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Posted (edited)
On 1/14/2022 at 2:13 PM, GoDown_InTheDeep___ said:


hi! Don't know if you're taking inspirations/ideas so if you don't, just skip this comment because it will be a waste of your time lol. One is serious, one is fetish-y, and one is a traits add-one for perps.

1. Serious - Have you considered adding potential negative effects of having Teen/Adult romances? I don't know how feasible it is but those kinds of things can have a negative effect on people in real life. I was thinking, when a sim who was in a relationship with an adult breaks up with that adult and becomes an adult themselves, they can have negative moodlets remembering the thing. For example:

  • - "What was I thinking!" This sim is remembering how young and naive they were at the time. They can't believe they thought it was a good idea! (Embarrassed moodlet)
  • - "This person was..." This sim sees a teen and something about it makes them uncomfortable. (The implication being, they suddenly get how immature they also had to be at the time. Uncomfortable moodlet)

Even something more disturbing. Like:

  • - "I'm so mature!" This sim feels like they know everything about the adult world. (Moodlet for teen sims. Probably adds on confidence.)
  • - "I was being taken advantage of!" This sim now realizes how wrong the situation they were in really was. (Moodled available after therapy or starting therapy maybe? Adds Angry moodlet)

Other "friendly" sims and/or parent sims should have some moodlets connected to those relationships as well. For example:

  • - "Is this really appropriate?" This sim is concerned about the relationship status of their friend/sibling. (Uncomfortable moodlet)
  • - "Not my kid!" This sim is categorically against the relationship of their child. (Angry moodlet. Could lead to some arguments in households. Some parents could potentially have a neutral moodlet? Especially if they have a bad relationship with their child.)

Again, idk how feasible that is considering that young adults and teens probably don't have much of an age difference, and some teens turn into young adults during the relationship. So maybe that should be applied only in certain scenarios/you could turn this off. 


2. Fetish-y. Inspired by the "Mind Breaking" and different bindings and stalking planned features.

In short, kidnapping! 

I'm a fan of the yanderes and I can't exactly create them in my sims currently. I think it could work in a very similar way as rape but with few changed features. So:

