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Skyrim remastered revealed. Will it break mods?

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4 hours ago, Karma199696 said:

mmm... i don't think i'll be that willing to run the risk...  as i already told, i'd rather stop playing Skyrim then playing it without the many nice, naughty mods i installed...  and after upgrading to the new version i don't know how easy/difficult might be getting back to the old one, especially for a totally incompetent user like me :P  so, unless someone i trust tries it and guarantees me that everything keeps working again i'll stick to my current modded game ;) in Italy we say <Chi lascia la strada vecchia per quella nuova, sa quello che lascia non sa quello che trova !> that roughly translated means <who leaves the old road for the new one, knows what he leaves, not what he will find !> ;)

Wait 6mo. to 1 year after it has been released and then review the mods. See what is happening and you should be safe.

The main concern is the animation tools being able to be created. If based on the Fallout 4 engine it might be difficult or impossible to get these tools up and running. If this occurs then I doubt many will jump to the new Skyrim. At least not those that like the added animations (walks, jump, weapons animations etc)

If we are lucky ... Antatraix will be back with a new and improved tutorial for Skyrim 2016!   :)

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yes, after one year probably there will be working stuff...  but they say that owners of Legendary Edition will have the possibility to download the new version for free next October...  but it doesn't say if one year later i'll still be able to do that or my rights will be expired ;)   so in october, when certainly i could get it, i certainly won't !  later, when maybe i will be interested, i don't know if i'll be allowed to do it :P

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Good point. We don't know how long they will be offering the new edition. We are assuming that it will be ongoing when it can be for a limited time.


I personally believe it will be ongoing. Also it might be possible that they will remove the old Legendary version from Steam for new purchases only allowing the new version to be bought. ;)

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1 hour ago, Vortec said:

 Skse team been confirmed to work on it, Skyui team are Not-no Mcm. Fore said-Maybe. Will have to wait and see

xxSE team always comes to the rescue :) As for Fore I understand there might be some serious changes that might make it not worth his time to update. Anyway if it is like Fallout 4 maybe we might get lucky and the team that is working on Fallout 4 can take what they learn/do and apply it to the new Skyrim as well. Yes we will have to wait to see. Not only for the mods but more clarity on how they will implement the free upgrade. 

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No Mcm is a huge issue with Fallout4 as well, as for animations i don't think they have a way to add them to Fallout either, which implies Skyrim 64 as well.  Guess we just have to wait for more facts and details to come forward. No word on the Skyrim save file over 64k limit but haven't heard similar issues with Fallout either-Btw i don't have the New Fallout is it any good lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought about this remaster and somehow having some new DLC in this inclusion. Who knows. Don't see why not. it would give a little more reason to buy the game but for 60USD for 1 DLC, still not worth it. If they plan to add more than one, they need to stop these little mod DLCs that serve very little purpose to the game in a separate content when it should be in either the original game itself or a story-world driven DLC.  Like a normal DLC that adds a new world, new story, new items where those items didn't exist before but is now included a long with this real DLC.

I'm still not all that anticipated in it. I'll get it, and hope that my machine can run it, but I don't know if this remaster will par with the current skyrim in the amount and quality mods that exists. I want to say it's 50/50. People will get lured into it because of better graphics and possibly new DLC. More stability which is always better, or a game that's already old no matter how graphically good it is I just spent 5+ years on it and you remastered it therefor I'm not all that hyped to mod it, let alone play it. That's why I'm excited for FF7 remake because it's a old game and it took nearly 20 years later to remake this game to a more modernized game. And people for over a decade have been wanting and wishing for a FF7 remake including myself. I don't see anyone who was wanting and wishing for a skyrim remaster. Ah well. We'll see.

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45 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

but I don't know if this remaster will par with the current skyrim in the amount and quality mods that exists

I am confident in time it will get there after they address the animation issues. Keep in mind both Fallout 4 and Skryim will be using the new engine. This means that both Fallout modder (fans) and Skyrim modder (fans) that normally wouldn't work on the other game will both be working on their perspective games. This will help advance the modding scene and understanding of the GECK. Breakthroughs on one game will help breakthroughs on another game. Help... in that I am sure there will be some differences like the differences between say Fallout 3 and FAllout NV engines.

48 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

they need to stop these little mod DLCs that serve very little purpose to the game in a separate content when it should be in either the original game itself or a story-world driven DLC. 

I agree then need better story driven DLCs and content packs should be included in the base game or during updates if cannot be added to a story. There are many stories that can be made. Each of the companions could have had a back story that could have been fleshed out like Valentine for example.


