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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. With those attributes... you will go FAR
  2. Oh of course if you don't mind giving potential personal info that is. If not, it is fully understandable.
  3. Your band? If so yes, please post some of your work when it is all up and ready.
  4. Yep, they need to create stories that make sense for these characters and such that they want to put on screen. Make it meaningful.
  5. WTF is with the spacing on my previous post? edit: Ah there a bit better, formatting is off but.. meh
  6. adblock adblock plus adblocker for Youtube Adblocker ultimate (get the theme.. believe it or not, some still get through and show up on the other ad blockers for some reason. Not sure but until they don't show I'll use them) ublock Origin (get the theme... ) Privacy Badger HTTPS Everywhere Ghostery Facebook container (not really needed on this machine but on my other one I use for Face book) Enhancer for Youtube (not sure what thta does lol Recomended so I tried it Not on my other machine) ClearURLs Will have to look into Cookie autodelete. Dont use Java on this machine so not sure if I need that. At least not that I am aware. Most of my Browsers don't even support Java now. Isn't that dead? Just added noscript. (forgot that one. Thanks for the reminder) Finally I use the various containers available for Firefox. you can create custom containers to contain .. well whatever you need to contain. My security software has it's own browser without anything else in it and dumps the info( so far as I have seen) for sensitive banking info etc (not on this machine as well .. on another one that is used for more ... important aspects. Oh, that brings me to using different computers for different task.. High security, Medium, and low (this one) Not sure profiles will be safe as if the computer gets infected it is likely the other profies will. As for just peeking in.. that should be enough VPN and even VMs to round out that security Which brings me to another OS for those that are particularly cautious.. Qubes .. It is basically nothing but a sandbox and as all the tools and more installed (can be installed) properly. Requires a dedicated machine ( and realistically a reasonably powerful one) that has Virtualization builtin to the hardware (most new computers do to various degrees) https://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/2020/05/26/qubes-os-security-oriented-operating-system-and-run-qubes-os-on-odyssey-x86j4105/
  7. I have had Windows Defender turned off since it was first offered. Why the fuck would I trust a company that created opportunities due to poor coding to protect my computer? Also, what logically would someone first try to get around when trying to attack a Windoze computer? Yep.. Windows Defender. I don't use IOBit.. but I use another that so far with various test has worked acceptably for my needs. I am just now the past 2 years starting to add various protections to my browsers. Which brings me to something I thought I'd ask and contrubte to the discussion. lol what is the best set of browser add on's for security?
  8. I do think they noticed that and have somewhat tried to correct ship... to be honest, I would love to see darker color actor/actresses and various groups but they have to be in meaningful roles or they are just a distraction. I go back to Witcher 3.. the cross dressing elf. the hunter that had his gay lover kill himself (I believe he killed himself) the interactions of most (not all) of those characters were as meaningful as interactions with the main core characters. At least IMO. I am currently watching through the seasons of Black Lightening. Some of the material is a bit excessive but I have no problem accepting the cast and characters. This is a show that was built for this purpose. Tobias Whale is an awesome character in that show. Same with LaLa (he took a bit to develop ) I enjoy those two characters more than the main ones in the show. They play their parts excellently and with style. When I was younger one of my favorite comic turn movies was SPAWN.. AWESOME. Well written. Loved it. however, when you put out garbage ( LIke Mass Effect Andromeda) where it is obvious you are just checking boxes... it will just be a turd. It will blow up in your face. IT will fail. The fact that he has to feel like he has to apologize for casting appropriate actors for his movie is such a shame. Such a fucking shame. I hope all this bullshit only further increases the viewing of this movie.
