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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. What! Fallout New Vegas has porn mods?
  2. I am of the same mentality. Mature stuff needs to be separated from anything sanctioned by Origin/EA Much like you see happening with adult mods here and elsewhere. I doubt Origin/EA will try to shut anybody down. Haven't heard anyone being banned that didn't post works and such on official or SFW sites. I have used adult mods WHILE still being ONLINE with Origin and nothing happened. You do h ave to be careful to not accidentally upload something to the site while you are online of course. If you did that, you deserve to be banned. Nobody wants to know your kinks. Jokes aside there is a strong SFW presence and even people not old enough to participate in such materials that are using the same game. I consider being respectful to the community and keeping the materials I use away from sensitive eyes enough to prevent myself from being banned.
  3. I have used many mods on Origin for Sims 4 and didn't have a problem. Generally as far as I have seen, Origin only bans stuff that is "online" MMO and such. Not private users games. Again, that I have seen.
  4. He might just be busy with RL right now. Give him a bit to respond. Another thing is to double check previous post he made and or instructions to make al instructions and fixes have been followed. If he has addressed this issue previously, it also might be a reason to why being silent. Only so many times you can repeat yourself before you loose your mind and have to take a break.
  5. Yes. I feel you. I am fine if they want to state it is x universe so that you can be prepared for what is happening. If it is x Universe (woke universe) then I can know to avoid that shit and wait until they make something for my preferred universe. They won't do that as that would mean that many won't watch it. Few woke people watch content that is created for them. As the saying goes "go woke, you'll go broke" or something like that.
  6. A "fan boi" mentined to me once awhile ago about the multiverse and that "anything and everything imagined can exist at the same time". Basically, an out for writers to continue to create content as times change. I doubt the founders of Marvel has anticipated the "woke" movement. The more they do that, the less I watch their movies. Plain and simple. That scene where all the women show up to save the day? Seriously? Not that a woman can't save the day of course they can. They can have great story lines and story arcs and the like. There are plenty that can be done with the women of Marvel that will be great and entertaining. The problem is when they shove such items into a movie to check a box. That is the biggest pain in my ass regarding entertainment is when they do that. Checking boxes and virtual signaling. Write fucking great stories, with deep meaningful development, conflicts and the like. That will sell. People will see it and be entertained. You can create content with whatever "woke" subject matter you desire and still have a great story and entertaining movie/game etc. Want a transgendered superhero, create one or use one of the ons that already exsist. Want a bisexual hero... well there are those as well. Deadpool is one such character. Want a minority, there are plenty of those as well. There is absolutly no reason to gender swap, characters, or change their sexual preferences or anything about them.
  7. ritualclarity

    Warrior Princess

    That looks different than the normal crap you see in FNV
  8. I'm not a big fan of Tattoos, especially fully body ones. Occasionally I see a good sleeve or some back work that I like. As far as our tattoos in Sims and your work. I would state it of very good to excellent work. I understand the complexities and problems and difficulties of getting artwork on the Sims. More too the point that it looks better on the Sims than it does in real life representations shown here on this thread lol. Keep up the great work.
  9. ritualclarity

