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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. You know because of shortage... (with only one percent being bought from Russia... ) fine then, remove the heavy taxes on the gas ... At least until things get back to normal. But NO CAN'T DO THAT! That would mean those special sweat heart deals would have to go to the way side (or become even more obvious as the deficit becomes even larger)
  2. Is this the same thing? https://fallout4.2game.info/detail.php?id=37268#id37268
  3. Everybody that is on this page, uses this mod, please ask for support HERE and if you want to give a review, use the review page and make sure it related to an actual review of your experience. If there is need of support then wait for the review until you had an opportunity to get support before posting a review.
  4. Not a problem when I use the mod. I agree with @ColonolNutty If that happened all the time form all the users, we would be blown out with saying the same thing. Most of the problems once investigated ended up due to the user installing something wrong ...
  5. Perhaps there is a way to turn off the reviews. On that note. Perhaps there is a way to turn off the support channel and lock it to the Discord link for them to go there. That is something that @Doublezero might know. Let me know if you need anything.
  6. Next time, do yourself a favor, even of you don't go to Discord at least give more detailed info. If a log is involved place the log here. Won't get support as fast as going to Discord but at least if some member comes along and can see the problem they might be able to give a suggestion. Glad you were able to work it out yourself.
  7. I recently read an article where the US was considering working with some countries that they normally wouldn't in order to get oil. also that US is not that dependent on the oil from Russia. If that is the case you wouldn't know that based on the prices hikes that occurring now. Another article where I believe BP and another company isn't buying any more Russian oil (it was only a small part of their business anyway) The main problem seems to be that Europe developed a major dependence on Russia oil. US can do without it with some hardships but EU is much more dependent and that is likely the reason that that hasn't been addressed by embargo and other such things as likely be useless if US does so and the other countries don't. Your husband is correct, it used for military use and from time to time used for civilian use. Usually only short term when something is a major issue that can be resolved in a couple of weeks. To keep things moving. Turning on the oil now with all things shut down is going to take quite some time considering as i understand it there isn't any equipment ready to access the oil. they have to get to the oil and then build the transportation as well. Major undertaking. I don't know why (logically) that it wasn't done while investments was ready. They (the government) could have restricted the sales of this oil for this very thing. (I like the idea of buying oil from elsewhere and protecting our resources as much as possible ) However, don't like filling crazy insane leaders pockets with $$$ though. I am honestly hoping that there is group that will overthrow Putin. Surely there has to be people seeing what he is doing and understand it is crazy, even with the info embargo and controlled info. People there have their sources for info in any case. Often better at obtaining it, more practiced at it than most people in "free" countries. And yes, people should be mad for what is happening to Ukrainians. It was entirely un-necessary. If Russia was concerned with Nato coming close to them, they could have worked with them (Ukraine) and perhaps gave them support ($$$) and other resources that would help them. The only problem with this is they don't trust Putin. There are so many other ways for Russia to work aroundsome issues than this. People should also be livid for what Biden has done in the office. The failure, utter failure of his leaving Afghanistan and other things.. just gave the green light for Russia to do this. The complete incompetence. I wasn't a fan of Trump but I am fairly confident that if he was elected, this wouldn't have happened.
  8. Doubt anyone would be able to help you. Not because they don't want to but 1. you are suggested to request support from the discord channel and 2. you didn't even post the log that is giving you an issue for someone that is more experienced to assist you. You are welcome to see if someone comes along to try to help but doubt there is much they can do without a log.
  9. 3 things. review the install instructions. Many times people don't follow the instructions (place something where it wasn't suppose to be. This mod is very specific. Go tot he discord option for support for faster assistance and, make sure you have the moding option turned on for your Sims game. Ihad that problem once before.
  10. Well... I can't do that.. and didn't even know that "THAT" was a thing
  11. You can always make changes. Perhaps even keep some of the versions and let others enjoy them if they are satisfactory to you. I am nowhere even near being able to do any of this graphics work
  12. https://www.energy.gov/fecm/strategic-petroleum-reserve-9
  13. I am sure we can find some ideas for you to work on if you run out of them Leaning and realizing that you can do much better now is a good thing! Don't feel bad that you can look back and see what you can do better on a previous project provided you did the best you could at that time with what you knew.
