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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. He needs to be fired. If not just because of the unprofessional comments on Elon's "disability". He was commenting and discussing internal processes that I am sure he wasn't allowed to as well. That type of shit at his level is unacceptable. She is an idiot when speaking. Will continued to be in idiot like Biden. Some people have problems with public speech and can be amazing taking care of things. If this was the case, I could and would give her much freedom on this matter. However, so far, I haven't seen much to show that they are doing anything right. From withdraw out of Afghanistan, inflation running rampant, to infant formula not being available. (Why didn't Biden know that the FDA shut down an entire plant due to issues with the formula and the effects? Seems like something he should have been aware of at least. According to his speech he had no clue. ) Unacceptable. All the complaints about Trump... at least from what I seen he knew what was going on. This is an excellent PSA (Public Service Announcement) lol. Showing the potential troubles getting high... lol The number one thing that needs to change is the ability to add non-related items to any bill that is going through congress/house. Second, make sure each bill is as simple and only contain what is required for that bill. Third, make sure if the bill will add cost to the tax payers, that it is properly funded before it can be passed. Three simple rules. If someone wants to accomplish something it should be on its own merits. They have enough back alley/office deals, this should be easy. No need to cloud up the waters and had hundreds of pages to a bill that is trying to be passed. Gives the public false info. Public things that they are getting something they wanted and later learn that tons of shit has been added to it and the cost ballooned well above what it should have been.
  2. ritualclarity

    Bandit Pet

    Ur... Ummm ... Can't blame you Kendo
  3. ritualclarity

    Witchy Magic

    Now my brain hurts.. Lol
  4. You'd think as the games get more modern, they'd get easier to work with etc. however, this isn't the case it seems.
  5. Remember you have to use the tool provided by Bethesda for each of the games you wish to modify. So if the Creation Kit isn't working for you for Skyrim, then GECk wouldn't work for you for Skyrim. Just wanted to be clear.
  6. Nice to see you still at it (Uploading your collection)
  7. Sounds good to me. If I am not mistaken once you learn the basics of the Creation Kit (GECK is similar) you can do basically the same for all the similar games from Bethesda
  8. While you do some studying you can post questions here to help you along if you run into any quesitons that some members here might be able to answer. Translations is a thing that many authors could greatly use and very time consuming.. well at least a distraction from someone trying to develop a mod. A great support for the author IMO. Also what language(s) are you looking to translate into?
  9. You will need to do your homework. It isn't just an app. It is a lot more to do that. You will need to learn the modding tools then go in and do the translation from the game/mods etc manually. There might be some other eaiser ways but sometimes that shits the bed. Havent tried this but... Basically you need to change the conversations that can be seen in the mod. The problems in the past with mod translation "apps" is that once you try to reintegrate it into the mod it messes things up. So if the above works well.. you still should learn your way around the Creation Kit and be able to find what you want. Just in case something messes up so that you can do a quick fix.
  10. I'd check and post in the Mod Author's club (Sims section) there are some serious discussions on Blender there. This thread might just be missed due to it's age.
  11. exactly. It was there, but not the center of attention. Not forced. It was believable. x
  12. They did introduce a lesbian couple in the second film. (Also didn't make a very big point about it either. Made a few jokes and Deadpool messed with them a bit but other than that not very much fan fair and IMO the couple was well thought out and fit) was My point is there are characters that are already created and fully developed that cover many of what the SJWs want. No need to convert characters.
  13. Exactly my point. Most of the time they create a character that is hollow in this type of character creation. It diminishes the entire project and what they are trying to advance. Nobody wins in this situation. https://www.metroweekly.com/2021/05/ryan-reynolds-deadpool-3-marvel-bisexual-pansexual/ Apparently deadpool is "pansexual"
  14. Deadpool if I am not mistaken in the comics is bi. Did they use that? No. They could have. Perhaps they will. They don't need to go after characters with decades of history being one way and then changing them. It shows poor imagination as far as I am concerned. There are many avenues that can be done that can more than satisfy any need for diversity. Superman, was originally portrayed as the only survivor, however, later they added Supergirl and other characters that managed to survive. I believe once they even had superdog for christ sakes. They could as easily introduced someone that has whatever characteristics that is needed. Hell even introduce the character through Superman (traditional ) and announce that he is taking some much deserved time off. He could even be an unknown brother so that the last name could be used. He can take care of buisness and live his life. The benifit is that they can pull traditional Superman out occasionally for really dangerous situations that one super person can handle. (including supergirl and fuck, even super dog.) There isn't a reason or need to change Superman (traditional) to anything. the universe already has many avenues to introduce another character. Fuck, they could even have set up Gay superman into a town or city that is more SJW centric. Would make sense that he would be there to help out. Just like they made superman's city in the image of New York, they could have done the same for gay superman say San Fransisco, or something like that. Fuck, I forgot I believe they even had a Russian Superman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman:_Red_Son . At the bare minimum they should go through some efforts to create a universe for this. There they can SJW the living shit out of it. Being a different universe they can still create traditional versions of the superheroes like a straight superman. I am not against the idea. 6 feet under that was produced many years ago. Original content. Amazing story. Witcher, many elements of alternate lifestiles from lesbian Sorceress to a cross dressing tailor (absolutely loved that. OMG that was just plain awesome. Explained so many things. lol) When that sorceress made it a point to get pay back after the entire story I experienced, I was all yea, go for it what can I do. Behind her 100%. This however, was written well, characters made sense and were well acted (voice) and written. they had life and character that was very believable. I could care for them. The Hunter's story line once I explored it fully I was like "oh fuck man".. Dam. I am a believer that most people don't care about a persons "insert SJW requirement here" just that they are entertained by a well written piece of work. What causes all these SJW forced projects to fail is nobody likes having something shoved down their throats with meaningless bull shit placed just because it was needed for a few check boxes to be marked. I'd watch a story or even a documentary on that black marshal that was mentioned above. Back during that time, that was a very adventurous and dangerous job.
  15. Recently discovered this actress. Funny girl!
  16. ritualclarity

