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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. At least this is a level 4 lab. (and not in China) so far nothing has been released. (unlike alleged in China) Scary thing is these types of labs have the most deadly virus etc. in the world. Similar to the lab in China. Which alleged was the origin of the original Covid virus. A virus that has been around for dam near forever and never became so deadly all of the sudden. Causing illness in some well beyond what the virus was originally set up to do. (Long haul) Every time some lab tries to come out to say it has signs of being tampered with, they get censored. At least in the US they stated they were doing this. So that when the end of times come, we know who to hunt down and shoot.
  2. in the case of the 12 year old.. I believe, not 100% with all the crazyness that is going on, that an ADULT has to sign off on this. Also, I believe in the US there has to be some "specialist" involvement to get the medication and such to start the process. Also I don't' believe they do the sex reassignment surgery until they are at least 18 I mention this as there are other countries in Asia and South America (perhaps even Mexico not sure) that you can get the needed pills over the counter with at most a few questions. Children get access to this without the need of any Adult provided they can obtain the funding. There is also a lot of info out there for them to know what to do. The "desire" is to start the process before they hit puberty, which will help curb or even prevent some of the traits that would normally occur. I mentioned "specialist" earlier as those are "professionals" that are suppose to help determine if it is needed. however, most times they don't do that and pretty much everyone that is referred to one of them are assisted in their transformation. I don't know if they still do this but in the past the professionals would try to get to the root of the problem and make sure it wasn't due to some childhood trauma. (being abused etc) Work through that before staring the process. Now they just have to say they want to it seems. Another crazy thing about the US. You can't drink until you are 21 but can buy a gun at 18. You can join the military and kill people at 18. Some states you can marry young https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States but, their mind isn't matured.... Just crazy.
  3. Every once in awhile I think I want to start modding again. Including actually modding assets. Then I realize the current realities related to modding. You know what I am talking about. The hurdles you have to overcome to get a simple asset created not to mention the theft due to monetization and general "entitlement" and other general disrespects. However, I could do it for personal use. Then I remember I have a very old computer and have tried to start .. just start by setting things up to do the work only to have the computer shit the bed and have to re-image it or something. I tell myself that when I get a new gaming computer I'll start. As things change, even this starts to sound like a lie to myself. Example, the computer shit the bed just trying to post here. Can't like your post (give thank you). Have to referesh a page many times through use due to things just stopping. This computer is a piece of shit. Can't do much on it so all is good. My other computer is what I'd work on and even it shits the bed often. No money to get a new one and now I might have to dig up several thousand dollars all of a sudden to take care of something very important so that will likely fuck me for the next year. Finally was able to give a thank you ... 10 minutes to posts something on the thread. One thread. This sucks.
  4. A release, or personal mod creations? They look excellent.
  5. For script mods you need to turn on this. I forget how to do this but it can be found on web.
  6. Would you like a little computer with your GPU? LOL Yea, only need an 850 watt power supply to power it.
  7. I am not sure how Sims handles mods (scripts and such) However, a quick thought is to start a completely new game, character etc. See if that helps. If it does, then something baked into the save. It is something to start on until the experts arrive Reason: Many games which you can mod, and have scripts included in that mod that isn't part of the original game, often get baked into the save. Remove the mod, doesn't remove the problem. (regarding WW) Considering it is strongly claimed that WW and others that compete with this type of mod, actively work to make problems for people that combine this with theirs, it is very possible that this happened. Also pay attention to how you place the mods in Sims. If they are too deep they will fail. This is especially true for the script mods which this has specific instructions to install. So double check the depth of folders. I'd suggest never more than one deep. If you can, no folders unless expressly indicated by the author. (generally scripted mods need to have the proper path. Without the files being placed EXACTLY where they are instructed to be placed, the mod will fail. Not an expert on reading the exception but looks like it is missing something.
