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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. You would be surprised at how many don't introduce themselves...
  2. You should be able to start with a clean Overwrite folder, then run FNIS and create Profile-FNIS mod out of the overwrite and keep that clean between profiles.
  3. Hello Karma, glad to see you made it to our little corner of the web ... and actually posted in the "New Members Introduction" thread :). I am also lazy and my profile name is the same across many sites. I agree is is nice to have people help with various issues that I get stuck with, we all can't know everything..
  4. That is one of the major features I find useful with MO. The ability to see conflicts on the fly. This makes it easier to work with the mods. No need to reinstall 10 mods in proper order when one or two files have been overwritten by accident. :). That and the ability to move the install order (left side) pretty much like you'd move the load order (right side)... Don't forget if you do create a new profile and decide you wish to use the same saves you can "fix the save" by having MO activate the various mods that are present on that save :). I personally haven't done that yet but it is a cool feature even if it only activates the mods with the esp/esm (not sure if it activates all the ones on the modlist.txt as well as loadorder.txt etc).
  5. I believe here http://www.loverslab.com/topic/51365-0sex-skyrim-sex-sim-other-0s-content-wip/ However it wasn't added to this tutorial as there were still some issues with it.
  6. Unless she states otherwise I see nothing wrong with bringing up mod authors updates to the mods listed here.
  7. Found here. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/news/12765/? If it works it will be dam awesome, don't you think
  8. @BlandBoringPlainNot a problem. WE all need to learn about various things when it comes to modding. Please continue to ask for some clarifications. We will generally at least give you a direction to go to find the info you need Maybe while you are at it enjoying these, post some screen-caps in the gallery @Kendo 2 I chimed in because it looked as if you left for the night.
  9. That is the command prompt you use to go to the area where the items are located at. Then you need to coc another location.. (where coc is another location) you have to have some location to use to get out of that location. It is a easy way to allow the items to be available to grab in game without changing or adding them to the game itself. If you don't understand the command prompt I suggest that you do some research for this and the game to get a feel for what you will be doing before doing this and always have a save prior to installing this mod and using it. (as you should with any new mods you don't know) to make it easier to remove it later if you so choose.
  10. Something to check, someone linked it to me to check. Might be something to add to this tutorial.. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74638/?
  11. I still need to learn how to use the presets and set this up ... lol. Regardless of which preset is used. Also I thought Realvision was used with COT... Can it be used with this setup?
  12. I had the strangest issue that I traced to Samsung Magician software. It was messing with the resolution of all things. Absolutely mind boggling. Removed it and now I don't get two sizes of resolution. Large, stop wait regular size. Don't understand it. This resolved a problem with starting the game and it taking 2 or more minutes to fully get to the screen to continue/etc. However I am still having the spinning waiting symbol for 15~30 seconds before it gets to the Skyrim splash screen. Anyone else have that problem? Anyone with some ideas on what is causing this? Also some ideas on configuring the ENB for maximum reality. OH and on another note after installing DynDOLOD using another folder off of MO it worked. Still had the issues but those are normal and expected according to the reports. Inside the game it shows it is active Oh and a simple dungon screen cap showing lights and fog. This is the best fog I have gotten. I have gotten the light like this but never the fog looking as real as this. Standard settings for ENB no real tweaking.
  13. I am sure that the loading screen would be very minimum even on a standard hard drive with the results you have shown here.
  14. Yes there isn't anything against LL. Some mods are there from Kendo and linked here so that the members there can see and use those mods as well instead of not knowing anything about them. We are very tolerant and such but just for the record we will frown on any negative threads for any other modding site. I am also there often and supporting many members when I can for various issues they have. I imagine if you do start adding some Sexlab stuff to the game setup from what she has done it would be OK to chime back on this (or perhaps we can create a experimental thread for Sexout and her tutorial). Not sure since this is her baby don't want to rock the boat and it isn't exactly "DEV" related as she has made her final touches and Sexlab has intentionally been dropped.
  15. I wasn't sure either so I kept it installed but separate. I keep it below the main pack so that the esp can overwrite it. Later I might just go back and fine tune my installations after testing and combine those two together (merge them) so that I don't have so many conflicts.
  16. Top of the main page under "Browse" then you will see "gallery" then you can click on it and see the various options to upload to. http://nsfwmods.com/gallery/ Should be simple to upload more samples of your game play using this tutorial.
  17. I had an issue uploading the files as well in the gallery. I like to go to the gallery, select the group in this case Skryim. Then click "add images" then choose files. Navigate to the files you have (in my case usually desktop) then click on them one at a time until they all upload. Keep in mind some forms of the photos can't be uploaded and they must be actual photos I don't think links from imager or etec would work. Click continue when you finish editing them you will get some errors stating you haven't done something etc don't worry they will upload. Then later you can go back and edit them. (or should be able to) Take a look at the gallery now. Any future ones will need to be placed by you. If you continue to have problems with the process please create a thread and ask for support. Others might be having the same issues or confusions. ;). You can help yourself and others in the process while spreading your special screen captures for others to enjoy.
  18. NMM like MO has categories. I am not sure why this us so useful for some and why people spend so much time on creating categories. I ask (politely :)) because you went through and created custom categories for your selected mods. It might be something that I might want to look deeper into. I have played with categories even way back when I used NMM but never really "saw a reason" for it. Could be I wasn't using it to the greatest benefit as I at that time had usually less than 100 mods installed at any time. What are the benefits and if there are any, what are the drawbacks?
  19. The issue likely isn't related to the packaging as the files were and are in the correct place. It is likely MO and its' virtual folder bug. There is a massive amount of files being created and dumped into MO. It isn't designed to run that level of files being added to the virutal folder and is crashing it. I will try later to have the out put somewhere else then copy the files back later. (texture files) That might perhaps solve the problem. My computer is moving too fast lol. Same with TTW. 5~8 minutes and I am done ready to play. ;). There are a few mods that might be suggested to add later. I am however keeping this as closely as possible to your tutorial. I did or am having problems with the prama perks freezing as well even withthe edited .jar. will check that later as well.
  20. I imagine once it is stable and fully functional it could be spread to other gamebro type games like I mentioned :). and you stated they could and it should be easy enough to add a more "universal" script extender. More of a level playing field. I checked the page and it appears that it is set up to find the MW Data folder. If that is the case then it could also do that with other games supported along with Universal script extender you could have your character survive (as a vampire from MW through Skyrim ;). Moving from one game through the rest. Much like TTW could. Open source could also mean that it is possible that it could even be set up for 32/64 bit support as well. (which would cover Fallout 4 and other future TES games as well).
  21. I have been getting these issues at each level of the program. It don't close and the program waits for it to finsh. Is this normal from your experiences?
  22. http://hubpages.com/games-hobbies/How-to-use-Nexus-Mod-Manager-to-download-install-uninstall-and-manage-Skyrim-Oblivion-Morrowind-and-Witcher-2-mods# ^ (for you Elfprince) Someone created a pretty good page for reference. I know you collect them so I thought I'd add this to your collection, just created Not sure how to do it now, years ago it was just clicking somewhere (can't remember where lol) in the catagories and selecting "new" then placing the name you desire and then selecting mods for the new category
  23. I wonder if they eventually could move through the rest of Besthesda's games.. Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout NV, Skyrim etc.
  24. Oh, yea since you are new,we have a gallery. Perhaps you might take a few screenshots and post them here with info on where you went to get it to look so good
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