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18 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I am confident in time it will get there after they address the animation issues. Keep in mind both Fallout 4 and Skryim will be using the new engine. This means that both Fallout modder (fans) and Skyrim modder (fans) that normally wouldn't work on the other game will both be working on their perspective games. This will help advance the modding scene and understanding of the GECK. Breakthroughs on one game will help breakthroughs on another game. Help... in that I am sure there will be some differences like the differences between say Fallout 3 and FAllout NV engines.

I agree then need better story driven DLCs and content packs should be included in the base game or during updates if cannot be added to a story. There are many stories that can be made. Each of the companions could have had a back story that could have been fleshed out like Valentine for example.


 I have a nagging suspicion that Wyrmstooth is somehow involved with this release.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, seeing as MO2 is making little progress, FNIS is out and about, SRSE is on the works, some pretty good mods are being ported over already, SSE is looking like it's off to a good start. But I'm eager to see the difference now and a few years later with a heavy load of script mods in a load order and stability. Regardless if it's on a x64 engine, it's still a Bugthesda game.

The progress on MO2 will be the real reason why I even mod SSE. Considering not all mods will make it to SSE, I'm afraid that my experience with SSE won't be the same and I'll treat it as is. But it's too early to tell. As of right now it's taken off and I can see people turning their backs on FO4 and migrate over.

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  • 1 year later...

We already knew this. Their practices never change. More than likely due to Softworks, but still, it's downright pathetic and has gotten so old. Glad I stopped supporting them after Skyrim. Never again will I ever buy another title from them.

The only way I'd ever buy TES and Fallout again is if they sold the rights to those IP to another developer who would actually treat them with care and put passion behind each franchise.

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A few days ago, i've seen the Skyrim VR version. IDK on which platforms Skyrim will be re-released - over and over again. Skyrim is a damn good Game, but after 6 Years they should do other things, like better performance or bugfixings for TESV or FO4. The Skyrim Cow is so often milked, the cow must be dry out.


Skyrim for one - the same release as every year

2011 - b/w Mono

2012 - Color Mono

2013 - Color Stereo

2014 - 100hz 2.1

2015 - 16:9 in THX

2016 - HD - Dolby Digital 7.1

2017 - 3D 4k - Dolby Atmo 7.4.1

2018 - ???

Okay VR could be make a lot of fun, but it is not my cup of tea. 65 Euro or 75 USD are too much, for an old Game. ~10 years ago i paid for Oblivion GOTYE incl. SI 15 Euro. Skyrim with all Add-ons 30... after 6 years. I hope that Bethesda is slowly leaving Skyrim and looks forward to a new TES Adventure. 

But unfortunately there are even worse things, such as SW Battlefront 2...


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2 hours ago, zilvradrow said:

A few days ago, i've seen the Skyrim VR version. IDK on which platforms Skyrim will be re-released - over and over again. Skyrim is a damn good Game, but after 6 Years they should do other things, like better performance or bugfixings for TESV or FO4. The Skyrim Cow is so often milked, the cow must be dry out.

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Skyrim for one - the same release as every year

2011 - b/w Mono

2012 - Color Mono

2013 - Color Stereo

2014 - 100hz 2.1

2015 - 16:9 in THX

2016 - HD - Dolby Digital 7.1

2017 - 3D 4k - Dolby Atmo 7.4.1

2018 - ???

Okay VR could be make a lot of fun, but it is not my cup of tea. 65 Euro or 75 USD are too much, for an old Game. ~10 years ago i paid for Oblivion GOTYE incl. SI 15 Euro. Skyrim with all Add-ons 30... after 6 years. I hope that Bethesda is slowly leaving Skyrim and looks forward to a new TES Adventure. 

But unfortunately there are even worse things, such as SW Battlefront 2...


Actually games further in the past is more like this.


Complete, rich and filling.

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Okay. But when i remember an old Game was be 20MB in size - Sim City, 1942  History Line or Monkey Island. It will match with the Sandwiches. 

The games were simple, but they costs a lot of time - best example was Summer/Winter Games by Epyx on a C64 or Pinball Fantasy on Amiga - with some friends we played it hour by hour and  weekend by weekend. Okay they were expensive, but they were fascinating too. Today a 10 GB game is not a  guarantor for fun.^^ 

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Yes , the favorite old game was filling. you could play and play and play and get a very big payback on your purchase. It didn't need other content,it was complete and most of the time pretty functional. That is the reason for my comment above. At the time the tech was limited and that was the best they coudl do usually. Now flash forward to today's time. Witcher 3... The game was pretty complete and pretty glitch free as well. It was a full meal that you could fully enjoy. Losts to sink your teeth into.

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