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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. We don't post mods on this site without permission from the author. Redirects, etc. I suggest that you resolve whatever issues you have with the downloads with the author and their site that they have chosen.
  2. Before robotics and such, the way they added to the policing efficiency was grass roots programs. Community outreach. Walking the beat. etc. Now apparently rolling trash cans are what is needed.
  3. I have seen local governments enact laws based on size etc. Basically that is intended to effect Walmart type stores when they get a wiff of a company deciding they might open a store. They claim they are doing so to protect local businesses etc. Problem is, the area that they are building in is severely economically depressed. Not much in the way of businesses and not much service to the local community. That is the reason they are thinking of building there. One thing if it is a healthy local community and they do that, quite a different thing if it is a severely undeserved community. High unemployment etc.
  4. Lots of stories on the web like this, are often fake.
  5. I heard this and instantly remembered this video.. lol
  6. not horrible. Still way better than bugthesda default bodies regardles of the "mellons"
  7. What a moron. Her court case for domestic battery was dropped. Everything else was added due to her stupidity. Driving while drunk, open liquor. Assaulting an officer. ... just stupid. They (the officers) wanted to just take care of some quick business. Didn't really care about the other shit. Her actions caused it all to pile on her. I don't know why they kept on engaging her in her stupid conversations instead of keeping the conversation focused on what was needed to be done. I worked previously at a hospital. Dealt with many mental unstable people like her. Basics. keep on subject. Orient the person to what is going on and is going to happen, give limited repeated instructions along with info as to what will happen if non-compliance occurs. Finally, does it look like she doesn't have any eye balls in the clip sample above. lol
  8. THIS ^ is an excellent example of trying to get support. Details and follow up with requested info. No guarantee that it will be resolved but it is proper info for those that can support and info for the mod content creator(s)
  9. You don't even have to be locked up with them. Just be forced to live in communities that they are prevalent in. Communities that were destroyed by them.
  10. Fuck you San Fran... How about this. Hire people. Give them jobs... Combat unemployment. Shortages in staff is directly the responsibility of those in charge. Not the responsibility of the tax payers and they shouldn't have to shell out even more money due to improper management.
  11. I'm on the same state. I have been playing games now that I have a new rig and an xbox however, I haven't been able to bring myself to spend the time to even get a basic setup for any of the games I've played in the past
  12. If history proves correct, there will likely be little if any discount a year later. I think companies have caught on that people will wait a year to get the game (fixed bugs, added DLCs and other such things will be present) and they don't lower the prices.
  13. For the most part any reliable source that sells the game is still about the cost when it was released so no real reason to wait for purchase. That is of course if you weren't one of those that bought the game before release. The need to wait till release of a game, at least until solid reliable reviews and real game footage has been released can't be stressed enough. If companies want pre-purchase they need to release proper review copies. Not only to their fan boys but to those that will be critical to their game. (critical but fair)
  14. That video just makes me sick at my stomach. The sheer stupidity and ignorance of what is being spouted out by that woman is just mind numbingly stupid.
  15. Likely IP, service provider (in case you do something wrong... hack etc) as well as the OS and perhaps even the version. There is a lot of info that some can obtain when you use their service. I use VPN and change it regularly... still they use other search histories to pose watch list that is related to whatever I watched and what others watch based on what they have seen. All this AI shit is getting quite tedious.
  16. She more looked like a fish out of water. The beginning image on the above video makes me believe it even stronger.
  17. Well they will need to change the title of the book Octopussy...
  18. Calling today's gaming industry in a "dark age" means that we will be in a renaissance. A time when games will again be special. I don't think that. Voting with your wallet requires tens of thousands and even millions of people effectively boycotting these games. Clearly signalling that this isn't acceptable. Not possible with a consumer base that is easily distracted... much like the dog in UP.. "squirrel " . Case inn point is the "boycott" of Hogwarts. Wasn't effective and in fact actually backfired. (however, at least that is a good game.) It is also difficult when people will go spend 2000 dollars on a graphics card. There are people that have so much money that they view spending 100-200 or even more for something they enjoy well worth the cost. It is hard to fight that. Once gaming went mainstream we lost.
  19. I remember when their community openly embraced the term "GAY" and owned it. Defying anyone trying to put them down. Many people that I know and have known were that way. I remember one time someone said "say it don't spray it" with their characteristic swagger. This is what they called themselves when referencing their sexual preferences. Who are they to dictate something that their own community uses? If tomorrow the long term "gay" friends of the family, other friends that are homosexual on Facebook, etc. state this is something we no longer say. and this "insert word" is the proper term. I will stop right away. as far as I can tell this the case where people outside the community are more offended by something that those inside the community and deciding they will be there "savior" and come to their rescue and prevent something they really don't give a shit about. Instead of actually listening to rational individuals that belong to that community as to what they need. (of course not the crazy left wingers )
  20. That is exactly what I am talking about. It could be whatever (book) doesn't need to be "educational". Having children develop a habit and passion about reading is beneficial. Lord knows if you seen the books that were available for students when I was in school.... There weren't many "educational" ones. Teachers in my day would encourage students to read, read, read whatever interested them. There was one class I had for a couple of weeks we would read (something) and discuss it and what appealed to us in the class. That developed reading comprehension as well as interpersonal communications with peers. One could even state it covered speech as well. When books are removed that would appeal to children that go to that library then they are censoring and harming children. Where I live it is so important that many adults have little huts (looks like large bird cages) in their front yard with various books in them to read for FREE. They range from little children to more complex stories that would interest adults. the content changes frequently! Some are classics and some are best sellers. Well as you can tell I am a big believer on freedom of info, materials even if it is just fluff (say romance novel) anything that provides stimulation of your brain from reading is something I want to protect. This includes authors work retaining its integrity. No re-writes. Regardless of how it offends you. After all most people read for entertainment. Not for education only.
  21. The problem is that they are removing appropriate books. Hiding them from students. There are students that won't or even can't buy the book otherwise. Making it harder for students to obtain materials to read is censorship every bet as much as having the book re-authored /edited to remove any offending materials. When I went to school, the only books that were not available were those with extreme content, adult materials etc. Then as you went through school (to high school etc.) you got access to some more mature books. Many books that are on most "list" are the classics that many adults and mature adults had access to, read and are fine now. No damage. Removing the books isn't the solution. Some will find it. Outside of an educational environment. Some books haven't aged well and do have racist and classist and other offending materials. This isn't bad.. preventing them from exposure to materials only insulate them not give them the experience and understanding and knowledge that they are suppose to be learning. In school there were some books that were referenced. The instructors were aware of the content and there were some time to discuss the materials. Open discussion of the period and what it was like. It was very useful to many students as they didn't know what it was like in the past. As a result I believe I grew up more open minded and more willing to look at materials and issues and give proper consideration. As they say, you don't study history and its faults, you are bound to repeat them. As for zero educational value... I beg to differ. Reading is the educational value. Having a child read books that are their interest is a value in it's self. It doesn't have to be a history book, or a classic book. which educators state is of "value".
  22. Pervert? Why do you think people come here? You know our content, right? lol
  23. Very nice adaptation. Is it being released?
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