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6 minutes ago, Doublezero said:

Pete Hines pretty much said women aren't smart enough to understand skills in previous Fallout games and no one called him out on that?

The string of Tweets is gone.  I went to DanStapleton's feed and there's a gap on Oct 17 when this exchange happened.  Pete Hines or someone on his team deleted his Tweet and the responses went with it.

But yeah, he said girls are dumb and they're gearing their games to cater to them.  It's the industry standard now; pander to people who don't play your games and alienate the cash-in-hand fan base in the process.  I think this is a good thing for Bethesda.  They're not shooting themselves in the foot, they're blowing their own legs off.  Say hello the B(EA)thesda.

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14 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Yeah, CPU is a fag and I wish he would come to this community so I would confront his bitch ass. Just like Gregatits.


All because he came in like the dictator that he is and started to delete comments and me posting this.

I can guarantee you he's going through the entire thread right now and will be handing out warnings for shit posted two weeks ago; shit other moderators have read and let fly.  That's just how he rolls.  I can't take LL seriously and everything I do there is either a throw away or something to drive traffic to NSFW.  Only thing LL is good for.

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24 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

I'm making a new avatar with the words "LL is a shithole" for that community.

They'll delete it. :) Translate it into some obscure language first.

32 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Those Tweet images I posted earlier are fake.  Too bad,

We all know the industry dumbs things down in order to pander to casuals, although when Bethesda removes something from their games, it's usually due to their laziness.

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1 minute ago, bjornk said:

Oh I bet they will. I like the avatar. :D

I don't see how they could justify it.  It's not animated or pornographic so it doesn't break the rules for avatars or signatures.  LL isn't a person so they can't cry about a picture attacking an electronic service.  It doen't break the catch-all 'muh dramuh' fucktard rule they use for everything under the sun either unless they pretend it does...which is likely when I think about it.

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Bethesda Circumventing Data Protection to Push Zenimax Ads

According to a recent Reddit post, a user has noticed that upon the creation of a brand new Bethesda.net account, users automatically opt into seeing Zenimax-related ads on other websites, which is a major no-no according to GDPR, and is moderately worrying even without it.

Furthermore, there seems to be no option to disable this upon the creation of one's Bethesda.net account. Instead, you can only choose to shut down Bethesda's ad peddling once you've already created your account, and the option is buried in menus that many users are unlikely to sift through.

In accordance with GDPR (which is only valid in the areas of the European Union) such aggressive advertising techniques ought to be opt-in, with them disabled by default. For a concrete example of companies acting according to GDPR, look no further than Steam, where all newly-created user accounts are set to private. It is only afterwards that users have the option to deliberately make their data public.

Another Reddit user has put things quite succinctly: "This is giving consent for them to send off your information to 3rd parties who they don't even name, and saying it will have an impact on your experience on other websites. This means you have no guarantees in how your data is being handled."


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Just when you think Bethesda couldn't get more scummy.  They're clueless if they think people aren't scrutinizing everything they do.  They're used to people not being willing (or able) to question what they pull that they're arrogant about being fuckheads.  Bethesda's honeymoon is over.

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I knew he was going to do it.

On 12/14/2018 at 5:40 PM, Kendo 2 said:

I don't see how they could justify it.  It's not animated or pornographic so it doesn't break the rules for avatars or signatures.  LL isn't a person so they can't cry about a picture attacking an electronic service.  It doen't break the catch-all 'muh dramuh' fucktard rule they use for everything under the sun either unless they pretend it does...which is likely when I think about it.



Scroll back a few pages of the FO76 thread on LL and see if my comments still exist. It should say I'm banned.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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It just says 'member' and there's no avatar.  Moderators can't ban you unless Ashal has added that capability to the moderator cp; only an admin can ban members so it will have to come from him.  I'd like to know what chickenshit rule you supposedly broke.  Not liking the site isn't against the duh-derp LL rools.  And it's not like LL being a shit hole since mid 2016 is a big secret or anything.  Ashal and his moderators intentionally made it one.