    Warrior Princess

    Creating some new girls for TES?
  10. Well that is one ... emotion you could have looking at this... LOL
  11. He's not wrong. During the riots there were very many reasons to have it. I hope that is a real commercial. If it was in my area, I'd vote for him for being so ballsy.. lol After all, all politicians are shit anyway.
  12. I am sure they will fix that...( 1 & 2) after all, how else are they going to add it back to the store.
  13. Maybe his girls and your girls @Kendo 2 can meet and have a photo shoot together?
  14. Looks like it might be due to the amount of users connected to the site. I could be wrong. I've seen this as well from time to time but it usually gets sorted (I assume) by @Doublezero in short time. If I am correct, consider it growing pains.
  15. Yes, I did it with windoze 10. Not with that program. The program I used was easier to messs things up. And yes, I did mess some things up but I also stripped down the OS so much it was nearly empty. Next to nothing showing on the programs section etc. it was pretty cool and if I had some more time to play with that program I might have figured out what I needed to do to get it to work well. Looks like that program did fix that (auto select dependencies) Play with it with a a free virtual machine and see how it works then if you get what you want, move it over.
  16. the video actually went through the steps and indicated what the author left in his windows disk. You can follow the same and likely will at least be better than leaving it completely alone I know someone that has cortana completely removed and it doesn't seem to be a problem, however, you have to remove alot of things that it uses as well. That is complex and for that, yes, you need to know what you are doing and even then, might decide you need something that would have to be removed to get cortona gone, (just use a reg fix if you need fromwhat I know. )
  17. Check this out. Remove what you don't need. Clean up Windoze.
  18. Glad to see you are still at it (uploading your mountain of work)
  19. With @Kendo 2 works, you know it will be.... interesting to say the least
  20. Grey Cloud/ Darkpig and whoever else wants to join they can join and won't be banned. They are held to the same rules as the rest of the members of the site. We don't play that game regardless of what they do, or did on other sites. The same rules apply however, and there isn't protection. If someone post something, someone else is welcome to come along and contest that post. Most people that are "woke" or "SJW" don't like that as they won't have any protections that they have on other sites and locations. If they start shit.. the members can dish it back out to them. The only exception is the mod authors page. A member is allowed to make proper constructive criticism, suggestions etc. but attacks aren't acceptable. As for copy rite claims, most can be seen as bullshit and won't fly here. If there are any credible claims, we have many members of various expertise as well as admin/staff that is quite capable to see if any source work has been used in the mod and determine if it true or not. (hint, the majority of mod authors have something in their mods that was created from someone else. Most, don't claim it or give credit. ) Very few have assets or works from scratch. Someone comes here with such a claim might just find themselves reported to those authors that they have "stolen" assets from for their mod. I am a member of LL and associated (especially when I became a moderator on this site) with Kendo 2. No fallout occurred from that at LL. For a brief time there was some friction with various moderators there, but, in truth, I was some cause of that friction at the beginning. After a bit, I stopped and that friction continued and I believe even increased. A few messages with Ashal and my continuing with decent behavior and not a peep or problem even when I interact with Kendo (hitting likes and/or such .. supporting his comments) from the moderation team there. Most of the time when these "events' occur, either they get deleted and/or the thread gets locked shortly later. Now in case people don't know Kendo 2 has been extremely vocal on how much has changed at LL (how bad it has become as opposed to how it was when either of us joined) His comments has been very provoking. extremely provoking at times. Even with this... he (and me by association) haven't been banned. LL might have become more protective of some members (or at least seems to be at a glance) among other changes others have pointed out, however, they haven't gone full "Nexus" mode ... yet. So start shit with someone... don't come and expect protection, deletion of threads and whatever SJW / Woke sites do these days... You won't get it. (except authors on their mod threads and even then depends on the situation) In fact, the person starting shit might get @Kendo 2 or even myself jumping in the fray. If you seen what we do... you'd not want that to happen lol.
  21. https://www.elliottbrownlaw.com/blog/derivate-works-and-software/ https://www.legalzoom.com/articles/what-are-derivative-works-under-copyright-law It is very easy to run into a copyright issue when making mods. In fact, some of what people started with (like models textures and such) might be considered copyright infringement. In the past, many tired to pull bullshit claims only to be pointed out that they themselves violated. (by using a game asset as a base.) @Kendo 2 is much more familiar with this. The details. The above links are all I could find in short time to help give details to those that might not know what and where it can happen. One is for Software and the other is for art.
  22. I am sure he will be fired and due to this publicity, won't likely be able to get another job... (I really hope he doesn't)
  23. She likely thought that she would be able to call on the "#metoo movement. Funny thing is many women that I know were the worst against her in this matter. Calling on all her shit. She is getting what she deserves. The worst clip I seen was when she and her lawyer were trying to push that because of what he was doing she couldn't pay the commitments she made to charities. My stomach churned. Trying to turn the jury to her favor because of her inability to pay charities what she committed. Second worst was when she was being corrected several times trying to have a conversation (appeal) to the jury during her time on the bench. Never knew who she was until this came out... Looked back at some of the movies and realized her acting was shit, which was the reason I didn't realize who she was.
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