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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. Just now, Anatriax said:

    It's fantastic :)

    I'm going to streamline the guide some tomorrow night. Add some new spoilers and make some more refined edits. You'll like what I'm gonna do ;)

    Cool. I think I will wait to rework my Skyrim and do other stuff until you are done then follow the entire thing from start to finish on a dedicated drive so it can be safe and easy to backup if needed. ;).

    • Like 1
  2. This is NSFWmods Support thread for questions and answers for all things related to Mod Organizer. There are many sources which have been uploaded here which have a wealth of info which can solve most questions or issues. This forum is open for support by the NSFWmods community. Please feel free to ask questions and more importantly for those that know the answer to answer them.

    Below are some links which have some useful info for review. Please try to answer your questions. There is a wealth of info on the web for MO. If you do have any questions please try to be as detailed as possible and give info of what you did, and /or what you don't understand. It is almost useless to say.. "It don't work, what's wrong". I kid you not there are entries on forums with similar questions. Madam Celo don't work here and we are busy adults and don't have time to try to figure out what you are asking before we even give you an answer. Please help us the community help you the member by asking concise clear and as detailed answers as possible so we can provide you proper and accurate answers to the best of our ability

    MO FNIS Installation Thread

    MO SKSE Installation Thread

    MO Installation thread.

    Yea.. MO.. !!!


    • Like 3
  3. On 4/6/2016 at 5:36 PM, Vortec said:

     Quick question about your SKSE tutorial, you mentioned to move it in your Load Order. Be helpful to know where in the Load Order, others will ask.


    Drag that file up to where you want it or change the "Priority" number to where you want it in the order.

    Where you need it to be. It can be different just like any other mod. It needs to be above all other conflicts for most people. Added some clarifications. It has been up on LL in that exact wording for a very long time.. Nobody asked that question.. lol

    Vortec you were too fast. I hadn't had a chance to open a proper support thread for all things MO.. :). It will be up shortly and you can post those suggestions there and with your level of skill perhaps even provide some assistance as well. :)

    Further questions for MO can be asked here where I created a thread for these questions. 



    We tried to move the thread but due to date of the post it ended up being the OP. It has been corrected now. Vortec, you have done nothing wrong except being faster than I could create a thread :P


    • Like 1
  4. All questions for MO can be addressed



    Here we will discuss the installation and configuration of FNIS. With Mod Organizer there are a few steps to follow that is different from Nexus Mod Manager. We will cover these as well as the optional components of FNIS. This is a rough draft and will be improved over time.




    Mod Organizer from Nexus or Sourceforge




    After you have Steam installed you can download Skyrim. Once that has been done you can then install Mod Organizer. There are resources for this here. When that is done you can get your copy of FNIS. You can choose to download it manually somewhere you desire or use the "Download with Manager" provided you have Mod Organizer properly setup for this. I will cover both options here. There is the Main files which are required for FNIS to work. The optional is up to you to install if you need or desire those files. The most common used is "FNIS Creature Pack", and "FNIS Spells". The others (if there) are for patches for specific issues. Only use those if you need them.

    Download Manually:

    When you download manually you select the button on the top right of Mod Organizer (that looks like a box with a CD in front of it) and a window will open for you to find the file you wish to install.

    Download with Manager:

    You will go to the right side and select the "Downloads" and scroll down for your newly downloaded mod. Alternatively you can to to towards the bottom and there you will find a place where you can enter a "Namefilter".



    From here the installation is basically the same. Double click on it and an "Install Mods" panel will open.

    Current version of FNIS will give you bright red text. "No game data on top level".  When this happens you need to click on the arrow on the side of the entry for your mod you wish to install. In this case it is "FNIS Behaviors". If you see "Looks good".   when trying to install a mod review the structure and if it looks good (like the bottom example with the green "Looks good".  ) then you can click OK.


    No game data on top level.JPG

    When you click on it you will see a "Data" folder. Right click on that and you will then be able to "Set Data Directory". Afterwards you will see this.



    The key to know it is setup correctly is the green text "Looks good".  Now you can click OK. Mod Organizer will process and give you a new mod entry on the left side depending on what you typed in on the top of the panel. In the example this is FNIS Behavior.

