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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. There are usually lower res texture replacers available for those things you are using. Skyrim currently can't go above 3 or 3.5 gigs of vram or it will start to crash. I believe some have been able to get around that limit but with complex modding and such and that might add more issues to the game. Me I have been able to load up some textures to really make it look good and still have my "naughty bits" as well. Unfortunately it wasn't easy. I selected very large texture packs. ... then medium and then finally smaller ones and then extracted the parts I needed from each. Super small items like cups didn't need the higher resolutions but the armors did need more medium etc. Only a few things needed the larger ones. It took a hell of a lot of time to set that up. I stupidly discarded it when I went to my upgraded rig and graphics card thinking I would go back and do it again... I still haven't.
  2. Added some of your suggestions to an added post on the bottom of the tutorial. I am going to refrain from anything Sexlab related as with the current heavy load it can through it over the top for some users and even if the game does work well as you play you might find that the saves become easily corrupted and other issues and problems might arise. However anyone that is following this tutorial is using MO and can easily copy over a profile and do this and if it goes bad still keep the base tutorial setup clean and ready to go so there is no reason one should be restricting themselves to not using it or any other mod. Just support can't be given for all the various mods and combinations that are out there. Have fun.
  3. Unofficial Optional Mods Use at your own risk Results may vary. While Anatrax is out she allowed me to make a few changes. I can't change perfection of her tutorial however there are a few mods that might help add a bit of fix or features not mentioned in the tutorial and suggested by various members here. The following are mentioned by members / and or myself. Your results will vary. I suggest you run the tutorial first for awhile clean in a profile to test it out to be sure all is functional before adding any thing from the following. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28170/? The above is a simple fix for the message box for those that use a keyboard. I have been using it for the longest time. I find it is quite reliable. It was also suggested by @begalund http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27371/? The above is basically the same as the Better Message box mod. It fixes a few minor issues with the dialogue access using a keyboard and mouse. Also suggested by @begalund and used by yours truly for a very long time. The two suggestions above should only really be added if you have any difficuty accessing the Message Box or the Dialogue with the mouse. Meaning it select others options that you aren't wanting. If you are satisfied with the game as it is ... don't add it. Your available ESP/ESM total is small, too small for a mod that isn't performing for you. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10012/? This one was suggested by Vortec and used by me most of my personal load orders (but not with the current tutorial setup) He suggest it for a "must have for the Legacy of the Dragonboarn Mod. Again your results may vary so create a new profile and test it to see if it is stable for your personal setup of mods and rig. Different setups and even different equipment will net different results. The only one that can say if it works good enough for you... well is YOU Edit: @Anatriax states that these above should be installed in this tutorial.
  4. I was joking... However SO could always use some lap dance animations regardless of why they were created. Not sure if Kendo wants his classy establishment turned into a brothel..
  5. Unfortunately I don't believe SO has a lap dance animation.
  6. xxSE team always comes to the rescue As for Fore I understand there might be some serious changes that might make it not worth his time to update. Anyway if it is like Fallout 4 maybe we might get lucky and the team that is working on Fallout 4 can take what they learn/do and apply it to the new Skyrim as well. Yes we will have to wait to see. Not only for the mods but more clarity on how they will implement the free upgrade.
  7. Strange indeed. I never had problems like that before. I used UNP mod I believe it was Kendo's as well. What happens if you remove the other mod (other than Kendo's) (unclick it in MO) ? Never had this problem but also never really had Physix mods installed either. Do you have those. I hear they can do strange things to breast. Not sure though. Might be that Kendo is the Savior of this problem.
  8. Good point. We don't know how long they will be offering the new edition. We are assuming that it will be ongoing when it can be for a limited time. I personally believe it will be ongoing. Also it might be possible that they will remove the old Legendary version from Steam for new purchases only allowing the new version to be bought.
  9. Have you just tried to remove his mod... then install it again last and accepting overwrite all. Normally when you install a mod last it overwrites all the others. So it should be working when you "inverted" if I assume you mean you reinstalled them again in reverse order. (are you using MO or NMM)
  10. Wait 6mo. to 1 year after it has been released and then review the mods. See what is happening and you should be safe. The main concern is the animation tools being able to be created. If based on the Fallout 4 engine it might be difficult or impossible to get these tools up and running. If this occurs then I doubt many will jump to the new Skyrim. At least not those that like the added animations (walks, jump, weapons animations etc) If we are lucky ... Antatraix will be back with a new and improved tutorial for Skyrim 2016!
  11. Until the SKSE has been updated or a new one created. I doubt this version will be ignored, however it will take time (again) to get the tools up to speed. This is the same with all the games Bethesda puts out. It takes time to get the modding tools up to speed.
  12. But if you aren't submitting a mod for consoles you don't have to do this correct?
  13. You have to upload a mod you create or tweak to Beth.net to get access to it? Even if it is a personal mod?
  14. This is slightly off subject (however for some Rant worthy :P) As for your suggestion I don't believe it is the path for this site to create Rant threads. From my conversations with @Doublezeroand @Kendo 2 we are more focused on the process of mod content creation and game play. However sometimes a rant is appropriate for a thread or subject posted on. I would suggest that you do what @Kendo 2did above you and label the spoiler "RANT" and keep them in a spoiler. If someone wishes to read it then they can otherwise it can be passed over. This will in my opinion help keep the threads cleaner but allow us to post some stronger emotional content. Keep it within the rules and on subject of course just like Kendo2 did above.
  15. Well.. we need you or Dimon and create a proper body for Fallout 4 then.. Please someone have pitty on us poor Fallout 4 players.
  16. Are the releasing this as an update? I doubt they are. If so then nothing will be broken. It will be just time consuming to create new mods for the new game.
  17. They wouldn't listen Regardless of where the info comes from. There are many forums and complaints and solutions given and they just pick and choose. Most of the time they choose the wrong solutions.
  18. She isn't available currently but nothing stops you from installing it using this tutorial as a base and giving feedback, Load orders and instructions on using the above mentioned overhauls. Perhaps others will enjoy your suggestions.
  19. Or perhaps had over the touch to someone named To help keep track of this
  20. Yes. do that. Also if you find some fixes or updates needed (not supported etc) and you are following her tutorial please let me know and I can make any changes to the OP as needed to make sure it is at least accurate. something no longer available etc. I have no intention on rewriting her works or adding major updates and changes. just FYI for those trying to get this to work in some way. keep on posting and helping anyone that needs it r/t to this tutorial would be appreciated.
  21. at this rate I will have to start creating a new thread for every 5 thousand members that join.. lol
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