  9. Sorry, I was mentioning that I would have to pay them. I don't get that through work, my work uses the standard Pro version for their computers. At least at my local. Possibly someone up higher or someone working on the servers have a version of that. Sad that they still shove defender down our throats. I have seen ways to manually remove it but updates still come and they seemto be hit and miss with the re-installation. Also some features might cause trouble if it isn't there. Way to go MS... I thought you were moving to more modular system for faster and more granular updates and support. Must of been the lie like the lie that Windows 10 was the l,ast OS you would ever need ... I still have Edge and apparently explorer 11 is still stuck in teh start up without any actual program to connect to. (using the debloat program and manual removal) I am hopefull that they remove Explorer 11 from your version. my happiest version was Vista 64bit. I did much the same with what I just did now with Windows 10.. Removed some of the bloat. (not much there) and then ran a script that optimized the system to be much like Windows xp but 64bit. yes, I know Windows xp had a 64bit system but there were all sorts of driver problems with that .. at least for me. all comercial os's are going that route. Even Linux ...Umbuntu has a cloud something and such. But... due to the nature of Linux, so far ... you can cut that shit out and it is optional. I am fairly sure some commercially backed Linux .. Fedora, Umbuntu or whatever, will start to push that and push hard. Money is on the line and they are greedy. however, even then not bad for linux. There will always be some free version and whatever is brought to the commercial versions eventually will migrate to the free version provided that it is open source and not closed source code in these systems. I remember previous versions of Umbutu having some nasty dependency on their bullshit advertisement link to Amazon if I recall correctly. Was called out by that ... person I forget his name that is one of the founders of the GUI linux. (Gentoo) for that very thing. Major black eye .. couldn't disable it and keep a feature (forget which one it was) that most wanted. Dependency related. Now that is gone.. (or at least last time I use it.. .that or I didn't need that feature... lol ) If you have a free VM space hanging around... give Silver Blue a try. Read about it .. interesting... Fixes some of the issues with updating a Linux version and not having the needed dependencies for programs you might want to use (not being updated that is to the newest system) which is a problem considering free and open often means someone working in their spare time (or group) which sometimes makes some of the less popular software not udpate as fast. Flat packs seem to be the solution. There is another type of package that does the same that is able to do the same. You can update your system and not worry about the dependencies of all your programs as much... To everyone please forgive my typo's I am typing this on an older laptop, I am not used to typing on the laptop AND, the keyboard has some issues. just jumping in to give a quick comment. (instead of pulling out the wireless keyboard for this. cheers!
  10. Created this channel to cover some tech issues. There are some discussions on other channels and recently got heated... Now we have a place for discussions of all things tech related (didn't see a previous thread) End of the moved / split threads. Have fun -Ritual Clarity
  11. Im not opening my wallet to give them money each month.. I have used the debloter and it worked quite well. I removed most of all those itmes that are removed from the above mentioned version. I can (but actually shouldn't ) remove Edge but that is about it. My system is clean. No store. No games, no other bullshit. I had to maually go in to remove Explorer 11 (take it around back and shoot that .. shouldn't be in the system at all considering its age etc.. Hell it isn't even supported anymore. ) So basically, I did some work to turn Windows pro x64 into a clean system that you are currently using. .. Yea! So far it works quite well. Might have to reset the OS if I made a mistake and need something or did something wrong. Have ran through about 3 updates to bring things back up to date from a clean install and none of that crap came back. (Oh, can't remove that Defender.. can, but from what I read, it isn't advised.)
  12. Not a problem. I wasn't sure if it was or not. I also agree with the newer therefore better comment. I used a windows debloater and some manual work to clean up a ... what is suppose to be... a ... CLEAN INSTALL! I actually now have a clean install (wanted to get rid of Edge but .. documentation indicates that might not be a good idea. Problems in the future. Did get rid of Explorer crap and the store, and games and all that other bullshit. Just windows core programs. Hell even got rid of some of those using an audit option before creating (OBBE) my account on the computer. Had to use Powershell though. Never used it before. Had to search the web to figure out how that worked so that I could use the program properly. (needed admin rights etc) Well, at least Windoze has streamlined their updates process more than it used to be in the past. That and I don't have to fucking put in a code to access something I purchased after it has been installed (and registered) to my hardware. No more calling India and being treated like a thief because I have to reinstall the OS because it starts to turn to crap after a few months to a year. (On and their cmd file checker and other tools including reset resolved that. I will give them that. ) But Jesus, the bloat ware. WTF! Ok, fine put your stupid store there. But there is no reason to load up the STORE in a fresh install. True that. One reason I like Linux. Have you checked SilverBlue? It is a Immutable Linux. (meaning not able to be change .. the core that is) Then you install "flatpacks".. The updates do download but you can just boot out and into the previous OS (still remains totally intact) and the flatbacks are designed to be modular and not dependent on the OS or such. If you use Linix it sounds like something you might like. Not quite there IMO as there are programs I want that aren't flatpacks (and I don't know how to make one... yet. It is apparently easy with a few commands) so not quite there. But for something to do day to day work on.. might be the trick. Don't believe me check some of the videos. There is one where the guy just goes to the previous OS version... if it was windows it would be the version before the 2H bullshit (eying you weather thang, taking up my precious task bar space) )