  8. They are at least bigger than some motherboards and other components of the computer, that is for sure.
  9. There is a fine line where Russia can attack. If they do an all out assault. Heavy equipment etc. NATO countries might get involved. If they go to lightly, they will be feeding soldiers and equipment into a meat grinder. Anyone with any brain cells can quickly figure out that Russia can easily roll over the entire country. Another thing that might be holding them back is the sanctions. However, honestly, I don't know how that would effect them in a real sense. A complete shut down of all funding from outside of Russia (and potential supplies raw or otherwise) could really hurt them in the long run. The harder they hit, likely the harder they will be hit with sanctions. (however, effective that would be considering China is a "friend" and doesn't likely give a shit about sanctions provided they can do their support/sales on the down low so they don't get hit.)
  10. Cyberpunk Edgerunners on Netflix isn't half bad. Check it out. (It is at least better than the game when it first came out ) On that note. A new series on Netflix "Imperfects" isn't half bad either. It is fairly creative and sucked at first when watching it but it is starting to get much better. I believe it got some good reviews (not sure of that. though)
  11. I was checking to see if there was something to watch on Netflix. I noticed Cyberpunk. So I checked it out. It actually has a scene in the first episode that matches the apartment that you get in the game to start with. Lots of copy. Guess if you have problems with the game, instead of fixing it, make a cartoon? lol Well... it is actually from CK Project Red. Based on the game they released. Not great but not horrible. Really trying for the anime style. Don't watch that much so can't really give it a good review based on that. Pretty close to the material of the game.
  12. They will just make her a different race. Much like they have done with Cat-woman. They can't seem to make up their mind on that character's race. I am on the fence if that (racial swap) is going to be strong enough to end that character or if it will just flop like many times they try to change races in the past stories. Fans want what they have come to know and love. Not something SJW'd and race swapped. They will quickly get board of that shit if t hey even take the time to look at it in the first place. The writers need to develop other characters in whatever they have in mind and skillfully and carefully write them into the main universe and let them stand and grow. It took years for some of the main stay characters to be as popular (some were popular quickly though)
  13. Having a story like Harley isn't a distraction, it is rich and detailed. It is great IMO that they have such a story for a character. I also don't have a problem with a sidekick becoming something stand alone and independent. Especially someone that is well developed and crafted and has a fan base to do so. Being connected in the past to such a powerful character as Joker only works to insure that her character doesn't fade in the coming years and likely will increase in popularity which I for one approve of. Catwoman (old Batman) was awesome. Nothing wrong with being sexy and powerful and confident was the moral of that character for the women (brown skinned) during that time. Also, the actor that they choose for that was just perfect. Hell even into her elder years she still had sex appeal. Not a lot of opportunities for an brown skinned actor that had such dept and development. Sidekicks that have the ending of "girl" don't pan out well. Bat girl, Supergirl, etc. At least IMO. They are more tied to their main character like Batman and Superman. Difficult to separate them properly and really difficult to get their backstory as rich and detailed as Catwoman for example.
  14. Harley Quin is a unique and interesting character. From what I can tell she appeals to women and girls. I can't see that character being mirrored or taken away from any other character. Like Wonder Women there are characters that can stand alone and have deep rich backstories. More needs to be created. Same goes for insert your protected class. Copy and rip off something else and it will fail. It has always failed. Might be interesting for a brief time but it will fail. Never stand by itself. Create something interesting and unique and it will stand the test of time.
  15. So Asians don't have straight hair? Only White European have straight hair? American Indians don't have straight hair? Jewish peoples don't have straight hair? Only European's have this type of hair.
  16. If the theory is that this virus was made more deadly for population control or just as a weapon, yes, mistakes were made. However, I can't see China resorting to that to control population. They already do things to their population to control it. As for Hispanics etc. With the "theory" America was funding this. America was just having major problems with race relations and this comes out. Funded by primarily white, upper class this would work if there was an agenda to control any population. In any case, it is very cringe that any weaponize was done to a common virus such as Covid. One thing that stuck me so hard was how fast the Chinese government reacted to a virus. When they have many flu and other things that originate there. Why this one? Why such a strong response? Also If I remember correctly, there was someone from the lab that died very early on (patient zero? Perhaps? Very suspect at least for a lab leak, mistake. As for being in a position to challenge them. Look back to Vietnam. Military generally had majority of their foot soldiers were minorities. If the USA encountered a war today, they would first use the currently enlisted men/women (which if I am correct has a large amount of minorities due to opportunities to better their life from the benefits) already. Then if there is a draft, I believe the same thing will happen as before. I do get where you are coming from, just don't see it exactly the way you are seeing it. Perhaps you are correct, perhaps elements of both of our thoughts are correct, maybe we are completely off the mark. Just the thought that people can think something like this can happen is very sad. History of the US (and other countries) just add to the possibilities of this happening.