  14. Blocking US oil to be "green' is one thing. Nobody wants pollution in their backyard. Let's face it, getting oil and such does create a fair amount of pollution. (however, we still process the oil to gas and such once it enters the US.. which creates even more pollution than would be created getting oil from sources in the US) Besides, the more we can exploit another country by buying cheap oil from them (lowering their resource and protecting our own at the same time) is something I have no problem with The problem is reliance on outside oil.. mostly from countries that don't like the US. The US government (at least in the past) had a reserve of Oil etc. for problems that arise due to conflicts and such occurring to help protect the US economy. I don't know if they still have it, squandered it (likely) or sold it for a quick buck. In any case anyone with 2 brain cells should understand that reliance on other potentially hostile countries isn't a good thing. It is a very bad thing. Previously we had easy access to cheap oil with the current sources but that is low or depleted. 100% restrictions on alternate sources is a very bad thing. For the very reason we are experiencing now! The US doesn't want to get into a fight (directly) with Russia and I don't blame them, however, one of the main sources from what shoddy news reports I am able to get access to on this matter, indicate that Russia's main source of income is from Oil sales. Seems to me a no brainier to block those sales if the desire is to really put on a hurtlock on Russia. The solution could have been permissions to start preparations and maintenance of these protected areas but not let them fully operate. Just a fraction to keep things moving and help pay for the equipment and cost to setup. Then, have a quick executive order or whatever setup for the need, just as this, for access to the Oil... and even then to help maintain or cover the losses that will be occurring (expense). The second part of this process would be to remove the Federal tax (and perhaps help supplement the local taxes on gas etc) so that less is needed, the price goes up but much of it is covered by the removal of tax. The economy is protected, the gas companies have a source of oil to work (and make even more money off of since it should be cheaper to get local as oppose to outside oil when embargo's and such occur) Bottom line, heavy regulation (and steep fines for failure for environmental rules) along with heavily restricted quotas on what can be sold and when would have worked better at least from my understanding. However, I am not a expert on gas and oil distribution and sales. With a total block it would take a long time (from my understanding) to setup and start to obtain said oils from these "protected areas" having quick access when needed or an emergency would help IMO. While protecting our sources (when cheap oil is available) and allow more flexibility in putting a hurtlock on another country. What do I know? However at least I don't call Ukrainians, Iranians in a speech. Or treat the viewers of my speech like 5th graders, actually stupid 5th graders like the Vice President did. It is sad, it used to be that the best of the best would take office (at least in the advisory function) and now it seems like only those that can't be a success elsewhere gets those positions.
  15. Holly crap... Biden called Ukraine people's Iranians? Crap, his speech is horrible.
  16. That UFO has already been booked...
  17. The difference is Iraq was funding, hosting individuals that were going around the world causing trouble.. Ukraine was minding their own business. Some say insanity is contagious. Perhaps she and Brandon need to wear a mask at all times to protect themselves from more insanity infecting them.
  18. Is she going to start teaching the A,B,C's as well? Not only is something like that un-necessary (google or other sources if they are interested) that is condescending to most of the population. When giving a presentation you don't talk like that. On top of that. Her people should have realized that all that is doing is giving sound bytes for her opponents to use. Have you ever heard JFK speak like that? Or Obama? Do you hear other foreign leaders talking like that to the press?
  19. From Australia A video that they played with Camila explaining the conflict in Eastern Europe. Frighting. Is this what we can get for the highest political office in the United States, often times stated as one of the most powerful countries in the world? It is like there is a game where those qualified say "not me". That or a contest where the most incompetent is the winner and the prize is the White House.
  20. Sorry, I got the photos mixed up... and posted the larger quality ones. Here are some from a mod that is found on another site. It is a Bioshock FNV port. There are a few so I put them into a spoiler. (Also they are smaller so not to bomb you or anyone that cares to look) these are mostly intended to show off the various assets of the mod more so than to look great. But there they are.
  21. Tried checking out the company and can't find any current status. Can't find any status of the employee/founders either. Perhaps, covid? Long shot I know. Likely they didn't get the support and recognition they wanted for the project and decided to discontinue. If the tools are available and fully functional or at least good enough, perhaps the community might step in and continue working on it. Adding to the game. Again, long shot. Shame. It looked good and looked like a company that might cater to those being disenfranchised by Bethesda
  22. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1112620/Isles_of_Adalar/ It is on Steam.
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