  13. I never said it wasn't horrible (or malware) When a computer does something against the owners wishes as a "feature" that alone is enough to give a thought as to if this is what you want to deal with. When they have basic settings that benefit them (like all the spy ware that is on the computer that you have to go though and turn off .. also whatever they don't tell you) It is time to go elsewhere. The problem is currently is if you want to play any serious type of game, Windows is the easiest to use to do this. Also it is difficult or you are at a disadvantage if you try to use Linux in a Business environment. You can't even use Mac easily either. Now even more. Previously you could at least run a Duel boot easy enough... but with their new hardware ... that won't be happening soon. I have used Linux quite a bit the past year and a half and it isn't quite there for my day to day but pretty close. My machine I am running it on isn't capble of having a VM installed (with or without gpu pass through) so I can't move over as much as i want to Linux or another os. HOwever, I can tell you the time, even though I was a noob for much of it, using Linux was a breath of fresh air. It didn't reboot your OS in the middle of a fucking project. It notified you of an update and let that be. One line of code and you can update pretty much everything. I got to the point I didn't even really use their installer program just used the code. Talk about installation of programs. For the most part on a used Linux system, it is seconds. On a new system due to it needing dependencies, it might take a few seconds longer but not terrible. It is extremely fast not using their GUI installer as well but the GUI installer isn't half bad. Not as bad as what is provided by Windows. The entire installation of a nicely loaded system of programs is much smaller than Windows as well. There are alternates to programs you use in Windows.. some are better but most are bleg... That and not being able to run some programs (mostly games) is the only draw back and that is getting better every year. I am currenlty migrating my system (main system) to a 2 tb drive. Instead of cloning I am doing fresh. Windows 10 pro. x64. The SSD is much faster than my 6 or so year old SSD it was using for the main OS. time to retire that drive from main work. Now I will be able to have some VMs on that machine. (not pass through though. My hardware is too old on that one to really set it up as I understand but I haven't tried it. Even if I did.. Lilnux would be fine with it but it is only a quad core... Windows is so bloated and demands so much processing power along with ram. Can't split up that system and expect any decent functionality. Might experiment with it though. Maybe it might be enough.
  14. I've created this channel to cover all tech related issues not covered elsewhere, from problems to questions, to complaints. You can discuss your tech related questions here. Feel free to discuss hardware, software and yes.. as below... operating systems. Please lets try to keep all the tech related *** stuff*** located here unless it is more appropriate to have in another channel. The below is moved from "THE CRINGE-WORTHY INTERNET THREAD". -Ritual Clarity It is already obsolete. If I am not mistaken, (update, yes. January 2020) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-windows-7-support Microsoft has stopped all support for it. Meaning no more security updates. Lord knows MS programs have enough exploits in them already not to have them be fixed However, I understand. I also hope you don't have any critical sensitive info on that computer. Use Linux for the serious stuff and leave the games and other bs to the Windows (operating system of choice) Now with pass through (provided your hardware supports it.. good news more and more hardware is doing this) you can pass though your graphics card(s) to the OS and only have the MS on for the essentials that you can't or don't want to use Linux for. That combined with major inroads to making windows programs run on Linux.... hopefully in the future this won't be an issue. Also, surprise, surprise.. Microsoft lied. maybe they learned that from Bethesda which they recently acquired. Doesn't fair well for future games if MS can outright lie. There is no dam reason to have a "7", "10" or "11" for that matter on the OS. Just a version number / code is all that is needed for anyone that actually gave a shit. Make it easy for total idiots to find.. and be done with it. It is just a fucking marketing ploy. They realized that they had a hard time moving people from 7 (meaning less sales) so they knew that people wouldn't move or get new OS (give them money for a refreshed gui and other bullshit that isn't needed) so they decided to go back on their words is what I suspected.
  15. Wrong Thread.... What's wrong about this thread.
  16. Nice... If I had that... I'd be less inclined to let her die... lol
  17. I wish they had those advertisements (first part) when I was young and able to join the military! I'd likely would have... lol Very motivational... the second one would push me away in a heartbeat. Sorry, alternate lifestyles have a right to exist but... I don't believe that is the best approach to attract the very best for your military. Military is tough, shitty job with shitty locations (on deployment) don't take my word.. ask ANY ONE THAT HAS BEEN DEPLOYED at how shitty their living conditions were. FROM ANY GENERATION! Seriously, I honestly expect the second group troops having safe words and time outs expectations.
  18. It might not have worked out how you wanted but it did end up being quite good in the end in any case. One can tell the amount of work you put into this and it shows.
  19. The screenshot was worth it in my opinion
  20. That isn't the worse of it... once their area becomes a pile of steaming shit... they will move someplace nice and then cause it to turn to shit as well. Of course they won't stay there as it is shit. Companies will move out, crime will move in. Police isn't the problem. Sure some are dicks and some are dangerous and will have to be dealt with, but to blame all the force for some pricks is just plain stupid. Sad thing is there will be a money grab (theft) of the funds removed from the Policing and once the area turns to total shit... property values are shit.. those with the money will come in and fix it up for pennies on a dollar.. making even more money. Oh and of course the wealthy don't give a shit about de-policing.. they have a private security force to take care of them.
  21. hEY, he just Ozzy Osborne that bat!
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