  17. Young child/children comes up to me for any assistant regarding them being lost... FUCKING CALL 911, HELLO OFFICER... you get the rest. Con, no con whatever. The children need to be gotten to professionals. The parent might have abandoned them. The parent might be neglectful. Many reasons for someone not to be stupid as fuck and call the cops. This is what a responsible adult would do IMO.
  18. The problem with that theory is that whites and Asians do better when infected with the new strain that allegedly came from a China lab. I linked to the studies and info provided and no matter where I see the studies or who they come from it is generally the same. You might have a point with using a virus that is a known one. It could be easier to pass it off as a naturally occurring virus change but, from what I know there are ways that experts can see if it was natural or man made. or so they say. One of the reasons that this info was shushed when it came out ... very shortly after the pandemic started. One of the main people that shushed it was you know who
  19. Ebola has jumped in the past to humans. Well before these knuckleheads were around. The nature of that virus makes that easy. The deadly nature of that virus makes it dangerous. https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/history/summaries.html There are many other diseases that are still stored in various labs that would be better to release as a weapon. Using this as a population control... Not sure about that. It didn't really do much in the way of population control (total) , however, look at the groups that are most effected, Perhaps focused on specific race for racial control? US white leaders, funding a project where black and Hispanics are mostly hit harder than Whites and Asians? I have been exposed through work (confirmed) more than 100 times in the past year. Nothing. I have some of the "co-mortalities" which are stated makes you at a much higher risk. Nothing. My family, ... again... nothing even if they are living with a room mate that has it. Even the test show negative. Total cumulative data show that Black, Hispanic, AIAN, and NHOPI people have experienced higher rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths than White people when data are adjusted to account for differences in age by race and ethnicity -https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/covid-19-cases-and-deaths-by-race-ethnicity-current-data-and-changes-over-time/ It is so strange that people that I know that are related to any minority has had infections and many of those peoples families have had serious hospitalization and a few "long haul" effects. A few infected multiple times. Population control of minorities, that, fits if anything is related to population control. At least IMO. Of course there isn't any info (regularly distributed through the news often glossed over and ignored.) . Strangely with all the genetic info that the scientist can have at their fingertips, nobody is checking the genetics of those with long haul to see what is common among those. That would seem to be a good thing to do IMO. At least then you can see what is being attacked by Covid that causes such an effect. Scientist can tell you your percentage of Neanderthal or the other genetics but they can't cross reference the genetic info of those with long haul covid effects? Why, that would give info that could be checked when someone comes down with the disease and help prepare or even prevent this from occurring. Give info to people to their added risk etc. Useful info. Only reason not to is they don't want to point out further that specific races, heritage are more effected than others.
  20. Makes sense since "covid" virus has been around for a long time without any indication of such serious infection. It was always on my mind that such a powerful version occurred so fast without scientific intervention. With all that Trump did, why wasn't he able to get this moving before he left, before now?
  21. All the more reason someone isn't shitting on a site. Not worth the extra work and not worth loosing the valued members IMO at least
  22. This has been off topic but it is Kendo"s topic so... I wasn't in the mood for some builshit. So I addressed it on LL. He constantly starts shit, constantly then others get in trouble. FUCK HIM. I made sure that his post sticking his nose into something that had nothing to do with him in such as way to cause conflict was noted. Moderators come through to clean up more shit again ... will have to see my post and see who is doing what. Even if he is "protected" and favored by them (don't Know why the fuck he would be) them constantly cleaning up shit he starts, will get old eventually and ... it is hoped that just fatigue will get them (moderators) to address him and others like him that just post to start shit and problems. Toxic bullshit members of LL. Members that are driving away LL members in droves.
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