It is possible however would require them to open up all the mods and fix any conflicts and remove any issues. Basically rework many of the mods to work together better. There are one or two people that gave me their load order and explained their process when I asked. It is very complex. Far more complex than my carefully combining mods and choosing the best textures for each (low, medium, high etc) This required them to actually edit in CK. Not fun. However the end result is they have a solid working Skyrim and bragging rights... that is until a new update of a mod (or mods) come out and they have to spend a large amount of time reworking and checking the scripts and such to make sure it works...
In the end you pay for your play. Light and easy load order... less problems. however usually less features. Heavy and intense.. means heavy and intense work on it to get it to where it is.
My load order and mod list. I believe there is little changed. on tis.