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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. There are more gems from this comedian here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFq7vUgpjnVRZI-MzSvRZAA I enjoy the rich people during Covid. lol
  2. I got it as a gift. It isn't as good as the hype made it to be. the reports from reviewers state the graphics are lower than the promos early on. (however, likely due to not being able to sell to as many people as they would with some lower specs. maybe updated that later) The options to create a character seem pretty good. The preset aren't great but a decent start. I was able to find two different characters with a few tweeks without too m uch effort. didn't look like a retard from Mass Effect Andromeda (especially the women) the feel of the guns are OK.. I have a better time with a handgun as opposed to the machine gun( too much recoil on my character) Those that like to not be coddled will enjoy this as there are very few hints. I am on a section where the only option is if you actual look at something at a specific time and there are no hints to this. I have practiced one yesterday to get the feel of the game and how to do things. and today. There are definitely different solutions so far that you can do. Also appears that your life path does make a difference. One of the quest I am on my life quest prompt came up and made a difference. They also from my understanding make a difference in different ways. However, it isn't horrible. It is more challenging and hands off like Witcher as opposed to those games that give you the answer and floating arrows and shit so that you can find out what to do. I ahve missed several things the first 2 hours playing that I caught the second time through Just because I didn't do something at a specific time. Much like Witcher. the tools are there and ready.. it is up to you to make use of them. If you really liked Witcher but want a guns and future type game. You'd pretty much get Witcher when it first came out with some of its bugs and such.So far my only major complaint is it takes so long to boot up once you start the game.
  3. If they.. the politicians made sense and followed their own rules and set an example (for those that want more extreme protections for Covid) then it would be much less likely for such an outcry IMO. The left and right and very Covid fearing and those that think it is just a strong flu can mostly agree that this is shit. Again IMO. You can only shovel shit so much until some gets on you. These politicians are getting shit on them now after shoveling so much for so long. They deserve it. Hope they have something to fall back on when they aren't re-elected. Of this I am very sure they won't. Where I live someone gave some shit tax that everybody was outraged for. Made no sense and was only a money grab.. well.. a short time later, her ass is out. Can't even get enough signatures to even run much less votes to win.
  4. LOL.. he has nice 1776 cups behind him.. They have a problem. They don't follow their own rules. They don't /can't show where or how their rules will impact or improve the rules. All of this just causes / invites a backlash regardless of how good/bad their rules might or might not be. Being stupid.. not following their own rules and not making it clear how something is helping ... is a recipe for rebellion. I can't blame a single person for that. Below they shut down a restaurant and then allowed a TV producer to have an outdoor event right next to her.
  5. Imagine how much of an impact Covid has been
  6. Excellent. Still take care Shortness of Breath can still be a very bad thing and you can slip back. (not into Covid but have a serious lung issue with it) Good to hear your Mother is doing better. Good that she finally went in for the treatment that she very likely needed to keep her health. Best wishes on your and your mother's quick recovery.
  7. CyberPunk 2077 porn video just released lol https://www.pcgamer.com/theres-already-a-cyberpunk-2077-porn-parody/ The game hasn't even been released yet!
  8. Keep on hanging in there! Keep us posted please
  9. Still hanging in there? Hope you are feeling better...
  10. However, in my instance the cigs had a natural plant that has help alleviate symptoms for centuries. I drink warm water or something similar (not milk) to help myself. However, sound that thought is for asthma (the bath house) hot warm air isn't comfortable for me. I don't see the benefits. however, with other illness I have had in the past.. yes.
  11. Think that is interesting.. ? They used to prescribe specific Cigarettes for Asthma patients.
  12. I still look at "news" that you mention but it is only to see the trend and info that they are sending out. This is because chances are others are listening and not thinking for themselves about what is being given to them. I can then see what is in the general population then if I am interested I can search out opposing well written and argued view points that are counter to the "news" and be much better informed. Sad thing they "News" are getting more and more like a bad You Tube page with their "click bait" type news reporting. I remember many years ago when you watched a news show and the reporters and staff really tried to cover all points of view and possible arguments so that the info you gotten was at least reasonably well informed and any clear "opinions' were proper labeled. Now they report only using their narrow view of the world and their opinions and bias is injected into almost all "news" reports.