  • - There's a % chance of the kidnapping being successful. I think adding an option for weapons could potentially raise that % but it's just a loose idea.
  • - The kidnapper may carry the kidnapped sim to the household, and or get them on the "leash" so they follow. The kidnapped sim may also be added to the inventory? Lol.
  • - If someone witnesses a kidnapping, they may attempt to stop it.
  • - The kidnapped sim is added to the household. If you have free will enabled, they will sometimes try to escape on their own. If not, you will have to do it for them.
  • - The success of the escape will depend on factors. For example, if all doors in the household are unlocked, the captor is not home, the kidnapped is unbound and on the normal "health" level, the chances of escaping are 90%. If the kidnapped is in the basement and the doors are locked, the % is lowered significantly.
  • - There could be a few scenarios where other people get suspicious of the kidnapper sim. Your response may cause them to call the police or get rid of the suspicion. If you're friends/neighbors with someone who kidnapped someone, you may also encounter a scenario where your sim hears a scream for help and may call the police, ignore it, or further ask their kidnapper friend about it (chances are they are both into it). 
  • - Other sims with a kidnapper fetish won't call the police but may ask your sim to either see or... Use their victim instead.
  • - Kidnapper sim may perform actions that will cause their victims to experience Mind Break or Stockholm Syndrome. For example, if they perform a lot of violent actions (like torture, mean interactions, or rape), it will cause the victim to go into the Mind Break (where they only feel like a piece of meat). If they perform more manipulative actions (like being violent only after an escape attempt, trying to romance the sim, give them gifts, and coercing them) will cause sims to go into Stockholm (in which they "love" their captors and are "loved" property. They cannot deny only their captor and will often seek their approval). 
  • - After the Mindbreak/Stockholm, the victim will feel extremely tense/uncomfortable when they are *not* around their captor or the captor's house. It can be only cured with therapy.
  • - There could be added a few options as if to where you can keep your captured sims. For example, they could be bound into human cages, or they could be "leashed"(function of a leash but a chain/rope that connects them to a wall instead. I think there could be a changed value of how long that rope is? Not sure how feasible that is but for example - the option that the leash is long enough that the sim can go around the whole room)
  • - You can incorporate the amputee option where the kidnapper sim may amputate their victim's limb/s. It would significantly lower the chances of them escaping but it would also basically break them. It would add a very prominent sad moodlet that would only go away with Mindbreak or/and Stockholm
  • - I think the kidnapped sims should get a *variety* of moodlets, after or during the kidnapping. For example, they can get extremally angry (for no apparent reason), scared (obviously), tense (for no reason or around their kidnapper), sad, etc. If they have Mind break or Stockholm, they may experience a variety of both negative and positive moodlets. For example; 
    • - "I can't believe my luck!" This sim has been saved from their previous terrible living conditions. They can't believe how lucky they got! (Happy moodlet)
    • - "Something is wrong..." This sim feels like there's something that they should be remembering right now... They just can't figure out what. (Tense moodlet)
    • - "Time to be useful!" This sim wants to give something back to their Master for never giving up on them. (Idk if 'Master' is the right title here but the idea is - it has to imply they see their captor as having the right idea about them and being in higher status to them. They probably wouldn't think that "Kidnapper" is the right title lol. Maybe "Keeper" is more neutral? Energized moodlet. They want to clean the house)
    • - "What's happening?" This seems feels like everything is so far away and out of focus... They better lay down. (Implying dissociation. Dazed moodlet.)
    • - "I don't feel so good..." This is not a good day... This sim barely has the strength to leave the bed right now... Maybe tomorrow will be better. (Sad moodlet.)
  • - Also, a function similar to the planned BDSM one - you can choose how the captor wants to be called (for example, if they want the kidnapped to be their slave or lover). I feel like it's a very simple change that will allow for more variety.
  • - I think the kidnapper should also have different moodlets. Since I'm basing this on the concepts of the Yanderes, both positive and negative. For example:
    • - "I finally have them!" This sim finally reached their goal and got the most valuable prize. (Confident moodlet)
    • - "This is... Exiting!" This sim just added a new possession to their collection. (Happy/Energized Moodlet)
    • - "This is... A lot." This sim may have bitten more than they can chew... A lot of people are starting to look their way. The screams coming from the locked room don't help at all... (Tense moodlet.)
    • - "Why would they do that?!" This sim just realized their valued prize tried to escape... Make them realize their mistake. (Angry. After the kidnapped sim tried and failed to escape.)
    • - "This... Is over." This sim's deeds have been discovered. Their life is ruined forever. (Scared/Angry Moodlet. After the victim has escaped and/or someone discovered what they had done)
    • - "Pain is a valuable teacher" This sim is giving punishment to their sweet little prize. The anger has washed away, what's left is only... Focus. (Focused. Also may be applied to Doms giving their subs punishment but the description has to be changed)
    • - "I did the right thing... Right?" This sim is witnessing their most praised possession having a bad time. (Sad/Tense. Triggered by witnessing the victim displaying negative moodlets.)
    • - "You belong to me." The sweet thing behind the closed doors finally stopped resisting... Now their new life can finally begin. (Romantic/Happy moodlet. After victim reaches Mind Break/Stockholm.)

3. And lastly, traits. Maybe reward traits? New added traits I've come up with:

  • - "No remorse" This sim can perform criminal acts without feeling any guilt for them whatsoever. (Any nehative moodlets that can get triggered because this sim feels bad don't show.)
  • - "Nerves of steel" This sim feels like everything will always go their way. (No tense moodlets after committing criminal acts. Also, maybe lower suspicions of crime levels? Better responses in scenarios?)
  • - "Psychopath" This sim feels no remorse and has a low response to fear. Whatever they decide to do in their life, the world is their bitch... (Basically combines the two previous traits)



1. No, because Teen Sims are just shorter Adult Sims and should be treated no differently.

2. Sim Snatcher is all about kidnapping and enslaving (Though currently mainly about enslaving), if there would be any kidnapping, it'd be in that mod.

3. Those traits may be better in my planned mod Lethal Desires.


On 1/15/2022 at 7:33 AM, l0ngdickj0hns0n said:

I have the eve body installed and for some reason my female sims show up with default bra during animations. When using the devious desires options to get nude they still are wearing the default bra. Is there a way to select body options like in wicked whims? I'm not really understanding that part. Any help is appreciated! 

I'm starting to believe it is the Eve body itself causing the pink bra thing. Sims 4 does not have a "default bra".

On 1/13/2022 at 2:57 PM, lilwaynefreestyle123 said:

where to download the different packages

From the download page. v3.9 the modules come with the main download, v3.10 the modules come from a separate link that is provided next to the main files download.

Edited by ColonolNutty
11 minutes ago, ColonolNutty said:

1. No, because Teen Sims are just shorter Adult Sims and should be treated no differently.

Sure but it happens with young people, not only minors. Like, if a 18-year-old gets into a relationship with a 40+-year-old for example, it's also majorly not going to be healthy. But I understand not wanting to be associated with that.


2. Sim Snatcher is all about kidnapping and enslaving (Though currently mainly about enslaving), if there would be any kidnapping, it'd be in that mod.

I've actually seen that mod but I interpreted it as Master/Slave play more than anything else. Thank you for the info though, will keep my eye open.


