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About This File

The LadySmoks Boutique presents... MedBot! Let's face it, there are many who prefer the curves of JoshQ's MedBod over the Standard EA body type... sooooooo...

The MedBot chassis is based on MedBod 1.9, with a couple of added features. Her boobs have a higher polycount for a smoother appearance, features a more detailed vagina, borrowed from my Priyatna mesh and is wearing JoshQ shoes.

MedBot is one of a new generation of FemmeBot "skin jobs"! I have long had a bot body that could use Sim CAS skins, but the head was a problem... Problem sovled! See AX Head page for details. As for this body, it IS a Plumbot part, and assembled in the EP11 Into The Future bot station, as any FemmeBot or regular Plumbot.

She is one piece design, found in "Tops" and requires No Bottom to fill the legs slot. She requires the AX Head, or neck seams and color will not match. This body can use any accessory with a separate mesh, such as fingernails, earrings, bracelets, eyeglasses and many necklaces. It will also support use of overlay type accessories, such as stockings. 

NOTE: Because of how the UV map must be arranged, in order to fit everything, things like accessory panties or tattoos run into the area needed for hair, so using them causes those textures to show on most FemmeBot hairs. I have no plans to change the layout, however may make bot friendly panties in the future.

There are links to S-Club eyelashes and OneEuroMutt Sliders on the Bot Blog Page. This model will eventually be added to the blog page.

Hair shown is a work in progress, and will be uploaded soon. FemmeBot as shown is my model and uses sliders. Links are provided on the blog page. I will not be uploading a premade bot.

I hope you like her!!!

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Ich habe mal ne Frage

Wie kann ich die Bots anziehen oder sind die immer nackig.Bitte helft mir mal, ich weis nicht weiter.

Welche mods benötige ich, damit ich die Botmädchen im CAS bekleiden kann.

Ansonsten sind die Mädels einfach super, weiter so, bin gespannt was noch kommt.


Response from the author:

Hoffe die Übersetzung funktioniert. Derzeit sind Bot-Körper so, wie Sie sehen. Sie können keine Kleidung von Sim CAS verwenden. Ich arbeite derzeit an einer Möglichkeit, separate Kleidung für Bots herzustellen, die den unteren Schlitz verwenden. Ein Beispiel ist auf der Blog-Seite hier. Bis dies perfektioniert ist, wird es noch dauern.

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