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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. https://warriormaven.com/sea/the-russian-kursk-submarine-exploded-and-destroyed-by-its-own-torpedoes Wow.. just wow.
  2. The same people that thought it was a good idea to use the same engine for 20+years and that potato faces was acceptable in modern games.
  3. As I understand it the DD team actively works to prevent the use of both DD and WW.
  4. this and your comment reminded me of the nanny show. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nanny lol.
  5. Imagine, regretting something you did when you were younger (and stupid.)
  6. The west is still winning with their PR campaign. Keeping Ukraine on the news and in the minds of the citizens is winning. People donate to support them ... based on these PR campaigns. Sad but true as far as I see. I am so surprised that the energy in supporting them through the media is still so strong. Most people that write on this thread and even visit (and post) on this site, is fully aware of the agenda's that the government and media has and how they use the news to push that agenda. The left, then tries to cancel whomever that goes against this agenda. However, the recent backlash to Budwiser and other companies (remember Hogwarts? their attempt to cancel the game only made it more popular and help sell millions of copies of the game) Do any of you see the cracks that are forming on the left? How people are starting to get fed up with the bullshit that is going on? Or am I just looking through rose colored glasses?
  7. To be a successful business, you can't have "agenda to push" except to make money. Push anything else, and you loose. In the "old days" companies would just make donations into groups that they wanted to support. Focusing on the business so that they had the money to pay themselves and make great donations. Remember, when they would make donations and get positive support?
  8. https://www.10news.com/news/fact-or-fiction/fact-or-fiction-new-snack-called-cracker-jill There is a "Cracker Jill" now instead of Cracker Jack. Available in sport venues and anyone that donates 5 dollars to womens sports. Yea, right. Think we are stupid? I found this at a gas station. Cracker Jack has been around since 1896. More than a hundred years. Remember when companies stated that they would donate X dollars for each purchase? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cracker_Jack
  9. WTF!!!! I hope that she didn't give STD's to those poor dogs.
  10. This coming just a short time after the Bud Light failure. Where is the marketing research?
  11. No, it hasn't been updated. Yes, it is for Skyrim and not Skyrim SE.
  12. The new Stargate! Is this a thing?
  13. Well... If I am an alien from another planet... and came here without any paperwork/ citizenship.. I would be an "illegal alien"... correct ?
  14. My brain hurts too much. I tried.. and failed. 1. cant ignore facts, 2. I can't ignore reality 3. I can't ignore common sense I just can't. Stupid shit like hiring a Trans Influencer for a company which is 99% conservative Cis gender (male) and think that it won't cause troubles. To be clear, it isn't that the person they chose can't be part of some marketing for a company, just that it is stupid to use this person for THIS company.
  15. Hey, I just thought of something. I have been identifying as an alien for years! That makes me an alien! Just because I said so lol
  16. Im outraged... betterbatchlor read that he will keep his preferred pronouns of He/him and he kept on saying she. The report that he stated was wrong when they used HE when they were respectful of his preferred pronouns. 5:03... Come on, it isn't that hard to do... LOL
  17. Thanks but I will fail... I have more than 3 brain cells ... Will never pass.
  18. I miss read the title.. I thought Johnny Cash did a version of this... lol. your mother is correct, this is a great song. I don't think I can ever get tired of listening to this one. Another classic (actually I don't recall any songs from this band that I didn't like) I remember a version of this song being used for California raisins.. Which version did you see / remember if you were alive when this was a commercial.
  19. Congrats for your Little brother.
  20. Im sorry and want to make you feel at home by starting a devolving conversation but I haven't graduated SJW, Woke college. I have yet to attend! lol. Great job on the painting and details by the way.
  21. Speaking of Kotaku... I personally like "holes"... https://kotaku.com/xbox-series-x-has-too-many-horrifying-holes-1845584570 5:32... It it Kotaku's goal to be taken off all the gaming, console reviews because they are insulting every single one... Short answer YES. Long answer, they are WOKE AS FUCK. HOLY SHIT... I spent some time looking over their site and such ... GOD DAM! HOLY SHIT... WOW... A review of a console by someone that has a phobia of holes. NO meaningful content regarding the XBOX only bullshit regarding their feelings about the design of the console.
  22. Is that a good thing or a bad thing... I haven't been following gaming things recently. I also never owned an Nintendo anything.
  23. First someone that was still in transition (looked like still had a lot of muscle from when not taking hormones) won.. scratch that, dominated the division Then afterwards .. not years later, but a short time later, deciding to go back? That is entirely the main point of most of the people that are complaining about this shit. Just look at the thickness of the neck alone and tell me that they were on hormones for a long time.
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