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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. The only way that the person that had the coke wouldn't be "found" is they are one of the protected people of the white house. If it had been an attempt to poison the president or something, the answer would have been found before the reporters even had a chance to read the first breaking news. Seriously.
  2. Make sure you aren't using any saves ... start fresh game. Just in case there is something stuck and causing you a problem.
  3. ritualclarity


    Well I hope she is well versed in levitation... lol
  4. The suggestion I would make is to use the author's support thread to get the attention (as well as use the @ user name suggestion given by Kendo 2) Instead of resurrecting a thread from a year ago that had no response.
  5. "some really great stuff in here"... Cough, cough... (bullshit) Fallout in Space.. not even the good Fallout "Todd said it is a really deep system".... deep in shit
  6. Yep. Of course. Only place I know of that something like that would be. lol
  7. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/06/15/starbucks-manager-fired-arrests-racial-discrimination-settlement-philadelphia/70324711007/ White Starbucks employee fired and rewarded 25 million due to it being racially motivated.
  8. Yep, there are many parents and even people in the LGBTQ society that are against many things that are being done (to fucking groom children. tell me it isn't that)
  9. Are you aware that someone made a character "Ritual Clarity" for a mod? Also it is an alien?
  10. That statement just proves that I am an alien. I would like presets like that. I can always find something for the NPC to wear. lol At worst, I'd want the present first, then perhaps the outfit. Call me stupid... I don't like the potato faces of Bethesda games.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7-eH1ciAxE Harrison Ford got what he wanted. EAch movie that he was in now (major) his character is dead. In this case, he not only died... but he killed the entire franchise. He can be so proud! LOL
  12. Well... It took me 20 minutes to understand what you were trying to get across. LOL (Seriously, I couldn't get my mind around sake and refright WW2)
  13. I heard about those in power controlling the media, but was like meh, how much are they controlling them. Then I saw videos and videos of multiple news reports saying pretty much the same dam thing. I mean, sure I seen one sided "interviews" before from various reporters but that was something that just floored me. AS for gun control laws. the same "media" shoves all the gun violence in the faces of those that watch their news reports. However, those reports were someone properly trained and licensed with a gun stopped the crime from occurring. YOu can find those reports on the page 999 in the newspaper lol. Never front and center. Where I live you can have conceal gun permits and it is usually pretty easy to see if someone has a gun concealed when it gets warm. I am perfectly find with a licensed person carrying a gun. And as you stated, make it against the law and the criminals will just hand over their guns... yea right. AS it is they get their sentences set to run concurrently so who gives a fuck if they add time to their sentence if they had a gun or even worse used it in a crime.
  14. WE all will experience it if this continues. All our rights will be taken. People will be able to sue for 'micro transgressions". Society is going to hell in a hand basket. I just read what our mayor is doing in regards to tax. He wants my location to be Detroit and trying dam hard to make it so.
  15. WE both know what you were doing. You've done it in the past when you didn't agree with someone (this time me) and you've done it to others. You usually write very concise clear post then later after some heated post, you write duel meaning post where you can claim innocence but still poke or insult someone.
  16. Yep, I am reminded every day. Especially by certain people on this site.
  17. Of course it isn't good. However, until a section of our society starts rationally thinking and stop tring to control everybody and every action, it is best if they stay together so they can have less an impact on the rest of society. Like the businesses that this damages, it damages political environments as well. Look at Portland https://www.foxnews.com/politics/portlands-population-drops-crime-homelessness-other-woes
  18. It is time for conservatives to move and let California fall into the ocean. The SJWs should stay there. (not move to Texas for example) when things start getting crazy even for them. They started pushing this shit, and should have to stay around and suffer with it. For those that are liberal, they can have comfort if this fucked up their kids, they can point to the government and not take any blame. Right up the alley of those SJW. I believe, the parents are the ones that make medical decisions. This is a medical decision. ONLY exception is clear immediate life and death situation. Like a deadly heart murmur. Incoming rant below. On a side note. I was at my favorite store in the evening and it was dead. This was on Saturday. It should have been balls to the walls busy. I needed to get something and even though I knew it should be super busy and would likely piss me off with the lines etc. I went. I asked an employee if they ever seen it so slow. They stated it was common for it to be slow in the evening (on a fucking weekend) due to the crime in the city now. The crime that has increased over the past 5 years (by the way the Mayor was voted out due to this unfortunately yet another shit hit got elected doing the same shit. First mob action/riot he made excuses .... for those breaking the law, vandalizing property and even attacking an elderly couple just leaving their home. ) The streets were pretty light on traffic as well. My favorite pizza place only had one person in front of me waiting. I am not living in Portland, but it is starting to move to that direction. This is what happens when you make excuses for criminals and not do your fucking job. There are procedures in place for first time offenders, youths and those that have legitimately mental issues. No need to add to the bonfire.
  19. What I heard was it was great. You can guess the people that unfortunately surround me
  20. One thing. I haven't seen him shoot himself in the foot (SJW) like other companies. One question, is he going to start or has he seen what happens and decided he was going to avoid it. If it is the latter, he can shelf all the SJW bullshit that came after the sale of Star wars etc. then start a new "cannon" basically reinvent the franchise IP. However, so can Lucas. The latter actaually likely being better at adding to the story than Bezos. (and not superpower that person any more than needed)
  21. The universe was fantastic before they blew it away with SJW super powered Jedi. There was lots of spin offs that could have been done to entertain the fans. Movies like Solo and such should have been fantastic but again failed due to poor writing (IMO) There is still that Jedi Reven I believe is his name, that has a fantastic story that could be brought to the screen if done right. It could be its own trilogy as well. It is a large well developed universe that will work well in anyone's hands if handled properly. That is the problem. It wasn't handled properly and it failed. Rogue one is an example of a spin off or a fill in of time between the trilogy that worked well. It was reasonably well written and even had a female lead character... oh my.... how was that possible? (of course we know how, written well and not making someone a fucking superhero with unstoppable powers. Hell Superman is super powerful but he has well written weakness that are exploited for an ... at lest in the past, entertaining and engaging story)
  22. The guy at the end was right on point. They decided to not participate which is their right. They were respectful, they didn't do anything disrespectful (at least not what would have been considered disrespectful years ago. What most people (non SJW) would consider disrespectful. I am sure those students that were going through a religious event wouldn't have thought it disrespectful if other students abstained from participating. Finally, WTF is with her constantly stating "religion" in regards to PRIDE? Is Pride now a religion? I always thought it was a time for LGBTQ individuals to be able to express themselves and their communities. I seriously doubt she is even a member of the LGBTQ community ... and is more outraged than those directly effected like may SJWs are.
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