    You will follow the basic steps from above for any of the options you have. However with one difference. You can choose to "Merge", "Replace", "Rename", "Cancel"



    Essentially the mod has already been installed. This often happens when you try to install optional components of the same mod. You have a choice here you can "Merge" or you can go back to the top of the install window and change the name to a more appropriate one for the optional component you are installing. Mod Organizer is powerful and you have lots of options. It is up to you to choose how you want to handle the installed mods. If you rename a mod for a separate entry you need to be vigilant to be sure all optional patches are below the main module so that the correct files are presented to the game. If you decide to "Merge" you need to be sure you are installing them in proper order. Much like you would have to do with Nexus Mod Manager or other traditional managers. This will make those files that would conflict overwrite the files from the main module in favor for the optional packs. Don't merge mods that aren't the same unless you really know what you are doing. Otherwise you will have wasted your time setting that mod entry up. No harm will come to the mods installed as they are separate entries. You however would have to recreate the mod entry again and delete the bad one.

    I sometimes merge them... sometimes I leave them separate. Depends on my mood and what I want. If I am checking for conflicts with other mods I usually have all the optional patches in question separately installed. If I am conformable with the mods I have in my selections I merge the mods form one author/mod into one entry on the left side. In this case the FNIS Spells would get merged into the FNIS behaviors and I would have only one entry.

    Congratulations.. you have FNIS installed. Now to go play a game, right... WRONG. You need to set it up correctly for Mod Organizer to function properly.

    Setup FNIS for Mod Organizer.

    There are many sources and ways to set up what is called an executable in Mod Organizer. I will show you one specific for FNIS. Others might require special setups. Follow those setups until you are sure of what you are doing. Don't worry about playing around. The design of Mod Organizer is to protect your game folder. If you screw something up, most of the time it is a simple fix of going back, delete what you did and doing it correctly the next time.

    I will try to keep the instructions on how to create an entry in MO for executable as simple as possible and something you can do with other executable you might have going forward. This instructions shroud work for most of them. I want to take a moment to let you know that all executable that are needed to access the mods in Mod Organizer must be ran through MO.

    To start with this step we will move to the top of the right side. There you will see a Run button. To the right of that is a drop down panel. Click on that and you will see various entries of executable that you have installed and Mod Organizer already recognizes.



    Select the <edit...> button.



    Now you see in the small window the various executable you have installed. Your window might not have all the executable I have as i have already installed many.

    The first step..

    Enter some name in the Title section. I suggest FNIS

    Then click on the "..." button on the side of Binary and navigate to your FNIS installation.

    Skyrim/ModOrganizer/mods/ForesNewIdelesinSkyrim - FNIS/Tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users.






    Once you have that selected click "Add" button on the bottom of the window. When you do you will see the new executable entered in the window with all the other executable you have setup in Mod Organizer. Now click on "Close" bottom on the bottom.  Now when you return back to Mod Organizer and click on the drop down menu beside the "Run" button you will see a nice entry for FNIS.



    Congratulations. You have FNIS installed and ready to be used.. Now to the game right? NOPE.. Sorry. Now you have to set FNIS up for the game.

    There are a few things you need to do before this. If you haven't started Skyrim and set up the graphics you need to do so before running FNIS or it will give you an error about having an improper Skyrim install. Another thing you need to know is your mods you are running in Mod Organizer so you can select the various check boxes on the bottom of the FNIS panel. These are unique to your particular mod setup. . FNIS is one of the last things you run after the SkyProc patches and merged mods and such. You are also advised to have a clean "Overwrite" folder for the files that FNIS creates to go to.

    After all that has been done then come back and finish this tutorial.

    Click on FNIS and  click "Run" a window will open up outside of Mod Organizer.

    #1 You might notice that Mod Organizer will show an "unlock" button over it. This is normal when something is running through Mod Organizer.

    #2 This is the panel where you will select the various mods and settings you need for your particular mod setup. Not having this properly setup will result in those mods not properly working.

    #3 this is the button you click on to update your FNIS records. The records you created will be placed into Mod Organizer's "Overwrite" folder. You are suggested to make a mod out of this for the profile you are currently in. Each profile and every change to any part of your game that affects animations will need this to be re-ran. The results of not doing so are your NPCs standing around with their hands on their sides.

