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About This File

What this does:
Basically this allows you to play as if you were naked no matter the situation. If you ever wanted to be naked at a formal party wearing nothing but long gloves, stockings and high heels now you can.
Adds a naked top and bottom for female Young Adults, Adults and Elders for each base outfit category; Everyday, Formal, Party, Sleep, Swimming, and Witches. Occult category Aliens and Humans are supported. Pretty much any female Sims can be naked at any time.


None as I see it other than you might get duplicates if you use another mod that adds invisible clothing.


Sims not supported:
Children (either sex), Teens (either sex), Males (Young Adult, Adult, Elders). Children is obvious (they are minors), Teen Sims are classified as being between the ages of 12 and 17 (still minors), and I couldn’t get the male version of the upper body to work so I disabled everything for them.


Just drop the package file into C:\Users'your name'\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods. When the game loads it should display as a non-scripted mod if you bother to look for it.


Do not direct link the files.  Do not upload my content to other sites.
You may not use my content as part of compilations, place it behind pay walls, or do anything else crooked.
EA ‘Et al’ and you the downloader have no vetted interest in this content.

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I can't find this in the game? What do I do to activate it? Where do I look for it? 



Yep. It is excellent and doesn't get in the way.  Really what should have been an option from the game producer. ;) It actually feels like it was made by them! LOL




Teen is also eighTEEN and nineTEEN talked with an EA Developer who I met at a conference.  Teens are also adults.  Young Adult is 20-21.  Child is 13-17.  Japanese Anime which lots of EA employees watch have high school students between 18-19.  Sim teens do not stretch is because Teens are to be used as between 18 - 19.   As EA Developer stated, "Those who depict Teens any age besides 18 and 19 is a Child Predator!"  EA has tools which find those that alter child stretching and has ability to ban if used especially for Woohoo.  Once tools are fully implemented especially for SIMS 5 those that have teen mods, teens are to be used between ages 18-19.  That way adult modders can still build mods.  When SIMS 1 and 2 were made children/adult mods were Legal until SIMS 3 due to altercation within SIMS Headquarters had EA Executives sexting children and children owned brothels on servers which caused the SIMS Online to Sunset.  Adult Modding Community needs to start stating Teens are between 18-19. 

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