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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Wow... there are people already on phase 8 Way to go.
  2. Sad.. I thought the solution was to extract the scripts and install them manually to get the desired results. You wouldn't have control over the scripts and overwrites but you would still have control over the other assets. Anyway Wyrebash is pretty powerful and OBMM is pretty dead simple or so I have been told (most use both together) So yea. In any case it will be great.
  3. My suggestion until otherwise told (or verified by yourself) to copy the profile you are using over to be sure the ini transferred. I believe it states it is "universal" however. Reading the OP it appears that it runs it on all the profiles (I believe current profiles) so it should work for your current ones without issues.
  4. That would be great specially those scripted mods with MO.. Can't get those dam things to work properly I know it must be a simple trick to do it. :). Not as easy to work with as Skyrim
  5. I will be here during the process of setting this up so I can help you with any issues r/t editing etc as well to keep you on course if you decide there are some simple editing that can be done. for those dong this it is really important that you watch at least one of the videos r/t MO from Gopher and understand how to install the mods and move the files around when doing so. Not too advance but can be confusing for those new to MO. I am installing all of the mods Manually because many of them aren't structured correctly. NO worries.. most are structured fine just you have to click on the "data" folder you find and designate it as the data folder for MO. Easy. (other than the dynDOLOD mod which you need to know how to move the files around) when I am more comfortable I with this tutorial and process I might just show an alternate way for someone to create a custom folder for this step and be able to zip it up and never have to edit or customize the install again. :). Just have to be comfortable with the tutorial and sure that it won't mess something up later.
  6. Hope all is well for you, They don't like giving those out unless there is a good reason for it. Stick around and shoot the breeze if you feel up to it. Just don't do any major editing. Again if you feel up to it. All is good. So far only minor issues like post where you had 4 listed instead of three. Simple editing issues. I will dump a load of work here for you when you come back.. lol. Just kidding. So far is it massively easier to follow this time. Now I haven't used this method yet. I usually custom master a folder and then zip it up for MO so does this look good (for anyone that has done the tutorial as well to see if it looks correct) because if it does then it might help with those doing this the first time make sure they didn't miss something.
  7. Sorry,, I think that was my bad... When I tried to help with moving a thread. Bright side now I know how to. :)..
  8. might confuse someone as theymight go back and try to find a 4th billboard that isn't there. The current download shows as xEdit for the folder you expand to find the "Edit Scripts" I don't see a TES5Edit Folder. Yes.. I am causing you troubles... lol Reloading my Skyrim again on an dedicated SSD
  9. Did this work for your errors? Now is the time to point out those unclear sections. I am sure they are minor with the current version but it is useful to have feedback from someone that is a noob at modding Skyrim to help make this tutorial as good as possible. Of course @Anatriax would take her spin on the suggestions etc. I have moddded Skyrim just not to this point and she took my suggestions and then even beyond working on the other phases that I haven't even gotten to. I am trying to get soem time together to do the complete tutorial as it is currently to gather my thoughts and suggestions to make it even better. Everyone's suggestions can be helpful and useful to help make this as clear as possible a tutorial for modding Skyrim.
  10. Have patience she is working on some RL stuff and should be able to answer these questions soon.
  11. I had it once. Never did figure out what caused it. It was on a heavy loaded Skyrim after that I went mostly with textures and limited scripted mods.
  12. @eugenenelson i'd wait for @Anatriaxbefore doing anything to the work you have done. This is an intensive tutorial but intended to be with more powerful graphics cards. The 660TI with 3g Vram should be able to handle it as far as I can tell. Might be some tweaks you missed or need or perhaps there is some other settings that you can do to get the desired results. Worst case, maybe lower textures for the options you have selected and replace them. But wait for her guidance on this. This will happen I am sure as people try to use the tutorial and situations like these are the reason we have the dev forum for this tutorial to discuss and work on the solution and needed tweaks and options as an member goes through the installation of this tutorial. Hopefully she can help you tweaks this so you don't have to use medium settings.
  13. When you start creating a very complex mod load out with Skyrim, it starts to flake out in the beginning, the best advise is to use the Alternate Start. It is cleaner and easier on the engine. Might even work if you selected the regular start as most of the scripts and setup has already been done. Not sure because I haven't done that in alternate start.
  14. @Anatriax I just realized that we started posting on this thread when I believe dev or support should be on either of the other threads. Is this correct? Are you going to follow the format of the other tutorial that has been done (Skyrim).
  15. Funny I see v0.269.. Wonder why... OH... I figured it out... this is from Lovers Lab tutorial, not NSFWmods Tutorial... @aljustineg I'd advise you to go back while you are still early in the installation of the tutorial requirements and review/start over with the one here on the site. There are many changes that have happened since that tutorial and loads of input by her adoring fans that will make a great difference in your experiences. @Anatriax I believe you will start getting some support request that might come from the old tutorial you have up on LL. Some might just continue with that tutorial and then come here for support and needs to have assistance in updating from the old to the new tutorial. This is very likely the reason for @aljustineg asking about the wrong ENB.
  16. Maybe you might contact him on this? See if he would like to have 1062 adoring fans and growing... from this site? If anything even if many of these outfits are functional that would at least get the game closer to complete and avoid the standard clothing.
  17. http://forum.step-project.com/topic/10251-issues-with-boss-232-and-mod-organizer/ ^^ You have the 64bit version I suspect. Using the 1.3.8 version of MO you need a 32bit version.
  18. I remember this when I was young. It was so funny. It took me so long to find a digital copy of the song I remember because nobody really owned it and there are loads of bootleg copies. The key for this record was there was one side for the women and one for the men... Dirty limericks laced into a song.. :P.. Imagine 1960's 1970's. in a crash bar and this coming on. LOL Don't listen if you are easily offended. Listen if you want some corny limericks and stuff.
  19. That is some serious love for a character. However how she turned out... I can understand why. ? I looked it over on Nexus and it looks good. Not sure how easy it is to get them to work together. Is it easy or is there some tweaking needed.
  20. With your personal changes made it is hard to really give advise on cleaning a mod since nobody knows what mods they are ;). However in general cleaning is good unless the mod author states not to clean the mod. Keep a backup of the mod just in case and with MO run it in a different profile from your main one to be sure it is up and running correctly and nothing was harmed in the process. Sometimes the author has to do things that the cleaning can harm. For the different profile I'd just copy your current favorite that had that mod in it and clean and then select that mod and test. Personally I haven't cleaned any of my mods until recently and even now only clean the ones released from Bethesda. However I haven't had as complex mod setup that has so many different parts as this tutorial gives. I mostly focused on texture based replacers and a few scripted mods, nothing too heave so not as much of a chance of issues with uncleaned mods.
  21. Yes.. what she said.. and welcome to our little community. Soon I will have to be stating "welcome to our large community" if membership keeps on rising.. If you like what you see, spread the word. All help is good help. I never made a mod but helped with mods even if just testing and support. It all makes a difference. As for the invtation to Dekobi-Hime that would be great if you thank she would like it here. Everybody but you.. Just kidding, come on in, and welcome to our site.
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