3. Those traits may be better in my planned mod Lethal Desires.

Yeah, do with that comment whatever you want. Just loose ideas. I've seen you mention rape perps getting negative moodlets and I don't think that's realistic to all types of role-play though. If someone wants to create someone evil, they're not going to feel much guilty but they may feel stressed etc. Again, your mod your rules lol. Curious about the planned mod now though.

1 hour ago, GoDown_InTheDeep___ said:

Sure but it happens with young people, not only minors. Like, if a 18-year-old gets into a relationship with a 40+-year-old for example, it's also majorly not going to be healthy. But I understand not wanting to be associated with that.

I've actually seen that mod but I interpreted it as Master/Slave play more than anything else. Thank you for the info though, will keep my eye open.

Yeah, do with that comment whatever you want. Just loose ideas. I've seen you mention rape perps getting negative moodlets and I don't think that's realistic to all types of role-play though. If someone wants to create someone evil, they're not going to feel much guilty but they may feel stressed etc. Again, your mod your rules lol. Curious about the planned mod now though.

There are plans to incorporate abduction back into Sim Snatcher, eventually. I've been so busy with DD though, I haven't had time to give SS some more love.
I always like ideas. Keep em coming!

6 hours ago, Curious07 said:

So I put everything into Sims 4 mods folder. Nothing is in a sub folder. It is still giving me the missing file error. What am I doing wrong? Please help!

getting same thing 


I no longer have the missing file error ever since I extracted all folders in the main mods folder  but it's still just giving me the masturbate for humans option and give consent for rough sex in pets. I still don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Posted (edited)
On 1/18/2022 at 10:03 AM, Curious07 said:

I no longer have the missing file error ever since I extracted all folders in the main mods folder  but it's still just giving me the masturbate for humans option and give consent for rough sex in pets. I still don't know what I'm doing wrong.


On 1/18/2022 at 4:19 PM, sputnikthespy said:

I'm having issues with the cum level. Is there a way to increase it? 


Is it just DD sex with pregnancy and the default pregnancy is still there?


DD Pregnancy and Vanilla Pregnancy are the same thing.

On 1/17/2022 at 8:21 PM, poopoppopopo said:

getting same thing 

It says in the dialog what you are missing, without telling us what you are missing, we can only guess. That dialog is never wrong.

Edited by ColonolNutty

Maybe I'm blind, but is there a place to find dog penises? My sim went to have sexy time and I noticed she was riding air above her pet, lol. Loving the mod by the way!

Posted (edited)
On 1/20/2022 at 8:51 PM, lioness said:

Maybe I'm blind, but is there a place to find dog penises? My sim went to have sexy time and I noticed she was riding air above her pet, lol. Loving the mod by the way!

Click on the Dog -> DD -> Nudity -> Select Body Parts -> Select a penis for them

17 hours ago, Laishe said:

So I'm currently unable to use DD. Every view seconds is an error massage produced. I don't know how to fix it. I already tried to update all mods and even bought cottage living just know, but the errors continue. I love your mod, it makes everything much spicier.

Update CSF. Base DD does not have any DLC requirements.

Edited by ColonolNutty
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ColonolNutty said:

Update CSF. Base DD does not have any DLC requirements.

I've now got the v1.14, is there a newer version? There are two errors one is with fox_stand and the other one with fox_bladder, so I just tried removing the pets.package but that didn't help either. I tried playing the game with the errors yesterday and the only problem that was noticeable, was that my only adult Sim kept "changing" her clothes because of children nearby eventhough she already had clothes on.

Alright so I just removed all my mods an just put the base DD mod, CSF and Library/Modsettingmenu in. The Error is still the same. What am I doing wrong?

Edited by Laishe
Tested something different.
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Laishe said:

I've now got the v1.14, is there a newer version? There are two errors one is with fox_stand and the other one with fox_bladder, so I just tried removing the pets.package but that didn't help either. I tried playing the game with the errors yesterday and the only problem that was noticeable, was that my only adult Sim kept "changing" her clothes because of children nearby eventhough she already had clothes on.

Alright so I just removed all my mods an just put the base DD mod, CSF and Library/Modsettingmenu in. The Error is still the same. What am I doing wrong?

I just assumed it was CSF, since many people have issues with that being outdated, especially when spammed with errors. Usually when you get spammed with exceptions or errors, it is due to an outdated requirement. I looked at your exception file now and you need to update S4CL.

Edited by ColonolNutty

Im having problem with Inflation, when i click info, there isnt any Inflation meter so im assuming its not working, i also havent seen any Inflation from orgasm. CSF is working fine for me, everything else aswell, any tips?

