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Posts posted by ritualclarity

  1. 24 minutes ago, TheOzoneHole said:

    Hello World!  I'm TheOzoneHole, & I'm here to kill all the penguins with a horrible sunburn. xD  

    Found my way here from the link in Kendo's latest post at LoversLab; all thanks to mighty Kendo!

    I've made a few mods for Morrowind (they're on the Nexus if anyone is interested), all adult oriented but not anything super special.  

    Nice to see so many familiar names in the thread so far.

    Well nice to see you made it here. Just don't burn us with horrible sunburns as well as the penguins.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, AlleyCa7 said:

    Thanks for the welcome. :) I guess I can try to speak up a bit more I'm just more of a reactionary speaker(meaning if you address me I'll usually reply) and usually just prefer to "listen".

    I'm pretty blunt and straight to the point when I talk in real life. Everyone who knows me will call me an asshole, but they'll all tell you they like me and this is because of many subtle facial expressions and bodily gestures that cannot be conveyed through text, so usually people on the internet just get the asshole part; so I just generally avoid "speaking" unless what I have to say is easily understandable as "positive".

    Otherwise I hope everyone will be enjoying the screens I upload in the future. :)

    I use emoticons for the body expressions to help convey my feelings (sub for body language) and I am also many times called an asshole in RL as well.

    Try some post if you start feeling comfortable see how it works here. If someone has a problem they should just post back for clarification or just move on. After all we have @Kendo 2... Since you are from LL you know many of his post :P. Nuff said there.

    Anyway.. the key is to have fun and enjoy yourself here

  3. 6 hours ago, CPU said:

    Hello guys,

    I am a modder. And more than that an helper of other modders.

    My skills are 90% scripting, 10% all the remaining stuff.

    I enjoy modding and more I enjoy helping. And often I get involved in so many projects that I will lose control of them.

    I mod Skyrim (100%), Fallout 4 (25%, because CK is still missing), DoA5LR, Mass Effect 3.


    If you need scripting help, just PM me. I have the same account on many sites similar to this one and on the IRC modding chats.

    Well I see you "discovered" our little site.. :P... Anyway glad to see you came over here to check us out.

    25 minutes ago, AlleyCa7 said:

    Hello everyone. I'm AlleyCa7 and on LoversLab, or VanillaNinja13 on the Nexus. I take screenshots of Skyrim and Fallout 4 and lurk. :)

    Hello, I believe I seen you around those sites before but haven't had many contacts with you, hope that changes here. We have quite a few screenshot artist here for Skyrim and Fallout and could always use more :). Perhaps here you will find you like the company and decide to interact more and not lurk :P You will find we don't bite :)

  4. Like I said .. if you want to keep them separate. :P

    Is there a naming convention that is advised to help keep track of what they are and where they are going to be placed in the order?

    I have been too busy this weekend with work and RL to be able to continue. I was thinking of just going back when I do have time and starting over for both accuracy and to redo it and see what the users would see. This might help re-proof read the tutorial for clarity which is what we are focusing on right now. It took forever before because there was some work need for clarity and flow. Now it is much better it shouldn't be very  hard or time consuming to get them done.

    Also I have a minor glitch or so that I haven't figured out where it went wrong. Most likely my end.In this case it might be faster to rework it. (I only got to Phase IV done). Thoughts



  5. Unless you need to keep them separate you can merge them when you install them. Just be sure to install the main module first of any mod then the add on's in proper order and you would be fine. If something goes wrong just go back and reinstall them again. No harm will occur.

    Now this is if you want to keep them totally separate. I often times allow the mods to overwrite each other for the same mod. for example COT. I let install over each other It works just fine. This helps keep the entries on the left side smaller. Also if you ever wish to start merging mods by scripts (or experiment and try to merge them) it is easier as they are all int he same folder...

    Also when you find that there is an update.... the entire installation can be redone. (new entry) with all the required mods installed, yet again in order and a new version given (with the name.) Test this new update and see if you like it if so delete the old one. If you have old profiles that need it.. keep it. Less difficult later to find all the little add on mods this way.

  6. Yea.. get FOMM (from LL)




    UIO. (to handle any Hud mods you decide to install)


    MCM (Unlike Oblivion you can hit the escape key and enter a menu out of game. or at least I think it isn't available for Oblivion).


    If you don't want Kendo I believe these are the closest that you want from Oblivion. However T3 is the most common body style for armors.


    If you stick with T3 body there is a body with more "back". I believe you might be able to use Kendo's textures if you like the bigger "back" or maybe Kendo might be kind enough to plump the bump... :)


    Don't know where the original or real official "roberts body" is but this is close. If not this Breeze. I believe however this is closest to oblivion



    Or for a FOMM installer



    Pretty girl stuff






    A couple of posing mods (I don't know much about these haven't used them but they are there if you wish for your screen captures)




    Some other armors that might inspire you. There isn't anything like what you have for Fallout NV ... well until you make it for FNV.. lol



    The tatoos might not be along your style but there is some potential..?


    Anyway I haven't used all the mods above and can't be sure if they are comparable with each other. Of course many would overwrite each other. This is however I hope useful for you to browse and see what is what and see if you have some of what you need to be inspired to make changes to the FNV world.







  7. 4 hours ago, Pkatt said:

    I just finished phase 2.    Trying to go slow and learn what each mod does as I'm installing.   I love that SPini thing, that is cool!


    really, just thought I'd check in and let you know I was still here!

    This is really the way to do it. I advise everyone to read the entire OP or instructions from the download pages to get a better idea of what is going on. Now sometimes she will be doing things that might not fit how the author of the mod wanted or designed it to do, keep doing what she is telling you to do because there are some reasons. If you keep reading and asking questions you will begin to understand more fully. Who know perhaps in time you can do your own tutorials for the perfect Skyrim for you :). The only way to learn is to explore, read and attempt to understand and ask questions.

    • Like 1
  8. I'd check out Kendo2's mods he has here for the textures and such you want to start. There are others I can't go into right now but check through the Nexus for the mods of the month. See a few of them and try them out. FOMM is closest to OBMM if that is what you are currently using. I prefer Mod Organizer for Fallout mods currently. Keeps the data folder nice and clean. The mods are loaded at the time the game is ran. (virtually). If you remove something it is a clean remove no leftovers and no real need to reinstall the game.

    • Like 1
  9. Great gutar work .. nice and smooth. (Anatriax post)

    Now something for you to listen to while working on your Skyrim Tutorial Anatriax





    There is even a mod for the above to change the bards to this...





    Some Dovakin singing...



    Too bad the above hasn't been made into a mod yet... lol.

    If ever the tutorial gets to you ... play this. and have a jug of mead.



    If you want a smile... This should do it.



    Finally if you get completely fed up with Skyrim ...You can always take a trip to Vegas



    Sorry for the mega post.. lol. Just pointing some fun songs you might like to listen to while working on your tutorial.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Anatriax said:

    It was hard for me to narrow it down to one... but I did. 

    The reason that's my favorite? It's a song about musicians, and I myself, am one.

    You then might like the complexity of this one.

    They use an opera singer (Soprano) The three main voices are interesting. the baritone is very smooth combined with the opera singer, is very interesting. I can't think of another singer with as smooth voice as his.

  11. 2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Thank you, Elf Prince. I would like to host more Fallout 3 but they are all very old and not so much NSFW. But I'll do my best for Skyrim. :)

    WE need some Fallout 3 screen post. Don't have to be NSFW materials. Some of the best screen-captures don't have that material. :). But I must say you have done a great job so for... so who am I to mess with perfection... :P

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