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Well, they definitely blocked me from having any sort of access. They aren't very transparent. Giving the illusion that my account is still active, but I'm actually banned. I wonder how many they've already done this to and people probably think those members just have no desire to visit LL anymore.

At least Nexus is honest about it. They don't hide who they are.


They murdered me in cold blood in a back alley, wrapped me in a blanket, took me back to my home, left the TV and lights on to make people believe everything is normal as usual.

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according to the capture, Ashal still needs to make it permanent. Looks like all Gregatit did is block you from the site. If I understand what I am seeing. Perhaps if you want, appeal to Ashal. Maybe make it a temp ( like 4 months or so) ban for the first ban offense (I assume) from you.

That would be inline with other... "Problem Makers" we are aware of from the site.  Getting perma-banned off the bat for the first time... that is a bit extreme. (I assume you wern't banned previously)  Hell, some "problem makers" have had multiple mini-bans (3~4 mos) and as far as I know one is still able to access the site.

I don't see any problems with you @endgameaddiction here on NSFWmods.com as far as I can tell. You are more than welcome to stick around here.

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They don't listen. They don't care, LL is ran by people who are never wrong. GrimReaper learned for himself that feedback means absolute shit because every concern is taken with a grain of salt. And they have their wimpy cheerleading bois side-by-side defending them.

People post off topic crap all the time in so many threads. People post gif memes all the time in many threads. CPU got mad because the gif I posted was actually try and it was time for me to GTFO because I already know what was coming (deleted comments, warnings, silencing those with the wrong think, etc.) Gregatwat banned me because he among CPU and Doxy and more than likely Bruce all hate my guts.

They don't like me because I don't sit and roll over like most members do. They don't like people who will challenge their stance and decisions.

I guarantee you if I called any of them in the FO76 thread fanboys or white knights, I would of gotten a warning. But I bet you Halstrom and the rest who labeled us trolls and haters got a complete free pass. And here's the thing, I'm not offended being labeled as such. That's not what bothers me. It's the injustice and favoritism that does.

LL is a shithole because those moderators and their cliques make it a shithole.

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Well, we all knew what LL was. Isn't that the reason why we're here now and not there. I don't understand why you had to go to the trouble just to confirm that once more. If you have to go to LL, know that it's best enjoyed as "read-only", with a huge ignore list.

I had two forums back in the early 2000's. Besides spammers, I never banned anyone even when things got personal, and I'm not a very tolerant person at all. That should tell you something about LL moderators and their inflated egos.

Just before I left LL, I had made myself a signature saying something like "Welcome to Lover's Lab, a porn site as well as a kindergarten." just to mock the heavy-handed moderation and it got deleted fairly quickly. :D

Edited by bjornk
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10 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


They don't like me because I don't sit and roll over like most members do. They don't like people who will challenge their stance and decisions.

Well I will be banned shortly. I don't sit and roll over like you are indicating and I will not.  We (admin and myself) have had a few discussions and sometimes don't see eye to eye and I don't share their thoughts and opinions... however, so far I haven't been banned.

5 hours ago, bjornk said:

 If you have to go to LL, know that it's best enjoyed as "read-only", with a huge ignore list.

My Ignore list is growing by the month on LL ;) Before I would go an entire year or more before someone was added.. now.. It is hard to go more than 5~6 months before I block someone. :(

bjornk has excellent advice. I have started blocking those that I know I won't get along with very well or has had some scuffles before and my experience there is much improved. I should have used that tool much earlier. :(

@endgameaddiction Don't worry, you have us... :D

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Bethesda is doing the same with Atomic Shop like they did with Creation Club. YongYea is wrong. It will play the same way. Their fans will eventually let it go and accept it.

As much as 76 is a disaster, it's going to be a long term financial success.

They are great at marketing. Wait when their expansions roll out with new world maps. They'll probably bring back DC and Boston as expansions. And those will have more new clothing, armor and other trinkets for their Atomic Shop.

I can already see them completely butchering the lore with 76.

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You know, I would suggest pirating the shit out these games, but they aren't even worth pirating. That's the world we live in now, shit games not even worth pirating and yet people still pay for them and even pay to buy shitty in-game times and then get mad when we call them retards... what else could they be?

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