1 hour ago, ColonolNutty said:

I just assumed it was CSF, since many people have issues with that being outdated, especially when spammed with errors. Usually when you get spammed with exceptions or errors, it is due to an outdated requirement. I looked at your exception file now and you need to update S4CL.

Thank you so much, now it seems to work! Sometimes it's rather difficult to know if it's the newest version, you just google and choose loverslab, nexusmod or any other website. I will keep looking on github in the future.

6 hours ago, RandomUsser66 said:

Im having problem with Inflation, when i click info, there isnt any Inflation meter so im assuming its not working, i also havent seen any Inflation from orgasm. CSF is working fine for me, everything else aswell, any tips?


5 hours ago, Laishe said:

Thank you so much, now it seems to work! Sometimes it's rather difficult to know if it's the newest version, you just google and choose loverslab, nexusmod or any other website. I will keep looking on github in the future.

I know there are some places that other people upload my mods to, but for the places I do manage, I try to keep them up to date.


Hi i just downloaded this mod and i keep getting this error <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.DeviousDesires_Leash_Walk_Human_Leash'>. (UnavailablePackSafeResourceError), CategoryID: definition_manager:317


Hello! I love your DD mod, I just have a question in regards to gameplay lag. 
i have everything installed correctly and I don’t receive any error messages however once the mod is installed it slows my game down so bad it makes it unplayable. I only have the kinky and milking package installed. Once I remove the mod my game runs smooth no issues, no lagging. I’m even able to install other large mods and it doesn’t affect the gameplay speed or lag. Is there something I can do?

The mods I have are:

Basmental Drugs, WoohooWellness, Whicked Whims, Meaning full stories, Urban socials, MC Command center,sims dating app, first impressions, slice of life, and some other super small mods. 

On 1/26/2022 at 11:48 AM, Hartdiamonds said:

Hi i just downloaded this mod and i keep getting this error <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.DeviousDesires_Leash_Walk_Human_Leash'>. (UnavailablePackSafeResourceError), CategoryID: definition_manager:317

Don't install DD Pets if you don't have the Cats & Dogs DLC.

On 1/26/2022 at 1:57 PM, Kittyb123 said:


Hello! I love your DD mod, I just have a question in regards to gameplay lag. 
i have everything installed correctly and I don’t receive any error messages however once the mod is installed it slows my game down so bad it makes it unplayable. I only have the kinky and milking package installed. Once I remove the mod my game runs smooth no issues, no lagging. I’m even able to install other large mods and it doesn’t affect the gameplay speed or lag. Is there something I can do?

The mods I have are:

Basmental Drugs, WoohooWellness, Whicked Whims, Meaning full stories, Urban socials, MC Command center,sims dating app, first impressions, slice of life, and some other super small mods. 

Wicked Whims is the true culprit, remove that mod and you shall see. I don't know what Turbodriver put in WW, but at some point it just started to lag the game real bad when DD is installed too.

12 hours ago, ColonolNutty said:

Wicked Whims is the true culprit, remove that mod and you shall see. I don't know what Turbodriver put in WW, but at some point it just started to lag the game real bad when DD is installed too.

That is a really mean thing to do. DD and WW complement each other so well. The fact that someone tries to make so the two dont work with each other, just shows how stupid and greedy some people can be. Sims 4 needs DD just as much it needs WW. Although both are about sex, they have completely different ways of handling the sex experience. It's a shame to see people acting this low.


Hello everyone.


I tried lookfor some answers here but  this topic is too big for my poor English skills.

I'm sorry if it been already asked.


Is it possible to use Nisa' Perversion mod with DD? 

If so how?

Nisa's perversion mod needs WW, and I don't really want it because DD is best to me. Plus i don't want any conflicts.

can someone explain me please?


then just wanrt to say thanks to the mod's creator. I'm looking forward for the improvements and updates. Great job. 

6 hours ago, guims79 said:

Hello everyone.


I tried lookfor some answers here but  this topic is too big for my poor English skills.

I'm sorry if it been already asked.


Is it possible to use Nisa' Perversion mod with DD? 

If so how?

Nisa's perversion mod needs WW, and I don't really want it because DD is best to me. Plus i don't want any conflicts.

can someone explain me please?


then just wanrt to say thanks to the mod's creator. I'm looking forward for the improvements and updates. Great job. 

No, Wicked Perversions does not work with Devious Desires.

4 hours ago, evancmarsh said:

I'm trying to download this MOD but it's telling me it cannot find the files despite me following the instructions. Any idea why it's not working?

Without telling us which files it tells you are missing, we can only guess and I don't feel like guessing.

