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Bill Introduced to End Internet Censorship by 'Big Tech' Corporations

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U.S, Senator Josh Hawly (R Missouri) has introduced a new bill which specifically addresses the question of 'big tech' companies like FaceBook, Google and Twitter being either platforms or publishers.  In a nutshell, Twitter claims immunity under Section 230 of the Commutations Decency Act (1996) and they censor users at the same time.  Sen. Hawly proposes that they are either a utility (like AT&T) or they're a publisher; they cannot be both.  The bill also addresses algorithms used by search engines (like Google) that skew search results or otherwise manipulate searches.

PDF of the Proposed Bill

Article From FOX News

Article from CNBC

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It should be extended to the whole internet. Everything in regards to public. Forums as well. Yeah, I'm looking at LL and their authoritarian moderators who nit pick what they deem offensive and will go out their way to warn and even ban you.  Good news either way. It's going in the right direction.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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41 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

It should be extended to the whole internet. Everything in regards to public. Forums as well. Yeah, I'm looking at LL and their authoritarian moderators who nit pick what they deem offensive and will go out their way to warn and even ban you.  Good news either way. It's going in the right direction.

The criteria depends on traffic and revenue generated.  That keeps smaller businesses safe from unnecessary government scrutiny.  I think the cut-off is 5 million site hits per month or $5 million in revenue.  LL is too small; but Steam, Nexus and Beth.net forums might be big enough to target.  Doesn't matter where they're hosted; if they do business in the U.S. they're subject to U.S. law.  Google got slammed by the E.U. for a couple of billion dollars.  Hosting someplace like the U.K., Montenegro or Albania won't stop anything.  I can't do business in Canada anymore after a legal dispute with North Sea Oil (the thieving bastards).  ANYWAY....

The usual suspects in Liberal media are already squawking.  They don't like the idea of people being able to have free speech or internet search results showing what people are really looking for.  And Sen. Hawly has had Google in his cross hairs since 2017 over anti-trust issues.  OH, and his proposed bill has bipartisan support in the Senate; so at least a few Democrats have wised up as to what's going on with big tech censorship.

EDIT: It WOULD indeed be funny to see the SJW-loving staff at Nexus and the control freaks at LL get told 'you can't do that shit anymore'.  They'd be in a fucking apoplectic fit.

EDIT2: I posted a link to the bill over at LL in their 'what makes you happy' thread...because this bill makes me FUCKING HAPPY.

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