    Ariel 9.78

    Now this one I like. Did you get the back tatoo? I don't see any example that shows her lower back.
  17. This is what I get. Means you have a version of what you need or higher. I believe it is backwards compatible. Did you update your computer completely? Also are you using the most current MO and finally are you using a local MO or a system MO (meaning one install to rule them all) Try uninstalling MO, Use a cleaner like Garys etc. to make sure all is good then reinstall. Finally, make sure you have stated each game you want to use with MO at least once.
  18. Use the download option for Net framework 4. Then install. Also, not sure but I believe newer net frameworks will be backwards compatible with MO needs. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17718 Using the download and not the web based or whatever they are directing you to should resolve this issue. I haven't modded or played any games that I would use Net Framework 4.0 but checking my programs on this old laptop I can tell you I have the versions in the 2's. for Net framework. previously I installed whatever was needed when I did mod using MO and it wasn't a problem using the download option. NOT the web option. Tried it on this laptop and it indicated it was already installed (or a version higher and not needed but no errors that you mentioned)
  19. Making some nice progress uploading all your mods.
  20. He is an excellent example of the motto "I'd loose my head if it wasn't attached".
  21. Could have been an update that messed with the processor settings. Hopefully your restore works and you have no further issues. I mentioned that because if you have an older computer the heat sink paste might have gone bad. A notebook, then the fans might be dirty and need a good breakdown cleaning. For the most part the above fixed any throttling I had in the past from my computer. (not sure if the process settings was the trick or another update but after messing with those, it went back to normal. In my case I was stuck at around 1.5 GHZ. (on a processor that regularly went above 4) Everybody, please make sure you have a couple of good backups of your most important files that you can't replicate. Otherwise you are one windoze shit show from loosing everything.
  22. Let the post stand and instead work on educating people on how to fact check and use their brains to make a educated decision on what is being posted. Someone wants to post stupid shit (not referencing the above video as an example ) then let them. Sooner or later with an educated population with some common sense (which is why i stated people need to learn and have an open mind) They will be seen as the idiot that they are. Shame, Bydon and Camila didn't get a chance to talk more to reporters before they got elected
  23. Unfortunately that app doesn't update daily. A bit ago it took over a week for it to update.. at least with my experience with the app. The nice thing was I was at work and it posted a gas station nearby with the prices due to my location and it was much cheaper than around where I live. (by like 10 cents) It has also posted club locations (like Cosco) as well so that is a plus.
  24. I've used this mod. Never had any issues that weren't of my own creation (making mistakes in the installation or setup) Period. This is a popular mod. Used by many people.. Seriously, are people stupid? If the mod was as bad as some like to badmouth, don't you think the pages here would be full of legitimate reports of problems? (not problems that are eventually traced back to some stupid mistake made by the user) I get it.. this mod is complex mod for Sims. Most mods are simple drag and drop and not as specific as this one needs to be. Get over it. Read the instructions. Also read the comments that the "other" mod has been claimed to specifically been setup to go after features of this mod and cause problems. So if there are problems and you solved the "problem" by removing this mod (and still having the other framework installed) then... yep. not a proper proof of a problem caused by this mod. I love how people with 5 minutes of modding experience (use) get on sites and then try to act like they are some professional game programmer specializing in (x) game. They they start trying to show conclusive proof by pulling shit out of their asses. (I.E. not properly setting up a fair and proper testing system that can be replicated, and eliminates all possible alternate solutions.
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