  • Sad 1
  • Agree 1
On 7/15/2021 at 9:00 PM, ColonolNutty said:

Devious Desires

Deaderpool and other discords that follow Deaderpool, please talk to me directly, you cut off all communication routes for direct communication with you, so this is really the only form of communication that I still have with you. I would like you to stop harassing users who use my mods by telling them to uninstall them or that they cause "severe" issues. I would also like you to stop telling other discords to do these same things. This community needs to begin to recover.



Devious Desires


A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come!

Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish.
This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a free alternative to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes.

If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds!

Updated: 10-22-2021
Game/Creator:  The Sims 4 [EA]
Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord - Reddit
Mod Version: v3.9
Language: English
Game Version: (Cottage Living Patch) and above


  Reveal hidden contents

DD Basic (deviousdesires.package)

  • Sex and Sex Autonomy for Human Sim x Human Sim
    • Sex Club Autonomy
    • Masturbation
      • Sims can both manually and autonomously masturbate on the floor or on furniture!
      • Sims not on their Home lots may run to the bathroom to rub one out if they become aroused.
    • Have Sex
      • When Sims have a high enough romance with another Sim they may ask them for Sex.
        • They may also ask for sex autonomously when their Arousal is high enough!
        • Click -> Romance -> Have Sex
    • Locational Motive changes
      • Sex in the shower or a tub will increase hygiene
    • Jealousy
      • If a Sim spots a loved one involved in sex, they may become jealous and stop the sex!
      • If all Sims in sex match the gender preference of the loved one that spots the sex, they may become aroused instead!
    • Proximity
      • Sims going near a sex in progress may autonomously ask to join or go off and masturbate somewhere if they have are sufficiently Aroused too.
      • Sims may even become disgusted if the sex does not involve fetishes they are into!
    • Arousal
      • Every Sim (enabled for DD, of course) will have a new Arousal percentage. To see the Arousal of a Sim Click on them -> Info -> Arousal: %
      • Increases faster by having more Flirty buffs as well as performing certain interactions, such as watching a Romantic movie.
      • Increases slower by having more Angry, Sad, Stressed, or Uncomfortable buffs.
      • Decreases by having sex.
  • Relationships
    • Teen Sim and Adult Sim romance interactions unlocked.
    • Incest romance interactions unlocked (For Sims that are incestuous)
  • Self Impregnation and Cum On Selves (or any overlay really)
    • If an Animation is setup properly, a Sim may self-impregnate or apply overlays to themselves!
    • When Sims have an orgasm on themselves, you can choose where they shoot their load at, In Vagina, In Anus, On Face, and more!
  • Orgasm Meter
    • Every Sim has their own orgasm meter, once they reach climax, they will blow their load, causing overlays, pregnancies, and they may even inflate other Sims (See DD Milk Farm)
    • When a Sim reaches 85% on the orgasm meter, they will automatically switch to a Climax animation.
  • Top/Bottom
    • Set the Top/Bottom preferences of your Sim and ensure they take the correct position during sex!
    • Animations must use these tags on their actors in order for the roles to be respected!
  • Body System (Nudity, Underwear, Equipment)
    • Customize the body parts of your Sims, each Sim may use different body parts!
      • Select Default parts for all Sims to use. You may even choose a default part for every body category!
      • Custom Part Support! Choose ANY CAS Part you want for any part of your body! Choose CAS Parts via CAS.
      • Other Custom Part Types (In addition to the basic ones):
        • Head
        • Tail
        • Hands
        • Mouth
        • Ears
      • These custom parts will continue to be worn by your Sim, even when they take all of their clothing off!
    • Underwear
    • Equip a Strap-on whenever you want!
    • Unequip various clothing items (Wrists, Glasses, Necklace, Hat, Gloves, Top, Bottom, Shoes, Tights, and more!)
      • Also works to equip/unequip clothing items of NPCs.
      • When undressing clothing, a clothing pile will be created (If you have any laundry day stuff on the lot)
    • The best parts about the nudity in DD, there are Zero Conflicts With Other Mods and that DD Will Not Permanently Modify the Outfit of your Sims, so DD can be uninstalled with no repercussions!
  • Pregnancy
    • Sims can become pregnant via sex.
    • When Sims have an orgasm, you can choose where they shoot their load at, In Vagina, In Anus, On Face, and more!
  • Animation Customizations
    • Customize animations in various ways to improve them and perhaps correct a few mistakes the animation mod authors don't have time to fix. Even add tags!
    • Bulk Customization for when you want to customize many animations at the same time with the same customizations. Some assumptions will be made for each of the Bulk Operations.
    • The best part is that you can share it with the community! Everyone can have corrected and working animations!
  • Custom Overlays
    • Types
      • Cum
      • Tears
      • Blush
    • Overlays apply in multiple weights Light, Medium, and Heavy.
  • Fetishes
    • Enthuse About, Complain About, and Think About. Sims can have various fetishes that will have an effect on various parts of the mod! (Check the wiki for more details on their effects)
    • Fetish Likes/Dislikes can be selected in CAS
    • Just to name a few:
      • Exhibitionism
      • Public Sex
      • Voyeurism
      • Incest - If you want Sims to be incestuous, increase their enjoyment of Incest! (All Sims involved need it to be high)
  • Encounters
    • When a Sim asks the Active Sim for sex, an Encounter may occur instead of the Ask For Sex interaction.
      • An encounter is basically a dialogue between the Sim asking for sex and the Sim responding to the proposal
        • Accept the encounter to start sex.
        • Decline the encounter to cancel sex.
    • Encounters are available for Animal Sim x Human Sim, Animal Sim x Animal Sim, and Human Sim x Human Sim for Normal Sex, Rough Sex, and Rape.
  • Third Party Support
    • A few things in Sims 4 Control Menu are overridden by DD, such as Teen/Adult Romance and Pregnancy. Human Sim/Animal Sim Pregnancy Creation, etc.