  13. Well it sounded like it.
  14. Idealy they did an interview of your and your mother's symptoms. .. based on that they ruled out the common flu, cold and / or allergies. It is more complex than the chart linked below but... https://www.multicare.org/file_viewer.php?id=19865&title=COVID-19-Symptoms-Chart at least you can do your own checklist. Normal healthy people without the common risk factors usually recover after a couple of weeks. Some are "long haulers" for some reason they feel it for much longer. Those with risk factors really need to be checked. If the doctors are asking for a check, then you should. However, that also depends on the quality of your doctor/medical personal. Keep in mind that some are poor and some people have died when they could have done quite well with some medical intervention (not talking about hospitalization just medication etc. ) It can be you that g ave it to her but from some reports the virus can stay on paper or other package materials that the local delivery service people drop off at the door. Mail carriers and Amazon personal have high covid rates from what I have heard. So it is possible for someone even that stay's at home to catch it if they are at risk and don't take care with the packages they receive (like wash hands after opening and disposing of the package materials etc) Well I hope that helps. Oh, also if you don't like the response from your medical provider.. if possible try another for a different opinion. However, it sounds like it is minor so far. Keep on top of it and make sure you report any negative changes regardless of how minor they might seem to you. ASAP. (same for your mother's)
  15. Never heard of this band before. Kind of reminds me of the stuff from the 60's 70's. the greats.
  16. Well you are welcome to post here. Feel free to tell your friends about this place as well
  17. Lock downs like in China can't happen here. Not really, at least in my opinion Local maybe but not nation wide. Too many own guns and if you think you have a hard time getting people to wear a mask to go to the store.. imagine how hard of a time you will have for a US citizen not to be able eat... Mass violence for police brutality to a few people... imagine if it became a nation state... ? There isn't enough military to contain the out lash. There are a few things that the US must provide if at all possible (and it is possible the farms are producing enough) is food, shelter, and medical attention. If it fails.. there will be riots and violence people will take things under their own power and in many cases now I am afraid that would be bad for a ... select few This is the reason I believe no matter how bad it got in New York and elsewhere.. there was always allowance for people to get food. The transportation of essential supplies was never stopped and if needed provisions was made to help (National Guard) As for conspiracies.. I'd look up the history of the 1918 flu and see what happened there, then. It is pretty much the same as now. Brain dead politicians trying to cover basis without any real understanding what to do or how to handle it. On a side note... The early death tolls were much higher than they are now for those admitted to the hospital. Today the doctors and such have more tools to treat covid. Now the death rate even for those at risk is greatly reduced. Also there seems to be a trend where more are catching it but not coming down with the disease or coming down with a milder case than previously reported. All of this leads me to the opinion that the extreme responses that was done early on isn't as needed with the second wave. Instead I believe they (the government) should focus on care for those at most risk. Assistance in obtaining food and other essentials helping with some of the bills and keeping them at home. Including their care providers if possible. Then with that out of the way, they can be looser with the rest of the population and allow the economy to sustain itself a bit better. Sure ok, keep the social distancing and some of those rules if felt necessary but closing down things totally is just not necessary in my opinion. I am in an area that is hard hit. My job has had at least two times confirmed cases of employees come down with covid. It shut down an entire section of our work. Causing great difficulties due to the mandatory 14 day quarantine.. we work with those associates each day! Yet... not one of those dozen people came down with the covid. and not because they were social distancing (not possible for them) or even wearing mask (mask, yea, fucking right .. wear a mask.. not happening for most of those people) Once it was such a scare that they closed down the location and called in specialist to do a deep cleaning (fogger essentially) of the place. Still nobody has been "traced" to have caught it there. Exposed to up to 300 people a day each day, in an area that is high cases of covid. Seriously. I am not joking. TL;DR... early on, yes, it was reasonable to be extremely concerned... now not so much. Medical interventions has improved to a point were most even those at high risk, have a good chance of recovery. Not enough of a concern in my opinion to warrant early 2020 covid precautions. I believe they are over-reacting. Possibly because they are power hungry (which some have been taken to task for reaching too far) and partially because they feel they have to react strong for those that are in extreme fear of covid instead of rationally and responsibility because they are concerned about getting re-elected. This is especially true for liberal Democratic locations. Of course this is just my opinion.
  18. Posting a thread for Covid - 19 related discussions etc. I know eventually this will come here in some form. For the sites sake. I have created a thread. For Covid -19 news reports and articles please post below. This thread is the catch all discussions and anything else related to Covid -19 (to help keep the news thread clean and give people the opportunity to review other sources of news. This especially includes those proper news articles that go against the mainstream media's narrative.
  19. Post Covid info and discussions and such .. post away. We are open as @Kendo stated. However, keep aware of the "shitposting" and such. Try to keep post relevant to the thread for readability sake. And welcome to the Not LL site... lol Edit: I created a covid thread for all future covid related discussions. Feel free to post your thoughts there.
  20. When he gets a bit older.. he will want to be on the naughty list
  21. you forgot that the game itself has many woke elements as well. At least as I experienced it. The more I learned about the "woke movement" the more I seen this in the game. However, good luck on not finding elements in all the games now. I am sure there will be some if not alot even in the new Cyber Punk game as well.
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