however also due to level ... in a sort of way.) This could be interesting considering these are the author of Witcher III which is notoriously able to hand your ass over to you if you decide to be a "hero" or do something that would be stupid, as well as allow you with proper thought, provide yourself with the hardware, equipment and supplies to be able to take down extremely hard to kill opponents well above your current "advised" level. this provides an extremely rich and challenging environment that an player can enjoy for a very, very long time. As for including the "classes" I am not familiar with these classes but understand that this is a great thing as it will allow the player to keep on playing various classes over and over and then move to others and then even more Lots of replay-ability with this approach. Lesser companies... (you know who I am talking about) I am afraid aren't able to properly implement this and will leave the game limited and "empty" (you know the game I am talking about :P) but I have great confidence that CD Project Red will be able to make a rich world that one could enjoy well beyond the 1000 hour play time into 5000+ hours. This game is looking better and better all the time. Side note they are taking their sweet time getting it to market... which is a good thing They treat their games like fine wine... they don't sell it until it is time. Following this path they will continue to be the best that the market has to offer.
  9. Its starting to look better and better as I am able to see more and more video.
  10. https://gaming.youtube.com/game/UC4yDZt7D_E5A10tgI59V6Bw#tab=1 More,more .... more!!!!
  11. I believe the T3 Cail is the most used body. However, even if the armor is using another t3 it should work as well just change the shape a bit. (for those times you don't have an awesome armor to replace the default one) I installed all of the Kendo's Breezes options (manually) and it works quite well. I'd suggest double checking the installation and if you aren't using his version,change. It is more compatible . I don't understand much of what is being stated in the OP but understand enough that those issues that cause various glitches and such from using various armors and such are a think of the past. (no need to patch each armor to get itto work with Breezes) So far it works well but I will admit I haven't tested much with the Breeze. If you have a mod that you are having problems with and it can be downloaded // shared etc let me know (PM) andI will test it myself. I am only testing the game and fooling around. I can check to see if it has any issues on my setup.
  12. Testing out my mod configure. Has Kendo's T3 body (forget the version now. I believe it is Cali) Mojave Delights body/hair (eyes) NMM's small textures/mesh pack as well as Vurts Wastelands floral Overhaul and not much else.
  13. Your grass and greenery looks a bit more... green than mine. what are you using. Are you using WFO? http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39856/? Uploaded my current work... since you showed me yours
  14. I am redoing my FNV as well. So I am interested in your load order... (off subject :P) However, to get back on the subject, I'd recomend that you continue to build up your load order till you have it "just right" and forget the ENB for now. Enjoy your textures and mesh mods and re-entry into FNV for now. Do at least one good serious play through to test these newer mods and your old favorites and fix those issues that you might come across. Then after at least one good play through and if you are confident all things are fixed and you still have enough head room for an ENB look at that then. People just start tossing ENB's into their system right off the bat without looking at the alternatives. Setting up a nice well optimized textures and mesh packs for example. Environmental, Clothing and excellent body meshes and textures can do so much to improve your game. Adding a solid weather and lighting mod to suit is the next step. For example I went through and reworked my textutes for skyrim and have been asked which ENB I used... Warning large photos below The above are from Skyrim,however, it does show that you can really make a difference with just textures meshes, weather and lighting mods. These were taken on a old system with a GTX670 2gbVram system. It took alot of work, yes but in time I was able to get all the desirable results, make the game custom to my liking with armors and weathers and lighting( even make Whiterun look ooh so good) and still had a ton of space (overhead) to run heavily scripted mods, companions and other such things without any issues. Hope that helps. You have the skills to mod the game to this level and perhaps even beyond it Then if you want an ENB you can enhance your experience even more.
  15. Witcher III Original Music from Miracle of Sound Wake the White Wolf don't quite fit the game however still sounds pretty good. Ciri's Song Also from Miracle of Sound that does fit a bit better. Still pretty good. The Path... Miricle of Sound For those that Like Doom This one fits much better... I can see myself enjoying that music while ripping demons apart..
  16. Feel free to open a thread on that and inform us of the developments as they come along.. since you are really looking forward to that.. Save me from doing so in the future lol. The CTD might be due to limitations and such and you might be accurate in the use of SSE for future expansions however I believe they were planning on having this for both versions of Skyrim as well as future versions. However, only using it for SSE makes sense and give them much needed head room to develop the mod. I personally can forgive them for that and understand them doing so and actually don't mind. Many have both versions of Skyrim so it really doesn't matter that much IMO. That would give me a reason to visit SSE. lol. Thus far I haven't felt the need to do so, however, I haven't really been in Skyrim much if at all except for some testing and fooling around now that testing a mod has been canceled. One thing to take from the video is the statement that they will not put this in that Creation Club thingy that Bethesda is creating. That alone with the size and scope of the mod deserves kudos for their team. They are also not putting it behind a pay wall even though many would pay a few dollars for this level of quality (as it was viewed) and size of mod being DLC sized. It is a good example to other teams working on mods like this and Skyoblivion and such on how to handle their modding projects.
  17. Well... then it doesn't matter if it falls short or has some issues. Being created by a person and some friends with quality at this level even for a promo and beta... I can accept issues or stuff. I mean if a multi-billion company such as Bethesda creates crap like Mass Effect Andromda and people buy it... and some seem to like it very much Then how is anyone able to complain or gripe one bit about a group of friends creating a game... Hell they should be supported just because of the fact they are able to create something that outshines what could be created by companies that are in game creation.. LOL.. considering where this game is coming from, I could forgive them for that If they did this to help support their game or whatever, special outfits, etc. That is cool. I don't mind the idea of micro-transactons, the problem is when it is needed or required to actually play the game on the same level as others (multiplayer) Skins, and other BS is perfectly fine. I could ignore those. Micro transactions for equipment that is clearly better and useful over the default vanilla equipment... is not acceptable. Based on what I see and hear about so far about this game... I am pretty sure they'd do things right regardless of what they choose to do. There is a time and place for everything. Big game companies just don't care and do what they want regardless. Oh, and yes... I know you were joking...
  18. There is a new mod in town. One that won't be placed in that Bethesda Creation Club or whatever they want to call it... EVER.. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84946/? Looks pretty good. Haven't tried myself... yet
  19. No I don't know how to make A Sexlab Voice. Perhaps someone here will be able to go further and create a tutorial or post or something on this.
  20. He likely removed the file. Hopefully, he will respond and if necessary fix it.
  21. They could be branching off from the book and game and use some other characters than the main characters... Perhaps a cameo but mostly new material. Using the Witcher world. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of good solid info yet. I mention that because it is a series not a movie. Being a series I would guess would need more material for a longer running time than what would be given from a book.
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