DD Pets (deviousdesires_pets.package)

  • Sex and Sex Autonomy for both Animal Sim x Human Sim and Animal Sim x Animal Sim. (Both Player and NPC Sims)
  • Gender Options
    • Animal Sims utilize new Gender Options, you can have Futanari and Cuntboy Animal Sims now!
    • Male Animal Sims may also become pregnant and Female Animal Sims may get other Sims pregnant!
  • Nudity
  • Pregnancy
    • Animal Sim/Human Sim Hybrid pregnancies
      • Human Sims can birth Animal Sims.
      • Animal Sims can birth Human Sims.
    • Animal Sim/Animal Sim pregnancies
  • Traits
    • Zoophiliac - Indicates a Sim is willing to have sex with Animal Sims
    • Pack Bitch - Makes a Human Sim more likely to have sex with Animal Sims and more likely to become pregnant with hybrid Animal Sim babies.
    • Penis Knot - A Human Sim with this trait is flagged as having a Knot on their Penis and thus may be able to Knot other Sims during sex
  • Leashing
    • Human Sims can Leash other Human Sims and walk around with them as they would an Animal Sim.
  • Relationships
    • Custom Romance Track between Human Sims and Animal Sims
    • Romance interactions between Human Sims and Animal Sims
    • Also autonomous (If a Sim is a Zoophiliac and was previously romantic with an animal)
  • Knotting
    • Sims may knot other Sims when they have an Orgasm during sex, if they have a knot on their penis. (See Penis Knot Trait).
  • Works with AOM Selectable Pets
    • With an Animal  Sim as your active Sim, you may initiate sex with other Animal Sims or even Human Sims

DD Kinky (deviousdesires_kinky.package)

  • Rape and Rough Sex for Human Sim x Human Sim and if DD Pets is enabled, Animal Sim x Human Sim and Animal Sim x Animal Sim.
  • Rape  and Rough Sex Club Autonomy
    • Club Interactions are not bound by the same constraints, such as Rough Sex will not require Consent between Sims and Rape does not require Friendship/Romance below 30%
  • Lot Traits
    • Bad Neighborhood - Sims are more likely to Rape within bad neighborhoods, especially after performing Mean interactions.
  • Rough Sex
    • After Giving/Receiving Consent, you may Ask For Rough Sex for both Animal Sim (If DD Pets enabled) and Human Sims Autonomy
    • Manual Interaction
      • Sims can ask other Sims for Rough Sex after giving or receiving consent to them and being romantic.
      • Click -> Romance -> Have Rough Sex as Dom/Sub
    • Autonomy
      • Sims will autonomously ask for Rough Sex from other Sims, if consent is given or received and their Arousal is high.
        • NPC Sims can ask other NPC Sims.
        • NPC Sims can ask Player Sims and vice verse.
  • Consent
    • Give or Take Away consent for Rough Sex to/from other Sims including NPCs!
  • Skills
    • Domination - A "skill" used to show how dominant a Sim is
    • Submission - A "skill" used to show how submissive a Sim is
  • Rape
    • Rape other Sims and force sex upon them. (Fight Rape)
      • Success is based on fitness level
    • Coerce Sims into private locations and then rape them there (Lure Rape)
      • Success is based on charisma level as well as relationship
    • Intervene
      • If a Sim spots their friend/lover Sim being Raped, they can attempt to stop it
    • Manual Interaction
      • The player can choose to make their Sim do a Rape interaction regardless of friendship/romance with the victim or the Sims Arousal level
      • Click -> Mean -> Lure Rape
      • Click -> Mean -> Lure Rape
    • Autonomy
      • (Lure Rape) Sims will autonomously attempt to rape other Sims they are neither friends nor romantic with and their Arousal is high
        • NPC Sims can rape other NPC Sims.
        • NPC Sims can rape Player Sims and vice verse.
      • (Fight Rape) Sims with a high Arousal level may attempt to fight and rape other Sims.
    • Traits
      • Rapist - The Sim will be more likely to rape other Sims.
      • Victim - The Sim will be more likely to be raped by other Sims.
    • Overlays
      • Tears will apply to victimized Sims.

