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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. 2:14... dam.. that was a burn ...
  2. common sense has long been dead. Most can't think their way out of a wet paper bag. Stupidity must be in the water. Hey, if someone is cool with what they are doing (Nexus) then fine.. accept it and move on. If they aren't, then stop bitching about it.. and move on. How many pages are going to be on that LL thread before it is finally locked / die? someone want to start a pool...
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine-tracker Still the press and government is trying to toss their scare tactics around perhaps to make themselves seem more relevant than they should be. All they need to do is make sure there is enough vaccines to fill the needs of those that want it. Make sure in those areas of low population there is some way to help those get it. (like American Indians on reservations and populations deep in the woods like Alaska and such) Job done.
  4. Without training.... I don't know about Texans but.. if it was up by where I live... that is DANGEROUS... people would be shooting themselves in the foot/leg just pulling out the dam gun. Yes, they are that stupid. (At least where I live. ) Nobody should operate a gun without reasonable competence with it. IMO but .. from my experience if there is a stupid thing that can be done.... most around where I live will do that stupid thing. So who all here is moving to Texas now? lol
  5. I'd think they'd upload it to their own site or a site of someone that is part of the project. However, they might just upload it to Nexus as they do have more exposure.
  6. If... and I mean IF the furious fans stand up for themselves. It is common for today's people to wine and complain about something they can change, but never take the steps to fix the problem.
  7. All his "Drama" could have been addressed with a reasonable process for legacy mods that have been there before this came into effect. Log on as a mod content creator, get the prompt option to address the issue, keep, hide think, and remove mods. Then if/when something came up in the legal department, it would show that he is addressing the issue in a reasonable manner .. placing a month then shoving the new process down the pike isn't right considering some authors might not be active and/or be able to see the new changes. Sure, their TOS states they can change theTOS as needed without warning.. but correct me if I am wrong. Major changes that effect the intellectually rights of others (copyright etc as well) needs to be navigated carefully. The fuck all attitude will only cause him to loose some of the assets, when a reasonable approach might slow down his agenda to take over all the mods of the world, but would be more member/user/author friendly, cause less problems in the long run and ... drum roll, help keep some that might leave just because of his actions. After all. There will be new mods uploaded there all the time. This isn't going to stop. There will be Nexus fan boys (girls, or preferred pronouns ) regardless of what they do.
  8. This will likely be entertaining ... in a slow drive past an highway accident type of entertaining.
  9. Gives meaning to "seeing is believing "
  10. that's easy enough. .. just create a puppet account through a vpn and a fake email address. done. LL still imo has some hope of improvement. Nexus, doesn't. I go there for the mods. Leave due to the community... lol However, @Doublezero was right.. that link he had above has some spicy conversations... enough of all this as I actually have a real life Fun to laugh at until you realize it is slowly creeping thorough the entire gaming community...
  11. Hey, just getting it out there. It is all good. We aren't paying attention to the resolution as much as the.. um.. cough... um... err... content... However, I do have a rig that has a higher resolution monitor and I am not a shame to admit that a higher resolution of your comics would be very much appreciated for... um..er... ah.. readability .. yes readability that's it.
  12. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/171138-for-the-five-users-that-still-think-the-nexus-is-your-buddy/?do=findComment&comment=3426491 Not sure how long it will be up for based on the history of the moderation team at LL but ... there it is.
  13. LOL.. do you really want the masses of modders from Nexus over here? If you do, give me the post / name etc. I'll post a invite to here.
  14. Why, just keep on pumping them out at that res... Perhaps wait until you have a new series and new series templates to up size. Just a thought. I doubt people are sitting here and going ... dam... I wish it was 1080p. Well I guess I can't enjoy it. lol Don't take my word for it. I am sure other fans will chime in that they are perfectly happy with your current resolution.
  15. Well crybabies from ... well anywhere, better come with their big boy/girl/whatever the current trend pronoun is now, because unlike Nexus or even LL, we don't come to the rescue if you put your size 13 in your mouth. People have to work their shit out. So I don't think many will come here. Perhaps the authors because of our environment but users won't post much here. download yes, but post ... not so much. Unlike other sites, we don't give two figs if you post or not. So bring them on. So far those that have come from LL (and active) other than some in the beginning when they thought this site was going to be a LL clone) are pretty cool and mellow.
  16. I've played "We Happy Few' for a few hours and found it pretty enjoyable for the most part. More so than many of the games I had high hopes for thepast couple of years. It is an interesting game where you aren't the super hero and pretty much a normal "bloke" (set in England in the 60's ) reminds me a bit of Clockwork Orange (mostly due to faces ) but only slightly. Not based at all on that show. I went into the game with no info on what was going to happen except what was on the box and one trailer of the game in Microsoft store. (xbox) I have to go back to the beginning as I had a problem with one of the saves, so I deleted it. I had others .. didn't realize it deleted the entire profile. That upset me. However, now I have a better understanding of the mechanics and such so should be fast to catch up to where I was.
  17. But.. but.. we have "pretty much he same rules".... LOL Laugh my ass off. It hasn't ever been about the rules IMO.. it is about the rule enforcers that makes the difference. Other than a laugh, threads like those, are only a waste of my time these days. Used to I'd get tempted to chime in but ... it is all bullshit. Nothing is going to change,
  18. Generations of children grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Many of them were taught various "theories" that were popular at that time. The "Greatest Generation" (WWII) generation was taught Bio-determinism https://www.britannica.com/topic/biological-determinism (which some use as justification then (perhaps now) as the reason selected races are the way they are.) Others were taught evolution and other theories such as Egypt was founded by White people. Having it founded by northern Africans violated the thoughts of the day. It was the place of the teachers to TEACH the theory. It is the place of the family to TEACH VALUES to their children. I remember being taught many a thing and the teacher would often address the opposing theory or though in the teaching so that the students had the info of what the hell is going on. When a fireman becomes a fireman or a police officer becomes a police officer, they pledge to follow the policies and procedures of their department/location. Same for a Teacher. Teach, if you can't ... time to fucking move on. She acts like she and the current teachers were the only ones that were faced with teaching something they didn't believe, and restricted in teaching something that they believed in. Previous generation of teachers understood what was going on and how to address this. Imagine science teachers not being able to teach evolution or give the age of the earth (previously taught as 6~7000 years old. In higher education while I was there, it was encouraged by most professors to address various issues and question things. To explore ideas ourselves and they gave the tools necessary to properly evaluate the info and results for ourselves. It was OK if you decided to believe something based on a set of info, it wasn't however OK if you didn't do the work and understand the opposing views. Be able to address various aspects of those views and discuss them. Now schools are developing into a communistic teaching philosophy. Where students HAVE to follow their teaching and if they don't, they are punished. This is what China did when communism took over the country. They destroyed thousands of years of heritage in favor of a single unified concept. Modern schools (in the US at least) following these avenues will make it harder and harder to have original thought, original development, original people with the ability to research and understand what is fact and what is propaganda. Such a shame.
  19. god I am so happy I don't have any school aged children.... I'd have to spend several hours after school countering the negative teaching that occurs in school.. very likely weekends as well.
  20. Hours and hours of the most amazing content... really? What was he smoking? the content created today is "amazing"... lol.
  21. Don't slow down! Not yet! We're almost there.
  22. It is very boring. I suggest you get Fallout 3 / NV etc next time it is on a big discount. Then you can create mods and actually enjoy he game.
  23. Excellent, when you are done... we will pound away on...
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