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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I'll second that. Most of us here (moderators etc) have accounts on other stites and go to and from them often as well. You might see us around So yes. I don't believe there is any issues with linking to sites or whatever so long as you don't violate our rules which are basic common sense. Don't break the law for the most part. If someone feels like they they want to post a mod here and have links to other sites for other mods then its fine. We are all about choice.
  2. Now only a very short time away from the OP we are so very close to 2500 members
  3. I am pretty sure you could create high heels and a dog collar right now :). Someone is working on Spectrum's Toy Pack and converting it over. Perhaps you mightfind something there when it is released.
  4. It is still the same animation and such. The things that you found most offending. I have found some interactions and actions in the Far Harbor that was quite good... However one of the main quest where you recover memories. are you fucking kidding me!? I have to do that.. WTF. I was so mad and frustrated I `qqq out of the game and didn't return for a few days. Dam that was annoying. Also it appears now that I completed the main quest line that the other options really don't appeal to me too much to replay-ability isn't there. I just can't believe the other optional paths enough to get behind it. I played the institute and my main companion is Valentine.. Imagine the issues that arise with that. Anyway if you do go to Far Harbor there are some nice events that occur only with Valentine with you when you travel around there. However apparently not that much. Haven't tried other companions there yet.
  5. If you can't post around and see if there is one. I just assumed it was for GECK since this thread is for Fallout lol
  6. I have a pussy in a bidet You dirty dirty mind. Also on a side note. there seems to be something about people taking pictures of pussy cats in bidets.. Dam you for introducing this into my life. Also there is even mini pigs in a bidet. Oh and yes now a proper turtle in a bidet. and yes.. no doubt this is a bidet. I might not be funny but I am a master of Google
  7. You are already in Never Never land. Mastered reading comprehension, not humor. Funnies just don't work well with aliens I guess. We have to understand humans and I guess we don't know them as good as we thought. Hey at least I found the one single photo on the web with turtles in a bidet ( of course I believe you are joking about turtles in a bidet ... ... ... right? Anyway it is nice to see you here. Hope you have a terrific time. Ah.. now I understand you didn't see the content in the spoilers All is ok no harm done. I was just confused there for a bit. I know I am not very funny but most at least knew where I was going. Wasn't that a bidet in the picture (in the spoiler) ?
  8. Well if you are a 7 year old girl then we have to ban you. Sorry that is way to young to be a member here. Nice knowing you
  9. ritualclarity

    my character

    Sorry 죄송합니다
  10. Well YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME because I AM a 17 year old transgendered girl . Make jokes about that.. dam you..
  11. ritualclarity

    my character

    I was able to upload an entire folder at a time. Then make my changes and delete the ones that I don't want and publish. If there is one that you can't delete while you learn the system let one of us moderator/admin know we can go and delete it. Are you talking about others photos? If so there is only a few galleries and all the photos end up there after being uploaded. You can't create a custom gallery. I do admit it was very confusing to get to work the first couple of times but in time it became easier. Anyway thanks for uploading photos.
  12. Ah then it sucks as some of the resources state it will be much better for the 4K monitors than the 980. Still new enough that you might be able to sell it but it will be much less than you paid for it. However at lest you would get some of the money back to get the 1080
  13. The DLC Far Harbor is a fully fleshed out DLC with many quest and options to explore. Nicely done compared to how I thought it was going to be. I have spent hours there so far and have much more to do. Still as Kendo would call it a game from 2008 (I'd say 2010 or so ) but at least it feels more full and has more options. Some might like some of the options to help explain the past and why you can do some of the things your toon has done considering she would have just been a lawyer (as stated in the game) or he would have been in the military. How could he create a moluclar whatever that was, even with help? Also suddenly a gunsmith etc. Nice touch but I believe some will think it is a cop out from Besthesda after the fact of forcing someone to have the start they have.
  14. They can, however they won't. One thing is they are trying to appeal to the greatest audience and making the game as broad as possible. Another thing is they want the quickest and easiest way to get the game out to market. If something hangs them up... they delete it and move on. There is a load of content in Fallout NV that wasn't included because it was unfinished because they didn't spend the time to do it. Likely the same with Skyrim and Fallout 4.
  15. That is more then enough power to do what most people need to do. Unless you are running 4K monitors you should be fine. Basically if your game looks great and runs smooth you don't need a better graphics card
  16. ritualclarity

    my character

    You managed to upload the photo fine. What was the problem
  17. If you have to use more than one master than you need GECK PU. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41642/? MIght be some learning curve setting it up. However in the end you will be able to select multiple masters.
  18. Yea.. we knew you were busy and would take some time to be able to come over. Now we can get some nice REZ mods here as well
  19. You also needed the same mods installed the same way as the preset you selected from. See you are moving just fine. Now if you are brave you might even decide to change a hair from one of the Skyrm or eyes etc to something more to your liking. you are actually now a modder Just say'in.
  20. NMM now has profiles that will allow you to change out the game and play a different game / character and it will automatically unclick on the mods that is needed to set up the game for you. I use MO for Fallout and Skyrim but I use NMM for Fallout 4 only. So far it works like a charm and only had a slight problem once that required me to go back and reactivate mods. I did some out of order stopped the game and just went back and selected the mods needed to be used (overwrite) and reinstalled them and all was good. Took about 15 minutes of my time. Currently MO2 isn't up to the level that I want it to be to use if for Fallout 4.
  21. Give it time. think about it. You have installed GECK, read a tutorial and fixed some issues like unchecking the esms and created a file. All for the first time it is a pretty good start not to mention language issues to boot. You are doing fine. And yes I think you need to re-look over the tutorial. It took me 3 times to get Jack to work form the tutorial.
  22. Yep I agree. (especially on leaving folks alone as much as possible). Word apparently is already spreading as people seem to be coming from all over the place besides the main places (Nexus, LL etc). Some have difficulty even playing the game I want to take a moment and comment on the membership totals. It is great that there are many members here on NSFWmods however we aren't interested in being the biggest or have the most mods or the funnest game threads, we are soul interested in being the best site for modding. By keeping on the focus that Kendo stated above "modding, support, and leaving folks alone" (where ever/ whenever possible :P) we will achieve our goals. Having a large amount of great and cool members is just the icing on the internet modding cake and not our main objective.
  23. Hyper drive speed always The rest is just playing and fooling around learning and playing again. It is all it is. In time you will just get better. The benefit at being so low in the understanding is you have only one direction to go... up. So what if it don't work. try again and ask more questions and learn. It is a game, nothing more something to have fun with and fool around with. AS for having trust in you I do as well as anyone else that is willing to give it a try and "Just do It" I have been around for a long time and talked to many new members across the web and the only thing that caused them to fail is themselves and their unwillingness to try to learn and patience to get the understanding. You have to work very hard at it but it is still doable.
  24. See simple answers and now you have access to the GECK and can start working on some easy changes. After trying Kendo2 tutorial perhaps see if you can change a hair style of a companion or even eye color. Change some stats on a gun or armor etc. Simple things but does allow you to get use to the program. This is about as far as I gotten myself. I did follow Kendo2 tutorial for Jack armor (from Mass Effect) and imported it into the game :). If you like companions perhaps try CPU's tutorial on creating a companion in Skyrim. Soon afterwards you will have most of what you need for basic starts. Use the geck.bethesda site to learn how to make a quest, place an object in the world space even if you are brave create a small world space for you to call home in your favorite game. A simple sewer cap linked to a world space can mean you can start storing your own stuff in a home Keep plugging away in year you will be modding simple to complex mods depending on your time you devote to it. At the worst you will be able to make some custom changes to the mods you use
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