DD Milk Farm (deviousdesires_milk_farm.package)

  • Drink milk/cum from Sims
    • Breastfeeding and Cum Eating fills the hunger bar of the Sim that is drinking/eating.
    • Autonomy
      • Sims will autonomously ask for Milk/Cum if they are hungry
      • Sims will autonomously offer Milk/Cum if they are Aroused and in need of a milking.
  • Milking Autonomy
    • Sims that become full of milk will run off and milk themselves or ask other Sims to milk them.
    • Sims that are Aroused may ask Sims that are full of milk/cum if they can milk them.
  • Overlays appear on nipples (of provider) and mouth (of drinker) during and after breastfeeding.
  • Milking
    • Breast Milking
    • Penis Milking
    • Milking on Machines (Autonomous with animations)
    • Animation Milking (Autonomous with animations)
    • Self Milking (Autonomous with animations)
  • Breast Milk/Cum levels for each Sim
    • Track it under the Info pie category when clicking on Sims.
  • Milk added to the inventory of the Sim that started it
  • Wearable Milk Pumps (For Mobile Milking, no animations required!)
  • Custom Milk Objects
  • Milk Types
    • Breast Milk
    • Cum
  • Drinkable milk/cum, they restore hunger, and they can be sold for cash money!
    • Various Flavors
      • Vanilla
      • Chocolate
      • Strawberry
      • and more!
  • Custom Overlays
    • Milk
  • Traits
    • Pregnant Sims or Sims that become pregnant will produce Breast Milk automatically
    • Sims with a Penis will produce Cum automatically
  • Reward Traits
    • Upgraded versions of the Basic Milk Producer traits may be purchased from the Rewards Store
  • Swelling
    • Swelling is only available and will only occur for Sims with the Upgraded versions of the Milk Producer traits (See rewards store!)
    • Breasts and Testicles may become visibly swollen when they fill with milk or cum. (Requires Custom Slider Framework default sliders, adult sliders, and breast sliders to be installed, see requirements section below)
    • Buffs will be applied based on how full their breasts and/or testicles are
    • Swelling requires having upgraded Milk Producer traits from the Rewards Store!
  • Milk Supplements
    • Supplements may be taken by Sims to increase their production of milk temporarily, whether from the breasts or the testicles. Access the computer to use them today!
    • Consult your doctor (CSF) if visual swelling does not subside within 24-48 hours.
  • Inflation
    • The Vagina of a Sim may expand when another Sim fills them up whether through their vagina. (Requires Custom Slider Framework and sliders to be installed)
    • The Stomach of a Sim may expand when another Sim fills them up whether through their mouth, or their anus. (Requires Custom Slider Framework and sliders to be installed)
    • Inflation levels
      • The inflation level of Sims will constantly be going down while they are inflated. Multiple orgasms may be required to fully inflate a Sim!

DD Dirty Play (deviousdesires_dirty_play.ts4script)

  • Watersports
    • Perform "sex" involving Urine
    • Sims your Sim is romantic with can be asked to drink the pee of your Sim or for your Sim to drink their pee.
      • Sims will autonomously ask to drink the pee of other Sims when their Hunger is low, Bladder is low, and Arousal is high.
    • Your Sim can also drink their own pee
      • They will do so autonomously when their Hunger is low, Bladder is low and Arousal is high.
  • Scat
    • Perform "sex" involving Scat
    • Sims your Sim is romantic with can be asked to eat the poo of your Sim or for your Sim to eat their poo.
      • Sims will autonomously ask to eat the poo of other Sims when their Hunger is low, Bladder/Bowels are very low and Arousal is high.
    • Your Sim can also eat their own poo
      • They will do so autonomously when their Hunger is low, Bladder/Bowels are very low and Arousal is high.
  • Overlays
    • Urine
    • Scat

Wicked Whims Loader (deviousdesires_wickedwhims_loader.ts4script)

  • Devious Desires will recognize and load Animations and CAS Parts that were made for Wicked Whims into itself. Wicked Whims is not required to be installed for this to work!



