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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 14 hours ago, katuc said:

    Hello. I'm finally at phase 8 and I'm a the part where I must open and run LOOT. However, when I do that i get an error saying "Failed to load URL file:///E:/Steam/LOOT/resources/ui/index.html with error (-6)."

    I made sure that LOOT was in not in the Mod Organizer folder but beyond that I'm not sure where it's supposed to go now. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am so close yet so far away.

    It states in the tutorial


    Get the latest version of LOOT. Extract to %\Games where Skyrim is installed. Not to the actual Skyrim or further in, just in the games folders next to "steamapps"

    I didn't place it there. I placed it in C:/LOOT and ran it from there however I believe she intended it to go into your Steam folder where you see "steamapps". In any case it has to be properly extracted and then that folder placed into the location where you wish it to be. Then when you follow the instructions to run LOOT you find the EXE in the folder and then follow the instructions set forth on the tutorial.


    Get the latest version of LOOT. Extract to %\Games where Skyrim is installed. Not to the actual Skyrim or further in, just in the games folders next to "steamapps"

    By the way you shouldn't have three "///" in your file.

  2. Time to celebrate. Our little site is now over 2000 excellent and very cool members as of April 13th. Some call Friday the 13th unlucky, however this isn't the case for our site. It is an excellent milestone that we have accomplished and shows we are moving int he correct direction. Lets keep the momentum and drive towards 4000 members O.o.

    Come and join in on our celebration.

    Here is to you



    • Like 3
  3. 3 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

    well... had a look at that body...  even if i certainly prefer Kendo2's, i don't find it that horrible ! LOL !  ;)

    I didn't see the horrible either however on more than one occasion those that understand textures and meshes had given me some interesting details about that mod.  I was a BOG user for many years. it is convenient and does a job. However trust me once you go through those few added steps to get Kendo body's up and running and actually see the results you will be also sold. Most are. If you have to use something along those lines and don't want to use Kendos use diamon99 body meshes.

    The great thing is you can get excellent support for those bodies right here :).


    AS for other mods. Project Nevada is a must for me. It adds many features I find missing from Fallout NV. Bullet time, grenade to name a few. It also allows a more challenging game as you can set it or customizing it to your needs.


    ps: as you probably already guessed, english isn't my own language ;) so please forgive the probably many mistakes, repetitions and inaccuracies of words usage ;)  :P

    Same here. I am an "alien" so I don't speak English either. :P

  4. Quote

    1)  i've seen that often FO3 and NV are together in forums/sites, does that mean that the mods for one game work for the other too ?  if not why they some times are together ?  if yes, why sometimes they are not ?  this confuses me...

    To complex to answer in a simple post. To make it simple some parts work with both games, others require some work to be done to make them work and some just won't because the main requirement (not fallout) isn't comparable.


    2) is there something like "A Naughty and Immersive Skyrim" guide for NV ?

    No. Skyrim is a different game with different followers/mod creators etc. There is a tutorial for TTW from Anatriax a bit outdated but something to look over if you have both games.


    3) i'd certainly want to get rid of any underwear/censorship which mod should i use ?

    Kendo's body mods.


    4) i'd like a replacement body such as UNP or CBBE in Skyrim... which one should i choose to easily find nice, skimpy and/or sexy clothing/armor for it ?

    Not the same shape or even quality but again Kendo's body mod there are a few meshes you can swap out to get more curvy if you desired. There is no Body slide or CBBE for Fallout... Kendo's bodys would be the closest to UNP body.


    5) to have better looking PC/NPC which mod is there ?

    Again... um... Kendo's body mods.


    6) i suppose there's something like Skyrim sexlab for NV... i'm i right ?

    Not exactly but there is sex mods for NV. Animated Prostitution which is quite outdated and Sexout which is found on Loverslab.com. It will require some reading and following instructions if you want anything more than a basic setup. However... it does have a pretty solid pregnancy mod ;).


    7) is there something like Skyrim Death Alternative or Defeat for NV ?

    Again not exactly but there  is something along those lines. It is called "Another Kick in the Head" by Odessa. (found on Loverslab.com and I believe the non sexout version is on the Nexus not sure on that)


    let's populate these forums with some threads ! it looks so empty !!  LOL :D

    Get to it. :)... and what you can do refer some friends over here to cover ;).

    • Like 3
  5. Quote

    Moving on. I follow steps 4-7. After I finish step 7 by clicking on the zip file to be installed into Mod Organizer, the next window that pops up is the Quick Install window.  According to step 8 I should be able to right click "SKSE" and set data directory but I can't. If I click the manual button it opens up a new window with red "No game data on top level." On that window I can right click the tab and set data directory and get the green "Looks good" bit.