    #4 is the output window where the processes will show and the final results will be shown. There shouldn't be any errors here. If there are (and you started Skyrim at least once) you might have a problem with animations in game. Seek out assistance to help resolve the problem and remember to copy / paste (in a spoiler please) the output from the FNIS window for those in the know to properly advise. Failure to do so will result in a slower response time or just plain ignoring your request for assistance.




    Example of a simple mod setup. This process might take considerable time depending on your complexity of mods relating to animations. Just let it run until it is done.



    Click on the "Exit" button and Mod Organizer will unlock and you can continue your process of setting FNIS up for Mod Organizer. When you click Exit you are given the option of having a link on the desktop. I select no. I run FNIS through Mod Organizer and am not sure of the results of using the link. Use under your own risk. However if there isn't the same or expected number of animations added chances are it isn't working.

    As I mentioned above you are advised to create a mod out of the resulting files. To do so click on the "Overwrite" folder and select "Create Mod" and input a name for the mod. Something descriptive that will make it easy to tell this FNIS mod from the others you will need to create for the other profiles. You need separate FNIS mod entries if you have any difference in mods usage or setup between your profiles. If they are exactly the same then you can run with one created mod.

    Make sure you have FNIS mod (and any optional installed mods) activated (checked) as well as this newly created patch for FNIS for this profile and now... yes if everything else is ready you can start a game.



    • Like 3
  5. All questions for MO can be addressed



    The attached file is a downloadable PDF with photos and a more detailed instruction for those that need added guidance.

    The Mod Tutorial – Installation of SKSEv2.pdf


    The Mod Tutorial – Installation of SKSE

    Scope of tutorial:

    • Cover the basic installation of SKSE from download to installation as well as load order configuration in MO.
    • This tutorial only covers the installation into MO if you wish MO to control the conflicts with scripts that SKSE installs. ( advised)
    • Still needs to have the correct files installed into the Skyrim folder manually. (everything but the data folder.) Drag and drop into the same folder where you see TESV and "Data" folder.
    • Drag and drop into the same folder where you see TESV and "Data" folder.

    Requirements: (If you need more info on this or resources check here.)

    It is assumed for this tutorial that you have a functional installation of Skyrim and Mod Manager ( MO ).

    Step one: Download

    • Download SKSE.  Current version as this tutorial is 1.7.1.
    • Select the 7z archive version
    • For this tutorial I am saving it to the desktop. You can save it anywhere just remember where you downloaded it.

    Step two: Installation

    • Open MO.
    • Click on the top left icon that looks like a CD. Select that and then click “Open”. You should see the program name to the left of the “Open button”.
    • Now a new windows opens and is giving a warning “No game data on top level”. 
    • This indicates that the structure of the install folder is wrong and MO doesn’t know what to do with it. If it is installed like this SKSE won’t work. We need to make some changes. This is because there are files in the SKSE download that you don't need.
    • One thing I like to do is go to the top drop down menu where you see SKSE and rename it to a name that is easy to remember and manage For this tutorial I am using Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE v 1.07) as the name.
    • Click on the file and expand.
    • Right click on the “Data” folder and “Set Data Directory
    • Now you have a comment on the bottom of that window “Looks good”.
    • Select “OK” button to the right of that and the mod will be installed.

    Step three: Fixing the Load order.

    • Drag that file up to where you want it or change the "Priority" number to where you want it in the order.
    • Generally it is advised to be above all other mod entries that conflicts with it so that those entries will override it.

    Step four: Use SKSE

    • You are now ready to use that tool that you just installed. Make sure you use the “SKSE” option left of the “Run” button.

    Step five: Praise MO

    • Yea MO!!!!


    • Like 1
  6. There have been those around here that have asked how to create signatures. I will cover how to here. First you need to look up to the top right of the page and find your name. Click on your name and a drop-down menu will be visible. Select the "Account Settings" option. Now you will see a "Setting" page. Select the "Signature" option... duh...

    Signature Panel.JPG

    Do whatever editing you desire be it links, text, or even photos. The panel works like the regular panel on the forum. You can use the BBC codes to control where on the signature the photos, text and such occur. It also appears that the top tool bar works to do this as well. Basically if you can do it in the regular forum you can do it here. Keep in mind we at NSFWmods respect your creativity and allow maximum flexibility to express yourselves to fellow members, however please show respect with the content and particularly the size of the photos in your signatures. (and for some text). You have all the tools of the editor at your disposal, use it as needed to provide a nice clean signature respectful of other users of this site. I believe a good general rule of thumb is to follow some of the other sites like ours that have rules related to the signature sizes and content. You should be safe with those.