  Reveal hidden contents
  • Sims 4 Community Library at least version 1.75 - NSFWMods
  • Mod Settings Menu is optionally required to modify DD Settings - SimFileShare
  • The Pornstar Cock by Noir is a required download - Pornstar
    • Other body parts may be installed in addition to the Noir ones, but the Noir ones are required!
  • A Custom Body such as EVE
  • DD Pets requires the Cats & Dogs DLC
  • Custom Slider Framework (CSF) is optionally required for scaling of various body parts (Be sure to install the Breast size sliders as well!)SimFileShare
  • No Mosaic Remover - Sims 4 Nexus


  Reveal hidden contents

----------------- Main -----------------

Drag and drop everything directly into your "The Sims 4/Mods" folder

!!!! You should always be overwriting the main.json file with the one from the download !!!!

The final paths for the files should be the following:

The Sims 4/Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/animation_customizations/main.json (The folder structure for this file is very important and it MUST match this exact folder path, do not change it or put it in a subfolder!)
The Sims 4/Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/animation_customizations/_main_bulk_customized_animations.json (The folder structure for this file is very important and it MUST match this exact folder path, do not change it or put it in a subfolder!)


2. Put `mod_data` DIRECTLY into Mods, so it is `Mods/mod_data`
2.5. PUT `mod_data` DIRECTLY INTO MODS
2.7. DO NOT put "mod_data" into a sub folder. I said DIRECTLY into Mods, "Mods/mod_data". NOT "Mods/Blah/mod_data". NOT "Mods/BLAH/BLAH/BLAH/mod_data". ONLY "Mods/mod_data". Yes, I am talking to you! I know what you did to that Mods folder!

If you do not have `mod_data` EXACTLY as it shows in the above paths, then you will receive a MISSING FILES dialog upon loading into your household!

The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires.package
The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires.ts4script
----------------- Fetish Features -----------------

Within the deviousdesires_features folder, pick and choose the features you would like in your game and copy them to your Mods folder.

If you choose to exclude all of the feature packages, Devious Desires will still contain at least basic sex.

You don't need to install any of them if you don't want to!

Only install the features you want to see in your game! Don't complain about seeing one Sim taking a dump on another Sim because you failed to read this warning!

The final paths for the files should be the following:

The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires_features/deviousdesires_pets.package
The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires_features/deviousdesires_kinky.package
The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires_features/deviousdesires_milk_farm.package
The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires_features/deviousdesires_dirty_play.package

----------------- Wicked Whims Loader-----------------

Included with the main download.
This file will allow DD to recognize and load the Animations and CAS Parts that were originally made for Wicked Whims.
This file does not require Wicked Whims to be installed.
Drag and drop everything directly into your "The Sims 4/Mods" folder
The final path for the files should be the following:

The Sims 4/Mods/deviousdesires_wickedwhims_loader.ts4script


Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this!

Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility.


Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires:

  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents

Special Thanks:

  • Jiji
  • JustMe
  • Nicholas Kreuz
  • Pariah3J


All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof!

All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod.

All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon.

To those using this mod, if you are told that my mods do any of the following:

- Will break or cause severe issues within your game
- Contain themes endangering or abusing Children
- Contain themes endangering or abusing Animals
- Contains illegal content

Please know that ALL of this is misinformation, and completely false.

The mod authors known as TURBODRIVER and Deaderpool have chosen to Stalk, Target, and Cyberbully me and anyone who chooses to use any of my mods. They have chosen to spread misinformation (slander) about my mods for years, and have gone so far as to put malicious code in Wicked Whims targeting my mods (and by extension those who make mods using S4CL which is a fairly large chunk of mod authors). I believe in creating mods that better the community as a whole, even if I have no personal interest in  the criteria of the mod itself. Even the API called Sims 4 Community Library, which I have created for new and old mod authors to create simpler and more stable mods while also providing a vast store of functionality for said mods, has been targeted by these mod authors. They go on witch hunts, banning or threatening anyone who dares join my discord. They have threatened other mod authors, discords, websites, and various other forms of media into also banning and threatening people for using my mods.

Sadly, this has put me in a place where the very community I love and support, slanders me and continues to spread the same misinformation, without knowing that many of the negative things being said have zero evidence to back them and are nothing more than cyberbullying.

Though these Mod Authors are extremely successful, they have been using their popularity to ruin my reputation and railroad the community into believing these lies. This has caused many discords to ban people for using any of my mods and it has turned my name into something that frightens everyone when it is even mentioned. I try my best to support and create content for this community out of my own pocket and this is completely unacceptable.

Please do not believe everything you read on the internet. There's always two sides
to a story but above all there is the absolute truth. Its up to us as people to find it out
and refrain from hopping onto bandwagons stirred up by popular mod authors.

I love this community, do my best for it, and despite what TURBODRIVER and Deaderpool say to ruin me, I will continue doing my best to support this community, noone deserves this treatment, especially not someone who makes mods for free.



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