    I believe that part is good.


    Basically, unless I didn't follow it right, I had to take an extra step that wasn't mentioned in the guide to get the result. Being completely new to all this, I'm trying to follow the guide to the letter and am afraid this will bite me down the road of this extensive set up.

    With MO most everything you do can be corrected easy enough.

    I don't understand the first part of your post or the process set forward. I do it slightly different. I open the 7zip and the main Skyrim folder. (not the data folder)  move all the contents from the SKSE download except for the Data folder to the main folder where you see the the Data folder.  Use the install option from the download SKSE and open up manually and select the "data" folder as the data director and click OK and then get the green "looks good" bit. 

  6. It might even be possible that the 1060 would be about as powerful as the current 970 as well. :). I'd imagine that would be great for a microbuild considering the big boy is only at 180 watts the 1060 has to be a massive amount lower.

    Another thing that I thought of if they are so good now with he current lineup. Wouldn't that mean that they will totally kick the ass of the gaming laptop segment? The power requirements for the main board at 180 watts I can only imagine what the efficiency of their laptop versions would be. That combined with the more laptops having  gsync monitor ... Laptop fans might be rejoicing as well.

  7. 7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    And it will start a raging fire in my tinker-toy rig. xD


    The real bomb-drop came, however, when Huang went on to proclaim both the GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 will be faster than the company’s previous generation monster $1000 flagship graphics card, the GeForce GTX Titan X, but are priced at $599 and $379 respectively.  The GeForce GTX 1080 will also be faster than a pair of previous gen GeForce GTX 980 cards in SLI, which are also roughly a $1000 investment. Once these cards hit our test bench at HotHardware, if this all proves out (and we have no reason to believe otherwise), this could very well mark the best high performance 3D graphics value proposition NVIDIA has offered gamers in a very long time. Essentially, the new cards mark a multiple leap in performance for a drastic cost reduction. The $379 GeForce GTX 1070 especially will offer PC gamers with more modest budgets a level of performance many quite frankly have only dreamed of.


    At first I was in disbelievf however considering their past and the competition with ATI and the advent of the new technology were they can go lower. I believe this will be the case. This is however reference models not the aftermarket models that will come out later.

  8. I just saw that the Nvidia's new graphics card will be released. According to what I read that the 1080 will be more powerful than a TitanX O.o


    I love the catchphrase of "Almost irresponsible amounts of performance". lol


    Claiming twice the VR performance and three times the power efficiency of the Titan X




    For those that can't afford the newest and greatest I expect the pricing of the GTX980/GTX970s to drop major time very soon.

    • Like 2
  9. That is a HUGE endeavor. You will need lots of people. Frontier has been building for more than 2 years and still not ready for release. (that is something along he lines of what I believe you are discussing). A giant team worked on Project Brazil. That is if I understand the process.



    I don't have any skills.. :( and haven't even really tested the tutorial to its fullest (beyond level 2) even. I do have a backup of it ready just in case something happens though so there is that. I just haven't had much time to do anything gaming wise. (did play a bit of Deadrising recently but only the first level). I can't even really test what you have working (as i have only briefly tested your tutorial to know with some confidence that it works great with a few tweaks etc likely due to my placement of a few things etc, nothing major).

    If I do end up with any time I'll let you know... Not sure what I could do but no harm in giving it a try :)


    Have you tried posting this on other sites to get more interest?

  10. Quote

    Anatriax is a female :o??? Didn't know that. :D Surprise surprise.

    Who said that.. ?

    That person is lying. :P

    She is an alien like me.. lol.


    As for multi HD option,it's still in "Beta" development. Not very stable but it works. (that's what I red).

    That explains things. I assume then for the best bang for my buck I need to install NMM on the same drive as where the game I want managed is installed? Or does it go with the drive that has Steam installed on (if that is different. )

  11. 12 minutes ago, Elf Prince said:

    ritual - yeap, it's very interesting. I'm sorry for late answer. Somehow I neglected this site. :(

    Yes... :(

    It is understandable. You were working so hard on your threads and updating and such and likely just needed a few moments to yourself. :). We all need these time to re-energize. Anyway if they do accomplish this.. it will be a major game changer. Mod Organizer has nothing on that. ;). Hell if this is really functional as I understand it. Anatriax might be doing her next tutorial using NMM lol. Then she can just give us the needed file and ... wait a few days of downloading.. lol and done. :P.. It is really only Nexus mods but still that is a major feature. From some post I heard that it might even work with other mods from different sites provided you have them downloaded already. If this is the case.. then DAMMMM!!!! that is a killer mod manager. This is coming from a confirmed MO user and lover of all things MO.. :).


