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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Bella came over and was trying to be coy while giving my Sims a hand job.. Dirty little minx
  2. ritualclarity

    Foot Notes...

    Are your sure this is how you do "Foot Notes"... Really just need to know as I am doing a report... :P
  3. Yes... I second. (provided a member can tag a file someone else uploads) Other sites regulate and use personal preferences and thoughts and feelings to run the site. We started off from the start trying to be as much "hands off" as possible. This is no way a claim that we will "never" do something or discuss something etc it is a statement that we will attempt in all ways to allow as much flexibility as humanly possible (of course barring legal concerns. The server is based in the US) We have a very cool and awesome membership that have been very respectful and quite frankly wonderful with the interactions they have had with the site. Sure there are some that DZ, Kendo or I might not have liked, or even appreciated but it was done with consideration and a purpose. @TheOzoneHole You and others like you are the ones that can create a "mandate" on how to do things. A "Social" one. By requesting and keeping up with members to keep proper tags and info updated you can help mold the site. This is a very powerful tool if done properly and doesn't require many individuals or much effort. Just requires a level of activity and interaction with the site on a semi-weekly basis. Moderators can only do so much. If they try too much then end up losing the battle and just end up putting out fires.
  4. We also really need the bouncy girl one you have on the first post as well Hey ... this is NSFWmods.com afterall...
  5. Any eta on this coming out. We could use some more emoticons.
  6. We are getting about 50 ~70 members a day joining. Really wish they were more active and talked a bit on our forums.
  7. From 15222 members January 1st to 16070 members January 12th... That is quite a big jump.
  8. Some authors are artist not writers. Kendo is one of those. He gets busy working on projects and such and when they are done he seems to hate doing the documentation. IN cases like this feel free to clarify or even create tutorials for use of some of your setups. Regardless of which mods you use. Show some photos etc and let people know what can be done to get your results. One of the first major projects I did was write a tutorial for a very complex mod resource folder. it was a pain in the ass and the author wasn't even sure what went where and if some of the things were actually there . I wrote that tutorial and it helped many, many trying to use those combinations of mods. One of our moderators created a tutorial here for Skyrim to make it prutty... As for the replacers. Just remember the file paths and where things go. Then mix and match what YOU think is proper and correct to get the results that YOU want. Mo can even show you the "conflicts'. through this you can see if the new body files are properly installed (real body) and replacing the original. Then test in game to be sure if you want. Then after you figure out the files you want you can even "remaster" a mod with all the needed body files and textures and install it and make sure through MO's conflict mechanism that they are properly installed, test in game and then remove all the previous body mods you installed. As I stated in a reply to the email. The main thing that most people need to understand... Truly comprehend is the file paths, and how the conflict/overwrite system in Bethesda Gambro engines work. You have that and understand that, there isn't much in way of modding your game you can't do with the mods provided to you. That is the first step then if you want open GECK or CK etc and start learning how to change the paths, add new records and change them. They Sir/Mam you would be a mod content creator, (publicly distributed, privately distributed or not distributed at all :P)
  9. I was keeping up with the tutorial for you ... but then I got shot in the knee.
  10. There are 100s of mods. Yes there needs to be different colors but I believe the colors used and created look more vibrant as they are actual colors set forth by the mod author. I have however never used Sims 3 so I don't know how they function. AS far as I can tell the mods for Sims 4 is pretty mature. Take a look around for the mods that are available for Sims 4. http://twinfinite.net/2014/10/sims-4-mods/ And realize the above link was created October 2014 !!!! Think about getting Sims 4. It isn't as popular as it appears that Sims 3 is but there are lots of mods and tools for it. Plus you will be able use all the sexy and slutty clothes that Kendo 2 makes available for Sims 4! That alone is worth the price of admission
  11. LOL You want to make any woman that is 18 or older look like a slut in Sims 4... Lofty goals I give you that. LOL
  12. Karma Sims 4 is on a good sale on Origin. 14.99 His Sims 4 clothing looks even better in the game
  13. DZ needs to come up with a way to fund the site. If not it can't really go on much longer. Patron can be used for this site as I don't see any reason for it not to. Same with a Commerce App (which might be better, particularly if the % taken is less) The uploading of mods in a subforum is just an idea. That is all. I was just shooting out many concepts and thoughts. My idea was how the Patron system works. The Paying members get access to mods early. Eventually, the mods would filter down into the main site. Nothing more. In the end everything would be available. . That section could be used for early beta or even Alpha releases that the authors aren't ready to release to the general public quite yet. Again these are only ideas. Nothing to get upset. On that note: I would suggest that a new thread be made once more solid options have been worked out to see the reception and gather thoughts of the members here before being rolled out. The ranks or whatever wouldn't be like peasants nobles etc. Ranking systems like this are only for the personal pride. Nothing different than the post count or likes counts being shown. To do this properly it can't be offensive treated differently from the main users in except some added features perhaps more PMs or a subforum that they can discuss in. Even this is still open to ALL MEMBERS nothing special, unlike other sites ;). Anyone could gain access to them. Everybody would have the same ability to access these features. Trust that anything added will be added with equality in mind. Support will not drop or lag behind some "paid" option. Great care will be taken going forward as it has been in the past on this site. Everything from the rules to the ways moderators interact with members has been carefully crafted to create the site as it is today. A site that is opened, relaxed and responsive to its members. It is unfortunate that society runs on $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and as a result some changes will eventually need to be taken so that we can keep the site running.
  14. 2016 A Year in Review: What important things happened to you? What major news have you come across during the year that you think will make the history books? It can be on any subject even important things for you and your life. As for me a few newsworthy things are: The instance at a Cincinnati Zoo when a child managed to get past the "secure" section of the zoo and fall into the gorilla enclosure As a result they shot and killed a gorilla. Deaths: Muhammad Ali Arnold Palmer Carrie Fisher, followed very quickly by her mom Debbie Reynolds David Bowie Prince George Michael (like Prince was a major surprise) George Martin Fedel Castro. (Wonder what that will change in Cuba. Will it be a good or bad? ) As for personal... I joined NSFWmods.com...
  15. Days later and we are over 15000 members. One thousand members in half a month. DZ will need to upgrade the server very soon.
  16. Yes... I might suggest that they also get a subforum for communications as well. They can talk and discuss etc at a particular level. So for lower levels ad free experience special color and ranks shown in the avatar on the left of the post for higher ranks they get access to private dedicated subform just for them. There they can do work on mods, update tutorials etc. Perhaps if they so choose they can even have their mods exclusive there. 1$ Ad Free recognized as supporter with Avatar to the left 2~4 $ Special Ranks (perhaps military etc) 5 and > Access to special forum section for communication, assistance, support, and even uploading mods for the exclusive use of supporters. Each rank gets the announced benefits as well as all previous benefits as well. Is there a way for a one-time donation? If so perhaps the above or something like that used for Patrons could be given to the member. Some might need to get a pre-paid credit card etc having monthly debts can cost and might be inconvenient. Paypal, bitcoin etc. Just tossing this out there. A few ideas. Take what you like. Oh.. perhaps open a Discord channel and allow those patrons and supporters exclusive access to that channel to chat and get support, discuss mods and gaming and have fun.
  17. Nonsense. Never to late to wish someone a Merry Christmas. If really late you can say you are early for the next one
  18. Make the resolution to have it done by our 20000th member... that is just around the corner at the rate we are going.
  19. Merry Christmas to all our members of NSFWmods. Have a happy, healthy, productive New Year.
  20. Ah here. the death video that likely wouldn't ever be created today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faces_of_Death
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