    Below are some examples.


    url 100x450.jpg


    url 200x900.jpg


    If there are any questions on the sizing of the signatures please post these on the NSFWMods rules discussion and let one of the staff help you make a judgment call.

    Please don't make fellow members have to scroll through massive signatures to get to the content they want, but most of all please don't make us treat you like a child and create a rule for the size of signatures.

  7. I looked through the tweaks and they look awesome, nice and clear and easy to follow. You want to keep MO together with Skyrim. Do you think it matters if its on an separate SDD (both). I am thinking on using one of my older SSDs for this. Also if possible how big is the entire Skyrim folder for you now that you are almost complete with your tutorial. So I can budget my space for the install

  8. 18 hours ago, Chaos63 said:

    Dude, you rock for reminding me...K-DST will forever and always be my drive-by bitch



    Did you know there is a real radio station named KDST?


    Warning: You might not want to listen to it. It isn't the GTA K-DST.


    ps: how in the fuck do you embed a video?

    Copy the address from the Web browser, then paste it here. That is what I do.

  9. 6 hours ago, Anatriax said:

    An example of what your breasts should look like when this guide is followed to the letter. 

    If those aren't what your breasts look like, then something is overwriting something somewhere. Check your conflicts for the meshes and the skeleton.

    If these breasts look odd or unnatural to you? Get out. Go look at some real tits.


    I do but all that happens is me getting slapped... :(


    :P. LOL



    Just kidding of course.. :P


    • Like 2
  10. That song always reminds me of playing one of the old GTA... I remember a scene where I am driving over a hill with the sun rising, this playing. :) All the time trying to loose all the cops.. I was in the zone, nothing could touch me. Ah those were the days.

  11. I think I found what I needed to navigate the ever increasing forum so I can read everything. Well everything I need to or want to :P. I will follow up later on this if needed, but so far it seems to work quite well.


    I can navigate to the threads I need to last post using the content etc. It would be redundant. I just didn't see that option. This is a newer software for me. LL had it for a bit but I hadn't had a chance to get use to it and learn to operated it efficiently.

  12. 2 hours ago, Chaos63 said:

    Why is rule 4 a thing? LL has the same thing and I could never figure out why, especially on an adult natured forum.

    Not that I planned on using porn avatars, it's just the why that's bugging me.

    I believe because most sites don't want to have there pages look like a Hustler magazine. Some adult content can be quite extreme and most modding sites (adult) wants a more inviting environment for all members.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:


    If you make futa stuff for Fallout 3/NV, I assure you not only will I return to Fallout 3/NV, I will die a happy camper. Fallout never had much love for it.

    Lots of love of your stuff @happysparkles. Loads of help getting you setup with what you need to be creatively inspired (mods) so all there is to do now is try. :) Your *adoring fan* :P awaits... (fill in *adoring fan* with the multitude of mod users that love your Oblivion stuff and have Fallout NV :P)

  14. 4 hours ago, AlleyCa7 said:

    Any way of going about it is fine with me, but I was on break at work today and decided to check up on things here and honestly rage quit because the age verification would reload and resize the page after every input(meaning it would reload and resize respectively after I put my month, day and year and I had to do it twice). It was extremely frustrating. It takes me about 5-6 minutes to smoke a cigarette and I couldn't even make it past log in, in that time.

    I assume that was on a phone? I don't have the problem of reloading inbetween the month/day/year etc.

    That is different from my experience. I log on... through the age gate...(month/year) then log on into my account... the age gate pops up I ignore it... wait for refresh... then I am in and able to do my thing. this is on a computer, not a phone. I haven't used it on the phone because my alien supreme leader wouldn't like it..

  15. 24 minutes ago, AlleyCa7 said:

    I am glad this is being addressed. I know on mobile it is terribly difficult just to sign in with the age verification. Any chance for cookies so regular users don't even see age verification anymore?

    Or... perhaps a way to directly log on for members?

    Age verification or membership log on the main page? Then it can be locked up tightly and members wouldn't get the double prompt.

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