    PS. Might have some issues trying to start up NMM for Fallout 4. (no MO use, not stable to the point I want it :(). Might be posting back later for some answers. having some issues with the "multi HD" option (I believe it is called). Don't have the time to do anything currently on this. yet.

  12. 2 hours ago, rufireproof said:

    I was wondering how you guys/gals felt about adding the following 3 mods to the list?

    Better Vampires 7.2  http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9717/?

    Royal Bloodlines  http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22565/?

    The Paarthurnax Dilemma http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18465/?

    For BV, I use the installer, and make sure to install the compatibility patch for Royal Bloodlines, and the Vampire Drain no AOE.  The two mods work together to really make vampires worth playing.  Basically overhauling Vampires like PerMa overhauls the rest.  I know the early versions of BV were buggy, but the mod is mature now, and works well. 

    The Paarthurnax Dilemma is one of my must have mods.  It is simple, yet a far better option than Bethesda gave us.  This guy is literally one of the if not the oldest being in Skyrim, and some washed up has been of a scar faced tart says you have to kill him even though he left behind evil and actively helps mankind?  This lets you rebuild the blades and tell Delphine to drink a nice cold glass of Shut-The-Hell-Up-And-Sit-Down.

    Give some through testing and report back if compatible with this tutorial (load list etc) this tutorial is intended to be "complete" well as much as possible. Of course people will add on to these. Not sure if Anatriax is ready to create or test more, think she is working on Morrowwind tutorial

    As for Paarthurmax. He is a dragon. He even states he is tempted and could turn bad. It is telling the truth.. and if you don't kill him... he might not ever be killed ;). If he did turn bad that is as eventually even the dragon born will die. Who knows if there will be more now that the prophecy has been fulfilled ;). Delphine is smart enough to know that she or anyone else for that matter has a snowballs chance in a very hot hell of stopping him. Now that being said some play through in the past (my character) would be upset that he was told to kill him. Other times.. not so much (kill every one of the dragons everywhere possible). Haven't used this mod (as i haven't been completing that quest line in some time) but might decide to use it anyway if I do in the future.

  13. 1 hour ago, Karma199696 said:

    i didn't know of that feature, because i'm still a beginner in using MO...  anyway i don't think i would use it so much... i start new games often, i like playing the "poor weak girl" ;) who gets herself in a lot of trouble thanks to the many mods i downloaded from Loverslab and Nexus (PO, DA, SD+, SS, PetCollar, DD and many others) but find it kind of unrealistic and unimmersive that, when i can kill a dragon with a snap of my finger i get defeated, raped and sold as slave by a couple of bandits :P ...  so, as soon as my level increases, i close the game, delete the saved games and start a new one...

    I'd view it as part of your biology. You are dragon-born, gifted in that task. Don't mean you are successful at everything else.. :P

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

    well...  i think it would be impolite to join a site and not even introduce oneself :)  especially if someone expect possible help in the future... not my case at the moment but who knows ?? :P 

    i made it here almost by mistake...  i used several Kendo 2's mods in the past, was having a look at them in Loverslab to see if there was any news and found a link pointing here...  so, here i am ! :D

    You would be surprised at how many don't introduce themselves... :(

    • Like 1
  15. 5 hours ago, rufireproof said:

    Thanks, I had looked at that thread, but could not find it.  It's on pg 111. B|

    I am planning on setting up another MO profile to mess with this without screwing up my installation.  I have the base setup under one profile, my gameplay profile that includes a few more mods like armors, Better Vampires, and a few other immersive mods, and my experimental profile I use to test stuff without breaking my game.  So far it's working well.  I just have to re-run FNIS when I switch profiles, as I have not been able to isolate the Generated FNIS successfully between profiles, but I keep everything else separate by appending the name of the profile to the end of the patch name. (For example "PaMa - Play" and "PaMa - Experimental")  Then I only select the appropriate patch within that profile.

    You should be able to start with a clean Overwrite folder, then run FNIS and create Profile-FNIS mod out of the overwrite and keep that clean between profiles.

  16. Hello Karma, glad to see you made it to our little corner of the web ... and actually posted in the "New Members Introduction" thread :).


    I am also lazy and my profile name is the same across many sites. :) I agree is is nice to have people help with various issues that I get stuck with, we all can't know everything.. :)

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